Featured Post: How White Women Gained Cuntrol of the West

[This post is part of the White Girl series.]


Back around the year 1,000, Scandinavians, a mixed group of northern European sea warrior types, dominated the British Isles. They came to be known as ‘Vikings’ or water raiders. The group was led by fierce and proud red-haired white women. And they were easily bored – hence all the raiding and pillaging, and don’t forget the raping! Remember that there were no fashion magazines or online sex quizzes at the time, and you can only paint your face with woad or alter your war-bustier to achieve more cleavage so much before you run out of things to do. It was time to explore. One day, the women decided on an ambitious sea-faring mission beyond the British Isles. But it was dangerous, so they decided to send a group of their most useless males to explore and report back, and hopefully to bring back riches that women around the world, but especially white women, can’t seem to get enough of.

Useless and stupid as they were, the men managed to find the oh-so-fertile lands of Greenland and present-day Canadian Baffin Island and Newfoundland. But who the fuck wants to live there, right? We’re talking big rocks with very short growing seasons and few people to trade with or conquer. And let’s face it, you can only eat so much fish… So the lands went unestablished.

Queen Isabella.

Fast-forward a few centuries. Mainland European women heard tell of the Vikings’ deeds and failures and they decided they could do things better. And never forget these were uppity white women – greedy, domineering, vicious, never satisfied with what they had. Spanish women were the most ambitious, probably due to their Mediterranean passion and hot tempers. It was the aggressive and war-mongering Queen Isabella – the Iron Queen – who kicked the whole thing off. She entrapped and manipulated a simple sailing goofball called Christopher Columbus, (who was most likely a woman in men’s clothing, given ‘his’ propensity for enslaving conquered populations – bitches be crazy and oppressive and slavery-loving, and all that). Chris and her crew of swashbuckling, scurvied women set sail and began their assault on the Americas, starting with the Bahamas and other Caribbean islands.

Chrissy Columbus

I’ve reconstructed** what Chrissy Columbus likely looked like irl beore she donned men’s clothes to blend in. Women through the ages have committed tons of crimes against humanity and then tried to blame them on men through a variety of means. One popular method has been to dress up like men and go nutso on the populations around them, kind of like how Americans go abroad and tell people they are Canadian and then proceed to act like douchebags…

**I’ve transified men before using one of my favourite stupid online tools from the Seventeen unleash-your-inner-whore virtual makeover. See my post: “When You Aren’t Born with Radar” to know what I get up to when I’m bored and feeling transfobic…

Other European countries joined in, and typical white lady greed took over. Not only could women take over a place and kill the men and rape the women, thus fulfilling their bloodlust and lust-lust, but they could also enslave these unbelievably amazing local societies of innocent noble savages. Everyone knows that aboriginal peoples are peace-loving, sexual-equality-achieving, and all around nature-symbiosis masters (except for cutting off the noses of adultering women, scalping their enemies, taking over territories of rival tribes, getting high/stoned regularly, etc., etc. – if they don’t document it themselves, it never happened!!! Thank you oral traditions!), so white lady invasion was an affront to to to… God, or at least the nature god of the natives, because Jesus’ dad clearly supported it all. Anyhow, white European ladies cut a swath through the Americas, importing first, very young, white male bodies for husband-slave-making and for rapey-prostitution-fun, and general labour. Then, they imported black male and female bodies (something the Arabs and Chinese had been already been doing for centuries, but it was still probably originally a white lady idea, because that’s how white chicks are, dontchaknow) for labour purposes. Settlements were established. Eventually, the cold, unfeeling white ladies of Britain won out. Passion makes for good riots and general mayhem, but the cold and calculating dispassion typical of the British and especially British women gives the stamina and strategic objectivity that wins wars in the long run. This is why the French lost and why they still hold a grudge in Europe and in Canada. Less passionate than the Spanish or Italians, the French are still good at riots, fire-setting, hissy fits and other passionate outbursts. But they just can’t win against the icy British constitution when it comes down to it. C’est la vie!

So, anyhow, Thanksgiving was established in order to rub colonization in the faces of what was left of the aboriginal people – nothing to do with sharing the harvest with neighbours and being thankful for food and hoping not to die during the long winter. White women are petty and cruel as we all know.

As time went on, native peoples were pushed farther and farther off their lands, and countries were established. Women drew up constitutions to protect the rights of white women. We have famous quotes by America’s founding mothers, as an example.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Strive to be the greatest woman in your country, and you may be disappointed. Strive to be the best and you may succeed: she may well win the race that runs by herself.

These founding mothers, as we now understand, wrote solely for themselves and other women in their image. To this day, they are the most protected citizens under the law. White lesbians have always been the worst – narcissistic, cruel, and completely self-serving – and they have tended to rise high in the power structure, running Western countries and keeping concubines all over the world. [It has even been rumoured that they keep virile and ‘troublesome’ activist men on farms, harvesting their sperm…] While they allowed non-white women protection and the right to vote later in the 19th century following release from slavery, it took a long, long time for men to achieve suffrage. Today, white men are still the only group who don’t have civil rights protection under the American constitution and its amendments, and are even accused of and blamed for all the evils white women have wrought upon the world. They have been fighting long and hard. I suspect they’ll never achieve true freedom while they continue to accept the trappings of sex slavery under women and while they focus any activism on lifting up non-white women instead of themselves.

The real powers - founding mothers

Elizabeth Hamilton, Deborah Read, Dolley Madison, Martha Washington: not simpering white slaves, but the puppet-masters, the founding mothers. I mean, look at their secret smiles…

Other North and South American countries have suffered similarly under white-lady colonial rule. White lady corporations peddling white lady inventions have destroyed local economies, land and waterway integrity, and local food systems. Poverty is rampant throughout the southern hemisphere and has leaked out to other continents through globalization. Yup, white chicks are responsible for that with their evil empire and expansionist mentality.

In all places, men have fought amongst themselves. Men who have bothered to speak out for other oppressed men are immediately attacked for their perceived privilege. Perhaps they are married to a wealthy powerful white woman; they might be ‘too’ educated or ‘too’ successful or ‘too’ something and are thus patronizing less fortunate men and shouldn’t be allowed a voice at all. In reality, very few men achieve success on their own. Orbiting a woman, any woman, is the key to success and security. It is, in fact, a woman’s world, and any man who tries to point that out is accused of being a woman-hating andronazi and trying to scrotify society (enforcing empathy and merit-based equal rights and opportunities and attacking the natural and justifiable female right to use, abuse and kill men). Many argue, especially publicly on late night television, that Western society is already suffering and thus circling the drain due to scrotification.


Confused? Yeah, I know. That wasn’t real. I rewrote history. I created my own male and/or non-white fantasy. It is satire.

It is funny how people reinterpret and even rewrite history to suit political agendas these days. Europeans like to pile on the US for capitalizing off of slavery, when it was Europe that started the whole fucking thing. If we do acknowledge European evil, we focus on Britain, forgetting that Spain started the entire invasion of both North and South America, and many other countries (Portugal, France, the Netherlands, etc) played significant roles in colonization. And remember that men of all races and ethnicities have conquered and enslaved people all over the world throughout time. Only white Americans (and increasingly whites in other Western countries) are required to feel guilty for this, however. No one else ruminates over the shit their countries have done to their own people and those in foreign lands.

Also note how great liberals are at using their 20/20 hindsight to criticize white people of yore for not having modern knowledge and know-how. [But it is selective to race – not sex. Women still actively participate in their slavery, so their oppression is still more widespread and unacknowledged than any oppression on the planet and slavery traditions are still celebrated and enforced.] This is all part of the whole liberal completely racist ‘noble savage/white devil’ paradigm, where non-white people wear the do-no-evil halos that you might attribute to a mentally retarded person incapable of having insight or being wholly unable to learn complex notions or understand morality. At the same time, white people are supposed to be endowed with genius-like brain power that allows full knowledge of every fact on every topic in the world and they are thus exempted from deserving forgiveness for being average, ignorant humans making mistakes on planet earth. For example, Columbus is vilified for bringing disease to the native peoples of the Americas. [No one ever mentions the significant evidence that in return, the Europeans contracted syphillis from the native peoples and then brought it back to Europe and infected wives and prostitutes both.] Internationalism enables the transferrence of weird local diseases to new populations, and Columbus is not unique in the role he played, nor was it intentional. Remember that germ theory wasn’t known in the 15th century. Further, over the centuries, for example, horrendous diseases originating in China have killed millions around the world thanks to trade and globalization, including the bubonic plague (Black Death) that destroyed Europe, the Asian flu, the Spanish flu (which was Chinese, but identified in Spain), SARS, COVID-19 and way, way more. But non-white importers/exporters of disease are never called out.

[Note that I don’t now and will never stick up for men as a group or worship cock accomplishments or give cookies to men who approach some kind of humanity status (the whole ‘I’m so great because I have managed not to rape you’ thing that women fall over themselves to reward). I also don’t think any race or special group of men is any better or worse than any other. See They Are All the Worst.]

American liberals are taking things too far currently. Statues of Columbus are being removed in various places so as not to offend crybabies. Erasing history – whether it be banning books or removing statues or literally rewriting the textbooks that children study – never achieves anything, imo except an even higher level of ignorance. And if you erase, no one can talk about things. We see this in the lack of knowledge women have about their own history. Our history is seldom kept, never taught honestly, and is constantly erased by men, trans, racial groups, religious people, etc. But it is important to keep all history intact and accessible, even the unsavoury bits. You have to learn from past mistakes – not blame people who are still alive who have little to nothing to do with the past – but to remember for the purpose of becoming better. But if we are going to take down statues, then all statues of pretty much all men should be taken down across the country, including the overabundance of MLK statues. That guy was a misogynist, pro-rape, hypocritical family values/adulterer piece of shit, and it galls me that people hold him up as some kind of peaceful paragon of morality. And by the way, where are the statues of women?

It’s also interesting that women are always to blame for what men have done. It is easy to understand this. Men write the laws. Men are also more dangerous to attack, not just because they are more protected, but because they will fight back. Woman are naturally hated in this world by both men and women. Men hate women for being more… more everything than men are plus some, and reinforce this hate in all people through the systems they design and the general socialization process. Women are physically smaller and weaker, and are also less naturally violent and less likely to fight back. Further, they are not protected under the law, so they are likely to be punished if they fight back. So we attack women. The bonus is that you can attack women sexually in addition to all the other ways you might attack a man. And because of how rape is defined by men, only the woman will be held accountable (if she bothers to try to report at all). Currently, whites are hated more than any other group, and so white women bear the brunt of many attacks: by non-white men and women, by white men, and by fellow white women. The currently liberal agenda is laser focused on making white women pay for all ills in the world and denying them a voice to speak their truths about the violence they experience, especially at the hands of the non-white. And many loud white women are saying ‘okay, I deserve it, do your worst’. Saying otherwise gets you hurt worse and by more people.

A few points to be left with:

  • facts are not racist
  • criticizing other races or liberal (selective) anti-racism-warriors is not racist
  • pussification is not a thing
  • black men have more power than all women
  • all women have a right to defend themselves and to speak their truths
  • rights and privileges are two different animals
  • everything an individual woman does has political implications, even if she is sick of politics or is not a political person
  • if you want to solve any of the isms or phobias of the world, you need to attack the root of all problems: MISOGYNY

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

P is for Pills

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

I’ll admit that I’ve been both threatening and looking forward to writing this post for a long time. I’m going to attempt to do a brief navigation through the various groups that you’ll find online and in the meat world if you’re looking for a drug of choice that soothes your patriarchal suffering and that may attempt to address women’s issues or even feminism. The problem is that so many of these groups, especially the ones where members say they are feminists or where the word ‘feminism’ even appears in the name, have little to nothing to do with real feminism. So newbies can find themselves lost, confused, and sometimes abused if they enter a group and start asking legitimate questions.

Please note that I’m definitely not going to cover every single group or movement out there, so if you see something missing that you have had experience with, please throw it in the comments. Likewise, please feel free to share any experiences you’ve had with any of the groups I mention. I’d be very appreciative, and I know some readers would as well.

I’m going to give this post a slightly longer title: P is for Pills, Pablum and Pretenders, so that I adequately cover the range of groups I’ll get into. I’m also providing an article published by the Anti-Defamation League that looks at a number of ‘pilled’ groups run by men. It is important to understand that male groups and female groups, even if they use similar jargon, are always different, especially when they are labelled ‘extreme’. All extreme male groups are violent and often engage in domestic, international or online terrorism of target enemies. Women’s groups are sometimes labelled extreme even by other female-oriented groups, but they are never violent or actually extreme, objectively speaking. And they don’t target innocent ‘enemies’ the way all men’s groups do. These women’s groups are called extreme for the exact same reasons that women are called ‘crazy’ or ‘illogical’; males are threatened by female ideas that speak truths about the male nature and behaviour, so they try to discredit them, and women are smacked in the face with cognitive dissonance brought on by the truths about men and female complicity with patriarchy, and they react with denouncement. But here’s the thing: most, if not all, of the groups I’m going to talk about have been banned on at least one social media platform. Men’s groups are seldom, if ever, banned – even if they talk about rape and other violence that women apparently deserve. But women talking about women’s issues are a threat to society and must be silenced in a community that values free speech.

And with that, let’s jump in. We’ll start with the pills.

While males like to refer to being either blue-pilled or red-pilled, and it applies within a political context and among violent incels who all want women to die after some serious raping, within women’s circles, the pills have nothing to do with violence.

Blue Pill

This isn’t really a thing, but I’m including it as sort of the default heterosexual woman state. This is the ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach to life. Question nothing, accept everything or at least pretend it doesn’t exist, especially if it doesn’t directly affect you.

Red Pill

Some people equate this to what is known as Female Dating Stratey. Red Pill males are incels who are violent misogynists who believe that the world operates to benefit women and they need to do what is necessary to turn that around. For women, there is no violence involved. Women know that men are garbage, but they still, for some reason, need to get themselves one. They prioritize themselves, develop a ‘queen’ mentality, seem to acknowledge that their cunts have value, and focus on finding a high-value male to match their own high value while minimizing the harm males do to them. It is super gross. They are in no way equal to the red pill incel mentality, but I can’t understand these women at all. And needless to say, this is not feminism, even if today’s libfem might call it female empowerment.

If you really need to know more about this, there are women who have written handbooks on the topic including here.

Pink Pill Feminism

Pink Pill, by itself, is used by men to refer to the female version of incels (or involuntary celebates), called femcels. But while online groups of these women exist, and even do call themselves femcels, they are nothing like the males. I’ve cruised through some of their group discussions and the content just makes me feel sad. These women claim they can’t get men for sex or dating, but unlike the men, their frustration is turned inward and they go on and on about being too ugly. They live in a deep fog of self-hatred and depression, which is so completely unnecessary. The men, on the other hand, blame women for all their problems and fantasize about doing horrific things to women.

Pink Pill Feminism, on the other hand, isn’t true feminism, but a forum for mostly heterosexual women to come together and document straight male bullshit without an element of ‘Not All Men!!!’. They were banned from Reddit and at one point the site Pink Pill Feminism was set up, and to sign up, you had to confirm your female status through Zoom, to prevent infiltration by males. At this writing, the site appears to be down. I’m aware of another site, ThePinkPill.co, which looks like it is under development and you can enter your email to be updated when and if something happens.

Black Pill Feminism

I’ve spent considerably more time in this community and I’ve met some awesome, intelligent and no-bullshit women through discussions. However, I am not 100% with the tenets, even though they consider me to be a classic Black-Piller. Black-Pillers believe everything is biological – both male violence and female subservience – and that the latter has been bred into women and there is no escaping from worshipping males and letting them dominate. I am a firm believer in a Nature-Nurture intertwining. Males are biological wired to be violent and that can’t be changed. But they have developed a sociological system that rewards them for their violence and that rewards women for submitting and punishes them brutally for rebelling. I don’t in any way believe women are biologically wired for subservience.

Black Pill Feminism Tenets

This group is considered to be ‘extreme’ and was banned on Reddit. A small group started up and currently barely exists on Saidit.net. I don’t consider it to be real feminism, and it can attract some rather woman-hating and angry women (if they are women, that is – it is anonymous, of course…), but some of the more interesting and honest discussions I’ve encountered have happened in Black Pill circles, and you never encounter ‘Not All Men!’.

Gender Critical

This is not a group I typically hang out in, as I don’t consider it to be feminism. If you consult Scrotalpedia, they equate it with Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism. It is absolutely not radical feminism, and group members are generally not truly opposed to gender, especially if you are critiquing women’s performance of it. Rather, this group is opposed to and focused on the Trans Cult and its encroachments on what is typically seen to be the domain of females. You don’t actually have to be feminist to oppose the trans, and many of the members are practising straight women who also hate homosexuality. They really should rename themselves ‘Trans Critical’.

Real feminists are not gender critical, but gender abolitionists because they see the major role gender plays in forcing women into subservience, discomfort, and an infantilized, but hyper-sexualized state – all pandering to the oppressor class.

Socialist, Communist and Anarcha-Feminism

These are related feminisms that agree on one point: that patriarchy and capitalism work together to exploit and oppress women. They focus on unpaid motherhood (which it’s not) and reproductive rights, which means that heterosexuality and breeding are centred and a growing number of women, including lesbians, the celibate, and the child-free are completely alienated. Also, since the primary focus is on economic class, what is neglected is the most serious patriarchal problem that affects all women in all corners of the globe: male violence. Giving women more money doesn’t solve male violence and the fear that women are forced to live with. You can be rich or middle-class, and that won’t save you from being raped or murdered, in other words. In my opinion, this is one of the major problems with women piggy-backing on male movements. Instead of taking a social issue and then injecting women into it, you never really get to what is most important. You need to start with women and then analyze their issues instead of the opposite.

More detail on socialist feminism.


Like the previous splinter group, eco-feminists hold patriarchy and capitalism responsible for female domination and the destruction of the environment. I remember sitting in a college class in Environmental Management a few years ago, and there was a tiny blurb in the textbook on eco-feminism, and the male prof launched into a diatribe on the ridiculousness of feminism. Despite never once announcing to the class that I was a feminist, people started shooting glances at me. I am such a non-descript person, yet there is something about me that just screams militant man-hater… One of the military females in the class gave me the side-eye and started yelling out, “I hate feminists!”, which didn’t surprise me in the least as I can’t think of anything more antithetical to femalehood than the military. Needless to say, I didn’t say a word, but sat there with as neutral a look on my face as I could manage.

Anyhow, while I agree with some of the issues eco-feminism addresses, these women frequently partner with men, and they are still piggy-backing on a male movement. Many of these groups don’t go far enough in holding men responsible for the destruction of the planet. The other issue I have, and I wrestle with it constantly as it can’t be solved, is the opposition to meat-eating. I’ve been vegetarian, and it nearly destroyed my health, especially during a period of very difficult manual labour. I’ve since done a lot of research, and have come to understand the following. First, it is likely that humans were mostly only able to develop such complex brains because of eating meat-based proteins. And second, there is a great deal of research, including long-running observational and case studies that demonstrate that cultures that almost completely consume meat, fat, organs, etc. don’t show the cancers and heart disease of high-carb cultures. But here is the thing, we are vastly overpopulated due to long-term male domination. I firmly believe that we were never meant to live in such large numbers. And the only way to support a massive and growing population is to create exploitative and land-destructive processes. We should be hunting and gathering and fishing with limited farming as opposed to destroying our oceans, soil, and mutating plants, and torturing animals with abandon. A female-only society would look very, very different, although we are well past the point of no return on our planet.

Oh, I have to mention one other strange, and hilarious and sad thing. I learned a new word when I went a-browsing for eco-feminist groups online. Harvard’s Women’s Centre put on an eco-feminism workshop, and in their description, they put the following:

“This philosophy emphasizes the ways a patriarchal society exerts dominance over both gender-minoritized people and nature…”

Gender-minoritized??? Ah, trannies. So the feminism that Harvard espouses has nothing to do with women’s oppression, but that of trannies. Didn’t Harvard used to be a respected, world-class university at one point in time? New depths in education. It really is an embarrassment

Liberal Feminism

I’m going to resist going into a lot of detail because this is an established on and offline mainstream feminism. My nickname for liberal feminism is ‘slut feminism’. These are mostly heterosexual, highly feminine, male-identified women who pursue equality and allow men to participate and even dictate feminist policy and events. They champion the ‘not all men’ movement and believe in socialization as the primary way to explain why males here and there managed to do horrific things to females. They also believe that males are harmed by patriarchy. They fight for small things that can’t possibly make a dent in the mountain of women’s problems. They love jargon and slogans so they don’t have to do any critical analysis. They are into empowerment, agency and sexual liberation, including porn and prostitution, so pretty much everything they think spells sexual freedom for females is actually primarily beneficial for men, and they end up accepting a lot of violence and degradation that men have sold to them as healthy and freeing. Needless to say, they do a great deal of harm to women and girls, and it keeps men doing what they do best.

Radical Feminism

A lot of women call themselves radical feminists, but aren’t, so this can be very confusing to those wondering what they are about. They are also the primary target of the Trans Cult – after lesbians, that is.

Radical feminism used to have a very basic definition, which is key to a potentially successful movement. They said that females as a class were systemically oppressed by males on the basis of sex. Male violence and sexual violence were a key feature of that oppression, and it was necessary to abolish gender in order to eliminate the class system.

Unfortunately, over time, radfems adopted intersectionality and inclusivity as ruling principles, and the movement no longer focused on women as a united oppressed class. Today, there is all sorts of in-fighting and purity testing and posing and Oppression Olympics and the censorship and blaming of different groups of women. Women like myself, eventually got turned off and have turned towards less messy affiliations in order to return to the true roots of feminism.

Lesbian Feminism, Female Separatism, Anti-Natalism and Gynocentrism

I’m not going to say a lot here. I have an entire post on Gynocentrism, which I think is the truest, clearest and least messy form of feminism. These four perspectives can work together, but they don’t have to. For me, they do. I am a celibate lesbian, I believe in existing apart from males as much as is womanly possible, I believe that humans need to stop breeding, and I believe in a focus of all resources and energy and care on women and girls only. Many women would consider these principles to be extreme, but I truly believe they are the truest path to health, safety, love, support, community, and self-actualization for women. It is the only way to find one’s natural self, and to reclaim the energy to help other women and girls, so that they can pay it forward. Patriarchal society functions in the opposite way, with men and boys parasitizing women and girls and forcing them into the most unnatural and harmful lifestyles and ways of thinking possible.

So I’ve come to the end of a long discussion, and here is my question for you. What will be your approach to living in the world of men? Do you want to take the blue pill, do you want to drink one of the of kool-aids, or do you want to get off the meds altogether?

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

P is for Permission

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

So imagine you’ve had a stressful day. It could be good stress or bad – a good performance review at work vs being sexually harassed on the street. The body doesn’t actually differentiate between types of stress, even if your conscious mind does. So your body tells you to deal with the stress by doing things that have comforted and consequently rewarded, you in the past. If you’re lucky, these are positive and healthy things like relaxing at home or going out dancing. But for many people, our stress reactions don’t truly help us and can even take the form of an addiction. For those actively trying to conquer bad habits or compulsive behaviours, stress can trigger a crazy-making inner dance that involves giving or denying ourselves permission to indulge in self-soothing and/or avoidance. For me, personally, my only true addiction is to sugar, a problem I developed in childhood to deal with a stressful family environment. And it is a lifelong struggle that is triggered by both positive and negative stress. The permission-granting process is basically a series of rationalizations involving being deserving, being kind to ourselves, making promises about quitting, minimizing negative effects, and the like. We all know this inner dance, and if we’re lucky, the stress reactions aren’t too harmful, but for many of us, they are. And they can be anything from overeating to using drugs and alcohol to allowing abusive people back into our lives after liberating ourselves.

Everything we do is governed by rules. Even in the scenario above, the rules are informal and self-created, even if we don’t realize we have them. Some people are really good at following rules, especially if they are societally policed.  A minority of people are exceptionally good at self-control in these situations where we are both the rule-makers and the potential rule breakers. Sometimes it is because they are extremely goal-oriented or purpose-driven or they haven’t experienced a lot of trauma requiring self-soothing or they have had good mentors to help them develop healthy ways of dealing with stress and staying focused.

People break formal and informal rules for a lot of reasons, and in this article, I’m going to explore different kinds of rule-bound situations, and why different people may seek or fail to seek permission for breaking rules. I’m going to say right off the bat that I believe that women and girls struggle more with rules, rule-breaking, and requiring permission to do things than males do. First, as is typical of all male-dominated societies, more rules are imposed on females, and as a result, girls learn to start policing themselves and creating even more nonsensical rules to follow for themselves. This manifests in a great deal of self-sabotage, low self-confidence, and the development of neurotic, self-policing behaviour and associated guilt, shame, depression, and physical and psychological suffering. Males on the other hand, grow up with fewer rules and less punishment for breaking rules, and of course, biologically and intellectually as members of the predator class, I think they are less capable of feeling empathy, shame, guilt or of engaging in self-analysis. So let’s take a look at how permission and rule-breaking factor into different areas of our lives.

Self-Control and Rules We Create for Ourselves

As mentioned in the introduction, we wrestle with the many informal rules we make for ourselves every day. Some of these rules are internalized over a lifetime of programming by parents, school, television, religion, etc. Some of them are developed on our own as we try to control our lives and our natural impulses and learned bad habits. To reference what I have come to call the Freudian Cerberus, a famous, but simplistic and silly, male theory of personality that will be repeatedly rammed down your throat like a forced mouth rape if you are a psychology major, it is a battle between the id, ego and superego. Giving into your impulses or stress-induced bad habits is a permission granting that takes the form of rationalization. You allow yourself to procrastinate, to binge eat, to drink or take drugs, or to allow the abusive ex-boyfriend  back into your life to make yourself feel better or to avoid dealing with reality and stress.

Family Rules

The family is the first place we encounter actual rules in our lives and it is where we develop healthy and unhealthy patterns when dealing with life stress. These are the people who lay the foundations for our addictions and determine our mental health path. If we’re lucky, our parents are mentally healthy people with a reasonable and consistent moral compass and an ability to teach rational and critical thinking. Most of us aren’t that fortunate, however, and we end up repeating parental mistakes, and dealing with arrested development. Depending on the roles we’re cast in within the family system, we end up being rule followers and authority respecters, or rebels (usually without a cause). And then there are the outliers who forge their own paths and systems of morality, picking and choosing which of society’s  rules have merit and are worth respecting, and which don’t and aren’t.

It is within the family that we see our first sex-based differences in rule establishment and permission denial and granting. Girls will usually discover that compared to any of the males in the family, there is a more complex and vast system of rules for them, that ‘no’ is a more common reaction to the asking of permission to do something, and that the breaking of rules is more harshly punished for them. We see the results of this unacknowledged misogyny in how girls develop in all societies. Compared to boys, girls are risk averse and more conservative in their aspirations, they are less confident, more submissive and rule-abiding and predictable, and they are more accepting of denial of permission, punishment for rule-breaking, and to atone for perceived and real wrong-doings. I suspect none of this is natural, and almost wholly the product of social conditioning. It reminds me of the story of the chained elephant and is a form of learned helplessness. I see the way most girls are raised as a form of child abuse. But what happens in most families is preparation for what happens at large in the world. As women out in the world, girls will continue to face more rules, more denial, and more punishment than men. Girls who rebel as children end up being the ‘bitches’ of the world, labeled as such by all males and compliant, but miserable women. Boys who rebel, on the other hand, often end up respected for breaking rules and even committing crimes, and often are touted as heroes or ‘great men’ making their mark on the world as males are supposed to do.

Unspoken Rules

There are tons of environments where there are rules, but it is sort of a cultural understanding rather than something written in stone. There are still punishments for breaking these rules, and there are more rules with more punishment for females than for males. Females are more likely to be punished and denied permission than males are as well. These environments include marriages, workplaces, schools, social groups and on the streets.

One of the most common and most universal unofficial rules is that concerning breeding – and this is almost completely a rule forced on women and girls. I am not aware of any country that makes it illegal NOT to have children, but every single country in the world pressures women to breed, and the subliminal messaging starts in childhood. There is no true way to gain permission to be exempt from this unwritten rule and still enjoy the perks and respect of motherhood. You can get a semi-pardon if your plumbing doesn’t work and you are unable to have children, but you won’t attain the highest level of female human status. Males don’t experience anything like this and can either breed uncontrollably or not at all without a dent put in his social, financial, or legal status. Fatherhood isn’t tied to primary identity for men. This is solely a female burden.

What’s more, despite world overpopulation, many countries’ leaders are becoming testerical over the large number of non-contributors compared to taxpayers that has resulted from baby boomers aging out of the workforce and today’s youth having fewer children. Many countries are offering women and heterosexual couples numerous incentives to breed, including cash, maternity packages, pardoning of jail sentences for women, and eliminating the requirement to pay any income tax at all. I was speaking to a close lesbian friend in China the other day, and she mentioned that the propaganda mill has been put into overdrive to pressure women into having children, and she is extremely worried that the next step will be to punish women who refuse to breed. And I’ve heard similar sentiments echoed by women in other countries. There is even a conspiracy theory that the recent American overturning of Roe vs. Wade was a step made to force an increase in the birth rate in a country where women are breeding fewer children or not at all. I keep envisioning a dystopian world like that envisioned by famous Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, in her book The Handmaid’s Tale, where women are reduced to baby factories and hating each other – not men, who enjoy all the perks of this world  – passionately.

Now, another, but related, unwritten rule in 2/3 of the world is that concerning homosexuality. Like all oppressions, homophobia is rooted in misogyny and male domination, so it makes sense that when men fail to rape women and women fail to seek out rapists – aka the heterosexual lifestyle – male domination is threatened and the world as we know it teeters on the verge of collapse. While 65 of our world’s countries criminalize homosexual behaviour, and 12 countries, including Northern Nigeria – completely or predominantly Muslim, of course – put gays and lesbians to death, legally, there is no country in the world where a homosexual lifestyle is free from the threat of attack, sometimes even fatal attack.  Even in the most liberal countries, gays and lesbians are not permitted to walk through the world with the safety and acceptance that their straight counterparts take for granted.

Countries where homosexuality is illegal. The countries in orange enact the death penalty. This is the Muslim influence in action – a peaceful religion, they say… Many of these purple countries explicitly state that male homosexuality is illegal, but lesbians are imprisoned as well, cuz holes are for filling. (source: Human Dignity Trust)

In middle-of-the-road countries where homosexuality is not illegal, but still is far from acceptable, governments will engage in covert methods to shut down groups and render invisible gays and lesbians. When I lived in China, my university went to great lengths to discourage homosexual activity. For example, they reorganized many academic departments and locations of student housing to different campuses to spread out the much smaller female student population so that males could have access to them and to discourage homosexuality. Before this, the majors women tended towards were mostly housed on one smaller campus where I lived, and instances of gay male activity had been noted on the main campus where few women were to be found. Stupidly, the administration didn’t understand that moving women around to provide male student access to suitable rape objects wouldn’t change homosexual tendencies in males. All they achieved was to put ALL the women in more danger by thinning the bit of safety they had due to strength in numbers. I heard many times from my female students that they didn’t feel safe walking around on campus at night, and I myself, was the target of a black man who stalked me for weeks for the purpose of raping me. He made his intentions very clear, and according to him, Chinese women don’t put out for free like white women do, so he didn’t require permission to assault me. I reported the problem, but the university refused to do anything except encourage me not to go outside after dark…

Rules Governing Human Interaction

There are a lot of social rules that don’t have explicit, written law linked to them, but it is understood that permission governs everything. We can sum this up by the following: your rights end where mine begin. There is a two-part problem, however. First is that males and females don’t exist on equal footing. Males understand themselves to be full humans and any transgression they perceive against their body or property is akin to a crime. And females, as they are defined and dominated by males are understood to be partial humans that exist to serve males. Even the most liberal of males does not see a female as his equal, even if it is just on a subconscious level as his words may reflect all the politically correct stuff. His inner predator still sees you as something he can take advantage of in some way, and your permission is granted by default, especially if you have granted it at least once before.

Second, males and females see permission in different ways. Let’s use a well-known saying to illustrate the difference in thinking:

It is better to seek forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Various sources1 and wording, one version dating back to Agnes Strickland’s 1846 work, Lives of the Queens of England.

When males and females go ahead and break a rule and then go back to ask for forgiveness, they do it for different reasons. Males usually don’t give a shit if they do something wrong, even if it harms another person, especially a female. As they grow up, they are imbued with a sense of deserving and entitlement as males, so it may not even occur to them that they need to ask permission to do what they want to do. And as they inevitably break rule after rule, they accumulate a lifetime of forgiveness from females – mom, sisters, classmates, teachers – and learn that they can get away with anything, especially if afterwards, they pretend remorse or use the ‘love’ word, or shower their victim with gifts. Some men do know that they are doing something wrong, although most will feign ignorance and put the onus of their education on their female victims.

When females dare to break rules and then go back and ask forgiveness, they usually do it because they know they will be denied permission. And most of this rule-breaking usually isn’t about sexually harming others. It could be trying to do something at work or school, or trying to obtain something they wouldn’t normally have access to. Girls are used to the word ‘no’ from an early age, so if they are daring enough to risk punishment, they know they might have a fighting chance of getting what they need or want if they just go ahead and ask for forgiveness later.

So as we can see, males tend to be more selfishly motivated, while females are usually just trying to avoid being stopped from achieving something simply because they are girls and they face more barriers than males do. Unfortunately, males are much more likely to break rules, even if they know they are doing something bad. As I mentioned before, girls get used to having more rules, hearing ‘no’ more often, and being punished more frequently and severely, so they tend to risk less and self-sabotage or self-censor more.

Rules Governed by Law or Something on Par with Law

Males have designed all the systems that we use to govern society. This includes the rules written into law and the acceptable and expected behaviours that they believe are allowed by religion, nature, and science. Religion, of course, is a male creation used to control the population, and cement male domination. Nature doesn’t really have ‘laws’ although men like to think it does when it suits their purposes. And science, although just a methodology for seeking answers, has been elevated by some men to a series of ‘laws’ and they use them as such to control women and give men power. The legal system, natural law, and science have all been badly abused throughout history to justify taking rights away from women and girls and to give males blanket permission to commit violence and other atrocities, to justify feelings of entitlement and superiority to all living creatures and the earth herself, and to make up nonsense about what females are and to strip them of their humanity and right to control their bodies and lives.

To conclude, I suspect the crazy dance we are forced to do with men to negotiate our lives and safety in a world catering to their dominance and bent on our subservience, and the crazy dance we do with ourselves in order to deal with the stresses of living in a patriarchal world wouldn’t be an issue in a woman-centred society. I doubt we’d spend even a moment trying to figure out whether we have permission to live in freedom, whether we deserve to be unencumbered. Self-actualization can only occur when there are no barriers to success.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

P is for Pedo

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Whoa, oh, oh, young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl

So hard to choose just one… lyrics from one of many classic pedo-fantasy songs. This one, Young Girl, is by Gary Puckett. A common element to all pedo songs is that some to all of the responsibility for the rape fantasies is placed on the child herself for being a deliberately tantalizing slut… And notice that there isn’t a celebrated playlist of female pedo songs, despite female pedophilia being a ‘thing’.

Back in 2017, the beginnings of a wave rippled on the surface of the internet. From the depths, had come wild claims of political and criminal wrong-doings. It quickly became a movement, with a rapidly growing body of wild suppositions and predictions, and garnering wackadoo men from across the US and even abroad. And once claims of there being an elite international cabal of pedophiles was put out there, women started joining. A lot of women will get caught up in completely batshit crazy male-driven movements because of a superficially altruistic message or mission and/or because they have been scared out of their wits – in this case, protecting children from sex predators. Men tend to be more motivated to join groups in order to gain power and wealth, for the opportunity to mete out extra-system violence and revenge for imagined transgressions, and/or to get recognition or gratitude.

So anyhow, this was QAnon, and as quickly as it was built up, it has since lost much of its steam. Personally, I think it wasn’t a genuine conspiracy theory, but rather what inevitably happens when you have the perfect storm of capitalism, the internet, testosterone, and religion. The best conspiracy theories – or, rather, the most worthwhile to consider, if you’re interested in such things – have actual plausibility that can be fact-checked, and QAnon really had little going for it other than a call to violence appealing to political extremists.

Now the pedophilia focus of the group was strange. It may just have been a ploy to get women involved, because really, you can’t take any men seriously when they start accusing other men of sex-related perversions and crimes. Pot meet kettle, etc. etc. Pedophilia is an everyman phenomenon, not the domain of the rich and famous. It has nothing to do with wealth or education or race or culture, and it has been going on since human time began. And it is perpetrated most often, not by faceless strangers waiting for kids in a swimming pool change room, but by the men and boys a child knows: family members, teachers, community religious leaders, and family friends. This is the same mistake that everyone makes about rapists of adult women: they are more likely to be a friend, family member, co-worker or other male you are familiar with than a complete stranger. But believing in the evil stranger props up the myth that good men exist, that women and girls should trust and get involved with at least some men and boys, and that one’s own male family members are innocent by association with you instead of enabled and given sexual carte blanche by you and other females.

So I want to get into a couple of things here. I’ve touched on related issues in other posts in the past (see the links in the post throughout). First, I’ll get into male chronophilia, and pedophilia specifically. I’ll briefly talk about women who molest children. Then, I’ll talk about how women aid and abet male pedos through self-feminization as well as the grooming of their daughters for heterosexuality. And although these seem like opposite-purpose behaviours, they actually work together unintentionally.


This was a term used by creepy Kiwi sexologist, John Money, to refer to male sexual preference for and fixation on specific age groups. Philia is Greek in origin, meaning a friendly affection type of love, and sometimes, it is just that. Think of the word Anglophile, for example, which refers to someone who really likes the UK and everything British. But not all philias are safe and innocent, and those involving what men’s minds and dicks get up to are anything but. Personally, I think male sexuality, regardless of how socially acceptable or undisordered it is, is the root of all of women’s and girls’ problems. I see the penis as a weapon of mass destruction with the capability of killing and causing great suffering. And you can disagree all you want, but you can’t argue with the statistics on rape and its myriad physical and psychological damage, unwanted pregnancy and its various outcomes, venereal diseases, PTSD, and a whole host of other problems resulting from females having to deal with males’ dicks.

Data from Andreas Mokros (2017). Relative frequency of male chronophiles. As you can see, attraction to children under 18 is not uncommon.

There is some debate about whether all males are chronophiles. Personally, I don’t think this is that important, but if you’ve read my sexuality series, you’ll already know that I consider males to be omnisexual. In other words, all males have at least a tickle of attraction to all sorts of stuff, including children. What they choose to act on and what they choose to suppress and even repress depends on a whole host of factors. There are males who’ll do anyone or anything, anytime, anywhere regardless of age, species, or animate status without a distinct preference. And there are other males who exhibit a socially acceptable range of age attraction, and others still, who have a very narrow range of targets whether socially acceptable or not. The problem is that many males are attracted to age groups that are under 18 while they themselves are adults. While all male-female relationships are inherently power imbalanced, and are thus not truly consensual, it is much worse when there are age differences and one of the parties has an underdeveloped brain and body. Men don’t seem to see a problem with attraction to teenaged girls, otherwise known as ephebophilia, and have built an entire rape-based industry called pornography and prostitution to legitimize this belief. I have a problem with it, of course, as I think intercourse causes physical and psychological damage to females regardless of age, but especially when young. And then we enter the realms of hebephilia and pedophilia – attraction to early teens and pre-pubescent children, respectively. Hebephilia was acceptable for most of human history, and still is in some cultures, the reasoning being that if a girl is menstruating, then she’s fair game for ownership and raping. These days, you still see online discussions among men about whether it’s ‘okay’ to be attracted to a 14-year-old girl. I don’t personally understand adult attraction to teenagers and children. It is really hard for me to get into the headspace of a male that sees this as desirable. But if you understand that everything that men do is about power and control, then you can see why dominating the helpless might be desirable. And with that, I’ll get into the next topic.

What’s a Pedophile, Anyway?

Now, I learned a few things here as I was digging into the boner-brain connection. The most interesting, but perhaps unsurprising, thing to me was that only about half of males who sexually molest children can be diagnosed as pedophiles. Pedophilia, unlike most of the other chronophilias, is a clinical diagnosis of a sexual preference disorder. In other words, being attracted to children is kind of a problem. Yet 50% of child molesters aren’t sexually attracted to children. At first, I reread this finding and thought, WTF??? But then I remembered that the penis is a weapon and that, for men, sexual activity is inseparable from acts of violence, hate and degradation, and a means of exerting power and control, and on some level, ALL males know this. I don’t think that any sexual act that a male carries out with unequal parties – meaning women and children – is devoid of power and control and hate and degradation, even if he dresses it up as love. So after that initial WTF? moment, it made sense. Males assault children to get off and feel power even if they are not attracted to them, just as men sometimes rape adult women they aren’t attracted to, but to get off on punishing them for being female and a threat to their ego in some way.

Researchers tell us that about 5% of the male population are pedophiles, but these data are based on surveys, so I would have to assume that the figure is higher as some men aren’t going to admit what they like if it is criminal. Likewise with rape. Survey-based studies of college age males indicate that a quarter of men would rape a woman if they knew they weren’t going to get caught. That number is likely much higher because a lot of men aren’t going to admit to something criminal in nature. The message here is that it is impossible to know how disgusting and dangerous men truly are because we rely upon incarceration data and self-report data. And only a minority of sex offenders are actually caught and convicted. I remember visiting a friend in L.A. once time, and for kicks, I decided to look up the neighbourhood on the sex offender registry to see how many rapists and pedos lived around me. It was shocking how many red dots appeared on the streets around where I was staying, and then I realized that those dots were only the convicted and released men. Remember only about 5% of male rapists are ever convicted. Anyhow, liberal men have criticized society for pedo-hysteria, and have even created entertainment – the British animated series, Monkey Dust, is an example – that pokes fun at those who worry about what men do to those with much smaller voices. While I don’t believe in persecuting people without cause, I think women and children should ideally have the option of living apart from males.

Of the men who molest children – girls and boys – over 80% of them live heterosexual lives. Some LGB researchers argue that you can’t really identify sexual orientation in pedophiles, but I don’t agree 100%. Girls are much, much more likely to be sexually abused than males, and that difference would not exist if pedophiles did not have an orientation. It may not be an entirely sexual orientation – sex and harm go hand in hand for males – but it is certainly an orientation that involves hurting girls. Twenty percent of girls are molested, compared to 5 percent of boys. I think it’s probably higher in females as girls are groomed from birth to accept sexual attention from males, so they are less likely to see what is happening to them as a crime and to report it.

While homosexual men are not the group to worry most about, there have been a few gay male pro-pedophilia groups, such as NAMBLA in North America and the Krumme13 (or the Crooked 13) in Germany that have advocated for adult-child sexual relationships, decriminalizing child porn, and the like. They are not embraced by the gay and lesbian community, but have perhaps made an impression on simple-thinking right-wingers who may possibly be more likely to be pedophiles than the people they demonize 😉

There has been some effort by left-wingers in recent times to increase the publicity of and search for female child molesters. They are really hard to get a grasp on though for a few reasons. They are far, far less common than male sex offenders, the entire world protects mothers from being seen as perverts and abusers, and child victims are less likely to report sexual abuse from their mothers and female caregivers. So, sample sizes are generally small, and typology models are still under development, but from the data available, two primary types of adult women sexually abuse pre-pubescent children: the male-coerced type, where women assist a male partner in the sexual assault, and the intergenerational predisposed type, where women abuse their own children or children close to them. And these women appear to be almost universally heterosexual mothers or care-givers, although they sexually abuse females more than males. The behaviour seems to be less sexually motivated, and more a reenactment of sexual and physical abuse they themselves suffered as children. Interestingly, female sex abusers tend to be more physically brutal with female victims in addition to the molestation, and serious injuries are much more likely with girls and with youngers victims than with boys or pubescent and teenaged victims. Although, researchers seem confused about why this might be, I have a strong suspicion that this is a direct expression of the internalized misogyny that all women grow up with, and women trapped in unwanted caregiving roles with girl children are possibly tapping into repressed rage from their own childhood abuse. It seems logical that female abusers would see a young girl as a proxy for the hated self, and punish the girl accordingly.

Admittedly, much more investigation is needed to understand the prevalence of and motivation for female sex abusers and the damage they do to girls. Generally speaking, I think mothers are far too protected as it is, and I am no fan of seeing breeding as a human right. I think being born to a sane and loving person is the human right we need to be more concerned with. If you are a severely damaged person, you have no business being around children, let alone creating your own punching bags and fuck toys. I still remember back to my time in China, and I saw plenty of public child abuse, but it was only ever mothers slapping, punching, kicking, and using make-shift weapons on their small girl children. It was shocking, and I was the only one who seemed to notice. Never once did I see anyone — mother or father – hit a boy. Of course, I saw plenty of adult males physically abusing adult females in public. But not children. We see from crime data that males are much more likely to abuse and sexually abuse children, especially girls, but perhaps they save it for the privacy of the home since they are seldom out and about with children on their own, unlike women. And although fathers aren’t as protected as mothers from suspicion of abuse, society generally accepts male violence as the way things are. If we put a few token male rapists in jail, we can all feel like we’re addressing the problem, even though we’re not. But maternal child abuse, including molestation, needs to be addressed in a more serious way.

Aiders and Abettors

I wanted to briefly address a more common female contribution to pedophilia and that is feminization, the pursuit of youth, and the grooming of daughters. I talked about much of this in my 2017 post Thanks for Supporting Pedophilia. My theory is that instead of aging naturally and normally, adult women engage in a whole host of practices – aka practising femininity – designed to chase youth and cater to male pedophilic, hebephilic and ephebophilic proclivities. Women remove their body hair, try to stay thin and unmuscular, dye their hair, coat their faces in make-up to look younger, and dumb down the tone and content of their speech in an effort to look more childlike and to keep men’s attention. And increasingly, mothers groom their daughters for male attention by allowing them to dress age-inappropriately and femininely, to wear make-up, and they tend to punish assertive and aggressive behaviour. Consequently the lines between adult and child are increasingly blurred, and all of it is for male attention. Without males, females have no need to engage in any of this feminizing and infantilizing behaviour.

I’m going to conclude with the following. If I had a daughter, and I feel thankful every day that I don’t have children, here is my list of threats to her safety in descending order:

  • Straight and bisexual men – despite entertainment propaganda that they are the only protectors of the weak that we can rely on, they are actually the greatest threat to women and girls, and you engage with them at your own and your daughters’ risk.
  • All teenaged boys – in some ways, they are worse than adult men simply because they are more likely to target children than adult women for victimization. But their worlds are smaller and their access to people is more limited and they may be marginally more monitored than adults. It’s a fine line, though.
  • All boy children – many are sadistic with impulse control problems, but are uber-protected by boy-moms because of their supposed innocence. You’d be surprised how often little boys commit sex crimes though.
  • Straight and bisexual women – while they are much less likely to commit sex crimes than men, as I mentioned, straight women who sex offend tend to be much more physically brutal with girls in addition to molesting them. In addition, straight women are male pedophile enablers, especially if they are boy-moms or women in committed relationships with men. Straight women will sometimes participate in molestation with their partner, but most often will just cover up or pretend the crimes aren’t happening. In some cases, women will trade their daughters’ bodies for a place to live despite there being lots of help for single mothers in Western countries.
  • Gay men – they are not so much a sexual risk to girls, but gay men are misogynists too. I’ll bet they’re probably less dangerous to girls than, say, boy-moms.
  • Lesbian and separatist women – the only risk they pose is any internalized misogyny they have from growing up and living in a toxic anti-woman world. But by and large, they are the safest people for girls to be around.

So, like the right-wingers of QAnon and various religious groups around the world, do we need to lose our shit in the quest to root out pedophilia in all tribes but our own? No. The sexualization and abuse of children, especially girls, is part of a much larger problem called male domination. And separatism is a more logical place to put your energy and a better investment for your daughters.

This post is part of the Alphabet Series.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

O is for Ownership – Part II

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

You don’t own me
Don’t try to change me in any way…

And please, when I go out with you
Don’t put me on display..

from “You Don’t Own Me” (1963) – a woman’s point-of-view on what she wants, written by two men. How unusual… And women, including the original singer, Lesley Gore, consider this to be ’empowering’…

I sometimes wonder whether what we loosely term ‘feminism’ is just another distraction orchestrated by men to keep women busy and feeling like they are fighting for something, but actually accomplishing nothing substantive. Case in point, like the song “You Don’t Own Me”, so many of what women consider to be ‘feminist anthems’ were written or co-written by men, and the message is almost always “I want to keep serving you, but I have limits to the abuse I’ll take from you. So I’m gonna get mad and stamp my feet, and you’ll have to make some empty promises, so that I can keep telling myself that men are worth saving. Then, things will go back to the way they were, for the most part. But at least you don’t own me.”

Well, I’m going to save a discussion of lady-empowerment songs for another time, but the bottom line here is that women’s publicly aired anger at and frustration with men doesn’t mean a damned thing if, at the end of the day, they all still go back to sucking their dicks and accepting minor or temporary concessions or a few minutes of penile attention as proof of respect or love. The only thing men understand besides violence, is denial of service. And very few women are willing to take their anger that far, even though cutting off the gynergy fountain isn’t in any way a violent or extreme solution. Men allow certain feminist distractions, such as the pursuit of elusive equality between the sexes, but not liberation. But it is empowering to sing men’s words and pretend that they change our lives, I suppose.

But anyhow, let’s get back to the topic at hand: ownership.

It is clear, if you live in the world and are a thinking woman, that males and females define ownership (and many other concepts for that matter) differently. But it is always men’s definitions that matter, even if they are irrelevant or even harmful to women. Men define how we live, what we are allowed to have access to, what we think and say and do, and as I mentioned above, they even orchestrate our sociopolitical beliefs and movements. Many women end up going along to get along because it is easier, less dangerous, and more profitable. Those who dare to define their parameters or even to just question the male paradigm end up being outcasts and worse. So as a result, we still don’t fully understand what ownership means to women, just as we don’t understand female sexuality, female abilities, or female psychology. So in various senses of the word, men own women’s realities. I did a cursory look for any research on sex differences in the understanding of ownership, and I found one. It was authored by a man, of course, and it hails from Canada, and dates back to 1994. So obviously, this is a hot topic. Without going into a lot of detail, I’ll summarize dude’s findings with the following examples of typical male and female thinking on ownership:

Male: That shit is mine and mine alone. If you touch it, there will be repercussions because you’re violating my right as a man to have this shit.

Female: In owning this shit, I feel a sense of responsibility, pride and connectedness with myself, others and the world.

And it may be no surprise to you – and we see this in tons of psychological research on sex differences on a whole range of issues – that men are, generally speaking, simplistic, black-and-white, self-centred, entitled thinkers. Women, on the other hand, are deeper, more complex and nuanced thinkers. I can’t help but be reminded, yet again, of how male neglect and dismissal of women’s thinking and psychology has likely held back the development of societies around the world throughout history, and has hastened the destruction of the planet. If this conclusion pisses you off, please note that I’m not saying anything new here, although perhaps more bluntly than you’re used to – men demonstrate how they operate every single day, and their thinking is present in how every single society is structured and operates. Whether on a personal, local, or national level, ownership in the eyes and minds of men is an exclusive right to enjoy, use or abuse that which one claims as one’s own, at will, and to use force to defend it.

Ownership is a vast topic, and I’d love to teach a college-level course on it. Some of the sub-topics would include: the history of marriage, the slavery of women, and the concept of the body as property and a product to be owned, rented, marketed and traded. We could explore the limits of female ownership, especially the interesting contradiction mothers often post in asserting ownership of their children without interference from the government or the public, yet expecting society to foot the bills associated with this privilege. And then, we could explore other forms of human ownership – that of group slavery throughout history – which stems from male ownership of females, although the latter is generally NOT acknowledged as ownership for very obvious reasons. We could also talk about ownership in a political sense from the point of view of capitalism and consumerism, libertarianism, anarchism, socialism, and communism, and how poverty and some element of ownership are major issues in each of those systems. There is also the geopolitical issue of country-formation and border defence. The only reason we have countries is because of men’s need to own everything under the sun. And war is a direct result of men’s need to own land, culture and people. We could then get into more modern ethical issues of patents and copyright, and whether anyone has the right to own and control water sources or plant life or ideas or words. And there is so much more. I think it would be a fascinating multidisciplinary course, but I don’t think it would be allowed these days, especially if taught by a woman.

Now, I can’t address all of that here in this post, although some topics may appear in later Alphabet Series articles, but I’ll talk briefly about a few issues surrounding property ownership.

I remember when I was 17, my mother was studying to become a real estate agent, which was kind of funny because she’d never worked hard for anything in her life, including in her career as a mother and housewife, and she had no clue how much time agents had to put into the job if they wanted to build a profitable career. Needless to say, that job never panned out for her, but she was fine even following divorce – she did what works for many women, she was supported through alimony and child support that didn’t go to supporting children, and then went on the prowl for a wealthy man. She eventually found one, and luckily, he died after a few years and left her a pile of money. If you have a lazy nature and can stomach being a man’s whore, then this is the best and easiest route to surviving as a woman in this world. Be offended, if you wish, but I’m stating a blunt truth about how this world works.

So, one day, I was sitting outside the back of the family home with my mother and father who was still living with us, and mother said to me: “Here’s what you should do. You should buy a house and rent out the rooms to pay the mortgage.” Basically, an investment strategy, that is much more common now than it was in the 1980’s. I remember looking at her then, and I didn’t have a response. Well, I had learned not to have a response to anything she said because she was a clinical narcissist and any questioning or disagreement could lead to punishment and other insanity. But over the years, and still remembering that nugget of ignorant wisdom imparted to me, I have a response. First, I’d never qualify for a mortgage in Canada. Never have, never will. It’s difficult if you’re not a conventional person with a stable and high income. Second, despite my parents buying their first home only because their parents gave them money to afford it, I know my parents would NEVER have helped me. And I was cut out of all family inheritances by my mother when I was 20. Third, I don’t believe in buying things that I can’t pay for outright – debt is akin to imprisonment, in my opinion. I’ve been dirt poor, but I’ve never been in debt. And finally, over the years, I’ve come to agree with anarchist and communist thinking that landlords are a scourge, and as I see more of the world and note how fucked up life is becoming for poor people in so-called ‘privileged’ countries, such as my own, these beliefs have become firmer. I have no problem whatsoever with private property ownership, which I’ll talk more about below, but I have very specific ideas about how money should be earned, what should never be an income source, and the necessity for safe, affordable housing for all people.

Males and females exist on different hierarchies.

No woman is safe. Owning property and having money helps and gives you options, which can be the difference between life and death in some cases, but it doesn’t guarantee safety or freedom from men. Ownership is the domain of men. It is the basis of their hierarchy of power – the more they own, the more power they have. Women don’t exist on the same hierarchy. We’re not allowed to own much, including our own bodies, although to some extent, women can own the children they produce. We are more likely to own property and things through orbiting males or gaining family help, including inheritance, but it doesn’t help us escape our sexual subordination in the world. I talk about this more in my post, M is for Mother.

Further, when you orbit a male, you, and by extension, everything you own, is owned by him. This is the history of the world. Once upon a time, a man could rape you and own you. In some cultures, you’d be dirtied and have no choice but to marry him. In other cultures – and this is still happening today in places such as Kyrgyzstan and rural China, a man can abduct a woman or girl, rape her, and own her because she has no escape. In many cultures, once the rape or abduct and marry scheme fell out of fashion, families mostly just resorted to selling their daughters to men. Sometimes complete strangers to the girl, sometimes, distant family members or friends of the family. And different cultures had different names and practices for this financial transaction. And any property or belongings women brought to the marriage became the property of the husband. The best part of this change of ownership is that it has been sold as a female invention, has often being described as a scheme to trap men, and throughout history has been bolstered by denying women access to education and the job market and leaving them dependent on marriage for survival. Cultures have evolved fairy tales and other propaganda that are fed to little girls to romanticize being swept away by Prince Charming, and to see their wedding day as the best day of their life. Over time, brides themselves have become the ones to plan their own slavery, to pour energy into organizing their wedding event, with males wasting no energy at all in an institution that was designed by them, for them. And even today, the wedding industrial complex is one of the most profitable patriarchal inventions on the planet, and women, despite being allow to participate in society and achieve financial freedom, still choose to be owned. Every married woman that I know – and there aren’t many anymore – is smart and capable except when it comes to her marriage or partnership. The men own their attention, energy and time, and it amazes me when an otherwise independent female friend will turn down or cancel a plan with me because she is afraid of being punished by her male partner for denying him attention. Slavery exists and it’s called heterosexuality, in my experience.

Getting back to property ownership, there are all sorts of facts and figures out there about how much of the world’s property women actually own. It gets confusing because surveys don’t measure how women get property. I’d bet that most of the time, women gain land through orbiting men and they either co-own, have the property put in their name, or they win it in a divorce, buy it with the money won in divorce proceedings, or their owner dies and they inherit land. Women may also inherit property from family or get help from family in making a purchase. What we do know is that never-married single women are the least likely to own property, and they are the only group of women with a sex gap in % of ownership compared to men. Married, divorced and widowed women in the US have closed the gap in property ownership over the last 30 years. When you don’t orbit cock, you still don’t earn as much as men and don’t benefit from a male salary.

It is interesting to look at property ownership internationally. Contrary to what many people think and the stereotypes they may have, property ownership isn’t more common in wealthier countries. Almost none of the countries with 80%+ home ownership is a wealthy country. If you look at the ratio of owner-occupied units to total residential units, you see a reflection of a combination of government policy, property prices, ease in getting mortgages, level of interest rates, and societal mentality on home-buying. Laos and Romania have about 96% home ownership. Ninety percent of Cubans and Chinese own their dwelling. Canada and the US sit at about 66%. And just over half of Japanese homes are owned. And speaking for my own country, up to 6% of our homes are owned by foreign investors currently. This has likely had a negative effect on lower-income, local, potential home-buyers, and I know that many younger people in Canada can’t even wrap their heads around the idea of trying to buy property. Myself, I remember working for a short, agonizing spell in a private kindergarten in China catering to rich people, and I met one mother who told me she had just bought a house in one of Canada’s most expensive cities over the internet. She’d never even been to Canada before. And the last time I was in Canada, I was renting a room in a house that was put up for sale. Chinese real estate agents were coming through the house doing a video tour with foreign buyers. Canada recently implemented a foreign buyer ban, which has been extended to 2027, but I think the damage to the housing market has already been done. And whether foreign or local, unlike in the past, landlords these days believe that renters exist to pay mortgages and should absorb the costs of interest hikes. Shameful.

Conclusion: You already know what I think about marriage and that I have a real problem with child ownership, as well, and there really is no solution to freeing women as a class if most are content with complaining about male dominance in their relationships, yet are still continuing to support them in all possible ways. Women could change the structure of the world if they stopped supporting traditional male ownership models, as promoted in a heterosexual lifestyle. It’s pretty simple, actually. The housing and property ownership issue is probably equally unsolvable as long as people support capitalism and believe in earning money for doing nothing. Housing is one of those basic needs like food, basic healthcare, and safety, that shouldn’t be something people struggle to achieve. And when I say housing, I mean safe, quality housing. Not the warehousing concept that became a problem under some communist regimes or that currently happens among the very poor in Western countries, and especially in places like Hong Kong, where too many people are forced to share an inadequate space despite being strangers. I also think women should be able to access housing complexes, neighbourhoods, and even entire towns where they can live free of men in safe, clean housing. I’d love to see what I touched on in my post: I Want My Own Vatican City. A country of women and girls, for women and girls, but without the religion 😉

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Rudmin, Floyd W. (1994) Gender differences in the semantics of ownership: A quantitative phenomenological survey study. Journal of Economic Psychology, 15(3), 487-510.

O is for Ownership – Part I – Pelmeni on a Twig

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

This post will serve as a sort of preamble to the next topic in the Alphabet Series – O is for Ownership., but I’ll name it Part I, with a secondary title of ‘Pelmeni on a Twig’. Please note that I am not writing is as a sort of ‘poor me’ lament, but as an example of what single women who refuse to play the cock-sucking game often have to deal with. It’s not about me as an individual, but a sub-class of women, and there are many – mostly ignored. I occasionally recognize them in the news, although these women are held up, not as what can happen to women under Patriarchy if they don’t follow the rules, but to blame a government or a foreign country or a racial or religious oppressor for one transgression or another. But whether in the news or in your own world, lone women without money, especially those without children, families or community support always pay the consequences of opting not to orbit men, yet are still forced to live among them in a pro-male world without protection.

And what do I mean by protection? First and foremost, money and property – these two things alone can make the difference between life and death, safety and danger, thriving and surviving. Protection can also come in the form of the services that males are supposed to provide under the millennia-old heterosexual contract that many women take advantage of, but these days, refuse to acknowledge exists. You sell your body to a man for his use, and in return, he protects you from all the other males in the world and from poverty and having to do even more degrading things in order to survive. Protection also comes in the form of women’s shelters. If you are a battered woman in a straight relationship, you are acknowledged and supported if you choose to do something about it. But a lone woman suffering from abuse from a male roommate she hasn’t chosen or a male neighbour doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on as this form of vulnerability is not acknowledged anywhere in the world.

I’ve been a woman of slender means since I left home at 20, and I’ve been supporting myself since then. It has often been hard. Thanks to some weird emotional abuse centring on poverty in my childhood, I’m very neurotic and paranoid about money. I started earning my own money and keeping a weird and meticulous ledger when I was 12 years old, and doing financial calculations has had and still has a calming effect on me since those early years. You’d think that I’d be predisposed to amassing great wealth as a result, but the opposite is actually true – although that is a different story for another time. I often cruise around or below the poverty line. I am great at saving and being thrifty. I’m a minimalist, and there are very few things I can rationalize spending money on. And that includes housing. I’ve lived in a lot of shitty housing, sometimes because I have to, and sometimes because I have a ‘be prepared for hard times’ mentality. And hard times, in my experience, ALWAYS come. If I think about it, I’m kind of amazed at how used to deplorable conditions I’ve become. At this point in my life, I can’t even imagine living in a nice place or even owning my own place where I have control over things.

While I can handle a shitty environment, and even learn to find something charming in decrepitude, the one thing I can’t tolerate is the effects of males on my living space. Males can make a situation dangerous, terrifying, and unbearable, and if you are a lone woman without much money, there is often very little that you can do about it. Sometimes, you don’t even have the option to leave, nevermind the fact that it is ridiculous that a woman should be forced to leave her home because a man or men that she has not chosen to have around are making her home life difficult or dangerous. I can’t count how many apartments or other living arrangements I’ve had where my quality of life has been seriously negatively affected by males, and I’ve even had my physical safety directly threatened by a male room mate I did not choose. And the only options have been to stay and accept it or leave (if that’s even an option – sometimes it isn’t).

So I’m going on year three in a former Soviet country that I won’t name, but I will write about it in depth after I eventually leave. It is a challenging and miserable country, and I find myself yet again in terrible housing. I can’t really move for a few reasons, the most important of which is financial. Since the most recent Ukrainian-Russian war started, housing prices have skyrocketed thanks to a massive influx of Russians looking for long-term stays in this country. I’m still paying pre-war rent, but I still think I’m overpaying given the slum quality of the place. Even considering some of the shitholes I’ve lived in, this one is pretty bad. It’s a two-floor building with eight apartments. I’m on the ground floor. There is severe water damage in the building. Due to the sheer amount of mold eating away at the interior, every day, I have to sweep up what has crumbled off the walls. My kitchen ceiling leaks in 9 different places, including the light fixture – some places leak when it rains, but others leak when the upstairs neighbours don’t turn off the water correctly. And the latter is worse because the entire floor floods, sometimes for days. The landlords knows, but makes excuses. I have no heat that works and it snows here in the winter, but I’ve lived in the Yukon of Canada and could only afford to heat my place to 5 degrees Celsius when it was 50 below outside, so this country is no big deal. My water heater stopped working recently, so there are no more showers in my future. Like in the old days, I heat water and bathing is creative and water-efficient. A few months ago, my cat and I noticed some animals had moved into the space above my bathroom and kitchen ceilings. They sounded quite big, to be honest. But I think someone may have died up there a few days ago, as I haven’t heard any running or thuds lately, and today, there were many flies in my apartment. But there are no open windows that would account for them… I have no way of getting up there to investigate. Further, in the critter department, this country is plagued by packs of dogs. Some are street dogs, and some are pets that are universally kept outside and often free to roam all day and night, as this is how people treat dogs in this culture. There are frequently dog fights in the middle of the night, which can wake you up at any hour. You have to be careful in this country. Rabies is a problem here, and dog attacks are common.

But the worst part about living here is the men, and in particular, my upstairs neighbour. It is a man of about 50 and his young son. I’d like to be able to explain him away as been partially mentally retarded or brain damaged, but a lot of men here are a lot like him. And his buddies that come round seem cut from the same cloth. He is extremely loud, speaking and moving about. And his son is learning fast. Because of the poor construction of the building, everything these people do causes the light fixtures and furniture to rattle, as if a minor earthquake is occurring. Their sleep schedule is hard to pin down, and I’ve been frequently awoken by shouting and thudding at 3:30 in the morning. The man has a group of loud male friends who stand outside my window, which sits directly on the small road running behind the building, with no yard as a buffer. Instead of texting or calling the neighbour or going up to his door, the visitors just shout up at his window. The neighbour and his son also throw large firecrackers down to the street beside my window late at night sometimes. It’s terrifying to both me and my cat.

But the worst part of the worst part of my apartment problem is that the patch of yard beside my building has gradually, over just the past year, become a garbage dump. You see, despite there being many, many large public waste bins along the streets for all to use, my neighbour throws all his garbage, as well as all his liquids, out his kitchen window. And my kitchen window being directly below his and at ground floor level, I get to hear the dumping activity, I get a view of the garbage dump itself, and all the liquid and some of the trash lands on my window instead of the ground.

I frequently have a WTF?-moment when I look out my kitchen window. The scenery changes every day based on what my upstairs neighbour tosses. Sometimes, there are chunks plastered to my kitchen window if the refuse is liquidy-chunky in nature. Sometimes, there are cigarette butts, bits of plastic or food remains on the window ledge. And of course, the breadth, depth and content of what’s directly on the ground varies. But perhaps the most interesting variations are what occasionally becomes impaled on the twigs and branches of the tall plant life in the yard. One day, I might see used tea bags dangling like single-use Christmas tree decorations. Other times, it’s a plastic bag waving in the wind to celebrate post-Soviet freedom and the backward slide into medieval chaos and poverty. But one day recently, I glanced out my window, and I couldn’t figure out what I was seeing. It was cream-coloured and round; it wasn’t packaging, but some form of food remnant. I photographed it and went online to figure out whether it was some local food that I hadn’t yet encountered.

pelmeni on a twig
View from my kitchen window – possibly a pelmeni dumpling impaled on a stick.

And I think I figured it out. I’m pretty sure it’s a pelmeni [пельмень – singular; пельмени – plural] – meat dumplings, considered by some to be the ‘heart of Russian cuisine’. And apparently, they make great tree decorations. Much like the slim odds of flipping a coin and having it land on its edge, I can imagine it equally rare that one can toss a pelmeni out the window and have it end up speared by a twig. I’d be impressed if it weren’t the mark of a much larger problem – that of being a woman negatively affected by males in your living environment whom you have no control over. And in case you’re wondering, I can’t do anything about this. The police are a corrupt joke in this country. And I am a foreigner, so I have no power. And of course, I am a lone woman. And it doesn’t matter whether you are in a really patriarchal religious country like this one, or a liberal democracy like my own, going up against a crazy male or even an average male when you aren’t under the ownership of another male can be very risky.

So like with so many periods in my life, I see this as something I just have to ‘get through’. I just realized the other day, that even when I can find moments of enjoyment in a shitty period, I still understand most of the chapters in my book of life as something I have to endure. I’m trying to make something happen so that I can leave this country. If you’ve been following my writing for a while, I said something similar about my time in China. It took a while, but I made it happen then, as I’ve made things happen many times before, so I know I can do it again. But I feel tired, and the goals I’ve set feel really big right now. I used to be more ambitious when I was younger, and I’m trying to dig deep to find it again. I want to be able to tell younger women that it gets better with age and experience. That you can achieve something and feel a bit of freedom with some options and comfort. I’d like to be able to say that you can find a place of your own without resorting to sociopathic behaviour or selling out and earning your money through anti-woman behaviour. But I can’t help but wonder to myself when looking at that goddamn lone dumpling suspended above the rotting food and plastic bottles outside my window whether this is just a metaphor for my life, and for the life of any woman who rejects men: throughout and in the end, it’s all just a stick up the ass of a dumpling. I hope I’m wrong. Stay tuned.

I’m going to file this in my Conversations with Men series because many of the things men tell us are non-verbal. Sometimes, you get more honesty when you look at male behaviour and body language than when you listen to their bullshit.

  • Living in a slummy apartment in a garbage dump

O is for Offensive

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

It seems like these days
No matter what ya say
Someone’s losin’ their ever lovin’ mind
It’s like they’re lookin’ for a reason
To have their fragile feelings
Hurt every single time

~ John Rich, from his dumb song “I’m Offended”.

No offense John Rich, but your song is kinda dumb and a bit reductionist. The first few lines, which I included here, have a ring of truth to them, probably by accident, but I don’t believe that this is a recent phenomenon – and I’ll get into that later. I didn’t include the rest of the song, but I’ll just say that I think Johnny-boy missed something crucial. It is entirely possible that he doesn’t know what ‘offended’ means – I mean, it’s country music, which notoriously caters to simple thinkers and religious hypocrites, and he is a male, which means he’ll never be censored, even if he is truly offensive (which he is – don’t watch the video for this song). And besides, his man-solution is to pour beer on the entire problem, so how seriously can you take this song anyway? In my experience, alcohol makes everything worse, especially in combination with an emotional male.

So what does ‘offensive’ actually mean and is there some kind of objective universal standard for determining whether you should be offended or whether you are just oversensitive?

As a basic definition, to be offensive means to inspire feelings of extreme anger, insult or disrespect in another person or group of people. The offensive content could be as casual as a comment or behaviour, or as official as an article or book, a piece of art, or a policy. Note that offending a single person in a private setting and offending people, usually strangers, publicly are a little bit different, even if the word used is the same, and I’ll get into both of them later. For both situations, however, I’ll say here that offensive status is subjective – feelings are subjective, by definition, as we all know. But for general public offense, it is the public majority that defines that which is offensive. Note that even if the majority believes something is true or moral, doesn’t make it so. So a person who offends the general public may in fact be correct in what they say, highly moral, and contributes more to the greater good. The majority may rule, but it doesn’t necessarily make them good people or correct in what they believe and do.

So let’s break this down into giving offense and taking offense.

Giving Offense

Intentional Provocation. There are those in this world who enjoy riling people up by saying inflammatory things. These are mostly men and say, the occasional NPD woman – those who need to antagonize in order to feel a sense of power and control over others. Males are generally untouchable when they say things to deliberately hurt people, and interestingly and unsurprisingly, they also comprise the vast majority of people who tend to comment on and complain about people being offended. Men often comment on their victims using terms like ‘oversensitive’ or having ‘fragile feelings’, and this is typical of people who are untouched by oppression and who lack empathy and insight. Personally, I don’t think oppressors and perpetrators of crime should be defining the offensive acts and actual crimes they commit. For example, rapists shouldn’t be defining what rape is and is not, and males should not be dictating how females react to offensive and antagonistic male comments and behaviour.

Unintentional Offensiveness. Every single one of us offends at least one person some time in our lives without meaning to. That seems to be the nature of complex human interaction, and it is usually due to either misunderstanding, ignorance, or just a difference of opinions for the average offended reaction. And of course, we all know actual oversensitive people – yes, that does exist – so it is always possible to say something innocuous and have it offend someone who is reacting based on a personal trauma or mental health issues.

The important thing here is to deal with the offense you’ve given in an appropriate way. If you actually said something inflammatory out of ignorance, then the best policy is to apologize and learn from it. But much of the time, the unintentional offense-giving is not worth that much attention, especially if you’re a woman. Like I said earlier, people can get offended at just about anything, so unless you either want to shut up completely or to spend your entire life apologizing for everything you say and do, it’s best just to put on a brave face and hold your ground. The best policy is to be aware of whom you’re speaking to, and only speak about things you know about. This tends to be a big problem for men, as they tend to bullshit and make things up in order to cover up their insecurity, gain control over situations, and garner admiration from other people. Hint to all men: you have two ears, but only one mouth. You seldom use the former and overuse the latter. Please fix.

A note on offense-giving. Sometimes, it is not the content, but the speaker that makes the material offensive, and this is shown most clearly in reactions to male and female speech. A male and female can say the same thing, and only the female will inspire offense. Female speech will provoke a greater and more violent reaction than will male speech. A female will experience more serious consequences for less provocative speech than will a male. If you cross even slightly provocative speech with female status, not only will people be offended, but threats and other violence can ensue. We see this all the time with women who call themselves feminists. Feminists are universally hated, and are always considered ‘offensive’ by the majority of the population, although ‘offensive’ is the very least of what they are called and what is done to them.

Taking Offense

The Legit. Yes, offense is real, but as I said, there is no objective standard. It makes it difficult to know whether your feelings are legitimate, and of course, it is therefore easier to be manipulated by the more powerful if you choose to let people know your feelings. If you’re offended by a person you know, this is little easier because you should have some defined parameters of mutual respect within your relationship. It might, however, be difficult to address your feelings with the person, especially if your relationship involves a power imbalance. If you are offended by public material, there is not much you can do about it, especially if you are in the minority. For example, the majority of people may accept femininity and the assorted practices women adhere to religiously, but you, as a gynocentrist find femininity rituals offensive because they force women into a position of subservience and humiliation. Even if you are 100% correct in feeling offended, you are in the minority. Voicing your opinion will bring a rain a heterosexual shit down on you, mostly from women who enjoy their slavery, sadly. So what can you do? Well, you have a choice. You, of course, can do nothing – just accept that which you cannot change and keep doing what you’re doing. Or, you can voice your opinion without giving into the majority. Write articles, make videos or podcasts. Ignore those who will try to take you down and provide logical arguments for why the material is offensive. You may actually help a few people, even if you can’t take the offensive practices down.

The Woke. I hate this word with a passion, but it is what it is… I’m talking about politically and socially motivated people who feel a need to react to everything. Sometimes there is a kernel of reality in their feelings and reactions, but then they take things too far. I’m talking about people who, one day, for whatever reason, start to see reality, but then they start to colour everything with their new political viewpoint. They muster up offense, tears and anger for absolutely everything, and start attributing causes and motivations for these things, where often none, or something completely different, exist. They may have started with good intentions, but they end up getting caught up in looking good instead of doing good. Unfortunately, a lot of these types have set their sights on feminists in recent days and have done a lot of damage in erasing feminist material on the internet.

The Oversensitive. Unfortunately, there are truly fragile people out there – people who suffer from a mental illness, or who have been deeply traumatized in life. But also unfortunately, these people often like to hang out in public forums where they are exposed to all the garbage the internet has to offer. Now, men will tell them that they should get the hell off the internet if they can’t handle the turds that men drop. While I don’t agree with this and think it is disgusting that men dictate the environment of the net, I do question the desire of a fragile person to put themselves deliberately in places where they know damn well they will be hurt or ‘triggered’. Anyhow, legitimately fragile people tend to be offended regularly, and when they choose to enter feminist circles, they can do a lot of damage when they lose control. I wrote a little about this in a post on Oppression Olympians.

The Cognitively Dissonant. These are the folks who can’t handle the truth, and I myself tend to fall prey to them as I am an unrepentant truth-teller. They tend to claim offensiveness when really, they are just having a hard time dealing with the fact that their beliefs and actions don’t match or they feel guilty about something they do. Note that there is a difference between telling an unnecessary truth in order to harm someone (for example, something men do to women all the time to take them down a notch), and telling a truth because it is really important for the dissection of faulty thinking, lies, and misleading information. A lot of gynocentrists and even liberal feminists fall victim to accusations of disrespect and offensiveness when they dare to question a patriarchal practice, when really, all they are doing is pointing out a truth that makes people uncomfortable.

Are We More Fragile?

I’m going to say yes and no here. I think it is quite possible that people may have been more easily offended in the past. I can’t speak for cultures outside the West, but it seems that there were so many more social rules in the past than there are now, and you could cause offense and destroy your social standing by simply wearing the wrong outfit or addressing a person in the wrong way. But of course, these days, we are all very socially aware, and it is equally possible to be destroyed by very simple words or actions. So while standards of acceptable behaviour have changed, the ‘fragility’ of our feelings probably hasn’t.

But of course, it seems we are more fragile these days, which is why so many people, especially men, comment on it. Like with many social phenomena, loneliness being one that I’ve commented on before, I think media and social media have helped to highlight both the phenomena and the things that we are supposed to care about. And of course, with media, and social media especially, what we hear about is very sensational and misinformed. Things get blown out of proportion and people get emotional because they are told that they should in order to be a good citizen or on the right side of history or something like that.

The take-home message here is that offense-giving and offense-taking are real things, and it is a normal result of complex human relationships and communication, and sometimes, power imbalances. It’s probably a good idea to sleep on something that offends you before you decide to react to it. And finally, it is also a really good idea to question why you are offended by something. Is it an issue you have that is triggered or is it a legitimate social or political issue that requires you to speak out?

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

N is for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) – Part 3

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

I was on the brink of turning 21 when I headed into one of the worst summers of my life. I had just finished my first year of university in a small city far enough away from my NPD family to escape casual family visits, and for the first and last time in my life, I returned to my hometown and my chief abuser’s house for the summer.

I hadn’t realized how much just 9 months away from a toxic environment would change me. I had hated high school, I had hated working full time as a secretary in order to earn money to go to school, but at university, my world had opened up. And more important, I finally noticed the extent of my mother’s abuse. Within 2 weeks of being back, everything fell apart. My parents had divorced when I was 17 and in the fall out, I threw myself into school, my younger sister quit high school, moved in with a drug dealer, and got knocked up, and my younger brother became invisible, although as a boy, he was the favourite child and was mostly left alone. But three years later, after I, the truth-teller and major threat to my NPD mother, re-entered the diminished family home, the shit hit the fan.

My brother and I had gone out with my father and his girlfriend and we got back to my mother’s house rather late at night. On the kitchen table was a picture my brother had drawn. My mother, who was nowhere to be found upon our return, had clearly found the picture and had left it out as a sort of warning. What she had discovered was a family portrait that included a woman that was clearly not my mother – wrong hair colour. Dismissing it, as it didn’t seem like a big deal to me, I went downstairs to my room to get ready for bed, but was interrupted by some shouting and door-slamming. I crept silently upstairs. The bathroom door was closed and I could hear my almost 16-year-old brother crying. Very unusual. And my protective rage flared up in me as I realized what had happened. And for the first time in my young life, I went on the attack. After checking on my brother, I walked calmly to my mother’s bedroom door and in a low and even voice, let her know what I felt. I used a few choice expletives – something she had never heard me do before. Then I walked downstairs. I didn’t get far as the dragon jumped out of bed, chased me to the kitchen and punched me in the stomach, screaming at me the entire time. I indicated that I was going to call the police since she had hit me, and mother countered with oh no, she was going to call the police because actually I was the one who had hit her. I didn’t have the insight or the language at this point in my life, but this was classic gaslighting.

Somehow, I ended up back in my room and I called my father, who immediately came to pick me up. I was emotionally frozen, not just because of my mother’s behaviour, but also because it was the first time in my life that I had stood up to her. I’ll leave out a lot of the detail here, but I’ll just mention that less than a week and a half later, I found out that my mother was going out of town, and I went to her house to pick up all my things and to drop off her key. But when I got there, I couldn’t find any of my things and my bedroom was filled with another woman’s belongings – in my drawers, on the unmade bed, and on the floor. In less than two weeks, my mother had replaced me completely, and not only continued to take the exorbitant child support that my father was paying her to NOT care for me – I didn’t live with her and I paid for most of my own education and living expenses even before this – but she was now taking rent from a complete stranger. It was at that point in my life that I cut off my mother completely, and over the next year, found a way to support myself financially 100% working several part-time jobs and going to university full time. My father wasn’t interested in helping me with money even though he made six figures a year, but he seemed to take immense satisfaction in now being in sole control of emotionally manipulating me. He was a narcissist himself, but had taken a back seat in the abuse while he was still married to my mother. My brother, whom I had defended, completely blamed me and sided with my mother – typical golden child. My sister, who hated my mother more than anybody actually, ended up siding with her in order to benefit financially after having her teenaged pregnancy. In the years following my break with the family, my mother went on a rampage contacting everyone I knew to tell them I was insane and every so often, she would recruit family members and whatever man she was fucking at the time to try to manipulate me by proxy in order to get me back under her toxic narcissistic control.

This is an example of the most extreme and difficult, but effective, way of dealing with narcissistic abuse. It is usually called ‘going no-contact’. It is the route most often taken by truth-tellers and scapegoats – those of us who are least likely to become enablers, even if we are highly empathic people. All ways to deal with NPDs are difficult, but I believe this one is most difficult because you will lose more than just the NPD relationship, if it is a family situation. Likely, you will lose most to all of the other family relationships because they are, for the most part, enablers and some receive financial and other perks in exchange for tolerating abuse. And I lost most of the people in my family in the aftermath, and deliberately went no-contact with my increasingly abusive narcissistic father when I was 27. Losing an entire network is hard. As a woman, especially if you aren’t straight, it will be even harder because the only way for women to gain any kind of pretend power or the pseudo freedom that money can bring in this world is to suck dick. Now, I didn’t get much financial support from my family, even as a child, so I was used to having to pay for what I needed. I started working and saving regularly when I was 12 years old. I’ve always been poor, but I learned frugality and financial creativity and resourcefulness out of necessity, especially because I knew from a young age that I never wanted to suck dick in exchange for food or a home. I was very clear that I didn’t want to end up like my completely useless patriarchal mother.

The other issue you experience with going no-contact is that you can’t talk about what has happened to you. Most people don’t understand what NPD is, and no one believes that mothers are abusive – despite what mothers claim. I learned very quickly to tell people the bare minimum – and a semi-lie at that – when they asked about family. My parents were dead and I was an only child. And honestly, these felt true in my heart. The bonus is that people feel awkward when they hear this and don’t ask any follow-up questions. This may sound harsh and this is really hard to rationalize as a truth-teller who values clear discussions of reality, but after a lifetime of gaslighting and shaming despite being the victim, you really aren’t interested in more of the same.

Now, I haven’t done what I probably needed to do to become a healthier person partly because I’m a loner and partly because, thanks to my father, I don’t really trust people in the helping professions, even if I see that they may have value for others. I didn’t learn about personality disorders in depth until I got to grad school in psychology and worked on a few projects with some clinical students. But I didn’t put it all together in my own life until my late 30’s. And actually, a lot of victims of narcissists don’t realize what’s going on until they are older and have lived through a few bad and repetitive abusive patterns and start looking for answers.

Myself, I spent a lot of time self-examining to figure out what was wrong with ME, thanks to how my psychologist father had pathologized me and my reactions to abuse. It wasn’t until I was in my late 30’s and met a woman like me at a youth hostel where I was work-staying. We had been talking about a scary domineering woman who had passed through the hostel and how we both had tried to avoid her and had felt some rather serious emotional reactions to being around her. This other woman gave me insight and recommended the web site Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers – it had helped her figure out why her life felt like a disaster and why she was so affected by certain kinds of women. I devoured the site wondering if it had been written about me. I had already read so much and even had a couple of degrees in psychology, although not clinical psychology, but I could never identify what I had experienced. But so much more work has been done on personality disorders since my youth, not all of it necessarily beneficial, I’ll add. But I now had a context for my experience. While it might have been nice to have had a support group at the time, just being able to identify the problem did so much for my healing process. I think I’ll always be vulnerable to narcissists, as a truth-teller and a woman – they are very good at targeting threats to their control and power. But I am now very good at identifying them and I avoid them when I can. I’m just not the kind of person who is able to employ some of the strategies I’ll talk about below as I’m a sensitive person and have a hard time compartmentalizing. I’m a resilient person, but I have my weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This is normal and it is perfectly okay to have weaknesses, but it is important to know yourself and what you are capable of dealing with. Personally, I don’t think we can overcome anything and everything. We can just manage problems. So don’t let anyone tell you how you should be reacting just because it works for them.

In my opinion, there are only a few paths you can take when dealing with NPDs. If you choose to go into therapy or if you live in a culture where family is sacrosanct, going no-contact won’t even be entertained as a possibility. For those in abusive romantic relationships, the vast majority of therapists will still promote heterosexual partnerships and the idea that there is a magical unicorn male out there who won’t abuse you. So, if you decide to leave a narcissistic male, don’t worry, there are still good men out there… But keep in mind my theory that NPD is just male behaviour on steroids. If you partner with males, you will experience a lot of the shit that narcissists inflict upon their victims, but to a lesser extent and in a way that is socially acceptable in heterosexual relationships. It is in the male nature to manipulate, parasitize, and gaslight women, even if they are not clinically NPD. In a workplace with an NPD boss or colleague, going ‘no-contact’ or in other words, leaving without looking back, is ideal, but for women, it is really difficult. But in all types of relationships, there are strategies recommended if you want to or have to maintain that relationship.

Therapy or Support

Like I said, clinicians and therapists make their money by selling hope. Not a one of them will ever tell you that you’ll never fully recover from abuse because no one would ever give them money otherwise. It would be more truthful for therapists to be honest with you and say, you will carry this deep wound until the day you die, but I can try to help you manage your damage. But that doesn’t sound so good, does it? Therapy also costs money, and not a lot of women can afford that. The cost, the potential for lies and false hope, and even gaslighting from the therapist him or herself are all risks that you need to think about before starting down that path.

Support is crucial, however. You can get it from different sources, whether a good therapist, a fellow truth-telling family member or friend, or a survivors’ group. The latter is probably becoming easier to find, perhaps moreso online. But just make sure that you see it for what it is. Most of these people have experience, but little to no expertise, in helping people with serious problems. Some of these people may be NPD themselves and are into manipulating the vulnerable. Be aware, don’t become enmeshed, and see it for what it is: a chance to talk about your brutal reality and share stories, relief at not being alone and realizing that you aren’t completely crazy (you still might be a little crazy, of course), and a chance to be listened to without judgment. You may also end up getting a few buddies who will offer support if the narcissist tries to re-enter your life and uses manipulative tactics to try to convince you that they’ve changed or feel some kind of remorse. Touching base with a supporter can help you see through the lies.


There is a tactic that is highly promoted if you choose to remain in narcissistic relationships, and some call it the ‘grey rock’ method. Essentially, you interact with the narcissist without engaging emotionally. In my opinion, this is compartmentalization. Somehow, you separate your feelings from what is going on. It is goal-oriented and it allows you to remain non-reactive, thus not giving the narcissist what they most desire: control and power. You stick to facts when dealing with them. They ask a question, and you give an informational answer instead of an argument, a defense, a counter-attack, crying or pleading, etc. If they make a manipulative and non-productive comment, you wave it away and focus on the productive.

Now, some people can do this. I can’t. I might be able to have a fact-based conversation, but it will be in my head and affecting my mental health and even my physical health long after the conversation is over. So for me, this is not a way to deal with someone long-term. It’s just not worth it. And it won’t work for other sensitive people either. And you don’t have to be ashamed about being sensitive. Our world really hates the emotionally sensitive – and I don’t mean people who create a victim status for themselves or need trigger warnings on everything. I mean people who have been chronically emotionally exploited and abused. You don’t heal from that overnight, and sometimes, it is just part of your personality to be highly attuned to and vulnerable to emotionality.

Healing from Abusive Women without Becoming a Misogynist

This is a really important topic for women who want to follow woman-centric paths. Patriarchy is about male dominance and the best way to keep men in power is to create division between women by isolating them, discouraging bonding and breeding distrust and hate. The role of mother in patriarchy is perfectly designed to do this. Unhealthy women are pressured and sometimes forced into breeding. They are isolated from other women, except perhaps other unhealthy women, and are focused on male needs and wants. And they are rewarded for breeding privileged sons and shaping damaged and heterosexuality-ready daughters. Many of us daughters are raised by mentally ill as well as patriarchally programmed women. We grow up learning how to treat other females badly in order garner valuable male support, and to expect insanity and cruelty from women, as well. None of this is natural, by the way, but completely normal and accepted.

But some of us come to see patriarchy for what it is, yet we have this lifetime of abuse by females. And of course, we continue to see it happen all around us every single day, even if we have managed to escape an abusive mother. So how do we overcome the abuse of our childhoods and focus on women without being overcome by loathing? I’ll tell you with all honesty, in the first few years after going no-contact with my mother, I sometimes fantasized about beating her badly just to dispel the pent up and impotent rage resulting from her dominating and destroying me in childhood so completely. It scared me as it felt so visceral, so deeply rooted in me, but did calm me down. And it was youthful anger – I no longer have those feelings and I never acted on them, I’m happy to say. But women don’t really have an outlet for their justified rage, and we are encouraged to suppress, accept and hope for better things. If women do act out, the most acceptable ways are to self-harm or to direct petty abuse onto other females.

Anyhow, I touched on this issue a little in my post, M is for Misogyny, Part II. Like with all problems, identifying what is going on and why it happens are the first steps in dealing with emotions and problems. I was able to see my mother as the daughter of a narcissistic mother herself, and a victim of patriarchy because she was a woman who was pushed into housewifery, non-contribution to society, and breeding despite hating children and being extremely mentally unfit to deal with anyone, let alone children. I saw her as enabled by a fellow narcissist, so much so that I still can’t tell who was truly pulling the strings in my family. And I am able to see all of this as a cycle I can break. I chose not to have children, not to support men, and to focus on promoting gynocentrism. I also choose not to pour my energy into patriarchal women or to forge relationships with women who abuse women. And that’s okay – I don’t have to love everyone. Ultimately, I know women abuse me because they see me as a threat to their comfortable addiction to suffering. Male domination hurts them, but the known, even if it causes harm, is always less scary than the unknown.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

N is for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) – Part 2

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

I did a little thinking after receiving an indignant and entitled comment from a YouTube user on the last post. He or possibly she was so disgusted at hearing a feminist perspective on NPD that they had to turn the recording off after a few minutes. The poor dear. I know, reality isn’t comfortable and can offend many people. People generally prefer lies and feel-good non-explanations for phenomena. But facing reality is necessary if you want to have any hope of actually solving problems. And NPD is a problem and does require a feminist framework if you want to understand it. So my thinking brought me to the following question – why must NPD be addressed within a feminist context? Very simply put, Patriarchy or the system male domination does the following. It pressures and enables women to pursue motherhood even if they are not equipped to produce or raise healthy children. It enables unhealthy men access to and control over women’s bodies and whatever comes out of those bodies. And it creates a problematic model of child ownership where an unhealthy parent or parental unit is solely in charge of a child or children without any accountability or external oversight. And outside of breeding, all societies reward aggressive and abusive male behaviour and allow women limited power if they exhibit or support male behaviour. How is this not problematic? This is a recipe for abuse, and it is only possible under a system of male domination.

Another reason why NPD is best viewed within a feminist framework is because of many of the similarities in treatment that a victim of a narcissist and a female in male-dominated society receive. Both narcissists and men in general are enabled and so many excuses are made for their abusive behaviour. Both victims of NPDs and women are gaslit and bullied when they try to come forward to describe their experience. Many of the tactics that narcissists use to control their victims are the same tactics that men use to control women. I’m not saying that all men are narcissists, but like I posited in Part I, I think that NPD is standard male domination patterns, but on steroids.

Early in my postgraduate training, I worked on various research projects on personality disorders, and since then I have done a lot of reading and exploration, as a survivor of narcissistic abuse, and I’ve never encountered a therapist or researcher that approaches these problems from a real feminist perspective. They can describe the issues, but they can never really provide adequate answers to the why and how questions, and thus, we can never develop preventative solutions. Psychologists just bandage the wounded. There are a few good reasons for this. First, all people are raised to elevate males and hate females and are inundated with woman-hate throughout their lives, and all psychological theories and resultant therapist training programs are rooted in misogynistic male thinking. So, true feminism isn’t going to make its way into therapeutic systems or even the education system. In addition, modern therapists who seek a following online do so primarily to make money. Adopting a fact-based, gynocentric approach to mental health (or any issue, really) is guaranteed NOT to make money. It can get you cancelled or put you in danger. If you alienate men, which can be achieved by simply calling them out on their provable, data-based violence, it will destroy any career you seek to build through social media. I’ve watched a lot of videos on YouTube on mental health issues, and even if the therapist him or herself understands the basics, they are ALL invested in promoting heterosexual relationships, and not a one will dare to touch sex bias in how women are affected by abuse or mental health issues, or will be truthful about root causes of anything. Some will touch on race and cultural issues, but no one will go near real feminism nor will they call out homophobic material left in their comments sections. I’ve even seen one or two ‘experts’ try to paint claims of sexism as oversensitivity rather than a legitimate complaint, which of course, is the kind of gaslighting that these people should be well aware of and that women experience constantly as the subordinate class in a patriarchal system. The failure to truly support women is not a surprise to me, but it is sad because as I’ve said many times before, suffering is not a necessary part of female existence and only happens because of male dominance and the system that results.

Okay, so having gotten that out of the way, I’ll briefly discuss the results of the poll I put on my blog and YouTube channel, and that will lead into the main topic

Data from my survey on experience with NPD. “Have you had to deal with individuals with NPD?” (multiple answers possible)

So I asked people to let me know in what areas of their lives they may have encountered someone with NPD just to get an idea of where we tend to encounter these folks. Note that the results are rough – I didn’t ask for confirmed diagnoses and the data are self-reported, so please don’t draw any causal relationships. But I will make a few observations.

First, I noticed that the most highly endorsed types of NPD relationships happened within families (especially with parents), and then in the workplace. This was interested and not unexpected. We don’t get to choose our families and are thus captive victims to whatever shit goes on there, especially in a world where breeding is not selective. If you want to escape NPD in your family, you have to go to very drastic measures, which I’ll get into in Part III. Workplace exposure has a little more freedom. You can leave a job, although depending on a host of factors in your life, it may not be the easiest transition. For some people, it may not be a big deal to find another job, but for others, you may be sacrificing your reputation or climb up a ladder or you may not have the financial means to quit without having something else in place. I firmly believe that women are more affected by abuse in the workplace, and our resumes and careers suffer when we are forced out of jobs due to stress and health issues, threats to our safety, and general career punishment simply for being women and especially outspoken or intelligent women who don’t follow lady-rules.

The other categories of friendship and romantic relationships were far less endorsed, and I think that is probably because we have so much more choice about these relationships. Unless you have been a chronically abused person who tends to fall victim to abusers, most people can avoid becoming trapped long-term in free choice relationships.

Of the types of treatment respondents experienced at the hands of NPDs, gaslighting was the most common, with blaming, boundary overstepping, and bullying closely following. NPD is about control and manipulation and protecting a very fragile ego at the expense of everyone else, and these tactics all serve to give the narcissist the upper hand in dealing with you, making you second-guess yourself and feeling like you have no control over what is happening.

So, let’s talk about the roles people in the lives of narcissists end up taking on. I’m going to address family and the workplace, primarily, but note that you can see some of these roles in any relationship with a narcissist. A lot of therapists talk about these roles as if each person involved in the system is assigned one, but it can be a little messier than that. Not all roles may be present. And there can be overlap and role exchange over time or situation. The roles can also have different effects on males and females.

The Truth-Teller vs the Enabler

When we talk about truth-tellers, we don’t mean the person who has no filter and just says what they think, no matter what. Rather, a truth-teller usually has high emotional intelligence and can often be described as being able to read a room or see through you. It’s a valuable skill that shows up in childhood, and as children, they’ll often bluntly state what they observe. Among normal people, this can be amusing or sometimes uncomfortable, but in a family with a narcissistic parent, an observant and truth-telling child is a massive threat. The narcissist feels shame and then reacts with rage and whatever punishing behaviours they use to regain the upper hand.

Truth-tellers quickly learn that pointing things out can get them into trouble, and many end up as loners (not always by choice) within a family, and later in the workplace. As children, they often have rich inner worlds, imaginary friends, escape fantasies, and dream of the day when they can exit the toxic prison they live in. Many truth-tellers end up becoming the family scapegoat and they usually have no support among family. They suffer anxiety and low-self-confidence and loneliness, although some may learn out of necessity to become extremely self-reliant.

I was the truth-teller in my family, and it has caused issues with NPDs in a few different workplaces, even affecting my career path. I swear I have the words tattooed on my forehead – people seem to know what I am even if I say nothing. Perhaps I am just not very good at ass-kissing or pretending to be blind to nonsense or outright abuse. I am also terrible at having superficial and/or subject-avoidant conversations, so much so that I’d rather have awkward silence than pretend. So it doesn’t surprise me that I prefer to work freelance or independently or with limited supervision. But I will say that I have managed to use what I consider to be an ability to great advantage in non-NPD situations requiring conflict resolution, and I feel it is somehow tied to my gut instinct when it comes to dealing with men who end up being threats.

Now, if the truth-teller is all about reality, then the enabler is all about lies. These are weak individuals, but they come in many flavours, and their actions serve to control their fear, keep the peace and/or protect the narcissist in return for rewards, safety, etc. I wrote a post on Enablers earlier in the Alphabet Series, so I won’t go into great detail here, but suffice it to say that these people are kind of like a shit topping on the shit-flavoured ice cream of the narcissist. The NPD abuses you, and then the enabler further harms you by shaming you and throwing in with the abuser. It should be no surprise that truth-tellers seldom end up becoming enablers.

The Scapegoat vs the Golden Child

A scapegoat is the person who is blamed when something goes wrong, even if they have nothing to do with it. Every narcissist needs a scapegoat because they never ever take responsibility for their bad behaviour, the mistakes they make, and they always need a target for their rage, even if no one specific is actually to blame. Truth-tellers often make convenient scapegoats because they are massive threats to the fragile NPD ego, and other family members may pile on as well to avoid being targeted themselves. But narcissists can target anyone for blame, even their greatest enablers. In some families, it is always the same person who is the scapegoat, but in others, members may each take a turn depending on the issue or their availability. And some people react to this treatment by trying harder to help or fix the situation, while others turn to bad behaviour to live up to negative expectations.

The golden child, on the other hand may exist in a family to serve a few purposes. The narcissist often places their hopes and dreams on someone, almost as if that child isn’t a separate person themselves. I’ve seen this play out in a few different ways, and there are often sex differences in how it works and how it affects the child. When the golden child is a girl, I find that she often ends up really neurotic and driven, plagued by severe anxiety, perfectionism, sometimes eating disorders. Later, in adulthood, these women can be a nightmare to work with, especially if you are female yourself. When the golden child is a boy, I often see lazy, privileged coasters. The parent talks about them as if they can do no wrong, and the boy gets used to the attention and the something-for-nothing treatment. As adults, these males expect the world to revolve around them, and they often get what they want because we live in a male-dominated world that rewards men for mediocrity anyhow. I’ve worked with both of these types of golden children; I even remember one male student I worked with in my undergraduate lab headed by an abusive NPD male psychologist was even nicknamed Golden Boy.

The other main purpose of a golden child is to use them as a weapon against threats to the narcissist. The golden child will be used as a standard to shame the other children, they’ll receive better treatment, more gifts or rewards, and more attention. There may be resentment among other children, and as a result, no bonds or alliances can form against the narcissist.

The Mascot vs the Lost Child

Like with the other pairs of roles, the mascot and the lost child are sort of opposites. These two roles are not about treatment, but how children may deal with a narcissistic person in the family. The mascot, which is a bit a strange term for me, tends to react to the constant tension and conflict in the family with a need to entertain. They seek attention and their aim is to break tension and make everyone feel better. It can be problematic later in life outside the family system as they don’t deal directly with problems and have developed a very thick wall of protection that can be hard to break down.

The lost child, on the other hand, doesn’t want attention at all. They retreat to avoid dealing with conflict. It doesn’t prevent them from being abused, however, but they don’t fight back or give the narcissist the satisfying ego boost they seek. They are more likely to be neglected, however. While the mascot may be able to get by in social situations later in life, the lost child may not develop the superficial social skills to ‘pass’ in workplace situations.

I’m going to close Part II here with the following. Although I didn’t go into great detail about each of the characters you may find in a narcissist’s life, you can probably see that there is nothing good that comes out of growing up in this kind of family or going on to work in a place where adults are abusing adults. It isn’t necessary, but it is inevitable when we live in a system where the right to breed trumps the right to live free of suffering. As it is abuse begets abuse. And in Part III, I’ll discuss how you can deal with narcissistic abuse, especially as a woman.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

N is for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) – Part 1

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

I had been planning to write about this topic for a long time as it ties into so many of the subjects I have already addressed and will bring up in future posts. As well, it is something that a lot of women have experienced as an unwilling participant, but have not been taught to recognize or deal with. And further, for many women trying to live a more feminist or gynocentric life, there are major challenges to overcoming abuse by women with NPD. Interestingly, this topic is coming up at a time when I’m currently experiencing some rather serious fallout from ending a year-long, toxic workplace relationship with an NPD woman and I’ll get into that in a bit.

As this is a huge topic, I plan to tackle it in three posts as follows:

Part I: This is going to be a bit of a personal story / discussion of characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Part II: Here, I’ll get into the people often found in the orbit of the narcissist and briefly discuss the results of my short poll, which is still open, if you haven’t checked it out yet.

Part III: In this final post, I’ll talk about how to deal with a narcissist, especially if she is female and you are trying to live a life focused on supporting women and girls.

So, let’s begin. And my story begins 51 years ago when I was born to a woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, who herself, was the daughter of a narcissistic mother. I can’t speak to the mother before that, but I can tell you that I myself don’t have NPD. I have other shit I deal with, but that is neither here nor there. What is important here is that like most to all psychological problems, there are both biological and sociological factors at play. So you can’t create a clinical narcissist out of nothing but a shitty environment, nor do all biologically predisposed narcissists behave the same way as if hot off an evil robot factory assembly line. So let’s give a rough outline of what NPD is, and then I’ll get into more detail about the traits and behaviours to accompany my story.

Like many descriptive terms related to psychology, the term narcissist is overused, probably thanks to the internet and sensationally titled pop psychology articles. Lots of people can be narcissistic and it just means ego-centric or self-centred and arrogant. We all know people like this and they are annoying, but that’s not really what we mean when we talk about narcissistic personality disorder. For a personality to be disordered, there has to be serious dysfunction in multiple areas of life, and no one knows this better than those who find themselves in relationships with them. To keep things shorter and simpler, I’m going to use the terms NPD and narcissist interchangeably.

A clinical narcissist displays a cluster of traits, namely manipulation, control, high emotionality, and cruelty. At the core, they have extremely fragile egos, and the protection of this ego dictates everything they do. They live in perpetual delusion about themselves, their importance and their abilities and have an irrational sense of deservedness. They are extremely manipulative in order to control the narrative and get what they need. They lack empathy and consideration for others, frequently overstepping boundaries. And they require constant attention and admiration and come across as arrogant and needy at the same time. And as I said, not all NPDs look the same. Some are very successful in life, and some are complete losers – although both are arrogant and feel like they deserve more than everyone else. Some NPDs are publicly aggressive and antagonistic and controlling, and others keep their abuse private and often come off as real victims to keep you off-balance, but under control.

At this point, you may be thinking, “Hey Storyending, this just sounds like a typical male to me.” And you are 100% right. No psychologist is ever going to agree with this, but I’ve come to think of NPD as Male Bullshit Syndrome or Permanent Male Syndrome (PMS), except in overdrive. All of the symptoms are typical of males, but are greatly exaggerated and extremely destructive. So males with NPD just seem like normal males, with a little bit of extra bullshit. This is probably the main reason is it vastly underdiagnosed in males. And afflicted females come across as total psychos to those who fall prey to them. Have you noticed that only the NPD female, not the male, is a favourite evil character in entertainment?

A Note on NPD Parents

Because society incorrectly sees breeding as a human right, any fucked up person, including NPDs are allowed to create, own and abuse children. Teachers and volunteers who work with children have to do criminal record checks (not that that achieves much), but prospective parents don’t. Makes sense, right? A narcissistic parent, especially when that parent is the primary caregiver, has the power to create some very, very fucked up kids – some with personality disorders themselves, and all with at least one other major issue such as anxiety, depression, addiction, etc. Narcissistic abuse, unlike other forms of abuse, is very difficult to describe to an outsider without sounding like one is crazy or ‘oversensitive’, and if the abuser is a mother, no one will ever believe you anyway, so most kids suffer for years and are gradually broken down and even come to think that they are the crazy ones. In adulthood, and in other types of situations and relationships, how one deals with narcissists will depend on how you dealt with the primary. And I’ll get into that in Part III.

Now, back to the story. So I was lucky enough to be born to a narcissistic woman and an enabling man who was also a fledgling clinical psychologist, and between them, they created an idyllic childhood defined by emotional abuse and manipulation. Once I was old enough, I was able to gain some control over my life, and I chose to deal with it by walking away from my mother at the age of 20 and from the rest of the enablers at 27. And I’ll talk more in depth about options for dealing with NPD in Part III and how there is no ideal solution. For now, let’s just say I have an inexplicable distrust of both controlling and domineering women and of psychologists, in general. And it has affected my professional life to this day, as I have a very low tolerance for narcissistic abuse and can recognize it almost instantaneously.

So I come to recent events. A year ago, in the wake of leaving China and other plans not working out because of COVID, I found myself badly in need of a job. And through a couple of friends, I ended up with an online teaching gig working for yet another sketchy and abusive Chinese and her Ukrainian husband. It very quickly became an emotional nightmare, first because the woman turned out to be a clinical narcissist with an abusive and enabling husband, and second, I needed a job, so I couldn’t just walk away despite my mind screaming at me to do so.

It was a year of almost daily manipulative and crazy bullshit, and while some people were able to brush it off, for someone who grew up with and managed to escape narcissistic abuse, it was so stressful that it ended up destroying my health. A year ago, although unemployed, I was healthy. I walked 8 km every day. I had lost weight intentionally. I had plans I was working on. I had a modest amount of energy. And I had found a place to live and adopted a rescue kitten. A year after taking the job everything good had been undone. I’d gained back all the weight I’d lost and put on more. I didn’t exercise at all. I didn’t sleep well. My breathing had become laboured even just playing with my cat or doing basic things around my apartment – something I’d not experienced before. I was having mild panic attacks regularly, and even benign messages from the employer were triggering anger and an elevated heart rate. I felt more depressed and powerless than usual. And I felt rage bubbling inside me with no reasonable outlet possible. In my mind, I kept setting quitting dates and tried to find psychological strategies for dealing with the stress. But finally, about a month ago, I woke up and experienced some odd symptoms, including a weird tight pain in my chest and back. But I went about my business and taught my classes sitting through it with a mild feeling of dread. Was this what is termed a ‘minor cardiac event’ – or a mini heart attack? I was entirely too young for this, and there wasn’t a history of heart disease in my family. Regardless, it was at that point that I decided that I was finishing the month and quitting this low-paying and highly stressful job. And as if to give me extra motivation that I didn’t need, the narcissist sent one of her most abusive messages to the teachers’ online chat group letting us know that we didn’t matter and she couldn’t care less whether we quit because she was so rich. She even made a passive aggressive reference to me letting everyone know that having years of teaching experience didn’t make one a good teacher. And she didn’t even know I was quitting at that point. Yeah, I was done. So, now I am once again unemployed. And the first week of November was like what I imagine doing a drug detox is like. I was very sick and couldn’t get out of bed. But I’m on the mend.

Anyhow, I’m going to get into some of the key behaviours that most to all NPDs engage in with their victims, and I’ll reference the asshole for whom I worked to provide examples. Remember that even normal people do these things sometimes. But NPDs do them regularly and they do them to protect their fragile sense of self and to control the narrative that gets them what they want and need.

1.. Bullying, belittling, infantilizing and humiliating. This can be done publicly and privately. It is about manipulation, control and putting you in your place and feeling small, embarrassed, helpless and worthless. It is also done to build up their fragile ego by highlighting your tiny faults, a single, long-ago past mistake, or by completely fabricating something that makes you look ridiculous and makes them look superior. They may even add humour to your embarrassment to curry favour with their supporters, or may try to show you and others how your faults victimize and burden them. My boss would regularly embarrass the teachers in online chats with students’ parents. Instead of supporting teachers if parents had questions or complaints, the boss would make nasty and embarrassing comments that we could see, but she wouldn’t address us directly. She would file away small things that we did wrong one time, and use it as evidence of our incompetence both in direct battles with us, and behind our backs in conversations with other teachers. Only in conversations with other teachers did I find out some of the lies she told about me. It was really weird, but I grew up with this kind of shit, so it wasn’t new to me.

2.. Gaslighting. This is a must-do for the narcissist. Here he or she rewrites history and causes you to question your version of reality. The sole purpose is to disarm you as you have clear evidence of their faults and mistakes. So they will lie about what happened, they will pretend they don’t remember what happened, or they will accuse you of overthinking or misreading a situation or comment. And they will do it in a condescending way or will fake concern over you stress and emotionality. In the end, you don’t feel clear about what actually happened, and the less sure you feel repeatedly, the less likely you are going to arm yourself with facts and fight back. My boss would regularly tell us that the technological problems we had with the software we were using were not real tech issues at all, but something we did wrong, the unspoken implication being that we were stupid or even lying to get out of working. She would always say that none of the other teachers was experiencing these problems. Of course, this wasn’t true. The software constantly had problems, and my boss didn’t want to deal with it or take responsibility for choosing shitty software.

3.. Externalizing responsibility or blaming others for their mistakes. NPDs can’t handle legitimate criticism or even just a statement of fact that shows them to be imperfect. Nothing is ever their fault. They are constantly victimized by the world and everyone in their lives. My boss demanded immediate responses to messages and would harass us. But these rules didn’t apply to her, even if we had emergency situations during business hours. Despite being very rich, she refused to hire administrative staff to handle communications or class emergencies. So what frequently happened is that she wouldn’t respond within even 24 hours, sometimes upwards of a week. And for me, towards the end, sometimes she wouldn’t respond to me at all. But there were always excuses. She would complain about parents sending her direct messages instead of putting them in the group chat so that the teacher could see it and handle it. She was in demand and over-burdened, the poor victim. No one would help her out or understand her situation.

4.. Disregard for boundaries. NPDs don’t feel empathy, even if they can fake it on a superficial level to garner admiration. They don’t see people as equals worthy of respect and consideration. For NPD parents, children are just extensions of themselves and aren’t treated as separate individuals worthy of privacy. So, to the narcissist, other people’s belongings and secrets and time are public property, which they can access, take, share or give away without permission. ‘No’ is not a word that has any meaning for the narcissist, and using it can inspire a lot of rage. This wasn’t a big issue at my online workplace, other than my boss feeling entitled to demand unpaid work or to schedule my time without asking me first.

5.. Shunning and grudge-holding. This is a common method of punishment used by the narcissist when someone dares to challenge them in some way or if you inadvertently manage to be better than them, especially if people see it and acknowledge it. This can be very confusing and devastating when NPD parents do it to their children. Withholding love or attention over what amounts to nothing is pure cruelty and I experienced this many times with both my mother and my grandmother simply for having contrary opinions on completely irrelevant topics. You learn very quickly not to have opinions. You can also be publicly humiliated and shunned at the same time – this happens when you are present in a group and the NPD has stopped talking to you, but talks about you in a negative way. Like I mentioned above, during the last month of my employment, my boss had stopped responded to my messages for some reason, but she would make passive-aggressive comments about me in the teachers’ chat group.

6.. Denial of your needs. If others have needs, then it takes attention away from them. Narcissists need constant acknowledgment, approval, attention, praise and admiration in order to keep up the version of reality that they are incredible human beings. To see that others have needs chips away at that false narrative. Relationships are not reciprocal, although narcissists can definitely paint them as so. But in reality, the energy must flow one way, and you will eventually find yourself depleted and unfulfilled in any relationship with a narcissist. My boss would not allow days off. Some of us were working 7 days a week, and that can get mentally exhausting over time. Myself, even if I only have 1-2 classes, I am thinking about work as soon as a I wake up. I can’t disengage. I never did ask for time off, but I know some of the other teachers did. And the rage it inspired in my boss was mind-boggling to me.

I’m going to end this here. As I mentioned, Part II is going to look at the players in the narcissist’s orbit. Again, if you haven’t done the short poll on NPD experience, have a look. I’ve also written about antagonism and there is an old post on male weapons against women, which has overlap with narcissistic tactics and lends support for my theory that NPD is just hyper-manliness.

See you soon for Part II.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

New Survey on Experience with Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Participants Needed!

I’m preparing for an upcoming post on Narcissistic Personality Disorder in a feminist context. Anonymous votes as well as comments would be appreciated ♥♀

Please answer based on dealing with people who are ‘regulars’ in your life, rather than one-offs, randos, or people who exist on the periphery. Most NPDs don’t have an official diagnosis simply because they tend not to admit they have a problem – everyone else is the problem. You’ll know you’re dealing with one of these folks because your relationship revolves around their constant need for praise or acknowledgement and huge sense of self-importance, as well as bullying, antagonism, lying and rewriting of reality.

M is for Misogyny – Part II

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Did you come back for more? Well, colour me impressed. This is dangerous shit I’m talking about here. Asking people to do a little self-analysis usually requires a bit of a cognitive walk on the wild side and can inspire a lot defensive anger in anyone whose personal operating system consists of the fragile schema demanded by patriarchy. This can include men, straight women, religious people, mothers, liberal feminists, and even some activists and self-proclaimed radical feminists. Anyhow, congratulations on coming back. I’m hoping that the crescendo built by asking the why-questions in the last post will find its way into some more concrete and problem-solving thinking or action-taking in this post addressing some how-questions. So let’s get started.

M is for Misogyny – Part II.

In the last post, I attempted to explain why the average woman hates herself, and by extension, other women. I suggested that early childhood programming to see females as the enemy and as less valuable by misogynistic societies and families; the development of an addiction to suffering; and the harming of other women as a proxy for self-harm and as safer targets for revenge than male oppressors played major roles in women’s interactions. In addition, for women claiming to live feminist lives, I suggested that their own acts of aggression and feelings of hate or dislike towards other women may stem from the blind spot that experience and awareness create, and the lack of agreement about what feminism is – in addition to the other reasons above. For the more self-aware feminists, realizing that one has seemingly misogynistic thoughts and feelings about some women can inspire feelings of angst, guilt and shame – or what we call cognitive dissonance. Then can come the why-questions – the ones that help with understanding one’s purpose, and the motivation and the mechanisms behind one’s own and others’ behaviour towards other women. And if, by this point, the woman in question hasn’t just ended up abandoning feminism altogether in order to make her feelings and actions match again, she starts asking the how-questions. How is about taking action or starting on a path. It’s about turning purpose into tangible goals and measureable outcomes.

So, I’m going to give this post a secondary title in the form of an important how-question:

How can I support women without becoming a doormat, a punching bag or a martyr?

This is a common point of frustration for women trying to figure out how to deal with patriarchy. And I think a lot of women start to get burned out after years of trying to help people who don’t necessarily want or feel grateful for female help. You may already have your own answers to this question and the others that I’ll include below. I’m going to talk about my own solution and how I have dealt with my own feelings towards the multitudes of women who make me angry and frustrated. Please remember that there is no single way to ‘do feminism’, and although many people will try, no one should be telling you whom to help, how to help, or whether you should even bother helping at all. Like I said in Part I, purpose is personal, and I’ll extend that by saying that how you pursue your purpose is also personal. Sometimes, those who think they are helping women and are shaming you for behaving differently are actually doing more to maintain patriarchy than they realize.

Here are a few other how-questions that may come up:

How can I call myself a feminist if I am selective about which women I help and feel little interest in knowing or even being around most women?

How do I know if so-called feminist activities are actually anti-woman?

How can I criticize anti-woman female behaviour in an objective way that doesn’t end up spiralling into misogyny?

How do I identify a definition of feminism that actually helps women when so much of what is out there just seems to be pro-male rhetoric designed to gain followers and male approval?

Yeah, tough questions, but the following guiding principles keep me grounded. I’ve thought a lot about where I fit in the feminist movement, and I’ve determined that these principles are the best way to women directly and indirectly.

Gynocentrism vs Feminism

If you ask around, or better yet, if you listen to what women say and then watch what they do, you will come to the conclusion that feminism is whatever the fuck you want it to be from moment to moment and place to place. I’m not exaggerating or joking. The label has lost most of its original meaning. This is confusing to people encountering feminism for the first time or looking for answers to why and how questions as they pertain to helping women. A lot of this so-called helping of women is actually helping men and hurting women (or specific groups of women)

If you actually give a shit about women, a good rule of thumb or place to start is this: Ask for or look at the mission statement. If a feminist or feminist web site gives you more than one sentence and if that sentence includes anything besides or instead of the liberation of females from male oppression, then you are not dealing with woman-centred feminism. There shouldn’t be vague or euphemistic language. There shouldn’t be a focus on anything other than female liberation. Feminism is not about fighting all the phobias and isms in the world, nor is it about the environment or animal rights. All of those have their own movements, and believe me, animal rights or any other activists are not including blurbs about liberating women from men in their mission statements. So why must feminism do this? It’s like trying to order high-quality food off a 12-page menu with 300 main dishes.

Of course, everyone has the right to abuse language and to change accepted definitions to suit political agendas. It’s a human right, right? So, while I use the word feminism, or even radical feminism, I actually no longer consider myself to be either of those things. They’ve become practically meaningless, and in many cases, just another word for androcentrism. If you’ve been following along on my site, you already know that I consider myself to be a gynocentrist and a female separatist. And I highly recommend reading or listening to my post G is for Gynocentrism to get the deets on that.

Gynocentrism is clear and simple in its principles or mission, and I think is it possibly what radical feminism was supposed to be before it began to over-focus on inclusivity and all the other side issues. Simplicity is how you stay focused and united in a cause. It is easy for people to know right away whether they agree with it enough to join. When you sign up for any of the feminisms, you can pretty much guarantee that there will be in-fighting, hierarchies, schisms, a focus on men, and the kicking-out of members who get too offensive or speak too much truth. These days, you can’t just be a woman in feminism. You have to bring all your other baggage filled to the brim with your wardrobe of identities.

The bottom line: give a group, individual feminist, book, or other material the old Occam’s Razor test. If you can’t see a clear focus on female liberation from males and from female self-harm behaviours, then turn around and walk away. Or maybe run.

Self-Preservation vs Self-Immolation

A lot of feminist activists tell us that we have to love all women even if they are the worst kind of patriarchy-supporting people, and that the sympathy and empathy must flow unconditionally. Kind of a love the sinner, hate the sin kind of thing. And I say stop. Feminism ain’t no religion, and I am no longer willing to be abusive women’s doormat, punching bag or token sacrifice. I do have a limited amount of empathy and sympathy for women who have suffered, and I don’t believe women and girls deserve what happens to them because of men. I’ve said before that I don’t believe suffering is a necessary part of the human condition. But I do hold women responsible for their decisions and behaviour, especially once they are old enough to be in charge of children’s well-being and to use their brains to regulate their own behaviour. Having a bad life is never an excuse for abusing other women or girls. I’ve been put into some very bad situations by women I was trying to help, and I finally came to realize that I was wasting my time, and my efforts weren’t helping women as a class at all. On the contrary. I was, in fact helping men by depleting my energy, by putting myself in danger, and by enabling and empowering woman-hating women. I realized that I, myself, as a woman didn’t deserve to be destroyed or abused by men or women acting on behalf of men.

The take-home message here is that like in an emergency situation on an airplane, you put your own oxygen mask on first. It is both perfectly fine and perfectly logical to put yourself first before you attempt any heroics. I think any of us women over the age of 40 can tell you what happens to your body and mind after decades of putting others, especially antagonistic, parasitical, or stress-inducing others, first.

Strategic Help vs Patch-Up/Clean-Up

Given that there are limited resources for women in this world, and that an individual woman only has a limited amount of gynergy to fuel herself and whatever other people she helps, it makes sense to be strategic. I used to be indiscriminate, running from fire to fire before I realized that it was both unsustainable and pointless.

Feminist attention and efforts seem very much focused on the women who already get most of the limited resources and attention available – mostly mothers and partnered straight women – and the fact that it never seems to be enough and seldom, if ever, solves any of the problems these women face, let alone women as a class face, should really be telling us something. It’s not working! We’re focused on the wrong things! We’re pouring our money and energy into a bottomless pit of neverending suffering.

The goal of activism, although no one would ever admit this, is to patch up wounded women and clean up the most recent messes that men make of women’s lives, and then send the women back into the world to do it all again. I see activism as sort of the ER of the healthcare system. The bulk of the work is reactive, not preventative. I’m sure there is the occasional small and underfunded feminist activist group that seeks to do preventative work, but it is not the norm. Prevention is sooo much harder and more long-term than putting on band aids and offering crisis counselling. Am I advocating for stopping all of this? Well, no, of course not. Short-term after-care is always needed. But I can’t personally participate in this because I see it as ultimately helping men and maintaining patriarchy, although I know activist women rationalize their contributions differently.

Myself, I help individually, spontaneously and strategically. I help women who both want and need help and who are on a gynocentric path, and whose needs won’t be addressed by The System or by feminist activists. By helping them, I believe my contributions make an actual preventative difference and ultimately help all women by empowering those women who don’t uplift patriarchy. That is the only action that makes sense to me. And it is these women who are more likely to pay it forward, which is how feminism should work, but seldom does.

Integrity vs Inclusion

I don’t think the majority of women can handle gynocentrism, or even weak forms of feminism. I’ve heard a lot of women in the scene say that feminism is for all women – it is inclusive. And I’ve never really understood that because no other movement welcomes people who don’t agree with the basic principles or who behave in ways that completely undermine what the group is trying to do.

One of the biggest problems is the inclusion of men in pretty much all feminisms, including radical feminism. Most feminists are partnered heteros, and many are mothers of sons. How can you see and accept basic truths about an oppressor class when you are willingly fucking one or more of them and acting as a servant to at least one of them in multiple ways? In any other movement, this would not be a question inspiring the kind of rage that women direct at people like me for simply asking them to self-analyze. Heck, this type of question probably wouldn’t even come up. Imagine someone asking the following: How can you eat a steak every night and work in an abattoir an call yourself a vegan activist? Well, imagine defining veganism as “whatever the fuck you want it to be”, and I guess these behaviours would be totally cool and the question would come off as irrational.

So like I said, there is no confusion about whether you are walking the talk if you adopt a clear and simple set of principles like in gynocentrism and female separatism.

Putting It All Together

I’m not going to give explicit answers to the how-questions listed above, but I’ll tell you what works for me in approaching these types of issues.

First, keep it simple. Simple definitions, simple principles, simple reasons. If you encounter things that include too much, involve complicated or vague or euphemistic language, or seem to involve reasoning that doesn’t jibe with what you are seeing happen, there is probably something wrong.

Second, anti-woman activities and behaviours are always more popular and approved of than pro-woman stuff. A case in point: my most watched video in the Alphabet Series has received 259 views. Make-up tutorials get millions and millions. Guess which videos are pro-male/pro-patriarchy?

Third, pro-male patriarchal women as well as pro-male feminist women do harm to women as a class by diverting time, money, energy and resources to men. Gynocentric and female separatist behaviour helps women as a class. Even if you are very selective in whom you help or associate with, your assistance ultimately helps women as a class. Never let any feminist or activist make you feel like you are biased or mean. You may actually be helping women more than they do, and besides, at the end of the day, your energy and resources are yours to allocate according to your principles.

Finally, you absolutely can be critical of anti-woman female behaviour without devolving into misogyny. You can also feel angry and disappointed with women who betray and harm other women, including you. Channel the rage into man-hate – they are the main reason these women are so damaged. Support your critiques, if you choose to voice them, with evidence and logical arguments. And don’t launch ad feminem attacks by calling women stupid, even if their behaviour may indeed be stupid. If you can, find other women you can talk to about your specific experiences. Most of the time, you’ll end up realizing that what you’re feeling isn’t true hate, but frustration. But frustration can fester without a healthy outlet and chance to speak freely without judgment. And that is why men put so much effort into isolating women and policing them when they manage to congregate. You see, they depend on keeping us feeling like we hate each other.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

M is for Misogyny – Part I

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

I want to send a shout-out of appreciation to a few of my commenters on YouTube as well as a good friend in China who helped motivate me to get this post out the door. I’ve been thinking about this topic for a long, long time. I wrote a few related precursors back in 2015 (see my post on Transitioning, for example), and I think about a year ago, I officially started writing a more specific article about what I’ll get into today. I had put the article on the back-burner, but revived it a few weeks ago following some YouTube discussion, and it will become a two-part post in the Alphabet Series.

M is for Misogyny, but let me clarify. This is not about men hating women. That is a little basic, I’m sure you realize, and besides, I’ve addressed it before in other posts. Rather, I plan to talk about something that likely every aspiring and even veteran feminist struggles with at least once during her journey. And that is the distrust of, dislike for, disgust with and/or disappointment in other women and trying to reconcile what feels a lot like misogyny with the desire to live and promote a feminist life. And yet no one really talks about it – at least not in a productive, objective, non-blaming, and problem-solving way. And as a result, I think we lose a lot of women who would otherwise make rather spectacular feminists. But they simply can’t find the support needed to understand and process feelings that make them question their status in the movement.

So I’m going to attempt a productive, objective, non-blaming and problem-solving discussion of feminist misogyny in two parts. Part I will be focused on the question ‘why?’ and Part II will address the question ‘how?’ and I’ll be more specific once I dig in. I find that so many women get stuck on the easier or more basic questions of who, what, when and where when confronted with patriarchal issues. They can barely accurately answer those. Why and how questions, which I’ll admit are my favourites, are downright threatening and terrifying to women because you can actually get somewhere and even begin to straighten out the twisted logic in your mind if you try to answer them. I think why and how are crucial questions to ask when developing critical thinking skills, which of course, we are not taught in either formal education or in daily life unless we are very lucky.

Anyhow, welcome to M is for Misogyny, Part I, which I’ll give the second and longer title of: Why do I seem to hate women even though I believe in feminist principles? The Monster Inside Me.

There are some other good ‘why’ questions that we should all think about, as well, including:

Why can’t I have a frank and non-judgmental discussion of feminist misogyny and bad female behaviour, in general, with other feminists?

Why does it seem like women are worse than men when it comes to how they treat women?

Why does female betrayal feel worse than male betrayal?

Why should I devote my time and energy to people who seem to sabotage themselves and their own class, and who seem specifically to hate women like me because we don’t fall in line?

There are tons of ‘why’ questions, and you should never stop asking them. But you’ll find that most people won’t want to put an effort into pursuing them with you. You can always discuss them with me, however – like I said, ‘why?’ is one of my favourite questions. And I’ve finally decided to open comments on my blog and on YouTube, so feel free to drop a line. For now, let’s dig into some of the things that might help to answer our questions.

Early Programming

It doesn’t matter what kind of household you were brought up in, once we leave our protective bath of amniotic fluid, we are all swimming in the same toxic sea of misogyny. Patriarchy is everywhere, and it survives by crushing our independent female nature, our confidence, and our intelligence starting at birth so that we have no inclination to fight back. Instilling self-doubt and self-hatred in females is built into every aspect of our system such that it is impossible to see it for what it is without a great deal of thinking, observation, testing, analysis, questioning, and discussion. How many girls and women are encouraged to do this? None. Like I said, male domination depends on keeping females off-balance, ignorant and isolated. If you manage to get to a place where you can see how things work and how they work against you and all females, you have accomplished a great deal. But your next monumental challenge will be to find others like you so that you don’t feel like you’re crazy or defective.

Self-hatred always involves self-harm, and this kind of induced pain and suffering can become very emotionally and psychologically addictive. While women do self-harm constantly and in countless ways, this punishment inevitably leaks out to other women and girls. And there is the bonus of feeling good for hurting the constructed enemy, who really is a proxy for the self. So hurting other females, hurts the self, and the satisfaction from addictive pain kicks in. Punishing those at the root of oppression – men – is far too dangerous physically, sexually, socially, legally and economically, so women generally don’t mess with men. And besides, we are trained to feel guilty when men suffer, even if they deserve it. The bottom line is that when women hurt you, they are doing it because it is a safer form of self-harm than hurting themselves or males.

Forms of Harm

If I think about my own life, I can see the differences in what males and females have done to me. Men and boys were and are responsible for all the sexual abuse, most of the physical abuse, and some of the psychological and emotional abuse. Women and girls did and still do the majority of the petty and less tangible shit – the minor physical assaults, the emotional betrayals, the aiding and abetting of male abuse, and the psychological fuckery. Males inflict the stab wounds, which are deep, but mundane and predictable, and females administer thousands of shallow cuts, which are cumulative, inventive and unpredictable. So, it can, without analysis, seem like females attack more often and attack you where you live – meaning your mind. I think this is common for all females in the world, and it’s easy to conclude that women are worse to women than men.

There are individual differences in experience of harm though. Some women, myself included, had especially abusive mothers and grandmothers who did an exemplary job of fulfilling the role of patriarchal mother figure. Destroying daughters is one of the prescribed duties of a good mother. And although my father did his part in killing my soul, he tended to flit in, drop his man-turd, and then flit out, while mother seemed to inflict a constant barrage of emotional/psychological bombs that left me struggling with identity formation and self-confidence.

The Blind Spot of Awareness

Do you remember your feminist awakening? You know, the moment you realized that the world was actually quite different from what you had been taught? Did it come on slowly in drips and drabs for years, lapping at your consciousness until your knowledge cup was suddenly brimming and then overflowing? Or did it feel more like a strike of lightening that imbued you with a sudden ability to see things for what they were – total awareness? However it happened for you, what likely also happened, even if you didn’t realize it right away, is that you had some expectation that other women were also awake. You forgot what it was like not to see and know. Repeatedly, you were faced with evidence that the vast majority of women didn’t realize that the world was designed by men for men, and that they existed in subordination, and for the most part, willingly participated in their own oppression and the oppression of other women and girls. And you couldn’t believe that women could be so weak and stupid or ignorant. You forgot that you were one of those women once upon a time. This kind of thing also happens with experienced feminists who get annoyed when newbies enter forums and talk about what they consider to be ‘feminism 101 issues’ instead of something radical or advanced or new. People tend to forget that you have to learn to crawl, then walk, and then run or even levitate.

This isn’t unique to feminists. I’ve also encountered teachers and professors who forget what it was like to be a student and as a result, fail to teach to their audience by making assumptions, skipping crucial steps, refusing to answer questions, and finally crushing the enthusiasm of learners. Feminism is much less organized than our education system, so it is really hard for women and girls to learn about feminism in a supportive environment. So, it can often seem that experienced feminists don’t practise the very feminist principles they claim to espouse.

An Incohesive Feminist Movement

There is no single understanding of feminism, and this is the major weakness of the movement and why women will never be free as a class. It has gotten worse more recently with the introduction of intersectionality, the validation of identity politics, and liberalism. No other movement is so disjointed and contradictory. Women are exposed to people, groups or material that hold the feminist label, but the messaging can be about almost anything, including male-centric nonsense, and I think a lot of women end up confused, abused, and ultimately turned off of pursuing feminism.

What’s important to remember is that all women are colonized and damaged, even experienced feminists. We are all trained to hate women, and it can take a lifetime to try to shed our misogynistic behaviours. I’ve discussed before that I think it may not even be possible to fully heal from patriarchal damage in one’s lifetime, especially because it is next to impossible to remove oneself entirely from all its influences and to find adequate support systems. Because of this, no one can claim to do feminism perfectly, and some groups of self-proclaimed feminist women can end up creating a hotbed of anger and abuse aimed at other women. How could this possibly provide an educational, let alone a healing, environment? I’m not blaming women for this – it seems inevitable when you put a pile of badly damaged and justifiably angry people together without objective guidance or agreement on a single uniting principle. All of this is to say that I understand why a lot of women who want to support feminist principles start to question why they would pour their energy into such a toxic mess. It is hard enough for some women to want to help non-feminist women who seem to hate women, but it is easier, in some ways, to make excuses for those who seem trapped or victimized.

I’ll close Part I with the following. Feminist principles are worth pursuing, but like with all things, I recommend entering it without unrealistic expectations, ideals or hope. Keep your eyes wide open and always ask yourself why something is happening before succumbing to the monster inside, completely giving up on women, and deciding to walk away forever. And finally, always know your purpose – “Why do I believe in feminist principles and why do I want to do this?” And no one can create this purpose for you. Purpose is personal.

In the next post, I’ll address the how’s of this important issue.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

M is for Mayhem

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

About a thousand years ago, when I was 29, I was living and working as an itinerant orchard worker in New Zealand. At one point, I found myself staying at a youth hostel in one of their fair cities – maybe Christchurch – and as is habitual with the 20-something nomad denizen, a group of us went out to a local watering hole. I don’t actually remember what we were talking about during that outing, but apparently I said something that warranted a comment from one of the males in the group. And the comment, which I do remember clearly, was designed to be a compliment. He said: “Wow, you’re an anarchist, aren’t you?”

I think I gave some sort of non-committal answer like, “I guess” because I really didn’t know what exactly it meant to be an anarchist other than the general stereotype that the majority of people believe: no leadership, no rules, random and unproductive violence, and total chaos. With the exception of a few minor violent acts of self-defense in response to assaults by males in my teen years, I didn’t consider myself to be a violent person, and I certainly didn’t see myself as an eco-terrorist or a violent Black Panther type. So what did it mean that I was an anarchist? As is likely no surprise to anyone, the public education system then and still today didn’t address the nuts and bolts of anarchy or feminism or why people seemed to deem movements like these necessary. You see, capitalism and female slavery are cornerstones of our world. We are not allowed to think critically about them, and we definitely don’t want children to escape indoctrination into willingly participating in these crucial foundational systems through exposure to anecdotal evidence, quantitative data, and philosophical discussion, do we? So anyhow, there I was in 2001, a highly educated and fairly well-read, yet still selectively ignorant, young woman who still hadn’t been exposed to some of the most important written work ever produced because of lack of exposure, access, and role models.

You’ve likely noted that I included anarchy and feminism in the same ideological boat, and some feminists have seen and still see a place for themselves in both movements. But today, I’m actually going to argue that as they have been and are still practised, neither actually does much for women either separately or together. I’ll then talk about what true anarchism might look like from an actual feminist, or more specifically, a gynocentric perspective.

So let’s dive into why M is for Mayhem.

What is anarchy? Well, long before it was established as a political philosophy in the mid-19th century, the term was, in fact, used to mean disorder and mayhem. The word gradually became linked with revolutionary acts in various places, and bubbled up among disaffected male ‘thinkers’ from all walks of life with too much time on their hands and comparatively little to complain about. To a man, they saw an inverse relationship between what they felt they deserved and what they believed they should be accountable for. They were also expert wordsmiths, twisting language to create a framework for a political environment they could abuse for self-interest, while appearing on the surface to champion freedom and equality and rationality. This shouldn’t be a surprise. If you look at any and all political ideologies that males have come up with throughout history, regardless of ‘wing’ status, they all purport to champion the same things. Freedom, equality, opportunity, security, and responsibility. But at the end of the day, these ideals are never meant to be accessible to all – and by all, I mean women. And this is simply because all males operate and thrive on dominance, control, entitlement and self-interest, whether they acknowledge it or not.

I’ll just mention a few of the basic tenets of anarchist thinking, in general. If you want to do a deep dive into anarchist thought, I recommend heading over to either The Anarchist Library or Dead Anarchists; both are dot org websites. Important to note is that over time several branches of anarchist thought have emerged, some more individualistic and some more collectivistic. What they tend to agree on, however, is that the State and state-sanctioned capitalism were and are the major sources of systemic violence, coercion, and exploitation, and strip men of the rights and freedoms they believe they deserve. Key to their vision of society included:

1.. Stateless and ruler-less self-organization. Anarchist males ignorantly and arrogantly believed that they could come together in a voluntary fashion, behave in a civilized and self-monitoring way, and engage in mutually beneficial arrangements without the intervention of a policing authority. In other words, anarchists wanted order and rules without rulers. It’s laughable to imagine males magically constructing a functional society based on cooperation and peace and somehow managing not to engage in the reactive and violent emotionality that is the hallmark of every male dominated society since time began. I just don’t think males are capable of this.

2.. Anti-capitalism. Anarchists rightly understood that capitalism is a source of exploitation and violence and that wealth determines policy. But they failed to understand that capitalism isn’t the root of the problem, and that removing capitalism doesn’t solve the problems of violence and exploitation. The root problem is males themselves. Every system they design becomes coercive and exploitative and hierarchical. It’s just which males are on top that changes when systems change.

Interestingly, many of these early anarchists profited immensely from wealthy benefactors and exploitative free or indentured female labour, including the father of anarchy, himself. I so often find that males who spend their lives philosophizing about, criticizing and rebelling against the system are usually the worst hypocrites, seldom practising what they preach. It is sometimes hard for me to understand why these men attract so many female acolytes; it is quite possible that most of these men are charismatic psychopaths able to manipulate politically or ideologically impassioned as well as socially and intellectually isolated women.

3.. Free speech. A lot of these anarchists opposed the control of the church and the censorship of the State. Men generally believe they should be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want without consequences. But they don’t tend to extend this form of freedom to women, especially those wanting freedom from male control or proposing methods of female self-governance or suggesting that consent isn’t possible for women due to an imbalance of power. This is as true now as it was then. Again, this demonstrates the hypocrisy of male philosophers and human rights proponents. Their underlying belief is always: “I oppose dictatorship, unless I am the dictator.”

4.. A non-coercive society. Everything about an anarchist society is supposed to be non-coercive or voluntary.  For example, an anarchist would choose to pay taxes because they want to since they are using a service, not because they are forced to.

One of the problems inherent in a society without religion, capitalism, police, government or hierarchy, though, is how to get around the whole rape privilege thing and still have free access to pussy under the pretext of female free will and consent. Men realized that their right to rape was built into all of those systems they were fighting to abolish, and under anarchy, women might start to argue that they have the right to freely choose their participation, as well. No truly free woman would ever consent to what men do to women’s bodies, and all men know this on some level. And this is where the ‘free love’ movement came in.

Free love was a big part of the anarchist movement, especially among the women who joined the fray, and we saw this as an undercurrent in Second Wave Feminism and still today in the Slut Movement. It would actually have been more in line with true anarchism to refrain from engaging sexually with men altogether as the power imbalance is inescapable. But women fell for the male logic behind the movement – I think they would not have been allowed to participate otherwise. The male logic fail goes something like this. The only difference between intercourse and rape is this thing called ‘consent’. But consent is only possible between two equal parties. Women have never been equal, and cannot be equal in a world where men exist because men always hold the threat of rape over women even when the word love or equality comes out of their mouths. The exception to equality is payment. Compensating someone can be considered to be consent, so you can’t rape a prostitute or a wife since both are paid for fuck services. So how can you convince a woman to consent to rape without pay? Well, you tell her that fucking as many men as possible without compensation is the ultimate proof of female free will, bodily liberation and equality. And this constitutes the ultimate flipping off of religion, capitalism and the State.

This fooled and continues to fool a lot of anarchist and feminist women, unfortunately. But the reality was and is still that no version of free love has ever liberated women. Anarchist women were still servicing men, still getting pregnant, still dying from botched abortions and difficult pregnancies, and contracting even more venereal diseases than before, but now men didn’t have to pay for anything, they had more access to women’s bodies, and they never had to face rape charges because those existing in a state of perpetual willingness can’t be raped.  

5.. Non-violence. Contrary to what most people believe, the majority of anarchists don’t support violent agendas. But this needs to be clarified, and I’ll use the Father of Anarchy, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, to illustrate. Proudhon, who only got a good start in life because of a devoted boy-mom and the generosity of capitalists, believed in a moral and ethical peaceful transformation of society. He criticized revolutionary violence. But he did not extend his beliefs to women. So much for equality… He wrote in his private notebooks, which have since been published, that violence should be used to subdue women, and he firmly believed that “Woman does not at all hate being used with violence, indeed even being violated…” While men tell us what they think all the time, what women see but refuse to believe is only the tip of the iceberg. We see this all the time when men’s private activities come to light posthumously or even accidentally while they are alive. The best policy, in my experience and opinion, is never to give men the benefit of the doubt – or ‘yes, all men’ – and to always question their publicly stated beliefs. I think that you’ll eventually discover that their words, actions and beliefs don’t match up. They tell you flimsy lies to get your labour, support, ideas and body. Supporting them is always a mistake.

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, violent rapist, but believer in peaceful equality. Classic male ‘thinker’ and Father of Anarchy.

A Word on Female Anarchists

For every male philosophy and movement, there have always been female supporters. They are always fewer in number than the males, simply because radical thinking is always more dangerous or risky for women. Because of their minority status, these women tend to be very pro-male and male apologists, even if they think they are arguing on behalf of women’s rights. They have to. The limited attention and support they do get never comes from other women as they are too afraid to rock the patriarchal boat. But the male supporters end up also being their abusers. This is the history of revolution, and I touch on this in my F is for Friendship post. Men get a radical idea and garner female support by mouthing words that women misinterpret to mean shared ideals. Women then devote endless hours of labour, emotional support, money, and sexual access to their bodies to the radical male movement, and then end up in jail, and/or financially destitute, and/or sexually violated, and sometimes in the end, disillusioned when they discover that the movement was aimed at male rights and freedoms, not human rights.

The anarchist movement was no different. Some truly amazing and brave women devoted their lives to male freedom from exploitation. I have very mixed feelings when I read about these women though. They were clearly cut from a different cloth and had so much potential to make a difference for women had they not been diverted and consumed by male whining and self-imposed suffering. Their life stories read like a never-ending schizophrenic episode filled with violence, sexual liaisons with parasitical and often mentally ill men, male apologism, and anti-woman activities dressed up by modern philosophers as feminism. Here are a few examples.

Emma Goldman, probably the most well-known female anarchist, was a Russian Jewish immigrant to the US, active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was a formidable speaker and prolific in her activism, and she ended up jailed on multiple occasions. Eventually, she was deported from the US during her career of fighting for whiny men using targeted violence campaigns to stop state-sanctioned violence campaigns.  A sad history with a misogynistic father and then a violent rape in her teen years did nothing to stop her from pursuing several subordinate and degrading relationships with men, and at one point, freely choosing to become a prostitute to help a male anarchist fund a ridiculous assassination scheme. She also refused to get involved with First Wave feminists, but put energy into birth control access to facilitate women’s willingness to engage in free love. She was an anarchist in the male sense of the word, but I don’t consider her to be a feminist. I wish she had learned from her early negative experiences with men and put her vast energy and intelligence to better use as a separatist.

Voltairine de Cleyre, an American and another misguided female anarchist, was also a formidable speaker and writer. Again, she had the stirrings of feminism, as evidenced in her lecture and essay, entitled Sex Slavery, where she attacked the institution of marriage and marital rape. But instead of following this problem to its root, she was a staunch proponent of free love, and suffered personally and constantly, as a result. She carried on with various mentally ill male anarchists and as her reward, she became pregnant on multiple occasions, endured a brutal abortion, carried out one difficult pregnancy although was smart enough to hand of the male offspring to the father and refused motherhood, and she contracted syphilis. In addition, one of her male students shot her in an assassination attempt, but she immediately and ridiculously forgave him. So, definitely not a feminist, despite what people might say these days.

Since these early years, women have continued to participate in anarchist endeavours, even pairing their anarchy with liberal feminism through the Second Wave and on into the punk music scene and the Riot Grrrl movement. I think these efforts haven’t done much for women for three reasons, primarily.

First, they have usually piggy-backed on male movements or served as adolescent reactions to adolescent male behaviour. Second, they don’t address the root source of female oppression – men – and even include men in pretty much everything they do, so the best they can achieve is more freedom for oppressed men and continued sexual slavery for women. And third, feminism on its own has become diluted and polluted by intersectionality and inclusivity, and participants spend more time infighting and launching racist-misogynist attacks on white women than achieving female liberation and solidarity.

Unsurprisingly, male anarchists who, as a rule, talk about equality, have always reacted negatively to women promoting feminism within anarchism. Many tried to gaslight women into subordinating their concerns to those of class struggle. Of course, what so many fail to realize is that all oppressions stem from female oppression, so the logical pursuit is actually to liberate women from men first. Then the road is open to all other struggles. But these men knew exactly what they were doing in gaslighting women, and many women capitulated, likely due to their sexual ties to males in the movement, instead of starting their own movement separate from male anarchy. Women generally won’t allow themselves to see that male anarchists are not interested in equality, despite what they say. They never have been, and never will be. To make women truly equal is to protect them from male access and usage, and no man would ever agree to that because he rightly suspects that he would lose many of the privileges he sees as rights, and that he would actually have to work hard for the first time in his life to achieve something.

Can Anarchy and Feminism Co-Exist?

The quick and dirty answer is yes. The longer answer is yes, but you have to be clear about what you mean by both anarchy and feminism, and really, as I define it, true feminism is in and of itself, anarchy. True feminism is gynocentrism and female separatism. It is not possible to live free of hierarchy, coercion and violence if you devote energy to men, and especially if you practise heterosexuality or pour your resources into boy children. Intersectionality also has no place in this mindset as you end up with an oppression Olympics that fuels censorship and blame hierarchies and a loss of focus on femalehood as a shared status. At this point, I am not sure if women are ready or able to be just women. Men have created a world of damaged women living in archetypal boxes and who are trying and failing to escape this cage by constructing meaningless portfolios of micro-identities. I’ll bet that simplifying and separating is the answer to this, but that is another post for another time.

I’ll conclude by returning to where I started. Am I an anarchist? I think at this point, I can say yes. I’m a female separatist and I live by my words, and I can’t think of a better way to express freethinking and feminist mayhem than that.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

M is for Manvasion

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

In the name of the alphabet and the power that it conveys, I am merging and manipulating a couple of long-ago-written posts into something for the ongoing series. I wrote a single M-post last year – M is for Mother – and it was very nicely read for a YouTube audience by a fellow Canadian a few months ago. And I’ve got a few more M-posts coming over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for that.

Today, I’m talking about war, well, the daily battle that constitutes existing in a world where women-only space, even of the electronic variety, is not allowed.

M is for Manvasion: yes, I know. It’s a made-up word, but it works well here.

I’ve hung out on different online forums at different times, very often as a lurker. I don’t often participate because what’s the point? Most places are run by men and heavily populated by men and their female acolytes. You either get censored, ignored or attacked when you comment as a non-handmaiden. Pointless to waste your energy.

One thing you will find, however, no matter which forum you find yourself on, is that if there is a woman-only space or a woman-pertinent topic, males will come and jizz all over it. And no matter where they are from or what age they are, they are all exactly the same. It is a bit eerie actually, but as a result, they are completely predictable. I’m trying to figure out whether all males share a mind or whether they are all given a handbook at birth: “How to derail a discussion group of women in the most male way possible in 10 easy steps”. I’m going to ignore the Neanderthal infiltrator. He is the guy who just stomps in and announces, with poor grammar and a ton of misspellings, that all women are bitches or that women are destroying men somehow. And then he just waits for women to freak out (which they usually don’t because they’ve encountered this asshole a million times before). No, today, I’m focusing on the guy who saunters in and attempts a dialogue. There are a million of these guys too, but they are often a little more successful at derailing women. Here’s how it always goes:

  1. Male announces himself. “Greetings. I’m Harry Dickman, but you can call me Humble Dude. I’m just a simple, innocent male and an honest to goodness Nice Guy, and I wanted to ask a question to all you amazing, smart woman-goddesses. You can feel free to ignore me, but I would love it if you would educate me on X, Y, Z topic. I’m so confused.” And there is often some bashful or goofy emoji ending this little introduction. But note a few things here: the male must announce himself – unlike any of the women in the group – even if they haven’t posted before. He usually tells everyone he is male and makes some self-deprecating comment to show women that he doesn’t feel superior to them (ahem… that’s coming later). He also invites the women to completely ignore him, while at the same time plowing on with an endless paragraph that demands that they filter through the jizzy mess, unable to ignore him. In the humble paragraph, it is clear that despite what his actual words say, he does, in fact, expect the group to completely shift focus to him, and often the question(s) he has isn’t directly tied to the initial topic of the post.
  2. Reactions. Someone always reacts to the Nice Guy. There is at least one naïve and/or well-trained ‘nice’ liberal feminist who welcomes the penis to the group. He is being so sweet and humble, after all, so he can’t be one of ‘those guys’. (Not all men!) Women are expected to be nice and helpful, and most importantly, not to have boundaries. It is okay to interrupt women and demand their attention. Men don’t see this as being on the same spectrum as sexual assault, unwanted touching, taking up more than one’s share of space on buses or shared seating, etc. But it is all part of the male dominance-female subservience system. Women don’t have boundaries. Men have the right to be everywhere. So you’ll get a nice welcoming lib-fem, thrilled with the opportunity to help a male understand what women are about, who usually asks Humble Dude to clarify something or to spell out his question, if he didn’t already do so upon flouncing into the e-space. You will also often get at least one awesome woman who will address the intruder by his real name, usually something like Scrote or Moid. Welcoming Woman is usually quicker on the draw, though, so by the time the Warrior Woman has responded, Humble Dude has usually written at least 2-3 long paragraphs outlining his confusion or clarifying how fucking amazing he is (Not all men!).
  3. Truth Will Out. So then, the scrote sees the unwelcoming comment, and he shows his real face. Holy shit! He isn’t a Nice Guy. Or rather, he is a Nice Guy, but the bitch who is biting his head off is making him respond like some rapey turd. How can you blame him? How else is he to respond to someone who is clearly a man-hating lesbian, and who likely has emasculating testicle shears hanging just inside the front door of her apartment? Is he supposed to just leave the forum? Hell no! He has every right to be in the women’s space derailing everyone from the interesting topic they had been discussing and demanding that all eyes turn to him as he spins in a testosterific cloud of confusion. Stop talking and just listen and learn by reading? Hell no! He has a right to voice his opinions and ask his questions! How dare these women attack him. He is suddenly a victim and he lashes out like all men know how to do. His initial response is usually along the lines of “What is your problem? / What did I do??? ” Totally eye-blinkingly innocent.
  4. The True Purpose. It becomes quickly apparent that the Scrotal Mess isn’t there to be educated. What he really wanted to do was to remind women that they are not allowed to exist anywhere unpoliced by males. He may point out that feminists are misinterpreting the state of the world. Or most men aren’t what the actual data available publicly say they are. Or most men don’t hate women, and the men who do hate women don’t hate them 100%, maybe just like 25% or something (there is always a statistic in there somewhere). Or women have more power than men these days. Or that women have the vote now, so what the hell are we complaining about? Or, I mean pick something – it almost always has something to do with women being stupid or privileged in some way, and men are innocent victims suffering in this world because of mean feminists who are mean. Ruining everything!
  5. The Gloves Come Off. There may be some response from the ass-kicking forum defenders telling Sir-Masturbates-Alot to fuck off. The initially welcoming woman has either tried to diffuse the situation or has retreated in confusion and fear, wondering why she is associating with violent feminazis. And the man then goes on to do at least one of the following: a) He deposits a man-turd in the form of a warning, e.g.,  “With this attitude, you will quickly find yourself with few allies.” “You’ll never make progress if you don’t include ME (and other Nice Feminist Guys) in your endeavours.” b) He reinforces his victim status, even though he was the one to penetrate the women, I mean the women’s discussion group. “Geez, bite my head off. I was just trying to learn/ask a simple (multi-paragraph, topic-derailing) question.” or c) He’ll make threats and use hate speech. This is self-explanatory. We’ve all seen Nice Guys wish us dead or raped. They’ve all reported US for hate speech and tried to get us censored, often successfully. They’ve all called us cunts and bitches and feminazis and whores and TERFs and Karens and the list is endless.
  6. The Exit. Scrote eventually fucks off. He is often banned if there is a moderator. But he may come back with a different user name. Sometimes it is hard to tell, they all sound the bloody same. But all women are left knowing that no matter where they are, whether it be online or in the meat world, they will always be attacked by men. Women are just not allowed to speak publicly without some man policing the whole damned thing and thinking that his opinion is more important than women’s and that his demands for attention and service are vastly more urgent and important than the need for women to speak freely and without interference about the things that concern their lives most seriously.

And as a close, note that I have lurked on blogs and forums representing other special interest groups, and you don’t see this level of infiltration and sense of entitlement by members that wouldn’t normally be included in that group. This seems only to apply to women as a class, especially feminists, lesbians and other hard-to-control females.

It is up to you to decide why all these guys sound the same. This is not a war that can be won as long as women willingly mix with men. The rules are set by men to benefit men, and in their minds, consenting to one boundary invasion is blanket consent for the erasure of all boundaries. There is only prevention and damage control, and the only thing I know for certain is that unless you are prepared to do serious battle, it is just best not to respond to them. They hate it and will go away faster. They’ll be back, maybe with a different name, but the damage and waste will be less for you.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

L is for Love

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

It’s a thin line between love and hate…

from the 1971 song of the same name by The Persuaders

Now, it’s a funny thing. This song was written by a couple of dudes and one of their complicit females warning other dudes that women can be crazy bitches. The gist is that women are happy to be used by men because that’s what women were designed for – but only up to a certain unknown point. And if you manage to reach your woman’s limit, watch out! She might maim or even kill you! This is a tired variation on the ‘hell hath no fury as a woman scorned’ theme. And most men and many women believe this stereotype to be true. But the reality is that women seldom, if ever, take revenge upon men, even if revenge is the least that men deserve after committing relationship atrocities. If women take any action in an abusive relationship, it is most often just fleeing – with a suitcase, if she’s lucky. See the craziest thing that women actually do is not taking revenge upon men, but bothering to get involved with them at all.

The song title, in actuality, is a much more appropriate description of the male approach to relationships with women, but with one major difference. Males don’t need to be abused or even have any kind of real excuse to snap and get violent. So often their love is violence of one sort or another. All women know this on some level as we are all told as girls that boys show us that they like us by antagonizing us or hitting us. But there is this expectation that they will somehow grow out of it – maybe after death – and besides there is a good one out there somewhere, right? So, women end up accepting that male love can look a lot like hate, and an expression of male love can turn into an expression of hate as if at the flip of a switch. Male emotionality is shallow, but intense and volatile. Let’s just say that male love is to human emotion as azidoazide azide is to chemistry. Personally, I think that ‘crazy bitch’ is a much more apt description of a man. And PMS actually stands for Permanent Man Syndrome. You see, Man, not Woman, is the wildly unpredictable, violently hormonal, nutjob breeding machine. And it isn’t monthly and temporary, but constant and forever. And in my tradition of mutating scrote-quotes, I say “Hell hath no fury as a man in love.”

Anyhow, despite the beginnings of this post, my purpose here is not to scratch the surface of heterosexual dynamics to reveal in shock and horror the countless examples of how men express their love for women. I have a whole Love=Hate series for what men do inside and outside relationships with women. And to be honest, straight woman problems are not only completely preventable, but their repetitiveness is boring as is women’s insistence on going back for more and more. I’m sick of hearing about them, and likely, some of you are as well. I think it’s very easy to become psychologically addicted to suffering – living it, complaining about it, reading about it, and ultimately doing nothing about it because pain has become your constant companion and what would you ever do without it? But that is a different, although related, topic, which I won’t get into today.

What I want to talk about is why humanity seems to be obsessed with love and pretending it is something other than it really is. It is treated as though it is the reason for our existence, and it seems to be much more of a distraction than even happiness or scheming to get rich. Why do I say this? Well, look at what passes for entertainment in the human world. There are more novels, songs, poems, fairy tales, artwork, and films about love than about any other topic. And of course, the bulk of this entertainment is created by males. But while it is superficially aimed at women and girls, everything is ultimately designed to serve males. I remember back when I was a teenager when it struck me for the first time as I was watching television that I was not actually the intended audience, and the messaging was not intended to lift me up as a female. I gradually came to realize that all creative material was that way – mostly designed by men for the male gaze and the male brain, but also designed to distract and brainwash women consuming the content. None of this entertainment, including television, is supposed to be analyzed from a female, let alone feminist, perspective. Even analysis of literature and poetry seldom gets feminist critique, and in this way, deeply misogynistic work, even if it is pretending to be empowering to women, can still get two thumbs up and win literary awards. Love ends up being defined by men, but obsessed over by women, even though men and women experience love fundamentally differently. I find that so many of our vaunted love stories would be more aptly categorized as ‘hate stories’. Yet women embrace them, and men profit from them.

Despite love being the central theme in entertainment, and thus making us believe that love is the most important thing in life, you need only to look at works of non-fiction to see what men really believe in. I’m going to borrow from the American experience to illustrate this, because as leaders of the so-called Free World who fought so hard for their liberation, what they say matters and often guides fledgling democracies. And besides, after dictatorships, no country does sloganeering and propaganda like the US.

If you go back to American beginnings, men define what is important in their Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is the foundational American slogan, and men still quote it today when outlining their rights as men and as Americans. Note that there is no love there. It’s not important. The inclusion of ‘the pursuit of hapiness’ was actually a replacement for the right to own ‘property’, which Jefferson did out of respect for black Americans (although remember that men could still legally own women), and is thought to have little meaning other than a subjective one. Male happiness could include drinking whiskey with abandon in a saloon, raping a prostitute and then going home and raping his wife, or killing animals for sport. And all of these could technically fit the definition of male love as well, I suppose, as vice, violence, glee and love seem to get twisted in the male mind. Women weren’t included in these important life elements – property, by definition, has no life, no freedom, and may not define their own happiness – but we know that males have always defined female love as sacrifice, devotion, loyalty, service, and suffering in silence. These are the themes of love stories, the propaganda men design to define female existence.

I leave you with this question and my opinion. If women, and I mean female separatists, of course, were ever to write their own declaration of independence, would they include ‘love’ in the list of rights? I think not, and I’ll tell you why. Under patriarchy, love is a tool of manipulation designed to keep women in line, distracted, focused on fantasy and hoping, and constantly feeling off-balance and insecure. Only patriarchal women cling to the pursuit of love and obsess over it, puzzling over the fact that expressions of male and female love look very different. Outside of patriarchy, I think love would be an outcome of female freedom, not a pursuit. Without men in the picture, love would not need to be listed in the rights and demands of women because it would just exist outside of context and wouldn’t be a bargaining chip used in power plays. I think relationships would look very different, as would artistic expression. And it certainly wouldn’t have any connection with violence.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

L is for Lost Post – K is for Kitten

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

A long, long time ago,
In the land of idiot boys,
There lived a cat, a phenomenal cat,
Who loved to wallow all day.

from Phenomenal Cat, by the Kinks

Happy Belated International Cat Day ♥ 🐾 ♥ 

The following is dedicated to my own phenomenal kitten who has just reached her first birthday. Although she is entering adulthood, she’ll always be my kitten. We’re a good match. Like me, her adoptive mother, she is a militant atheist and fierce female separatist. She is the right combination of zen and wild. She loves to wallow, and to pretend to bite my computer cables to catch my attention. She cuddles for short, but intense sessions, and attacks my sock-covered hand with the skill of a true hunter. Every morning around 4:00 am, she gifts me with a thorough facial dermabrasion, and she rides along on my shoulders as I prepare my morning coffee. As you may have guessed, I love the little nugget.

If you’re a fellow cat lover, have a browse through the Kitten Chronicles on my YouTube channel, where I feature select moments in time in the life of my little furball. For now, join me on a bit of a self-indulgent post celebrating K is for Kittens where I explore the link between cats and women, and why the connection has mostly been, in the eyes of men, a negative one.


The Roots

‘She’ – things men can ride, use and ‘love’

Men have a tendency both to dehumanize the human, and to anthropomorphize the non-human, so it’s no surprise that they have fabricated stories of strange relationships between women and various animals and to equate women with animals, body parts, tools and objects with great success. This is partly due to male fear of a more complete human, and partly rooted in the magical thinking of long-gone primitive cultures that were animistic or that connected their gods with animals. It is possible that women were slightly – emphasis on the slightly – more respected in ancient times. We have evidence of female deities with animal attributes, of course, which is in contrast to modern monotheistic, phallocentric religions where women are both the source of all evil and the unremarkable vessels for men’s seed. But in no culture have women either been free of men and their control and violence or even just on par with them. Strangely, there are always efforts made to try to prove that conquered or diminished cultures of the past, especially animistic cultures, such as various Native American tribes and the insular Celts of the British Isles, somehow managed to achieve ‘equality’ or harmony between the sexes. Modern fantasists, especially women, for some reason, tell made-up stories of sex equality and lady power in these cultures without a shred of proof to back them up and sometimes even in the face of evidence to the contrary. I think this is mostly done to establish a false narrative ‘proving’ that males were once better people, so therefore they can be better again. In that way, men and boys are protected from getting what they deserve when they commit crimes against women and girls, and the onus is put on women to accept, forgive and save men thereby keeping women’s focus and energy away from themselves and maintaining the system of their own oppression.

What is actually more logical and believable, and in many cases proveable, than this fantasy version of the past is that men have dehumanized women since human time began. There has never been an equal or free society for women. And rather than the dehumanizing abating with increased human education and enlightenment, it has only gotten worse and more normalized because of phallocentric and monotheistic religion, general androcentrism, overpopulation, and more recently, access to communications technology and the proliferation of pornography and other media promoting woman hate under the guise of male entertainment. And as alluded to above, men have dehumanized women in a number of ways, including reducing them to their body parts (cunt, pair of tits, or piece of ass), rerferring to them as male-constructed archetypes (slut, whore, hag, or ice queen), and likening them to animals (cow, bitch, sow, filly or cat).

So let’s talk pussy.

Exactly when men started connecting cats with women, we are not sure, but their thinking, deep as it usually is, seemed to go something like this: “Um, cats have lots of babies. Women have lots of babies. So they are similar. Oh, yeah, and um, cats like to hang out in the house. And women hang out in the house. Holy shit. Cats and women are like totally the same!” And lo and behold, the cat-lady-goddess was born to various ancient cultures, and predominated over – you guessed it – fertility, beauty, motherhood, and children.

Some of the earliest evidence of the cat-lady-goddess comes from Ancient Egypt, but these chicks were a little more powerful and rounded out than the simple incarnation in later cultures. The goddesses Mafdet, Sekhmet and Bastet were all depicted with feline heads atop women’s bodies. They were all fierce protectors; Mafdet was the early goddess of justice and execution and had the head of a cheetah; Sekhmet, with the head of a lionness, oversaw war and medicine; and later, Bastet, with a domesticated cat head, represented the home, fertility, childbirth, and joy. Cats were highly respected in Ancient Egyptian culture, and were believed to have magical powers, to be lucky, and to be very clever. They were often painted, seated under the chairs of women, and were considered to be fertile creatures, and thus, the natural companions of women. Ancient Egyptian women certainly had more freedom and power than women in other regions and cultures at the time, although there was by no means anything resembling respect, equality or freedom from male violence. But the cat-female-human link was established in a more positive way then than in any other time in history, including now.

In other religious traditions that included female gods, there continued to be links between cats and love, fertility, children, motherhood, cleverness, and hunting. Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex and war, rides a chariot pulled by two cats. Shashti, the Hindu goddess and devourer-turned-protector of children is depicted riding a cat. In Chinese mythology, Li Shou (Lí Shǒu, 黎手) was a cat goddess. Interestingly, the ancient Chinese believed that cats were orginally nominated by the gods to rule the world, but it turned out they liked playing and wallowing more. They gave up their power to human males, and while they lost their power of speech, they became the timekeepers of the world. We see the sun’s movement reflected in their eyes and hear the movement of time in their purr.

Things Get Dark

One theme that was common in many later cultures was the linking of cats with magic and with the underworld. It can get a little confusing to understand the true feelings people and cultures had towards them as they didn’t usually keep written records, but it reminds me of the place that women have held in all societies – sort of a mixed awe and fear that usually ends up manifesting in ‘want you, but hate you’ relationships. The Celts were a prime example of this. They believed that cats were guardians of the underworld and some believed that they were humans forced to return to the world after death following misdeeds in life. Some believed that they could take souls, and they were the companions of wise women who later came to be known as witches, which provided fuel for the brutal Christian persecution of women in Europe and the US. Despite what Celtophiles say, Celtic society was not woman-loving or equal. While some tribes may have had female warriors, slavery was rampant, and the cumal or ‘female slave’ was a prized unit of currency. Men were allowed to kill their wives and women were often passed around for sexual use in families. So we had a culture that held cats in suspicious semi-respect and that saw women as things to be used and disposed of. This provided ample fodder for the primitive Christian brain as it swallowed up the Celts of Europe during the expansion of the Roman Empire.

As parasitical Christians proliferated and absorbed Celtic beliefs and values, things got really fucked up for both cats and women. The early Romans had a utilitarian view of cats and they were brought along with invading armies to keep rat populations under control. But superstitious Christian thinking held them in suspicion. Exposure to the Celtic linking of cats with the underworld inspired more magical thinking and suddenly cats were dancing with the devil, and female practitioners of Celtic religions were communing with Satan and were able to shape-shift among other things. The old addage about cats having nine lives actually refers to the belief that witches could shape-shift into cat form nine times.

The idea was cemented in writing by power-hungry Pope Gregory IX in his papal bull of 1233, Vox in Rama, addressing so-called Satanism, the catch-all label for all religions ‘not Catholic’. The 12th to 17th centuries in Europe was one of the most backward, ignorant and testerical periods in European history. Paranoia leading to inquisition, torture, and murder in the name of religion was the norm at that time, and Pope Gregory was reponsible for kicking things into high gear. He even waged an informal war on cats, which led to the torture and killing of many of them, and put cats permanently in the dog house in the minds of Christians. Some argue that the killing of so many cats was the part of the reason that 30-50% of the European population died from bubonic plague in the 14th century. To this day, devout Christians tend not to like cats. A 2019 American study, for example, found a strong, negative relationship between church-going and cat ownership. Christians tend to like dogs, and I think it is for the same reason that men, in general, prefer dogs – I’ll get into that later.

Guilt by association

This dark period was also a war on women – athough one could argue that women have always been under attack in this world for one thing or another. A woman didn’t really have to do much to bring the male boot down on her neck, and often it was other women making the accusations, likely in an attempt to garner male approval. It’s interesting. Of the articles discussing the persecution of witches, some say that it was about attacking the powerless and the others say it was about attacking powerful women. I’ll try to clarify because I think the incongruence is just a matter of language. First, there has never been such a thing as a powerful woman in the sense that men have power. Females have always been and still are a class of sub-humans, and they never have and still don’t have the resources to fight back. But these supposed witches weren’t powerful women; they were just women who didn’t follow the rules in some way, or were just convenient, powerless scapegoats. When women don’t fall in line, men get scared. And when men get scared, women get killed or erased in some way. And the killing of women serves the ultimate purpose of stamping out any further inclination towards rebellion in all remaining women.

Skipping Ahead

The negative link between women and cats persists today, although religious paranoia about the supernatural isn’t really a factor anymore. Rather, cats are seen as aloof or disobedient and weak or laughable for some reason. We still use the term ‘cat fight’ to refer to a pathetic style of fighting that is supposedly engaged in between women and that involves scratching and yowling, as opposed to the more manly punching. We also have constant references to the ‘crazy cat lady’ archetype, which describes a pitiable, lonely, older woman who collects cats – the implication being that women who choose not to live with men are pathetic and crazy. And there is a derogatory connection drawn between lesbians and cats – perhaps this is a throw-back to religious magical thinking.

What It’s Really About

I can tell you first off that once I committed myself to female separatism, the only animal I ever considered adopting was a cat. And I’m saying that as a person who grew up only with dogs. Further, after adopting my kitten last year, I realized how much I was missing in my life, and I feel a whole hell of a lot saner having her around.

My girl

What is really going on is that men love things they can control. Dogs, although I love them dearly, are highly trainable and highly dependent. What is called loyalty by men isn’t actually loyalty, but obedience. Patriarchal women, specifically, and heterosexual women more generally, are actually more like dogs in the eyes of men, slaving for them and craving crumbs of man-love when they do a good job serving them. Cats are social and loving animals, but they are fiercely independent. They aren’t very trainable to the whims of humans, but still manage to find food and shit in appropriate places without human guidance. On the whole, this doesn’t boost a man’s ego, so of course, men denigrate them. Likewise with independent women, especially separatists and lesbians. Women who don’t bend to a man’s will are dismissed as crazy, losers, or just plain stupid and weak. In this way, you can see why devout Christians might not like cats – obedience is key to their way of living. And I’ve met women in the military and women with large broods of children who absolutely hate cats as well. Ditto with the respect for obedience.

So it’s not actually about any real similarities between cats and women because honestly, there aren’t that many, and men will call you a ‘bitch’ one minute and a ‘crazy cat lady’ the next. This is all about control and obedience. And I can’t imagine any woman who truly understands the value of freedom, especially female freedom, who wouldn’t appreciate a kitten or two in her life. ♥ 🐾 ♥ 

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

L is for Living

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive.

Maya Angelou

First off, thanks to all of you who heeded the poll call. I’m closing the poll on my blog, but if you still want to vote or comment, it will stay open on my YouTube channel (for as long as I remain uncensored 😉 )

Initially, I was going to devote a separate post to each of the categories in this whole life satisfaction thing, but I’ve changed my mind on that, especially upon seeing the results of the poll. As you may have guessed from the title of this post, the majority of respondents reported that they feel they are ‘living’ – nothing more, nothing less – and I’ll get into what that means in a bit. But first, I want to give a little clarification on what this post is and isn’t about.

Life Satisfaction, Happiness, and Quality of Life

These are different, but not necessarily unrelated, things. Both life satisfaction and happiness are cognitive and emotional self-evaluations, and thus completely subjective. The former is more of a long-term feeling about one’s status on several life factors, while the latter is an in-the-moment feeling that is both spontaneous and unexamined. Unfortunately, happiness is something we are taught to believe should be a constant state, and that there is something wrong with us if we can’t achieve that. I wrote about happiness in my J is for Joy post, and I’m of the opinion that the pursuit of happiness is pointless and often leads, ironically, to misery and obsession. Quality of Life (QoL) is a little different. It can be defined using standard indicators, allowing for relatively objective comparative research across time and place. However, some individuals have their own definitions of QoL to help with personal goal-setting, cognitive-emotional evaluation and subsequent course correction.

Today, I’m going to talk about life satisfaction.

Who Is to Blame for the Obsession with Satisfaction and Happiness?

It’s a chicken and egg question. Which came first: our great dissatisfaction with life or our obsession with it? I suspect that people didn’t really think much about how they felt until societal change and human rights became possible. After that, our feelings and obsession with them probably fed off one another, so much so that men developed an entire psychological discipline centred on life satisfaction and happiness. We even have something called the ‘World Happiness Report’, which includes a 10-point, self-reported life satisfaction scale. I’m including a link to an interactive world map where you can check out how your own country ranks on self-reported satisfaction. It’s interesting to note that Canada has lost half a point in satisfaction over the last 10 years, while China has gained over a whole point in the same amount of time – these are significant changes on a 10-point scale, and I’d bet that increased poverty in the former and increased wealth in the latter have played a significant role here. Anyhow, believers in this type of evaluation have even gone so far as to happy-slap the dead, much in the way that TRAs have transified dead homosexuals. We are told, despite lack of evidence on what is a wholly subjective measure, that people were happier in the past, with some eras being more ecstatic than others. What a shameful abuse of authority to draw these impossible-to-draw conclusions.

The satisfaction and happiness movement was an outcome of humanist psychology originating in the mid-20th century and its spawn, positive psychology, born in the late 1990’s. All I’ll say about that here is that if you’re interested in a host of rich, mansplaining and obnoxious white dudes telling you what to do to achieve bliss, you can boil it down to this: don’t regret the past, be happy and grateful in the present, and be hopeful for the future. To me, much of this is what I consider to be toxic positivity worthy of cult status, and if you’ve been following along on YT or my blog, you know what I think about happiness and hope.

So you might be wondering, hey Story Ending, you seem really critical of this topic, so why did you create a poll? Yeah, good question. See, this is a bell that cannot be unrung. We see from research that life satisfaction is linked with mental and physical health, although I think this is an interdependent relationship. Being unsatisfied makes you feel unwell and being unwell makes you feel unsatisfied with life. So, there really is no way back to the acceptance of suffering and lack of change of the past. Us modern folk have grown up with the idea that having expectations to improve and change, and even being deserving of something better are human rights.

Measuring Life Satisfaction

The World Happiness Report I talked about earlier uses a measure of life satisfaction called the Cantril Ladder, a 10-point scale ranging from ratings of hopelessness to prosperity and grouped into the satisfaction categories: suffering, struggling and thriving. Hadley Cantril, very briefly, was a researcher of propaganda and social influence and a developer of public polling methodology, and he was known for uncovering hypocrisy in the beliefs of the American public and examining the role of authority in causing public panic.

Now, in my poll, I created four categories, with an extra one thrown in to catch liars, the deluded, and the victims of life coaches or the Cult of Positivity. Luckily, no one endorsed that category 😉 I asked respondents to consider all subjectively relevant areas of their lives. These areas could, but did not have to, include: financial situation, career/job status, relationship quality, physical and mental health, living environment, feelings of safety and stability, sense of purpose, level of personal development, etc. My scale went like this:

A) Suffering: significant hardship in one or more areas of life.

B) Surviving: my head is above water, but it’s tough.

C) Living: I’m getting by better than some, but it’s underwhelming.

D) Thriving: Things are going well; I look forward to each day.

E) Transcending: I have a blessed life filled with wonder and joy.

Note that this was a single-question poll, and I didn’t ask people to report their sex, age or location. These are descriptive data and no causal conclusions can therefore be drawn. My only assumptions were that most to all of the respondents were female and that people responded honestly.

% of respondents by life satisfaction category

‘Living’ was the most endorsed category, and I’ll talk briefly about what this could mean. By and large, women feet they are getting their basic needs met. Things are ‘ok’ or quite average, but perhaps they could be better. There may or may not be a lot of emotional satisfaction in the process of getting by and getting things done. I see the main differences between thriving and living and as being anticipation rather than commitment to the daily grind, and a feeling of growth or forward movement rather than running in place. I didn’t get any comments on this from thrivers or livers, but I’m happy to learn if I’m missing something here.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that these are not fixed categories. As life is unpredictable, you can easily find yourself skipping around through your life, with the possibility of experiencing all four scenarios. I myself have experienced all but a feeling of thriving, and the most terrifying thing for me is that you can go from living to suffering in the space of a month. Without personal experience, I can only imagine that feeling that you’re thriving instills a sense of stability. I’ve never felt that before.

Is There a So-Called ‘Thriving Mindset’?

The quick and dirty answer is ‘no’. You cannot will or hope or pray yourself into financial success or excellent health. Conversely, being a realist or even a bit on the negative side won’t magically destroy your opportunities or outcomes in life either. Sure, to some extent we are all captains of our own ships, but a lot of you probably know damn well that you can do absolutely everything right in your life and still end up struggling in one or more areas. And while we might be able to work hard, eat well, develop great relationships and stay active of our own free will, envisioning success or joining the unofficial Cult of Positivity is not a magic bullet that will take care of everything else.

The ‘yes’ answer – that there is a Thriving Mindset – was likely concocted by the psychotherapy and life coaching professions in order to make money off of blaming and shaming you for your lack of prosperity and getting you to sign up for an expensive course of treatment or goal-setting program. One of the worst pieces of propaganda-slash-pseudo-intellectual-malarky I’ve seen out there comes from Class A misogynist, Friedrich Nietzsche: “To live is to suffer; to thrive is to find meaning in suffering.” Again with the suffering, right? I swear men are obsessed with pain and suffering – as long as it’s women who bear the brunt of it. The fact is that no one in the world has the one-size-fits-all model for how to thrive. There are many factors involved, many of which are completely outside our control, and some of which are completely controlled by men. As a result, I think it is difficult for women to achieve a state of thriving in this world. Two major things we see over time and all over the world in the data on various measures of prosperity is that women as a class experience significantly more poverty and significally more chronic health issues, especially depression and inflammatory diseases, than men. While men are more likely to die off earlier everywhere, women tend to develop issues that keep them alive, but suffering in multiple ways for very long periods of time. And this suffering has nothing to do with mindset and everything to do with being an long-oppressed class of people. You just can’t think or hope your way out of this.

What I’d really love to see is all women and girls thriving in life. I’d like to see a world where ‘experiencing challenges’ isn’t a euphemism for suffering, but rather a process of working hard towards a goal and having it pay off in the end. I want a world where living a life doesn’t mean just trying to get through it all only to find that there’s nothing waiting at the end, but to enjoy each day for what it brings. But that just isn’t possible in a world of male dominance and their female-suffering-based systems of capitalism, ‘we do it because we can’, and survival of the fittest.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

New Poll on Personal Circumstances – Participants Needed!

This poll is closed now, but community input was incorporated into my Alphabet Series post L is for Living. Thanks to all who participated and please subscribe to this site or to my YouTube channel to participate in future polls and surveys.

K is for Kin-Keepers

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

To be honest, this is a term I have never before used in my life, and I hadn’t even heard of it until a few months ago when I read an article that referred to it. My plan here is to introduce the term and how it pertains to women briefly, and then to take on a part of the article that inspired the post. You can find a link to the article here. Please note that it is not a feminist article, even though its topic certainly warrants a discussion from that perspective. In the conclusion, the author even tries the whole ‘suffering makes us stronger’ and ‘patriarchy-compliant women are strong’ bullshit that is force-fed to today’s women to shame them into silence about real problems, and that I talked about in a previous post. It amazes me how often women dance around disturbing issues without actually naming the problem that underlies the entire mess. It is amazing, but not surprising. If women allowed themselves to truly see and acknowledge reality, their entire world would collapse. They’d lose the perks that they get from supporting men, and they’d become social outcasts with all the negative consequences that arise from not sucking cock literally or figuratively. To be honest, most wouldn’t survive, as heterosexuality strips women of their natural strength, and most women don’t realize what exactly is being exchanged when they engage in pro-male lifestyles.

So, what is a kin-keeper? Well, it is apparently a social role that exists within a family that is taken on primarily by women. It is thought to involve three primary duties: carrying out family rituals and traditions, organizing family reunions and protecting family relationships, and maintaining family records and narratives. Basically, I call it it glue. Without a kin-keeper, you don’t have a cohesive and loyal unit with a group memory or sense of history.

Now, women typically take on the role without necessarily being asked or forced, and I think they do it for a number of reasons. On the whole, a) women tend to have better social skills than men, so it is natural for them to put work into relationships, b) they need to have social relationships both to feel human and to make up for the fact that traditional het relationships strip them of valuable social connections and outlets, c) they need to do these activities to maintain the lie of happy and successful female heterosexuality, and d) if they are housewives, they need to find a way to justify their existence and to fill their abundant free time once children are of school age and older. For some reason, liberal feminism has started trying to pass off the role of kin-keeper as ’emotional labour’ deserving of pay, and that is probably why I haven’t taken much of an interest in it. I’m sick of being pressured into fighting for the privileges of women who wholeheartedly want to maintain patriarchy and who fear and hate lesbians, the child-free and female separatists with a passion. For me, true feminism is about the prevention of women’s oppression and especially of the punishment of rebels of patriarchy, not slapping bandaids on problems so that women can continue complying and forcing their daughters to comply and submit. It is the latter mission, however, that takes up most of the limited feminist money and labour available. And of course, this ensures that women will never be free or healthy.

The Family Who Suffers Together, Stays Together

Now, before I get into the third duty of kin-keepers, I just want to say that many, if not most, kin-keepers are enablers and expert liars, and I discuss both topics in other posts in the Alphabet Series. These are crucial skills for practising straight women so that they can successfully live up to their end of the heterosexual contract. Basically, they agree to take on a particular role in the patriarchal institution known as ‘family’, and a woman absolutely cannot do this well without being able to enable men and boys and to lie as if her life depends on it – and it usually does.

The sole purpose of family is to triumph over other families. You know – that survival of the fittest type of thing that people tell themselves, especially when they screw over other people. And to do that, a family needs a narrative. Every semi-functional family has one. The kin-keeper, as protector of the family memories and records, is key to maintaining the narrative. They hold the grudges. They appoint the scapegoats. They cover up the crimes and dirty secrets, unless it is advantageous to reveal them. They dole out emotional rewards and punishments. And they take photos, maintain their collections, culling when necessary. Family, as a patriarchal institution, is about the male journey to power and female support of that journey. So the narrative, for the most part, ends up being the history of the males of the family. We all know this is true. We see it in the records kept through the ages. And we also know that male stories and success depend upon the suffering of women and girls, and that this suffering must happen in silence. No one likes truth-tellers. They ruin the narrative and upset the balance of power. Revealing that a male family member is a rapist, for example, can ruin his life, and possibly the trajectory of the family. He probably just made a mistake – there’s no need to make a big deal out of it. The female victim, however, will build character and strength through her silent and required suffering.

Kin-keepers also like to hide facts about drug and alcohol problems, incest and domestic abuse, sluts who have children out of wedlock, gay aunts and uncles, extramarital affairs, humble economic origins, and really, it could be anything that might bring embarrassment to the family and destroy relationships.

Digging into the Past

While most wives and mothers tend to take on informal emotional labour following marriage and breeding, once traditional women are faced with having almost nothing to do, they often turn to doing actual research into family history, often with the help of genealogy services. And this is where the article I referred to comes in. The article asks whether digging into our families’ DNA pasts should come with a trigger warning. Basically, as I interpret it, most women’s stone cold realities are depressing as fuck, but they are so well covered up, we all grow up not knowing the horrors that women go through. We ourselves think we are alone in our suffering because we are not allowed to talk about it. So facing the sheer amount of collective female suffering can cause cognitive dissonance – or what the author of the article calls ‘distress’. On some level, we all know we are rape babies. There are different kinds of rape, but unless we are test tube created, we are all rape babies. But no one wants to acknowledge that, so it can be distressing to find out that family members have been raped or were disowned because of rapes. We may also find out that male family members were pedophiles or rapists. There are all sorts of skeletons that can be unearthed when one goes digging in one’s family’s past. Whether you can handle it is another story.

In my own family, we had a ton of skeletons involving rapey men and abused women, and I didn’t even do any research or take on the role of kin-keeper. I found out that my paternal grandmother became pregnant out of wedlock and her parents disinherited her from the family fortune and married her off to a poor salesman who ended up beating her for her entire life as if punishing her for her first bastard child and general whorishness. He raped three more children out of her, but he refused to buy her a wedding ring as an additional insult. She was an unusual woman and had a full-time job outside the home during what was a generation of housewives. She bought her own wedding rings with her own money, and today I have those rings. But she became an alcoholic and died a very broken woman. Her second son ended up being a chip off the old fatherly block and molested his younger sister, my aunt, for years. He luckily died in a motorcycle accident at the age of 18, but as a further slap in the face to my aunt, he was turned into the young, dead hero of the family. My aunt went on to marry an abuser, but became a social worker focused on battered women as well as helping incarcerated men. She would bring ex-con boyfriends to family gatherings. We’d find out later that the boyfriend of the moment was out of the picture after robbing her or something like that. My aunt’s second son ended up a classic abuser like his father. He got his wife pregnant and then left her to be with some American woman he also got pregnant at the same time during one of his business trips south of the border. My father, the youngest child and a psychologist, refused to let my aunt speak of the molestation and would belittle her in front of me when she tried to talk about it. My father himself was both a child psychologist and sex therapist who used to bring home movies filled with violent rape scenes for my mother and I to watch with him. I learned about male entertainment at an early age…

Interestingly, on that side of my family, there was an official policy that women weren’t allowed to be the family record keepers. After I put the whispered stories of abuse together with my father’s pro-rape approach to child-rearing, I understood why this was so… I also understand why I absolutely hate the concept of family, and was inexplicably anti-marriage from a very early age.

I leave you with this thought or question: what does the modern kin-keeper do with the shit she unearths about her own family? She is uncovering the true stories of women, the truth of heterosexuality, the truth of what men do to women. How does a straight, male-supporting enabler deal with her cognitive dissonance? Does she re-bury it in order to keep the peace and to maintain her comfortable life, denying knowledge to the girls of her family, and instead slathering her conscience with a healthy layer of hope? Or does she wake the fuck up and actually do what adults are supposed to do – protect girls from the shit men and boys have been doing to women and girls since human time began?

I think you and I both know the answer to that question.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

J is for Joy

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Are you the proud owner of a virtue name? You know, names that derive from religious ideas of moral behaviour. There are some names that are more commonplace and parents may not really think about the meaning behind them when it comes time to assigning names to their property, but a lot of parents actually do want their kid to live up to moral expecations and thus choose a virtue name that may be especially relevant to their agenda. It’s magical thinking though, and unfortunately, our world is not in short supply of that.

Now, it likely won’t surprise you that female babies are more often the recipients of virtue names than males. This is because female behaviour is more controlled and policed and punished than male behaviour. As well, girls and women are also seen as the moral gate-keepers of society, and when bad things happen, such as upticks in male violent crime or the perceived breakdown of the nuclear family, it is usually blamed on out-of-control, amoral females. You know how this goes – somehow, whether or not a girl crosses her legs when she sits in public has massive power over male self-control.

As well, the virtues that females are supposed to uphold are very gendered, and therefore mostly unrealistic and unnatural. We expect girls to be quiet and sweet and accommodating and careful and the perfect doormats. When males are virtue named, they are allowed names that will give them glory and public respect. And in some non-English-speaking cultures, parents will even go so far as to arrogantly give their boys the names of gods and prophets, which, in my opinion borders on breaking their own blasphemy laws.

You can find female virtue names in most languages and cultures. In English, our most common and obvious of the female virtue names include: Hope, Faith, Grace, Patience, Prudence, Felicity, Constance, and of course, our longed-for feeling of pleasure and happiness:

J is for Joy.

I don’t find it surprising that names like Joy are common in English-language cultures, especially the US and Canada. Anglo-North America is the land of forced displays of daily exuberance and the over-medication of widespread female depression. I’ve travelled through and lived in several places in the world, including where I live now, and I’ve never seen anything approaching the insane North American drive for women to display feelings they don’t feel. I’m currently living in a country where the women are positively allowed to be downright assholes, and there is no requirement to smile. Not that I want to be an asshole, but I certainly get sick of the Cult of Positivity back home. You may have some insights into your own culture or cultures where you’ve spent significant time, and I’d definitely appreciate any details you’re willing to share in the comments of the YouTube reading of this post. Happiness mandates may look different in different places.

Let’s talk about two aspects of forced joy: smiling and happiness.


Say cheese. Smiling is mandatory in North America, especially if you are female, and even complete strangers will remind you to put your face together or will ask you what is wrong if you’re not smiling. On more than one occasion in the US, I’ve even had homeless men tell me to “Smile, honey. It’s not so bad.” as I walked by them on the street. I guarantee you that no one says that to men walking by. Your smile has to be of the right kind, however. There are unspoken rules about what a woman’s face should do in public. Not only have I been chided for not smiling, but I’ve also gotten into trouble for having what was interpreted to be a sarcastic smile – you know, the kind that has the power to emasculate men because they think you’re laughing at them.

Other cultures are not so neurotic. I remember when I was studying in France several years ago, our textbook did a little cultural comparison on smiling. They put public professional photos of American and Western European university professors side by side, and the difference was incredible. The Europeans either weren’t smiling at all or only had a slight upturn to their closed mouths. The Americans all had toothy grins. Were the American smiles and happiness real? Who knows? Most people can actually fake a Duchenne smile or what we call a ‘real smile’ with the eye crinkle. Perhaps the question is not whether the smile is real, but whether smiling is an indicator of joy or whether it is just a culture-specific behaviour without much meaning. The smiles may be disconcerting to outsiders, but I find the scowls of Asia and Eastern Europe to be off-putting as well, even if they, too, don’t mean anything.

Now, strangely, smiling is also a racist, sexist requirement if you work as a teacher in non-Western countries. White female teachers are absolutely required to smile constantly even if smiling is not a cultural custom. In China, I was reminded to smile and be positive, even while I faced classrooms of completely blank faces. It took a while for me to get used to this lack of response while at the same time, I had to over-respond, and to an introvert, it was exhausting to force energy into something I wasn’t feeling at all. My experience in Asia completely changed the way I compose my face and I wrote about this back in 2016 in “How I Lost My Smile“. I think I used to be more of a natural smiler, as far as women’s behaviour can be natural in this world. But Asia kicked it out of me; daily misery accompanied by forced displays of happiness brought my wasted energy to the forefront of my thinking.


In North America, regardless of how we compose our faces, we women are expected to be happy 24/7. Interestingly, women and even girls are disproportionately overmedicated for depression, and we have drug, alcohol and over-eating problems that speak of the kind of escapism that results from deep unhappiness. I think there are three things going on here.

A. Inherited depression. The heritability of clinical depression is about 50%. For severe depression, it is thought to be higher. I’ve known a lot of depressed women, and I’ve seen a common theme in what they think will solve their problems. First, they think going to a new place will give them a fresh start, and of course, they discover that problems live within them and aren’t place-dependent. Secondly, so many women think that having a baby will make them happy. And of course, that doesn’t work either. I am of the unpopular opinion that people with mental health problems should not breed. I mean, I’m an anti-natalist as it is, and I don’t think any woman is either natural or healthy enough to affect a child positively. But if you have serious problems, you risk passing those problems on to your children, and you probably aren’t going to make a great parent anyway because of your issues.

B. Patriarchal depression. Even though the world acknowledges that females suffer from depression more often than males, it is written off as some kind of female weakness. It’s biological or something. Yes, major depression can be inherited, but what about the majority of women who seem to experience chronic, low-grade depression? You probably know what I’m talking about. This is not the depression that prevents you from getting out of bed. This is the general and almost constant feeling of being low, that there is something wrong that you can’t escape. It is usually just passed off as ‘female suffering’, but which I believe is wholly unnatural. I don’t think that suffering is a necessary part of the human female condition. I argue that Patriarchy causes widespread female suffering, forces women to accept it, and then forces women to pretend to be happy. And in countries such as the US and Canada, where the pretending has to be over-the-top and very public, what female wouldn’t be depressed simply because of sheer emotional exhaustion?

C. Misdiagnosis and pathologizing. This is a huge topic and other feminists tackle different aspects of how the medical industrial complex hurts women. What I will say here is that depression is often a symptom of something bigger, not an illness in and of itself. But, it is treated as an illness. Women and girls reacting negatively – and I would say normally and naturally – to Patriarchy are seen as sick. If you, as a female, don’t embrace your role as a male plaything with gratitude and joy, then you are sick. Instead of removing the XY, which is the parasite or infection causing the depression, doctors pathologize you and pump you full of medication. But the problem is never solved, and you can’t figure out why you are so defective. Personally, I think your depression is a sign that your body and mind are behaving normally and naturally to an attack. It’s just that you will never be validated, and the true problem will never be correctly named or dealt with.

In conclusion, I propose a new set of virtue names. Tomorrow’s girls shall be called Separatist, Emasculator, Truth, Judgment, Child-Free. Aren’t these valiant and idealistic qualities for our future-builders? And, while I jest, are these names any more ridiculous than calling a girl Prudence or Chastity or Faith or even Joy? And if you think they are, then maybe ask yourself why.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Tits Out: An Observation

I live in Eastern Europe/Western Asia – not really sure how to define it. All I know is that it is a surreal part of the world that I didn’t learn anything about growing up, and I certainly never fathomed ending up here when I became aware of it. But as rich foreigners increasingly infiltrate Western countries, single, childless women – especially those without financially-supportive family – are increasingly forced to look elsewhere in order to survive. I meet more and more women like me every year, and I think it’s only going to get worse. Indeed, I work online 7 days a week, and I still can’t afford to live in my home country of Canada, so off to other places I must go. Verging on digressing, I know, but everything I discuss here today is all about misogyny, whether it is being a disenfranchised, lone woman, or an ‘owned’ heterosexual woman exchanging sex and service for orbited privilege. Only men win in this world.

So yesterday, I ventured out into this weird little city that I’ve been hunkered down in for over a year to pick up some vegetables, and on my way back, I was met with a sad and sort of shocking scenario. Normally, I don’t pay much attention to what people are wearing. It’s not that I don’t appreciate style, it’s that I don’t really care. One of the few things I like about where I live is that it is one of the most unfashionable countries I’ve ever been to. I’ll amend that a bit – the women think they are fashionable, but they really aren’t, and I get a lot of disgusted, head-to-toe-to-head looks from the local women when they pass me on the street – me and my no-nonsense trousers and modest accessories. Funnily, no matter where I live, I never do ‘woman-face’ correctly.

But yesterday, here is what happened. So I’m trudging home with my bags of onions, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini and tomatoes in 35 degree heat (it hits 45 in August, ugh), and I vaguely registered an old man passing me with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. I pay little attention to males in public other than to know exactly where they are in my personal space orbit, and whether they pose more of a threat than any and all males do at any given moment. A few seconds later, several paces behind him stumbled an old woman with a very vacant look on her face. Women, I pay attention to as fellow humans. It took me a moment to process what I was seeing. She was wearing colourless rags, and I couldn’t really figure out the individual pieces of the ensemble, but I realized, to my great surprise, that she was mostly naked on top, one withered breast exposed to the world. I stopped in my tracks to take in the scene and to see what other locals around us would do. A few people noticed and did nothing – perhaps this kind of thing is normal around here? Haven’t seen it before – naked homeless dudes in other countries, yes. Women, not so much. I turned and saw that the man had already stopped a woman on the sidewalk. He must have been asking for money. His female companion caught up to him.

What struck me is that no one seemed concerned that the woman was exposed, including the woman’s owner. And this is an extremely religious country with lots of rules about women’s evil body parts, what should be covered and when the covering should occur. But note here that I’m not talking about being offended by naked breasts or that women’s bodies are problems or something. What I’m saying is that women are vulnerable in this world because of their bodies and because of the fact that males have designed every corner of this earth to punish women for having female bodies. A naked female body is an invitation for one kind of assault or another, either to punish her or to use her or both. Heck, you can be very modestly dressed and still be the target of male assault, but complying with feminine clothing as well as public nudity are generally seen as permission and an invitation for male attention. Women don’t understand this, generally – the relationship between compliance and male violence and that actions have real implications and don’t exist in a vacuum. To assume that you can do what you do for ‘other’ or ‘personal’ reasons doesn’t divorce you from male attention. They don’t care what your intentions are.

Anyhow, I watched the scene for a few moments and felt reasonably sure that nothing immediately bad was going to happen. This was likely a homeless couple, possibly suffering from age-related cognitive problems. I have to assume that, being such a religious country, the church provides some kind of assistance to the needy. The government situation is a bit of a mess. When I run into stuff like this, I am of very mixed minds. I don’t help men – ever – and I am very picky, based on past bad experiences, about the females I assist. I know there are those who would disagree with me about selectivity, and that is fine. I am just very economical about where I spend my very limited gynergy.

Needless to say, this was a sad scene that left a very bad aftertaste. Owned heterosexual women, generally have great potential for perks in life that single women and lesbians never have, but I also think that the depths to which hetero women can sink are far, far greater. Heterosexuality, for women, is like a high-reward, but very high-risk investment opportunity. Every day, I more firmly believe that female separatism is the only way to female dignity and freedom.

I is for Infantilization

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Although I’ve touched on this subject in other posts, I thought this would make a nice companion piece to E is for Emasculation. Emasculation is testosterone-fuelled hyperbole where men pretend that having their rapey privileges taken away or even just questioned is akin to the removal of their biological weapons of mass destruction: their cocks and balls. All men see their privilege to harm women and girls as a god or nature given right, and to even question that is a crime against manity. It’s puzzling and frankly, pathetic – if you lose your entire identity when it’s even suggested that you’re not allowed to do violence, what does that say about you and your class of creatures?

In my post, The Female Equivalent of Emasculation, I discuss whether women experience anything like what men do. My conclusion is ‘no’. In order to feel a stripping away of privilege or power, you actually have to have privilege and power, and even more importantly, you have to have them AND feel like you deserve them. Females don’t have privilege and they certainly don’t have any power, and most women don’t even feel like they deserve them, thanks to a lifetime of patriarchal brainwashing. So no, women can’t and don’t feel this unjustified and irrational rage that men often do. But they do experience something that absolutely ensures that they never will gain rights and power, let alone privilege or the feeling that they deserve anything but the suffering that is doled out in the name of male love.

So today, I is for Infantilization.

To infantilize is to constantly, and even systematically, treat women as if they are children or as less intelligent and capable than they are. It involves a whole host of language and behaviour patterns, is carried out by both men and women, and is often helped along by other patriarchal tools such as gaslighting. I’ve suggested before that infantilization is closely related to feminization, the enforcement of unnatural, gendered stereotypes that place females firmly under the male boot, ready to serve unthinkingly.

So let’s talk purpose and methods.

One could easily devote an entire book and even an entire research career to this topic. It is an international problem for over half the population, and generally seen as acceptable, if it’s noticed at all. Many men and women, including women claiming to be feminists, even consider infantilization to be sweet or sexy. But, infantilization is all about 1) transcending and erasing the boundaries of women and girls, 2) denying them power, intelligence, agency and recognition, and 3) breaking down their confidence. It starts in childhood when girls are more susceptible and vulnerable to harmful messaging. It is possible to infantilize a child by treating her as younger or less capable or less intelligent than she actually is. Boys are given free reign in all areas and bestowed with the idea that they are smarter and more talented than they truly are, while girls are protected and punished and denied the most basic freedoms and acknowledgement. By the time girls reach adulthood, they are well used to being treated like naive and even stupid children and often don’t notice that not much changes despite moving into a new phase of their lives. They are primed for heterosexual relationships and for mistreatment in the workplace.

More on the methods.

1) Transcending Boundaries

Girls are taught early on that their bodies are not their own. They are for public consumption. They see it on television, in advertisements, in the places where their clothes are bought. The entire world comments on their physical manifestation. But it comes from parents, too. The girl is over-protected and punished for things that boys can do freely. She is taught how to make her body small, to lower her voice, and silence her wants and needs. She is dressed to be consumed, not to consume or just exist. Mother presents her daughter to friends, family and relative strangers, and the girl is expected to accept being touched, held and fussed over. She is not allowed to say no as it’s rude or defiant. Denying her agency and body-privacy, mother infantilizes and thereby grooms her daughter for her future role as a compliant heterosexual fuckhole. By the time she reaches her teens and early adulthood, the average girl has little confidence, doesn’t know how to look at herself through her own eyes, and seldom holds or presents herself in a natural way in public. Out in the world, boys and men talk too much and take up more than their share of space, and she accommodates their privilege by silencing her voice and making her body smaller. Males touch her in ways they themselves would never accept, and she sees the attention as tender and loving instead of infantilizing, invasive or degrading. Males grip, and lead and force, and she goes limp, and follows, and accepts.

2) Denying Power and Capability

There are a million and one ways in which females are denied power and any acknowledgement of their achievements. I’ll discuss a few of them here.

The number one way to infantalize a woman is to focus on the physical. It might sound strange at first, as sex and sexuality are supposed to be mature or adult subjects, but in actuality, focusing on female appearance and women’s dichotomous status as either a mother or a child-free non-human, serves to infantilize women and completely ignore their achievements and actual contributions to society. Beauty is decidedly not an achievement. It is subjective and has no relevance, meaning or true value. If it had real, objective value, then men would have taken it over and made it the focus of their own lives. So it serves as a distraction and even obsession for so many girls and women, completely infantilizing them, depleting their limited finances, and turning their brains to mush. As manipulatable as children. A focus on the physical also blurs the lines between adult maturity and childhood in a sexual way, giving outlets for male pedophelia. Girls are pushed to become sexual beings and adult women regress under pressure to become more childlike and youthful in appearance. Women who eschew all things beauty and fashion-related are demonized, ostracized, and banished to a circle of hell that even Dante couldn’t conceive of.

All societies also focus on mother-worship, another non-achievement-based focus on the physical, yet considered the pinnacle of female success. The rewards women reap for getting knocked up are legion. You probably do better financially and socially if you become a mother and wife than if you go to university, and I’m not kidding. But I mean, let’s get real. How is motherhood the number one human female achievement if even cockroaches, giraffes, and mice can do it? This is infantilization – essentially, the childlike having children. And all the while, mediocre males have their career paths preserved, working mothers get maternity leave and baby showers in the workplace, and child-free women are ignored, held back, and denied opportunities and respect.

Women are also infantilized through language, either by being denied existence or by having their female status called out deliberately. The use of man, mankind or manpower is still in wide use and women are supposed to accept being adjunct, but unacknowledged, members of that group. If the tables were turned and we used ‘woman’ to describe all humans, males would start World War T (testosterone) and whine about emasculation and the pussification of society. We also refer to female doctors, but not male doctors, and on American television, female law enforcement is most often called ‘bitch cop’, which is not only infantilizing, but dehumanizing. My modern British ESL teaching materials still include words like ‘mailman’ instead of postal worker or letter carrier. And in North America, we still call female parking enforcement officers ‘meter maids’. In addition, women are regulary denied their titles that denote achievement, such as Dr. even going so far as to refer to esteemed women by their first names only. Instead, we become irrationally focused on titles denoting physical ownership status, namely Miss and Mrs., and frequently bestow diminutives, such as hon, sweetheart, beautiful, and my dear, on adult women, even in professional settings. The British even refer to elderly women, patronizingly, as ‘old dear’, while there is no infantilizing equivalent for old men.

When women demand that they be called Dr., there is often angry backlash, especially from other women. I find this puzzling as female achievement makes it easier for girls to develop professional goals and dreams and to actually have a chance at success. Higher education is a positively gruelling process, rife with misogyny and degradation, and women who have not gone through the process seem to think that educated women breathe refined air. I can tell you, as one of those educated women, that academia was in many ways, more misogynistic than other work settings I’ve experienced. I’d even go so far as to suggest that formal higher education is not necessarily the best option for women these days, unless there is a clear requirement for a specific degree. And I further suggest keeping one’s mouth shut if you are completely ignorant on a topic, especially when what is coming out of your mouth is shit directed at another woman. Anyhow, regarding language, there is no reason in the world where we need to be either linguistically sexing jobs or erasing the female sex entirely from our vocabulary. Language problems are soooo easily remedied, which makes it clear that there is a different motive for keeping things as they are. Yes, infantilization and disempowerment.

Men also constantly use their big mouths to infantilize women in another way, and this is mansplaining. I wrote a short post on this phenomenon a while back, so I’ll keep it brief here. Basically, men feel the need to talk at women. Teach them. Show them. Explain to them. But the problem is that most of the time, the woman or girl being talked at already knows. The female can be educated, skilled, intelligent, and experienced, and the male can be uneducated, unskilled, stupid, and inexperienced. And he knows all of this. But he still explains – or mansplains. It is the ultimate act of infantilization. Every single female on the planet has experienced this, usually thousands and thousands of times in her life. I’ve even had boy children do this to me. I’ve had Chinese male students try to mansplain my own language to me – even more significant as it is a very disrespectful thing to do to your teacher in Chinese culture, so there was an element of racism in there along with the infantilizing misogyny. I’ve also had a Korean man try to explain to me what arithmetic is despite the fact that I have a masters in statistics. These are only a few examples, but there are literally thousands of incidents in my life. And the more educated and skilled you are, the worse it is. Some women just accept it à la ‘we have to coddle the fragile male ego’. But I don’t. You have to be really careful though. Males are used to being able to say and do what they want to you, so reacting rationally and not in a childlike way – meaning that you challenge them – can lead to violence, and as I’ve experienced, you can lose your job and career opportunities if you dare to correct the situation.

3) Breaking Down Confidence

Research has shown again and again that females constantly underestimate their skills, abilities and intelligence, while males vastly overestimate what they can do. This is known, proveable, and we see it all the time. It is likely the number one determining factor in career success, or possibly number two, after connections (as in nepotism and Old Boys’ Clubs). We know that education and experience aren’t nearly as important as people tell us. But how well you can sell yourself, even if it’s all a lie, is. And while confidence is not always appreciated in women in the same way it is in men, an employer will still usually choose a confident woman over a hesitant or unsure one. Our world prefers shiny lies over quiet truths, so it is no wonder that men get the jobs and promotions and opportunities and recognition, and higher salaries.

It is also unsurprising that women will not only underestimate themselves, but the capabilities of other females. A woman will usually throw her support behind a demonstrably mediocre male as a potential, promising leader, than a proven, superior female. And not only is there no confidence in the women in question, but capable females will often be criticized and torn down by both men and women. You even see this in so-called ‘feminist’ communities where women discount a female voice because she is confident, outspoken, educated or appears to have a better-paying job. This is an attempt to infantilize a woman who so clearly breaks the rules about female success and confidence.

My general rule of thumb when evaluating male and female claims is this: take anything a male says about his abilities and cut it in half, and take anything a female says about herself and double it. It amazes me how many stellar, intelligent, capable, multi-talented, and over-educated women I’ve met who are barely getting by financially or who are working jobs that vastly under-utilize and under-value their skill sets. But this impacts single women and lesbians much more than married women because the latter have a husband’s income that keeps them from poverty. They don’t notice the problem unless the heterosexual contract doesn’t end up working out for them.

I can say the exact opposite of males – so many of them land well-paying jobs with opportunities for advancement and recognition despite average intelligence, laziness, lack of experience or education, and a lack of skills and capability. I believe a good part of this is due to the building up of confidence in males and the breaking down of confidence that a lifetime of infantilization inflicts on females. There are other factors that work in tandem, of course. Patriarchy is a multi-front assault on the female psyche.

What’s It All Mean?

As mentioned above, infantilization is a mechanism that serves to prevent women and girls from having power and rights and even believing that power and full human rights are possible for them. To give a female agency, confidence, and a complete sense of power over her body and life throws a wrench in the male privilege machine. Even liberal males want to maintain the illusion that some kind of equal exchange is going on, even when they know on some level that there is a power imbalance. Feel free to test this out by watching the rage flare up when you suggest to a liberal male that the so-called sex that he is having is actually consensual rape since unequal people cannot truly give consent. Men need women to depend on them for guidance, approval, and protection – the very things children require from parents. I argue that heterosexuality depends on the infantilization of women and girls, and I think it’s high time to stop dreaming about screwing your dad or grandpa. It’s time to grow up.

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I is for Individualism

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

So, one winter, five to ten years ago, I found myself at a communal breakfast table of the youth hostel where I was staying in Washington, D.C.. Generally, I’m not a fan of big groups of people I don’t know, so I tend to keep quiet, and just listen and observe the dynamics in these situations, kind of like the meat world equivalent of lurking in an online community. On this particular morning, I noticed a conversation between two women at the other end of my table – an American and a woman from South America. The latter had been reminded of and was recalling her experience at a group breakfast at an international conference she had attended a few years before. I think the breakfast she described had been a serve-yourself type of set-up and this woman had immediately taken on the unrequested and unnecessary role of dishing out food or coffee to all the attendees. Apparently, a Scottish woman had come up to her and told her that she didn’t need to do that and that it wasn’t women’s responsibility to take on serving roles at this conference. The South American woman had become quietly offended, and I think she had bridled at what she had correctly seen as a feminist attempt to invite her to join the group and eat some breakfast instead of missing out and serving. The South American explained to the American that in her culture, it is normal to volunteer to serve the group selflessly, and it had nothing to do with male domination. No way! Couldn’t possibly! But did she bolster her argument by adding that the males at the conference had also immediately jumped in to serve and clean up? No! Of course not! Because they hadn’t and they never do, and yes, this IS due to male domination. Culture is the very definition of all the ways in which women are subordinated to and by males in a particular time and place. The American listening to this story immediately did what all good little white Western women are supposed to do. She bowed her head in self-deprecation and shame, and lamented that her culture was soooo individualistic and selfish. None of this was about patriarchy, but about how Americans only think of themselves and their aggressive pursuit of fulfilling wants and needs at the expense of others. Fuck other people! I’m actually surprised that the American didn’t shit on the Scottish woman for imposing her feminist opinion on the situation. I can’t remember whether I had decided that breakfast was over at that point and I ended up missing the attack on feminism. Regardless, the whole thing was pathetic to listen to and frankly, incredibly reductionist, as all discussions of culture tend to be. But years later, I still remember this little scene so well, as I’ve always had a bone to pick with the whole over-simplified, high school debate topic – Which is morally superior: individualist or collectivist societies?

So, today, commune- and island-dwelling sisters, I is for Individualism.

I was still living in China when I witnessed this conversation, so I had been doing a lot of thinking on this topic, China being the so-called collectivist culture that it is. And I’ll say one thing right off the bat. I think if you’ve never spent significant time living in both individualist and collectivist cultures, you really aren’t qualified to make comparisons or draw conclusions about which one is better. It makes me think of another set of morally infused opposites: capitalism and communism or socialism, and how so many Americans seem to have really strong and judgey opinions about the latter without really knowing anything tangible about what it is.

The second thing I’ll say is that I don’t really prefer either type of society, and that some of the things we are told are present in one, are actually equally or more present in the other. I want to discuss a few points about both models of culture and then I’ll conclude with a note on patriarchy and what that means for women.

The Family as Individual

One thing I noticed after nearly a decade in a collectivist culture is that individualism is actually the undercurrent, but the unit is different. The individual is not the person, but the family. It really clicked for me when a student of mine was telling me about some Western soap operas she was watching. She said they were very different than Chinese shows. The characters in Western shows each had their own story line in addition to whatever was going on within a family. In China, all the story lines involve the family as a group. The members are not individuals living their own lives within the context of a family. I also, in the role of unofficial therapist for so many of my students, listened to countless horror stories of young people being horribly abused by parents while accepting the fact that they would never, ever leave and would even financially support their abusers for their entire lives. They believed and accepted that there was no escape. Individual suffering is meaningless in light of the well-being of the family. So, in collectivist cultures, you are not separate from your family. Everything you do affects its status and reputation – you function as a unit, an individual, essentially. So I consider collectivism to be almost a subtype of individualism, but incorrectly painted as morally superior. In reality, it can be colder, more dishonest and more open to abuse than any true individualistic society ever could be.

The Selfishness, Ruthlessness and Hypocrisy of Collectivist Cultures

It’s funny, so much of what is criticized about individualistic cultures is actually more true of the collectivists. It is said that individual success is not worshipped like you see in individualistic cultures. This isn’t true. Individual heroes are often created as examples to be followed, and you are more likely to see the development of personality cults among leaders within collectivism. I think without a rallying point such as a successful person, people tend to stray off the accepted path in order to create their own purposes. As well, volunteerism, as in choosing to do volunteer work, instead of being forced into it is virtually non-existent in collectivist cultures, despite it being essentially a selfless, group-benefitting act. I remember a conversation with one of my closest friends, who is Chinese, about volunteer work. She is a really smart and considerate person, but she told me she couldn’t truly understand why one would ever do volunteer work and was quite awestruck with the many stories of volunteerism that the various Western travellers she has met had. She also couldn’t believe that many so-called individuals even plan their travel around volunteering. But it is a fundamental and even moral imperative in individualistic cultures, although moreso among women than men, as males tend to believe that they deserve compensation for any work that they do. The same moral approach exists towards charities and charitable donations. In the US, data show that poor people frequently donate money to charities – it really has nothing to do with wealth, unlike what people assume. It is a moral choice, not a financial choice. Charitable giving doesn’t really exist in places like China, even among the rich. There is no drive to help strangers that I have ever seen, despite the claim that it is the faceless masses that you don’t know that are more important than you as an individual. I remember back when the Philippines suffered devasting losses due to a typhoon about 10 years ago. China as a country donated less money to relief efforts than the company IKEA. And the Philippines is both their neighbour and poorer than China. It seemed to me that collectivism has some very well-understood, but unspoken limitations on who belonged to the collective. It is very ‘in group/out group’. And indeed, collectivist cultures tend to be very, very exclusive. You don’t help anyone outside your tribe, and for many, even outside your family – the individual. You also don’t share, you don’t allow migration into the group, and you erase those who try to leave. Collectivist cultures tend to be very racist, very sexist, very censorious and rule-bound, and very unforgiving and violent, despite the ‘for the good of all’ mantra that you tend to hear. These are not the shiny happy people that communists and collectivists claim they are.

When Individualism Creates Weakness Rather than Strength

If collectivists are about grinning and bearing it in the name of sacrifice to the group, then individualists are supposed to be about survival of the fittest, and I’m referring to Herbert Spencer’s essentialism here. Individualism has done some good things for society. It has inspired creativity, some progress in human rights, critical analysis of religion and more. But it has also moved a lot of people away from contributing to the well-being of society and legitimizing some really shameful and anti-social pursuits. And while introducing the idea of human rights, it has also created a lot of confusion over the differences between wants, needs, rights and privileges, often elevating a frivolous or delusional wish to the level of a matter of life and death. Instead of creating the type of strength that would come from being forced to adapt to frequent change or normal human societal challenges, in the way that Darwin saw evolution and progress, highly individualistic societies seem to have created a population dependent on validation and being rewarded for mediocrity and even failure. We now see division and strife that can put individualistic societies in precarious and unstable situations over relatively insignificant issues. And this serves to distract from more serious problems facing our world.


Well, I’ve managed to shit all over everything, eh? Actually, I like some aspects of both types of society. My problem is that no reasonable system can function the way it is supposed to if men run it or even exist in it. In a collectivist society, the male drive to control and conquer will override the sharing and altruistic goals that are supposed to flourish. Female altruism and empathy end up abused and devalued, and everyone ends up suspicious and cold. In an individualistic society, male greed will create horrors and suffering for those without power and resources, and who end up forced into desperate arrangements in the name of survival. I’d love to see and actual collectivist society that acknowledges some value of the individual. It would have to be a small-scale society with clear goals, and the key element – or rather, missing element – would be the interfering destructive sex that has tended to ruin everything it touches. You know who I’m talking about 😉 But for now, if you are going to criticize a culture, remember that is it not individualism or collectivism or capitalism or communism that are the root problems, it is patriarchy. And that should be the basis of your arguments.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

I is for Identity

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Welcome to a topic that is the root of serious depression for a minority of people, the inspiration of hate and violence for some, a really sore or touchy or confusing subject for many, and a nebulous and frequently changing state for most.

Yep, like I said, I is for Identity.

The concept of identity – or how we are defined as a person – has been part of the human timeline for millennia. But it isn’t until recently that it has taken on a significance that borders on the clinically obsessive. It really didn’t used to be that way – heavy and gooey and taking up way too much mental real estate. In the beginning, it was used to be simple, rooted in basic biological and situational facts. It used to centre on standing in society and for men, the ownership of women, children, animals and things. And for women, identity was exclusively wrapped up in who owned them.

Along with “Why am I here?”, “Who am I?” has likely been asked by people all over the world since humans were capable of complex thought. But possibly, believing that everything in one’s life was fixed and little could be changed, as well as a tendency towards superstitious and magical thinking, the questions didn’t really go anywhere or inspire angst or tumultuous life changes in those to whom the questions presented themselves. I mean, what could they do? Considering complex ideas and behaving outside the norm could be very dangerous and get you ostracized from society or even get you killed.

For most of human existence, identity has only served a few simple, explicit, and practical purposes. Being able to recognize friends or foes and human property (women) through physical or symbolic markers; maintaining a memory or history of one’s tribe; and creating a sense of purpose and belonging as a community have been a few of the more important reasons for establishing formal means of defining identity. I am not going to focus on the historical development of identity here – it is, as usual, a massive topic. Rather, I want to look at the mess that is identity today because it has unfortunately become politicized, and has increased to include constructed affiliations that have been greatly inflated in importance, but that have fuelled all sorts of hate, violence and general unfairness. And the mess I’m talking about is social or personal identity.

It was likely only within the last 100 years that social or personal identity became something that started weighing heavily on people’s minds, taking up precious time and energy. It was probably partially thanks to our comparative economic and lifestyle freedom coupled with the machinations of modern social psychologists in their need to create, I mean study social problems, that really pushed the human brain into overdrive and into a focus on things that are probably so much less important than we think they are. Now, we have what some would sarcastically call ‘First World problems” – a shit ton of psychological and social issues that wouldn’t exist if we were still forced to focus on day-to-day survival. I don’t want to pooh-pooh psychological problems – they are real to those who suffer from them and cause an immense amount of harm both to sufferers and to society in many ways – I’m just saying that these problems have been constructed and don’t actually need to exist.

Biological Essentialism, Relatively Static States, and Social Constructionism

These days, identity can come from a variety of sources, and I think that socially constructed identity is mostly designed to create division and provide a rationale for oppression and male violence. A few aspects of how we are defined are based solely in biology. Sex is one of those identity markers that is irrefutably biological, despite what trans activists have tried to make us believe in the last couple of decades. It puts all humans into two defining categories that haven’t changed over time or across cultures: predators and prey, or simply, males and females. The fact that this doesn’t vary is proof enough that sex is biological. Gender, on the other hand, is one of those factors that is 100% constructed. And confusing sex and gender has been the agenda of post-modernists and trans activists and other misogynists as backlash to feminism. If you can make people believe that women are biologically wired to be subservient and salivate over being raped, you can justify anything men do to them and keep them from achieving any kind of liberation. I do hold an essentialist view, based on copious data, that males are wired for violence. And remember that oppressors call the shots and so it is males, not females, who are allowed to act naturally. But I also believe that males are allowed to hold onto that violence because they socially constructed gender and the various systems that reward men for their violence and punish women for rebelling.

Plenty of other factors in modern conceptions of identity are socially constructed. National borders, the stuff upon which national identity is based and the stuff aspiring dictators and crafty politicians use to fuel war machines and unwarranted xenophobia, is constructed and unnecessary. Religion is completely socially constructed, based on fear and ignorance, the need to control groups of people and to justify the hatred of women. Gender, like I said, is completely constructed and is used to justify the oppression of women. Sexuality is mostly constructed, and the institution or system of heterosexuality was created to oppress women and create armies used to maintain violent male agendas. Race is biological, but a socially constructed element was added to artifically create more differences between racial groups than actually exist and to fuel woman hate and satisfy male war-lust. Culture is socially constructed, by definition, and like religion, has become protected, given undeserved respect and is thus, untouchable, despite the fact that culture is just how the oppression of women manifests in a given time and place.

There are also what I call factually-based or static-state contributors to identity. They are not things we are necessarily born into, and they don’t form the basis of activism or oppression. But they develop as we grow up, don’t change a great deal, and for many, become crucial to our identities. These can be professional identities, hobbies and the like. I can speak for myself when I say that my work is crucial to how I define myself, and how I perform or contribute has great impact on my psychological health and my sense of purpose. I also derive some sense of identity from my great love of bees. These are things that I wasn’t born with, although they may be a result of my personality and thus are a part of me that likely won’t change much over the course of my life.

How Did Social Constructionism Gain So Much Power?

I think social constructionism is a logical outcome of a modern, decadent and frivolous world where the majority of people lack meaningful purpose and are suffering as a result. I’m going to give social psychologists the very slightest of benefits of doubt in that they were probably trying to help people deal with their modern world problems and associated emptiness, but as with everything men do, they ended up creating more problems than they solved. The whole identity crisis problem likely started very small, then snowballed and has finally ended up turning the last few generations into oversensitive, fragile, narcissistic, specialness-seeking, trigger-warning-needing, FOMO-prone, selective social justice warriors. There is a need to feel special and validated like at no time before in history, and the creation of new and more insane identities has become both an obsession and even an occupation for many.

What I can’t figure out is whether all of this is the result of the need to escape or avoid a lot of large and very real crises and inequalities by creating a host of non-problems and oppressions to focus on, or whether having a highly distracted and emotional population is exactly what is needed in our current business and political climate. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I’ll say that there is probably a bit of both elements going on. And then like the proverbial out-of-control snowball rolling down the hill, identity politicking has taken on a life of its own, infiltrating every aspect of our lives, including the political, and feeding itself via the internet.

Identity Becomes Brand

To a certain extent, ‘brand’ has always existed although not in the way that we understand it today. Women have always been owned with no choice about being a thing to be sold, and thus their identities have always been constructed by those who own them. But we’re at a point where it has become an honest to goodness goal for young and amibitious people to deliberately turn who they are – their very identities – into a saleable product or service. And the name of the game is inauthenticity with a slick veneer of hope. With the rise of social media, this has become big business. Personally, I find it strange and repulsive, although because of my interest in propaganda, brainwashing, and ethics, I also find this unfortunate development morbidly fascinating. In the history of business, marketing has never been about truth. I tend to think that if something needs to be marketed, you don’t actually need it, and the purpose of marketing is to convince you that you need the unnecessary. So of course, capitalism, the system of selling for profit, depends heavily on marketing, and is therefore a system built upon lies, and its brothers, dehumanization and inequality. Capitalism’s appeal is in its ability to sell, not just every product you could possible dream of, but also the promises of and hope for wealth, happiness, a better life, social approval and the like. All lies and illusions.

So, as I said, we’re at the point where people are constructing identities and selling them for profit. They have manifested as cult leaders, gurus, and most recently, influencers. It seems that the greater the focus we place on identity, the further away from being real we become. Real people don’t really make for a good ‘package deal’ as their true identities tend to look messy or unmanicured or just plain old boring. People want to buy or buy into identities that look good on the surface, that can cover up both internal and external messiness (aka reality), that will distract from boredom, and that will buy them social credit in an increasingly inauthentic world.


I’m a pretty hard core minimalist in most areas of my life, and my philosophy is that less is more, except perhaps when it comes to learning. Then, I think you can never get enough. But in the topic today, I really think a serious paring down is required to avoid becoming consumed by what you think you’re supposed to be. How do you do this? First, get off the internet! And yes, I see the irony in what I’m saying. Okay, well at least limit your plugged in time. The internet is a mind-fuck if you veer off the path of educational sites and into social media and other time-wasters. Next, focus on learning, and develop your meaningful purpose. I’ve talked about this before, so I won’t go into detail here. These are places to start. Keep it simple and you’ll find less nonsense finding its way into your quest to define yourself.

So, I’ll end with this question: who are you?

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

H is for Hope

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

It’s the fluffy stuff of posters, platitudes, politics, and propaganda. It’s the product peddled by motivators, marketers, and movie-makers. And today, it’s the topic of yet another H-post in my Alphabet Series.

H is for Hope

This is a massive topic, and I know I won’t do it justice here. But the concept of hope is a major undercurrent in patriarchy and it is important to understand why this is so. It is also important to think about whether it is a useful concept for women or whether it does more harm than good. So, I’ll give it a rough outline and leave you with some questions, opinions and food for further thought.

Motivation for this topic came from an online conversation I had with an Indian woman I met on Saidit.net a few years ago in a more general and very blackpilled discussion of patriarchy and suicide. I had always been of the opinion, probably thanks to my long education in psychology, that hope was the driving force in keeping people keeping on. Basically, I thought, it was a good thing and should be fostered. My Indian acquaintance was of a different opinion, believing that hope was rooted in religion, which is essentially patriarchal and thus, anti-woman, and I found what she said to be so valuable that it inspired a complete rethink of my position. I haven’t encountered her since, but if she ever runs into me or my writing online again, I’d like her to know that I’m grateful for our short, but meaty, discussion.

Hope vs. Faith and the Link to Suffering

Now, I think religion is one of many symptoms or tools of patriarchy, and thus, hope is not rooted in religion, but just another symptom or tool of female oppression. You can see hope used as a tool in both religious and areligious male-dominated societies. But many often see hope as a religious concept and mistakenly equate it with faith and the non-thinking that goes with it. They do often go together and prop each other up as both require the withholding of critical thinking, but they are not the same. And faith doesn’t have to be religious either, of course. So, first, some definitions.

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Faith: complete trust or confidence in something based solely on conviction rather than proof.

So why do these exist? Why is such a state of non-thinking so irresistible, especially for women? Well, my theory is this. Suffering is always present in patriarchy, and as a result, there is a need to explain it and to develop ways of accepting and coping with it. Required suffering is part of every religion and cultural mythology, and it is often explained that women must suffer more than men. It’s god’s plan and therefore women’s duty to accept a life of suffering. We are told to have faith, despite any evidence or rational argument, that there is a reason for what we endure, so instead of thinking critically and then realizing that fighting back is the only way out of it all (aside from suicide), we then develop hope as a means of coping and trying to survive. Religions and political machines often use ‘hope’ as a way of getting people both to accept suffering and seeing it as a way to become better and stronger. And there is a heap of guilting, shaming and morality policing done to those who don’t submit, accept and hope.

Here is an example of the effective use of hope in religion and political campaigning.

…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

a close-enough version of Romans 5:2-5 NIV 

Religious use of ‘hope’ to justify and almost eroticize suffering.

Political use of ‘hope’ to manipulate hearts and minds.

The bonus to men and to patriarchy is that if we accept required suffering as women, it opens the door to more abuse by men. They can do what they want and are allowed to repent and be forgiven ad nauseam, and we are only allowed to hope for things to improve. The reality is that suffering isn’t actually necessary to exist as a human, males are never sorry for what they do, and women can hope until the cows come home, but things will never get better.

Hope vs. Purpose – Is Hope Necessary?

I’ve had the privilege of working with a lot of young people in different countries, and I think this world is filled with people who don’t have anyone to talk to honestly or anyone to just listen to them. I’ve listened to a lot of youth, and if asked for advice, I try to give them the benefit of my experience without sounding like a finger-wagging old person. They get enough of that from family and society. The young seem to be preoccupied with the elusive concepts of success and happiness, and everyone seems to tell them to be positive and hopeful and focused on the pursuit of money and love. What a recipe for mental health problems. I have found that those obsessed with hope and happiness tend to be extremely unhappy, very confused, and even quite depressed. Hope is about expectation, and the youth of today seem to have a lot of expectations. I think the internet has had a hand in this, present lies as reality and telling young people that they can expect to have everything they see even when what they are seeing isn’t real. But it’s complicated.

Anyhow, in my experience, letting go of expectations, of hope and of this silly notion of constant happiness are key to navigating a patriarchal world without entering a downward spiral and considering killing yourself. Is this ideal? Of course not. But as there is no solving the Man Problem, you need to find a way to deal. And I don’t mean adopting an “if you can’t beat them, then join them” mentality. Sadly, that is what the majority of straight women do. Denial is a little more comfortable than living in reality, but you are still suffering even if you don’t realize it for a long time, usually after it is too late. I’ll write more about this when I get to the P’s of my Alphabet Series. No, what I mean is that you should conserve your gynergy and make your efforts mean something.

Here are some examples:

  1. Pick your battles wisely. If you are going to fight for something, then make sure it’s worth the consequences. There are always consequences when women go against men and their handmaidens. Even if you manage to accomplish something good for women, almost no one will thank you for it – probably the opposite actually. So fight for your higher principles and without expectations or hope.
  2. Live for ‘moments’. I’ve tried to help young people who are confused about why they can’t attain a constant state of bliss with the following. Enjoy small things. Notice details. Take pleasure in what is happening now without thinking past its ending. Myself, I actually am one of those people who literally stops to smell flowers. Once I started doing this type of thing regularly, I was freed from the burden of not being constantly happy. I have moments. A piece of chocolate. A good conversation. Taking an amazing photo of a bumble bee. No. I am not a member of the Cult of Positivity. I am skeptical, jaded, and have very low expectations of other people and of my own life.
  3. Find a purpose. Hope and purpose are not the same. Purpose has nothing to do with expecting that things will get better. They can be linked, but they don’t have to be. And I think that it’s better if they are not. Having a purpose is about doing something that has meaning to you. It could be about morals or principles. It could be about achieving mastery in something. It could be anything. And while it would be great if your purpose contributed positively to the world (i.e., it is a feminist purpose), you need to start with something that helps you sleep at night and helps you get up in the morning. I think most of the world is suffering from lack of meaningful purpose and so many bad things result.

In conclusion, I’ll say this. For women, hope is a useless concept. I think it only exists because suffering exists, and suffering only exists becuase men exist. Forcing hope down women’s throats serves men by keeping women compliant, accepting of forced suffering, and illogically believing that things will get better without questioning the status quo or fighting to change anything. Hope doesn’t float; it is the anchor that pulls you under the water and drowns you slowly.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

G is for Gynocentrism

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

This post is sure to get me called ‘mean’ by other women, mostly women who call themselves ‘feminists’, and to me, that is a great indicator that I’m speaking a truth that hits a little too close to home. In other words, this is the mark of a successful post. ‘Mean’, when used in these situations, tends to end up being tone or language policing of clear or blunt words, as I try my best not to infantilize women by denying their role in their own oppression or using euphemisms to downplay the ridiculousness of behaviours and situations. And calling feminists ‘mean’ can also be a standard and unintelligent way of coping with the cognitive dissonance associated with knowing on some level that, despite proclaiming to be a feminist, one’s own behaviour is harmful to women as a class. In fact, I’m not a mean person at all, and I actually regularly self-examine and give up behaviours that I consider to be harmful to females. So I don’t take name-calling or ad feminem attacks by other women seriously at all. I think that being ‘nice’ goes hand in hand with telling lies. Both are a waste of energy and accomplish little, even if you end up making people feel good about their poor and sometimes stupid and harmful-to-others choices. Being critical in order to analyze nonsense is not mean; being an asshole for no reason other than to cause havoc, is.

So what, pray tell, is going to rattle women today? Well, I’m going to propose that feminism that doesn’t centre women is not feminism. When I write and then read this, it sounds obvious and ridiculous that I should even need to argue this at all. But it is amazing how many women will promote the most woman-hating of behaviours and call it ‘feminism’. And they are not a mentally disturbed minority, but the oversensitive and fragilely constructed majority. I’ll also even go so far as to say that anything that doesn’t centre female liberation from males isn’t really feminism either. Enough with “What about the men?” The question that nobody ever asks, but should, is: “What about the women and girls?” Can you believe that that is not the central question in most feminist theory or practice these days? Mindboggling.

All this is to say that today, G is for Gynocentrism.

The fact that most people don’t know what this word is, let alone find it in mainstream sociopolitical philosophy or movements is a testament to our poor education systems, the enforced mandate to be ‘inclusive’ in feminism, and the fact that our psychological and material realities reflect something else entirely: androcentrism. Here is a very simple definition of gynocentrism:

It is a dominant or exclusive focus on females in theory or practice.

Some definitions try to include stuff about femininity or a ‘feminine perspective’, but I won’t include it here as gender has no place in gynocentrism or true feminism, and I have no idea what a ‘feminine perspective’ is except that you probably have to apply lipstick before expressing your point-of-view in a sexy, pouty, TikTok video sort of way.

There also seems to be the belief that gynocentrism is just the opposite of androcentrism, which likely comes from the limited male perspective that females aren’t their own entities, but just male wannabes. While androcentrism can also be called patriarchy, I wouldn’t say that gynocentrism is the matriarchy of male testerical fantasy. Gynocentrism is not the opposite of androcentrism. What men do is all about domination and hierarchy and creating slave classes and disenfranchising groups and causing and perpetuating suffering and violence. And you’ll notice that all of this is present in every single sociopolitical system that men have ever devised, including those claiming to make people equal. In fact, some of the most violent and unfair systems men have created were those borne of the quest for equality in society. Men don’t believe in equality. It’s not part of their DNA. Interestingly, a lot of people, including some feminists, think women can be just as violent as men, and of course, this is nonsense. If that were true, we’d have destroyed male power long ago and established some sort of similar dictatorship-matriarchy, because although women are not physically stronger than men, they are actually naturally smarter, more organized, more patient and more strategic than men, and brains always win over brawn if you’re playing the long game. As well, what we aren’t is more violent or psychopathic than men. So no, gynocentrism is not androcentrism, but with tits and twats on top. That’s just not how we roll, genetically speaking. Rather, I see it as separation or separatism, first and foremost. Then, it is about peace, learning, co-existence with the natural world, and progress stemming from logic-based sustainability, rather than greed-based, uncontrolled and unlimited growth.

Now, before you accuse me of idealism, I’ll say that I don’t believe women could sever ties from males today en masse and magically create a feminist utopia. I believe that so much would have to happen before women could ever create a high-functioning female-only society, and it would likely take generations, although not for lack of trying. Today’s women and girls are so severely damaged and brainwashed and immersed in male filth and violence that I don’t think it is possible to heal completely in one’s lifetime, even if one managed to magically live completely separately from patriarchal influence, including other damaged people. Further, there is epigenetic inheritance evidence that experienced trauma can be passed on to offspring. While it is acknowledged that this inheritance affects how our cells function, but doesn’t cause permanent changes to DNA, the field is so new that we don’t know how the effects can be remedied. All this is to say that for women to be natural and thriving, not just surviving – meaning undamaged by patriarchy and living in a pro-health, female-focused way – the sociopolitical world would have to undergo massive structural change. That’s not to say that adopting gynocentrism and, naturally, by extension, female separatism, isn’t worth pursuing. Not at all. I just think it will end up being a personal and political health choice. For some, a matter of life and death. For others, the only option that makes sense. It’s not easy and it can be lonely, but it is what needs to be done in order for women to be free.

The Second Wave: The Zenith before the Plummet into Slut Feminism

The Western feminists of the Second Wave got it. I mean, they really got it. They were single-minded, focused on women, extraordinarily hard-working and generous. They did consciousness raising. They built communities. Many created a world where they could live as separately as possible from men. They made the personal political, and they made life choices based on those beliefs. And these choices weren’t sacrifices or suffering in their minds. They were natural and logical. And necessary. You absolutely don’t see that today, or at least it’s rare. I don’t think most young women can understand what it means that the personal is political, or that most of what constitutes ‘identity’ these days is constructed, or that what you do can affect other women negatively. I think women spend a lot of time making excuses for their selfish and woman-hating choices, and they tend to focus superficially, but loudly, on the easy stuff that doesn’t require lifestyle or thinking style changes. Most don’t really want to self-examine too closely because they’d have to deal with serious ethical and philosophical mismatches in their lives. I wish we could all teleport back to the time of the Second Wave if only to be inspired and enlightened and to see what is possible for women. I find a lot of today’s so-called feminists criticize the hell out of Second Wave feminists for one stupid thing or another – usually ad feminem attacks involving being white or educated or middle class or anti-sex or something made up, clearly showing how far women have fallen intellectually since the Second Wave. I find it embarrassing, but not surprising. Critical thinking is not encouraged these days, and it is amazing how often women read an article or book and completely miss the point, choosing instead, to focus on things that fail to fit their own personal and limited experience of the world.

From what I’ve gathered, once the diversity and inclusivity movement coupled with the pro-male, sex-positivity movement started to gain momentum, the Second Wave was dismantled. It’s sad that men always win, and the loudest women show themselves to be very, very stupid, or perhaps lazy is the better word. I think most women end up giving in to male demands and pretending it is feminism because it is so much harder to do what is needed to be free. It is so much easier to become a slut than a human, for women.

The Diversity/Inclusivity and Intersectional Feminist Movements

I remember for kicks, a few hundred years back, I watched the entire Six Feet Under television series. I’ll sum it up as follows: I’ve never cheered the death of a male character more than I did Nate Fisher’s. But it was short-lived; like with a poorly functioning toilet, the turd kept coming back again and again. And annoyingly, in the form of hallucinations. I won’t go into endless detail about him, but let’s just say, if the picture dictionary had an entry for Liberal White Male, this fuck’s picture would be there. Anyhow, there was this episode in Season 2 where the pathetic, uber-Martyr, housewife-mother-monster, Ruth, has one of her frequent uncomfortable interactions with her self-hating daughter – this time, about feminism. It’s sad and maddening and really typical of how feminism is approached today, thanks to intersectionalism, its spawn, inclusivity, and the post-modernist movement. Feminism is whatever you want it to be, which means it’s meaningless.

Ruth says: “Feminism means being accepted for who you are.” What the fuck does that even mean?

One of the most negative and damaging outcomes of the whole forced diversity, inclusivity and intersectional movement is the watering down and sometimes even the complete eradication of potentially very powerful groups, systems, and frameworks. See my 2016 post on what I call the Ice Cube Effect – the watering down of feminism. See also my 2016 post on the problems with intersectional feminism. Inclusivity and post-modern thinking have also depoliticized key political issues for women as a class, namely sex and sexuality, while politicizing nonsense such as identity and emotions. This is a time of censorship. A time where feminists spend more time attacking each other, and especially major feminists of the Second Wave, than they do men – the actual oppressors. I expect non-feminist women to be assholes, but I hear time and time again from women who seem to be on the right track, that they are more often attacked by other women who call themselves ‘feminists’ than by anyone else. It is very strange that this new focus on diversity and inclusivity and intersectionality has resulted in less freedom, more silencing of female voices, and more in-group distrust and abuse. I think this is a very complicated issue that deserves a separate post, but suffice it to say that today’s Western women, especially white women, experience more propaganda and gaslighting about their own experiences than do people in the China I worked in for nearly a decade. I wonder whether Western women are less free than they have been in a long, long time, and end up venting their frustrations on each other because they are not allowed to speak about real problems in a public forum. I think Western feminism, if you can even call it that, needs a very serious paring down and needs to return to its basic roots: a focus on women, or gynocentrism.

At this point, feminism, like Ruth Fisher put it, is a free for all. You don’t actually have to follow any kind of philosophy, framework or guiding principles to be a ‘feminist’. You just have to be a female. And these days, you don’t even have to be a female. A woman has an opinion, and she is a feminist. A television show has a female lead character, and it’s a feminist show, regardless of the content or message. A woman puts on make-up with a fierce intensity, and she is a feminist. A woman devotes herself to housewifery and propping up a male’s career, and she’s a feminist. Do whatever the hell you want! Call it feminism. Anyone can join the club! And to question it these days is mean and disrespectful and grounds for censorship and ostracism. No other sociopolitical movement is so lax, so inclusive. Blacks don’t invite the KKK to their activism. Vegans don’t welcome meat-eaters and hunters to their tofu-socials. But feminism can be whatever you want it to be, even if it hurts women and girls and benefits oppressors: men. At this point, do you understand why gynocentrism is necessary to true feminism? Jeez, I hope so…

I do intend to write something more comprehensive on this topic, but I’ll end this post by saying the following. Real feminism, gynocentrism, can save your life. It’s not easy. It requires hard work, a lot of self-examination and life changes. But it is comforting in the way that a blazing wood fire is at the end of a long, cold day in the woods on a winter’s day, which perhaps only a true Northern person can understand. But I’ve always believed that nothing worthwhile comes without a fight or dedication. And I don’t mean suffering or sacrifice. I mean the kind of effort that kicking an addiction might entail.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

A Consistent Message

As if in preparation for my upcoming audio upload of G is for Girl, I’ve been presented with two more examples of the <<white female as international symbol of ‘public whore’>> phenomenon that I’ve noticed over the past few decades in the various countries I’ve visited and lived in. I’ve lived in the world more than most women, and unlike women who travel with male masters, I actually look around me with no filter and no protection. I don’t pretend, and yes, it is uncomfortable. It doesn’t seem to matter what the local dominant race is, white females are often the go-to exploitable symbol of sex, and by extension, the number one convenient target of blame and hate for the world’s problems. All women, regardles of race, are sexualized. Our bodies and our reproductive capabilities are the basis of female oppression.

Some people try to blame white women for setting impossible standards for beauty that the rest of the female world is supposed to live up to, but I maintain that women neither create nor want oppression, and without male existence, beauty wouldn’t be a thing at all. ‘Beauty’ is a cage, not a form of freedom, and isn’t based on objective reality. Beauty practices and the massive industry upholding them are time- and money-wasters, and destroyers of the thinking mind through distraction and the fabrication of a host of ‘lady problems’ that don’t truly exist.

Beauty doesn’t translate into love or respect – if it did, males would take it over for themselves. Rather, it creates a rationale for hate and justification for violence, not just for males against females, but among women and girls themselves. And we see the manifestation of hate in so many ways.

I present below my two latest everyday examples of what beauty means. Unless it is pointed out, no one every notices or questions it.

(1) This is a life-size, mutilated poster of an almost-nude white female found in my neighbourhood. This is not a local woman from where I currently live. You can see that a white, bikini-clad female was downloaded from Dreamstime stock photos, she was to be used to advertise one of the many, many ‘beauty bars’ in my community, and of course, some male went to town on her, scratching a thatch of pubic hair in the crotch region, and scratching away at one of the breasts, perhaps simulating bite marks. You may not be aware that males very, very commonly bite the women they rape. I used to work as a forensic data analyst and I know what males do to the strangers they rape. For some reason, the belly was also scratched – perhaps a little hatred directed at the reproductive organ region, which is what much of female control by males is all about.

(2) As I was preparing the graphic for my G is for Girl YouTube post, I did an image search for ‘tomboy’, and I got this pornified, young, blonde white girl in a string bikini, complete with a ‘sexy’ pose and an ‘ass shot’. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I swear there is something going on with the G is for G$$gle search engine algorithm. I’ve written a few posts on internet madness, in general, and strange search results on specific topics before (see: my post on the privatization of search terms to protect men and another post on how searching for ‘sexual violence’ brings you links for dating apps). You also get strange results when you look for racism and violence against white females, which I will write about in a future post.

Anyhow, today’s search engines are liberal male havens: pro-misogyny, pro-rape, pro-porn, pro-censorship, and anti-white-female.

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. If you are going to have a successful campaign, you need to be simple and consistent. This is one thing that men have got ‘right’ and why they successfully maintain a position of dominance over females. If women and girls can (and are willing to) learn anything from men, it should be this. As it is, women can’t agree on the basics of feminism, and often can’t even see their own oppression, choosing instead to fight amongst themselves, and ultimately, serving males.

[I’m including this post in the White Girl series.]

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

E is for Emasculation

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Forgive the backtracking with another E post (I’m currently on the O’s at the time of this writing), although really, this is my blog and I can do what I damn well please. It is because I am in the throes of preparing my audio upload to YouTube of the reading of my 2021 post E is for Enabler. It might sound easy to some – just read the damn thing while recording and then throw it up on YT, but no. Actually, I take a serious look at the written post beforehand. What I didn’t appreciate on the level that I do now is that not all posts meant solely for written consumption are 100% translateable to audio. For example, I noticed a while ago that, for some reason, I developed a bit of a weakness for parentheses, and I’ve been trying to weed myself off them in my writing for a lot of obvious reasons. So since starting to record audio, I’ve been taking a closer look at my existing posts and have been doing a little editing to make the writing more ‘readable’. A long time ago, I published an academic book in Taiwan with the help of a major publishing company that ended up screwing me financially, but I learned a lesson: everyone needs an editor. But when you’re writing for free as a hobby of sorts, you are both the writer and the editor. It’s an imperfect system, and all writing needs fresh eyes to improve.

Anyhow, as I’ve been going through the E is for Enabler post, I realized that I really needed to write something about an absolutely fabulous E-word that is near and dear to my heart, probably because of the special shears that I keep by my front door to enforce my separatist principles. Just joking! Or am I…? Oh, don’t be so sensitive.

So, what was I saying?

E is for Emasculation

Now, apparently, I wrote and published what should actually be a companion piece to this one back in 2020, and I’ll include bits and pieces of it here. In that article, I ask whether there is a female equivalent to emasculation. Hint: the answer is no. So, read on, explorers!

What the hell is emasculation? I know, it seems a bit obvious, especially because men are constantly moaning about their feelings and how everything is women’s fault.

In the most literal sense, it means castration – full on twig and berries removal. Men are very emotional when it comes to their junk – they take their feelings about their genitals as seriously as they do actual harm to their bodies. It is not an exaggeration to imagine a physician asking a wounded male: “Should we remove the bullet from your brain or save your partially severed left nut first?” with most men responding by looking south. You get the ‘special shears’ joke now, right? Male testeria is kinda hilarious and absolutely begging for satire – but also really dangerous as their insanity is always backed by the law.

But males don’t mean literal castration when they speak of emasculation. As with everything, it is always about their unstable psychology, insecurity and hair-trigger feelings. So, within the realm of male sensitivity, we’ve got the following definition of emasculation:

the reduction or removal of a man’s sense of masculinity, as by depriving him of a culturally sanctioned male role or the exercise of male privilege.

A few things here with this male definition. First, the use of ‘depriving’. The implication is that there is fault on the part of the other party – the one not experiencing the feelings, and that party is always female. Women and girls don’t deprive males of ANYTHING; they can’t as they are of the prey class and ALL males are historically and currently part of the oppressor/predator class. Saying ‘no’ to what amounts to misogynistic treatment by the male, is not deprivation in any way, shape or form. The second missing thing is that, following feeling deprived by women and girls, men believe that what is warranted is violent vengeance against their target. So basically, male becomes unhinged of his own doing, finds a female target to blame, and then victimizes her in a self-sanctioned rage. Sound familiar? We’ve all been at the receiving end of some form of violence because of some male’s glimpse into his own obsolescence and inadequacy. Let’s talk about the triggers of feelings of emasculation and then a bit about punishment.

The Triggers


I’ve written about the selective censorship of women in a past post. Generally, women and girls are only allowed to speak if they are upholding male descriptions of reality and belief systems. Men don’t like hearing things that challenge their world view or even worse, oppose their domination and control of females. Any attempt to uphold an opinion or argument, to correct errors or lies, to assert or reclaim power or control over her own life are dangerous for a woman when dealing with men. Even the word ‘no’ can send men into a spiral of rage. We’re seeing frightening proof of male power and insanity these days among men pretending to be women. They are destroying the lives of countless women throughout the Western world for very logically and simply publicly speaking unassailable biological truths that males cannot be female. It defies understanding in what is supposed to be a ‘progressive’ world, but it is more proof positive that males are still male, no matter what they are feeling or wearing. And in all situations, it comes down to this: in the male mind, women’s words strip him of his perceived right to do whatever the fuck he wants to them. Often, women have no idea what they have said to inspire the insanity that inevitably results. But in truth, they have said nothing wrong and don’t deserve punishment.


A woman doesn’t even need to open her mouth to offend the fragile emotional state of a man. Males, even liberal males, believe they are owed deference and respect by all women and girls, although what this behaviour actually entails differs from male to male and from culture to culture. I’ve experienced male attacks numerous times for not acting correctly or being adequately submissive or deferential, although most of the time, I think I, and most women, are attacked because of the last two categories. Most women are too afraid to say or do ‘wrong’ things when it comes to males. The other two categories are passive in that you don’t even have to be aware of doing anything specific to be targeted for causing feelings of inadequacy in males.

An example of emasculating behaviour may include looking at a male with disgust or derision or fear. I think of the complaints of black males or of homeless men who get super pissed when women act like they are afraid of them. The women are attacked with accusations of racism or classism and the like. Of course. However, women should be allowed to be afraid of males for obvious reasons and without having to justify their behaviour. Every one of us is assaulted by a male at least once in our lives. But showing that justifiable fear, can for some men, take opportunities for power and control away from them. The retaliation can help reclaim this lost power. And male feelings are always more important than women’s human right to be and feel safe. And we are seeing similar backlash against women who have stood up to men trying to use women’s bathrooms and change rooms. I really believe that these men don’t truly believe they are women; they are just getting off on forcing women to accept having their boundaries and privacy and human rights destroyed. The utimate male power and control. And nothing a woman does to ‘inspire’ male insecurity and the inevitable backlash is wrong or deserving of punishment.


One of the objects men turn women into is that of a mirror. We exist to let men bask in their own reflections. The problem is that sometimes, men don’t like what they see looking back at them. Looking to a woman to validate them, in other words, doesn’t always work, epecially if she isn’t applauding enough, or smiling enough, or if the male in question isn’t feeling good enough about himself to believe the lie of his amazingness. He sometimes just looks at the woman and sees her completeness, which reflects back his own incompleteness as a male. He feels a loss of standing or power. It’s enough to inspire his rage at her. She has done nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve punishment.


Most men don’t even need an excuse to attack or punish women. All men are misogynists, even if they claim that they’re not, and all men benefit from misogyny, even if they don’t see how. Some men are more dangerous than others and may even believe that females deserve to be punished for existing or that the punishment is just the ‘suffering’ that seems to be part of what all major religions proscribe for females, and as males, they must do their part to enact their god’s plan. So for some men, it goes like this: see woman, feel the existential male insecurity, feel the rage burn, direct the rage to woman, enact the rage. Repeat ad nauseam.

In various times and places, we’ve seen men’s rights groups start up that seem to be fuelled by this notion that female existence is a threat to masculinity. Not that they want to get rid of women. First, masculinity would no longer be a thing, as it exists as a social construct only because there are two sexes. Likely, if women disappeared, men would still follow their biological wiring to dominate and control and create a caste system, with an underclass, among men (discussed in this post here). It wouldn’t be peaceful.

Black American men have an expression – walking while black – that actually is a much more appropriate, serious and pervasive thing for women and it exists on every inch of our planet instead of only in select areas of the US. Walking while a woman (WWW) can end up in your death, your rape, your beating, your sexual assault, your stalking, and more. And much of the time, these 3W experiences are the result of males feeling emasculated because of your existence, your presence, the way you are dressed, the way you do or don’t look at them – ANYTHING. What you do or don’t do doesn’t actually matter. You have no control over men’s feelings, but they project their anger and insecurity on you. You, as a woman, are responsible for everything wrong in their lives, and your very existence highlights their inadequacy and incompleteness.

Every single female on this planet has experienced this at least once, and usually thousands of times over her lifetime. We are used to it and most don’t even notice it. And many learn to deal with this constant threat by developing the skill to placate, to coddle, to make excuses for, to self-harm, to enable and to act as a ‘flying monkey’

Existing does not equate to doing something wrong and no female deserves punishment for being alive.

The Punishment

There is always punishment. I’m going to say one thing here, and I’m going to bet that most if not all women would agree if they were honest with themselves. With one or two extreme exceptions, I’ve never seen a woman act as batshit crazy as a man. I’ve never seen a woman overreact like a man does. I’ve never seen the kind of emotionality and rage in a woman that I’ve seen in so many men – and women actually have real reasons to be angry, and even burn-the-city-down rageful. Standard male behaviour is a sign of their sex-based immaturity, lack of control, irrationality, instability and insanity, and it is incomprehensible that males are allowed free reign in this world. They have projected their own flaws onto women, and then have used them as the ‘rational’ basis for keeping women out of all areas of public life and power. And I say this to men, if women truly behaved as you actually do and chose to act on injustices done to them by you, you’d all be dead, and by your standards, the homicides would be justifiable. Think of how men act when a woman denies him something. Then think about all the times men have denied women a human right. If we acted like men do, all males would be dead. Every. Single. One. But we are female. We are the mature ones, the controlled ones, the rational ones, the stable ones, and the sane ones. Males exist to punish and women exist to be punished. The punishments can entail anything that the creative male mind can conceive of, and in the Western world, women are even being sold the idea that being punished is sexy.

Conclusion and a Note on Male Privilege

The claim of emasculation is a statement of privilege. The sheer number of privileges and advantages that males have over females is astounding, especially when you consider that so many people believe that males and females are ‘equal’ now and some people even believe we live in some kind of ‘matriarchy’. It is even crazy to think that any other oppression can even compare to that of females by males. It partially explains why so many other oppressions are championed these days – there isn’t that much to fight, comparatively speaking. I strongly suggest that you have a look at this massive, but incomplete list of privileges that males enjoy. There are 79 of them – and I can add another one to make a round 80. The privilege to be praised for supporting feminism, or perhaps more succinctly, the privilege to own feminism. Women are attacked for pointing out misogyny, and even for devoting their lives to liberating women. The list I’ve provided (a pdf hosted on my site, but with an attribution to the ‘original’ poster) was compiled by a man and published on his popular and applauded ‘male feminist’ website (including linking to one of my articles outlining the hate that leftie atheist men have towards all women). All of the material was taken from or contributed by women and feminists, and all of these women have been criticized and attacked and worse for writing this material. And this male gets a big fucking round of applause for supporting feminism, even though he is just listing the work that WOMEN have done. Please stop sucking these men’s dicks. Please support women – the actual women doing the difficult work that helps us all.

So, a conclusion to the conclusion: male feelings of emasculation are not oppression. They are infantile and they are borne of misogyny. When a man feels emasculated, he believes you are taking away his millennia-long right to hurt, dominate, and control you as a member of sub-class female. You never need to be sorry for speaking, acting or existing.

This post is part of the Alphabet Series, and will also be included in the Conversations with Men series.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

O is for Other

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Don’t worry I’m not like other girls
I’m a cooler better version than what you have heard
About what women enjoy and what they like to commit to
I’m not like other girls because you treat them like shit
And I’m not about that..

From the song ‘Not Like Other Girls’ by Melbourne-based Bares (fronted by Ella Sterland) – released on their self-titled album in 2017.

Once in a while, I go back and read old posts. I like to see if and how my thinking has changed over the years and also whether I can include links to past articles in my new ones. I vaguely remembered as I was preparing the current article that I had written something about Other before, and lo and behold, in my first month of writing back in 2015, I posted something called Otherfucker, a sort of tongue-in-cheek proposition to rebrand, but with an alteration, one of our best-loved female slurs (popularized in my generation by good old Samuel L. Jackson in the movie, Pulp Fiction). Note that I’ve never tried out this new word, probably because, believe it or not, I very seldom use cuss words in the meat world, unless I’m swearing under my breath in reaction to something really bad or someone has actually assaulted me and I decide to let loose on them.

Anyhow, today in O is for Other, I plan to talk about the following:

  1. Women Defending Men – aka Not All MenTM or Not My NigelTM or some variation on Unicorns are Real!
  2. Men Defending Themselves – the scourge we know as ‘male feminists’
  3. Women Pandering to Men – or what online misogynists have labelled ‘pick-me girls’
  4. Men Manipulating Women – à la ‘you’re not like all the other girls’
  5. People Silencing Women – e.g., ‘at least you’re not a Muslim woman’ or ‘other people have it worse, so shut up’
  6. Men Depersonalizing Women – or creating an ‘other’ for the purpose of punishment
  7. Men Dehumanizing Women – the basis of patriarchy, capitalism and porn culture

One thing you’re going to notice about all of these categories is that every one of the people who fall within seems to have an aversion to dealing with reality. Men don’t like reality because it would require them to take responsibility for their crimes and other shitty behaviour. Women don’t like reality because they know they would look very stupid because of their decisions and they’d realize how much of their energy and lives they’d wasted on males who approach relationships very differently than women do. Just a note to the women, it is very good to self-analyze. It is okay to realize you’ve made a mistake (or mistakes!). The important thing is to admit them and learn from them. Then you can get better and go on to help other women do and be better.

So, let’s start with a definition.

In and of itself, ‘other’ is a neutral word. It just means different or distinct. But it can take on a negative connotation in its adjective form, but especially when it’s used as a verb. To ‘other’ someone means to view or treat a person or group of people as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself. Othering can serve to demonize certain people and groups as well as sanitize. One hard, fast rule, though, is that in this game, women always lose and men always win.

1. Women Defending Men. 99% of women are desperate to believe that men are redeemable. They birth males, they let males fuck their bodies, and by and large, women have marginally better relationships with fathers and father figures than they do with mothers. As a result, they are deeply invested in looking for Good MenTM. These men are not like other men – the convicted rapists, the sexist bosses, the gropers on buses and trains. The bar is very low when defining ‘good’. All a dude has to do is not get caught raping a woman to pass as a stellar example of manhood. I’d bet that the average wife or girlfriend would be shocked (and then would rebound with denial and fierce defence of Nigel) to find out what her owner actually thinks and does without her knowledge. In reality, Good Men are unicorns – they don’t exist. There is no ‘other’. There is just a spectrum of shit. The awfulness of the smell is therefore relative.

2. Men Defending Themselves. Lots of men, even gynocidal psychopaths, believe they are special and innocent. They are not like other men. Some of the most dishonest and repulsive these days are what we know as Male Feminists. These are leftie, human-rightsy males who are the strongest proponents of female sexual power. You know, the power to inspire boners! They organize slut marches. They march at the front of Take Back the Night rallies. They attend and dominate the discussions at feminist events and in online discussions. They are super great at leading women and telling women how to do feminism, and more importantly, what they’re doing wrong. And not that they explicitly demand it, but if women want to show their gratitude by sucking their dicks, they fully support them because they believe that women have the agency to do so. See? They’re amazing! Very un-self-serving and humble and feminist. But. Yes, there is a but (if you actually need one). If you are a real feminist and astutely question or challenge this male feminist, you are in for a treat. You will discover a viciousness and misogyny under the surface to rival any MRA or trannie. He will let you know that he is not like other men, and you are unfairly victimizing him by acting like a man-hating, angry, hairy, crazy lesbian. He might express sad-feelz at your total stupidity and/or the obvious trauma you’ve experienced and haven’t yet gotten over. Bottom line is: Support withdrawn, bitch!

3. Women Pandering to Men. Pick-me girls. This is a real phenomenon, but of course, the labelling and awareness of the phenomenon has been influenced by American television and social media. Women have, throughout history, pandered to men out of necessity. When half of the population has the power of life or death, comfort or poverty, safety or vulnerability over the other half, then pandering and many more degrading behaviours result on the part of the oppressed group. You can’t blame the panderers for starting the whole thing, but pick-me girls/women do deliberately sell out their sex for the approval of males, and are thus accountable for their behaviour, especially in a day and age when it isn’t necessary at all for survival. They make a public show of not adopting standard gendered behaviour (such as applying make-up, dressing in a feminine way, or acting like a sexy child, etc) while appearing to adopt the stereotypical, gendered behaviour of males (such as liking sports, being unemotional, and over-eating without concern for gaining weight), and thus are not like the ‘other’ girls. And they publicly point out this otherness to males to show how they are better. Ironically, they are just as woman-hating and dick-sucking as the women they denigrate. All women who pander to males or the male gaze exhibit internalized misogyny. It is possibly even more pathetic than when a female thinks she is doing something ’empowering’, such as wearing make-up, but is actually perpetuating misogyny. But in the end, they are two sides of the same coin that ends up in men’s pockets. There is so much self-hatred and psychological trauma fuelling this behaviour. And despite their sabotage of women, they just end up used and abused like any other ‘heterosexual’ female. One day, these women lose their special ‘other’ status because no woman can be better than all the others forever. It’s not the woman, but the man that decides when she has finally joined the masses.

4. Men Manipulating Women. This is the male counterpart of the ‘pick-me’ female duo. Men have a lot of weapons in their arsenal for use in manipulating, using and abusing women (see my post: That’s Some Arsenal You’ve Got There, Gentlemen). The relevant one here is that of bestowing the backhanded compliment of ‘otherness’ on a target. You’ve likely had a dude try this on you before. He’ll say something like, “You’re cool. You’re not a bitch like other girls.” So he pays you a compliment, but he is also insulting you at the same time. You don’t have to be young, naive or inexperienced to fall for this hardcore manipulation technique. Most people want to be appreciated and loved for some special quality. The problem is that the specialness that so many men point out in women is that they don’t act like women, but rather, more like men. (Geez, just go get a boyfriend already, you closeted omnisexuals…). So males will praise females for being accepting of porn use, being open to trying anal sex, or for being thin while also eating as much as a man. It is hyper-misogynistic, but the love-starved female will eat up these pseudo-love-bombs. Her internalized misogyny will be reinforced, and she’ll doubly commit herself to not stepping out of line (i.e., acting human, rather than… god forbid, female). What she doesn’t realize is that one day she will fail. She may question her sub-human status or make a demand on the relationship that doesn’t suit her owner. Or she may not actually do anything different at all. All that needs to happen is that the man gets tired of her. All he needs to do is manufacture a fault or just notice that she is human, rather than an object catering to his every wish. And she becomes just like all the other girls. Again, such a waste of a human life.

5. People Silencing Women. This one, I’ve written about before. These days, it manifests as racist misogyny, it is a form of othering for the purpose of scapegoating, censoring and cancelling, and it is predominantly done to white women. It is a standard reaction to the perception of a group of women getting too much attention. There is always backlash when women get too powerful in the eyes of men and their supporters. In reality, the actual power achieved has been negligible. White women have never had and still don’t have power, have never been equal, and have never been over-represented or even proportionately represented in any line of work, despite what people need to believe. And like all women, they have only had a voice when orbiting the privilege of a male through marriage or male family members or speaking about issues that concern anyone and everyone but themselves. Anyhow, like mentioned in previous posts, calling up a handy acceptable victim group, usually brown or black women, is the fastest way to shame and silence white feminists, even if they are poor or in desperate need of help for rape or violence victimization.

6. Men Depersonalizing Women. As a woman, have you ever noticed that we have limited choices for our ‘identities’ simply because they tend to be discrete boxes or categories that don’t seem quite natural? You often feel like you don’t fit what’s available, and the choices available, as it is, seem equally challenging or unappealing. And if you are a WGTOW – woman going your own way, eschewing categorization – you face serious hardship, unlike men who are worshipped for forging their own path when they do the exact same thing. Men put us in boxes for a reason. Power and control. To create ‘us’ and ‘them’ or ‘other’. And in addition, it is easier to other and dismiss and move on to dehumanization when you can lump a bunch of things/people together. A group has no identity, no face. Without a face, you don’t need to see them as like you. They are undeserving of sympathy or empathy. So it is easy to apply stereotypes and use them as weapons. Men can demarcate the rules and limits for each group. They can judge and punish when a member oversteps or errs. They can designate certain groups as scapegoats and blame them for the very things they themselves perpetrate. Men have done this to the class of women known as prostitutes since the ‘oldest profession’ was forced into being by men. No other class of women has been so used and abused as convenient blame targets for problems that men have created. And many heterosexual, married women have piled on over the centuries, blaming prostitutes for men’s abuses, despite their actual roles as women not being much different.

7. Men Dehumanizing Women. This is the basis of patriarchy in general, and capitalism and porn culture, specifically. Dehumanization is the removal of human status or qualities from an individual or group. Men are human. Women are ‘other’. Sub-human. Non-human. Object. No oppressed group has ever been more dehumanized than females. We see this in language with the sheer number of slurs heaped on women, which include reducing women to body parts, objects and animals. No oppressed group has ever experienced the range and amount of dehumanizing language that females have. And females are still the most slurred and dehumanized group on the planet today even though we focus on every group BUT women. It is so pervasive and normalized that no one even notices it, and women are shamed if they call attention to it. Women and girls even adopt the language of their own dehumanization, which reinforces continued male use. “If women accept it and use it, then it is a-okay! Carry on, boys!” We also see the dehumanization of females in the use of ‘she’ to describe tools and machines. Cars, boats, and aircraft are among the many inanimate objects that are called ‘she’. Men also, throughout time, have referred to the manipulating and using a woman’s body as if they are playing of a musical instrument.

It is only when women are ‘other’, completely dehumanized, that we can be commodified. Women’s bodies are for sale and for rent, and it is the foundation of capitalism. Without the dehumanization and commodification of women’s bodies, capitalism cannot exist. What is even worse, however, is that not only do males consider it ethical to buy or rent a woman’s body, but because she is a thing, they also don’t acknowledge her suffering. Objects don’t suffer; they exist to be used. When a man adopts that attitude, he can justify anything he does to the object as it is his for the period he has paid for.

And I’ll leave you all with this final thought. Otherness is perfectly fine and natural in a world where human complexity allows for individual and group differences. Strict, unthinking conformity is seldom a good thing. Problems only arise, when otherness is forced upon others for the purpose of cruelty or blame, or when you adopt it yourself in order to claim a special or uber-victim status and to manipulate or silence others. It’s all likely easier to navigate if we try to understand where our own personal human rights begin and end, and when they start to trample others’.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Reissuing of ‘Called It’

Sorry, folks, I messed up on this latest post, and I thank Minka on YouTube (you know who you are) for letting me know. Cheers on that. I really shouldn’t write these things late at night and especially when most of the media is referring to this person as she and by a female name, which isn’t allowed in our current sociopolitical climate. So, I automatically and wrongly assumed that that this was a male in a dress and wig. I was WRONG! So let’s give this another go.

Round 2

Yep, I really did. The first trannie school shooting. And I am going to indulge in a little smug-face for a second…. Okay, that felt good. But seriously, back on March 1st, 2016, I wrote a little post on male violence, which ended up with a consideration of how trannies distort the sex ratio of violent crime stats. I predicted that it wouldn’t be long before they’d break into school shootings (Waiting for It: The First Trannie School Shooting). I’m actually surprised we had to wait so long. But there is a twist that I didn’t predict…

And I really think it is only a matter of time before one of these social-outcast, mentally deranged, confused, damaged, gun-home-residing boys comes to school in a dress and a mask and toting a metal penis gun, and shoots the fucking place up.

From my 2016 post. I got a few things wrong – the trans is a 28-year-old former student of the school, not a kid. And this shooter is a WOMAN. She is a FtT or trans-identified female. The police are calling her a ‘she’ and this will likely be listed as a female crime – the first or at most one of the very, very few solely female school shootings.

And he’ll shoot girls, primarily.

Almost. Girls and women. And we’ll say ‘she’ instead of ‘he’ because that is what she is. Four of the six murdered were female, including two 9-year-old girls, a substitute teacher and the head of the school. Perhaps it is because all this happened in Tennessee, in a hard-core Christian community and because the perp is female and thus not feared or respected in the way actual men are, but people are using her ‘dead name’ and referring to her as a female. It may be the first time in history that Christians are actually dealing with reality and speaking truth!

I present Little Orphan Annie Audrey Elizabeth Hale. The proud owner and user of a semi-automatic rifle and two handguns, as well as a death wish.

And like all female trannies, she got what she wanted; an attempt at male privilege. Now, as I’ve said before, most female trans are just self-haters who don’t want to have to deal with the shit that women have to endure, but are generally okay to deal with. But Audrey took things a little further. Her quest for male privilege resulted in female destruction and possible martyrdom. TRAs will likely be milking this event for years as an example of how the system failed this woman.

Luckily, this piece of shit was shot dead at the scene. Basically, a suicide (death by cop). It is rare to see a woman take down a bunch of other people while on a death wish. Perhaps this was a quest for the ultimate male privilege. Murder-suicide is a male game. I tend to feel a bit bad for women who are so messed up that they try to become males, but the internalized misogyny stops me in my tracks every time. And if part of your woman-hate involves killing little girls, any sympathy I might have evaporates.

I will say this. Male trans are respected. Female trans are not. In the media, on TV, and by the public at large. If you want any more (like do we need MORE?) evidence of the absolute misogyny that runs through Western society, it is this. This woman is being roasted as a woman, not a man. Society needs to prove that women are bad too, so a female trans will be called female, and a male trans will be called female. If this shooting had been committed by a male in a dress, he would have been called ‘she’, would not have been ‘dead named’ and if taken alive, would have been housed in a female prison.

Oh, and as a side note, apparently there is a ‘manifesto’, and I can’t wait to get a look at that.

I’m including this post in the series, USA: The Downward Spiral.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Story Ending Never is Finally on YouTube – It Only Took 8 Years

Yes! You’ve read that correctly. I’ve more fully joined the aughts (ahem) by starting my own brand spanking new YouTube channel. “Why?” you might ask, given how adamant I am in my About This Site page about why I don’t want to engage with my audience. I suppose I could say that I feel there aren’t enough funny Canadian accents represented online, and jeez, I should join the ’20s by coddling my fragile, neglected ‘identity’, dammit! But really, there isn’t a specific reason. It was just something I had been planning to do for a while – and, to be honest, I was moved to action by a recent and well-done rendition of M is for Mother, by feminist YouTuber, Radical Ramblings. And I thank her both for her inspiration and for her bravery in risking heaps of online hate by covering this article and the dicey topic.

As of this day (March 22, 2023), there are two ‘videos’ (meaning audio files with a static cover page saved in video format). One is a reading of my short, flagship post: “Out There” Women, and the other is still private as I am considering replacing it with a clearer audio done using different software. And there is also a sweet little video (real video) of my rescue kitten, pre-adoption.

My plan at this point is to convert some of my written posts to audio form for those who like to listen rather than read, or for those who like to do other stuff while listening, or for those who really need the occasional dose of Canadian accent to feel like everything is right in the world 😉 I suspect that I will also post some more kitten videos, since I seem to have become a weird, obsessive ‘cat lady’. There may be other directions taken in the future, of course. For now, let’s see how this goes!

[Addendum: So, I’m a total YouTube noob, and in my effort to ‘engage’ more with the community, I didn’t realize that comments were disabled for my first post. That is remedied as of March 23, so come on by and say hello.]

I’ll post this in the Birth of a Feminist series, as it is a massive step in my feminist development.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

An Unusual, but Badly Needed, Instance of Public Pushback Against Trans Tyranny in Canada

I’ve been trying to limit my news intake to about once a week lately. The headlines are repetitive and clickbaity, catering to today’s keyboard social justice warrior who tends to spend more time in the comments sections of articles than actually reading the published content. Myself, I want information, not sensation/entertainment, so news offers little. But this is no new disappointment as I lost any faith I had left that the news was about anything other than ratings/money a long time ago. An apolitical news agency is about as hard to find as an objective scientist these days. Just as people used to argue for a separation of church and state in the past, we need to start arguing for a separation of capitalism from media and science today. Some things just don’t mix well.

Anyhoo, today was my news perusing day – which I consider to be more of a snorkelling expedition than a deep dive, cuz who wants to risk the bends, right? – and I noticed a strange and interesting article concerning the collision of a number of my shitlist topics: trannies, Canada, and to a lesser extent, International Women’s Day. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know my stance on trannyism. And you may also know that I am a long-term Canadian expat, mostly for financial reasons – I just can’t afford to live there as a single, child-free woman who doesn’t fuck men. But if I had money, I don’t think I would live there anyway, simply for ideological reasons. Canada is an anti-woman, pro-tranny stronghold, for one, but leadership has made a number of questionable ethical decisions of late in the foreign policy department. International Women’s Day? Well, for me, it is kind of like Earth Day – an opportunity to publicly and smugly pretend you are a good person by virtue signalling about how much you care about the issue without having to change any of your behavioural or lifestyle habits. These days require no sacrifices, self-analysis or true change, and everybody can go back to what they were doing the very next day. And feel the self-righteousness of contributing to ‘progress’.

The article spoke about a recent ad issued by Hershey’s Canada ‘honouring’ International Women’s Day by featuring a trans ‘woman’. The gist of the article was that the shit (perhaps Hershey’s garbage chocolate itself?) was hitting the fan for the company due to public outcry for the slap in the face to womankind. This man was supposed to represent progress for women, in other words, and people weren’t having it. After reading the first bit, I had to stop for a moment. We’re talking about Canada, right? I can’t think of a more pro-trans country. I can’t think of a country that has done more to destroy women in the name of men in dresses. Canada censors women, destroys women’s businesses, careers and non-profits, puts rape victims at risk, allows hate speech against women, supports blatant threats of violence and rape against women by trans in publicly funded exhibits, and a whole lot more. Are Canadians finally ready to fight back against this very dangerous and violent, tiny minority of extremely powerful men? It is hard for me to believe/imagine. I’m including a link to a pdf of one of the less biased articles, as it will likely be censored in the future – we are nowhere near ‘peak trans’, alas. Many publications have painted the ‘backlash’ against Hershey’s as hate. And there are lots of sad feelz quotes by trans who think feminism and trans rightsism are compatible and are deeply disturbed that women are not supporting trans. Yes, men get disturbed when women don’t support them. Funnily enough, PinkNews claims that ‘far right’ groups are pushing back, which of course, is how TRA’s tend to brand anyone who points out reality, even in a completely apolitical way.

So I am suspicious of what is happening, knowing how Canada operates. I’ve had the displeasure of living in California, which is as close to Canadian craziness as you’re ever going to find in the US. I wrote about how Women’s History Month was met with silence on my college campus in central California a few years ago. I just can’t imagine a serious response to the trans takeover, especially in areas of life that matter. Hershey’s chocolate just isn’t that good, so it would be no real loss if they left Canada. If you risk losing your job or home because of opposition to the trans, you’ll likely say nothing and let your daughter lose opportunities and scholarships to boys as has always happened throughout history.

But there is a glimmer, I suppose, and a badly needed one. One day, trans will make a wrong move, and the camel’s back will finally break. It just won’t be chocolate that does it, I suspect.


♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

When A 5-Year-Old Boy Creeps You Out

Yeah, I know. I disappeared for a while. I’m not gone. It has just been a shitty past half year. Things that should normally be good have ended up being strangely stressful. Perhaps, I’ll get into it at some point. Perhaps not.

For now, it’s just a short post to check in, wish you all a better 2023, and lay some male creepiness on you. Um, sorry? I do have several things in the queue, but I couldn’t resist sharing an experience concerning a very young male that was strange and a little disturbing. I’ll admit that in the past couple of years, I’ve been morbidly fascinated by people’s willing ignorance about little boys and by the shit the boys themselves pull even at a very young age. I’ve written about innocence before, although not specifically addressing boys. I don’t find innocence to be a useful concept. I’m not religious and I don’t like how the concept is used and abused by males and brainwashed females to lift up males and destroy females. Having said that, I don’t believe any male is truly innocent or even born innocent. Males are born weaponized (nature) and then through the system they have created and that women haven’t fought hard enough against, their destructive natures blossom and wreak havoc (nurture).


So, I managed to get a low-paying online EFL teaching gig, and it is a massive source of stress. But it is money, right? I am good at it, and I get some satisfaction from it, but I’ll admit, I wouldn’t be unhappy if I never had to teach again. Too much time and energy and too little pay.

So one of my students is a 5-year-old boy. His English is pretty decent for his age. When his father sits in on the class and helps out, the kid behaves, but lately, Grandma has been supervising. All hell breaks loose. Yesterday, we had an especially shitty class, and the boy didn’t like how I handled his brand of noncompliance. I probably don’t react how the other females in his life do. As I’ve mentioned before, males thrive on antagonism of women and girls and their eventual submission. It’s a game to them. Cat and mouse. Predator and prey. Yeah, I don’t respond ‘correctly’ to that kind of shit. With older males, my behaviour ’causes’ males to make death threats. With the young ones? Well, you be the judge.

After the class, the boy started sending me text messages through the teaching app. It was bizarre and disturbing and not something I would have ever expected from a 5-year-old – until I did a reality check. I know better, as do all females deep down. The attempt to dominate through threats, violence and squishy emotional manipulation starts very, very young. It must live in their DNA and become triggered by the male-female dynamics they witness in day-to-day life. Here is the set of comments he sent. I can’t make this shit up. And by the way, I didn’t respond. Not sure if there is a point to telling the parents. Breeders tend to gaslight and then protect their little angels. And the lifetime of defending their behaviour begins. I didn’t change anything in the text other than to remove identifying information. Note the insults, the threat of violence and then the fake remorse – a pattern we see in males across time and place. It’s the rule, not an exception.

I’m posting this in the Conversations with Men series.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Sexual Assault: The Quintessence of Femalehood

We’re taught not to catastrophize. Well, I’m going to have to qualify that, as simple statements, while desirable, usually aren’t true – or are partially true, at best. So, we are generally taught not to catastrophize. But. As females, we are mindfucked from birth, so there are times when we must catastrophize and call it truth and other situations where we must erase or minimize to pretend true things are false, or are part of a non-existent conspiracy, or don’t exist at all. Objectively speaking, catastrophizing is viewing an event or situation as worse than it actually is, but as females, we learn the following. We are supposed to catastrophize minor bad things (or even just neutral things) that happen to males in order to highlight their suffering and then to pour all of our time and energy into helping them survive, overcome, live and thrive. And to serve the same ultimate purpose, we are supposed to minimize even the truly catastrophic things that happen to ourselves and to other females. We are told that shining a spotlight on the bad things that happen to women is hysterical, unfair (to males, to perpetrators), hypersensitive, delusional, insane, over-serious, vindictive, straight up lying – you name it, our truths are not what WE say they are.

It is part of the intentional system known as patriarchy, where males must be allowed to unnaturally dominate and females must suffer and serve and pretend we like it – and to support males no matter what they do to us.

The number one problem for females under patriarchy is male violence. There are many, many problems that women and girls encounter in this system, but it all stems from male violence. None of the other problems female endure can exist without male violence and the threat of male violence. If you are a self-proclaimed or aspiring feminist and you are fighting to accomplish things that won’t put an end to male violence, then you are wasting your time. That is the truth.

Most of male violence consists of sexual assault. There is, of course, physical violence and emotional/psychological violence, but sexual violence is the cornerstone of patriarchy. It is something males do to females simply because they are female. It is a source of control and domination, as males seem to be extremely threatened by women, but also a source of enjoyment for males. Sexual assault is about BOTH power/control and sadistic pleasure, despite what liberal feminists say. Now, females typically don’t engage in this kind of behaviour towards males. Females can be violent towards males and especially towards females, but taking pleasure in sexual violence against anyone really isn’t a thing for the vast majority of women. And an aberration here or there does not negate this rule. Women certainly have never dominated the world or any documented society where males exist through sexual violence or any other means, for that matter. Oh and for the record, despite the desperation of equality feminists to assert it exists, there is no proof anywhere that females have existed in peaceful, equal bliss with males. If males exist in a society, there is sexual assault against females. We know it. We see it. That, we can prove. And I can’t imagine it being otherwise as there is no tangible evidence to suggest it is even possible. And women have tried. Oh, have they tried. But trying to ‘educate’ males out of raping and assaulting us is a futile pursuit.

So, despite a worldwide and millennia-long history of sexual assault against females by males, we still can’t really agree on what it is. Women and girls, for much of history, and still today, have had few to no rights compared to males. We don’t yet have full body-autonomy. We still are not allowed to say ‘no’. Our bodies are used against us in so many ways. Most of us, whether conservative or liberal, still buy into our male-defined slave categories, while trying to pass them off as duty, liberation, or some other such nonsense. If you can’t acknowledge reality, then you don’t really get anywhere in defining crimes against female bodies, nevermind prove that a crime has happened. I’m not even sure that we can define sex crimes against women as we a) still rely upon legal systems where men define the crimes they commit against us, and b) all of the crimes that fall in this category are completely dependent on the presence or absence of ‘consent’, which is a massively problematic concept. Consent is such a flimsy thing. It’s not tangible. It’s kind of a tree falling in the forest kind of scenario coupled with a serious vulnerability to manipulation, use of substances, coercion, post-assault threats, desperate circumstances and more. How can you prove consent, in other words, especially when it can be so fleeting and manipulatable and entirely defined by men?

Myself, I take out consent and ‘legal’ aspects of the definition of sexual assault. I consider the burden of proof to be upon the male, not the female. I think females should exist in a default state of ‘no‘. And assault should include the entire range of things males do to females from ogling and catcalling, to sexual touching/contact to outright rape (another crime that people have trouble defining, apparently). Oh no! Am I taking the spontenaity and fun out of heterosexual ‘play’ between males and females? Tough shit. What would be the more serious problem: out of control fear of and actual sexual assault (the current state of things) or males not being allowed to do whatever the fuck they want coupled with loser females’ feelings of being ignored and unmastered by potential manly men? I want women and girls to feel and be safe, first and foremost. This is what we call ‘human rights’. Feelings of deservedness are not human rights. I think these feelings wouldn’t exist if we didn’t brainwash girls into being completely dependent on having their very identities validated by misogynistic male attention. As it is, in the system that we have, girls figure out who they are because of the cumulative psychic weight (trauma) of the sexual assaults that make up their personal herstory. We are wrapped in our own – and our foremothers, through DNA inheritance – tapestries of sexual assault.

Apparently I’m Still Female

So anyway, three days ago, I was reminded that I was female. I was sexually assaulted. Again. For the hundredth? Thousandth? Millionth time? It is impossible to keep track of how many sexual assaults a female experiences in her lifetime – as mentioned above, partly because there are so many occurrences, partly because sexual assault is so poorly defined, partly because it is a female experience and thus is not taken seriously even when it is acknowledged that we were assaulted, partly because it starts before we are able to recall memory of our sexual assaults, and partly because we are generally not allowed to see what we experience as sexual assault. To do so would be to catastrophize. Or in plain and real English: to do so would be to tell the truth.

Three days ago, I finally moved into a real live apartment for the first time in over 3 years. It was momentous. I’ve spent so much of my life as one of the ‘hidden homeless’. My new landlord was going to pick me up and bring me to the apartment to give me the key and note all the things that needed to be fixed. I arrived at the meeting spot early – still light out, early evening, busy streets – and it started to rain hard. Luckily, it was a bus stop with a shelter. A construction crew stopped nearby and some of the guys got out to take care of a road issue. One of the guys came over to talk to me. I didn’t speak his language, and he couldn’t speak English, but it was clear that he wanted my phone number. I said ‘no’ repeatedly in the local language, and it was met with a laugh and ‘okay, okay’. And it started again. And then again. And again. Still pouring rain, and my landlord was supposed to arive in a car at any moment. Then all of the sudden, the man’s arms came up and he came at me, grabbed me and tried to kiss me. I went rigid and turned my head, with the kiss landing on my ear. It was puzzling and horrifying. I’m 50 goddamned years old and I look 50. I assumed this shit would die down. But even to a grown ass woman, no still doesn’t mean no. Luckily, the construction crew came back and off they went. Broad daylight… ffs.

Now the aftermath was weird. I knew I had been assaulted, but some old patterns from my early brainwashing kicked in, unexpectedly. I talked to my good friend in China later that evening, and it was she who brought me to my senses. I was sexually assaulted, she said, correctly. My mind had automatically labelled it a ‘fucked up experience’. I was reminded that even a female separatist who has been hating men officially for years for the rampant sexual assault forced upon sex class, woman, still second guesses herself and hesitates to label her experience correctly when she is inevitably sexually assaulted. And I was reminded of several other things. The assault reminded me that your age doesn’t matter. What you look like doesn’t matter. The time of day or location doesn’t matter. It reminded me that all women are damaged and even when you start on the path to recovering from heterosexual and patriarchal brainwashing, it may take you a lifetime to heal. It struck me that I will likely die still trying to heal. It also brought home that it is so important to have clear-thinking female friends with whom to speak frankly about our suffering and experiences because as recovering women, we can fall into self-harming patterns – the endless self-doubt and questioning about what is real. Our friends keep us on the path of truth and recovery. We must help each other with this. Most of us just don’t have it, or enough of it. Most of us just have people who gaslight us and tell us we are catastrophizing. We have a victim mindset.


I’ve come to see sexual assault as the quintessence of constructed womanhood and girlhood. I think ALL females are sexually assaulted at least once in their lives, and most of us, thousands of times. The stats are BULLSHIT. We are taught to accept our assaults as part of life, part of womanhood. So we say nothing. Males need us to base our identities on being assaulted, to normalize assault, so that it isn’t assault, but identity. Life. Then we can’t and don’t even bother to try to separate sexual assault from who we are or who we could be. It is hard for me to imagine a life where I don’t feel threatened or fearful and where I am not regularly assaulted by males. I do know that I am likely one of very few women who thinks about sexual assault and how it limits my life, how it has destroyed huge parts of my spirit, and put me in a sort of psychological cage. And no lib-fems, I am not ‘allowing’ it to control me or labelling myself as a victim. I am stating a truth – I would be a different person if sexual assault weren’t a significant part of my life history. And I dare say you would be too, even if you don’t acknowledge (or even recognize/realize) what has happened to each and every one of you. You don’t have to identify as a victim (I cringe at those words) to acknowledge a lifetime of assaults and how they have impacted you. Stating truths, acknowledging reality is not catastrophizing. It may be one of the bravest acts you can commit to as a regular, average woman or girl living a regular, average life.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

N is for ‘No’

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Indulge me for a moment, if you will. Think about language, your native language and other languages that you function in. Think about individual words, specifically. If you could choose a word that is more important to you than any other, or falls within the top 10 important words in your life, what would it be? In choosing this word, consider those that give you a sense of or even actual freedom, safety, choices, closure, boundaries – anything that makes your life better. There is no right or wrong answer here; in fact, this may be something you’ve never thought about before. It’s not something we are ever asked to consider, as females. It’s selfish, you see. And if you are female, this might be an extremely difficult exercise simply because we seldom have control over the important things in our lives, especially the things that define and control us, namely language. We are also seldom asked our preferences or opinions on things that matter. Control over language and how the world works is the domain of men. As our creators -and I mean creators of the boxes we live in – they have always known us better than we know ourselves. At least they tell us that. It must be true. They define the experiences we are allowed to have, the crimes committed against our bodies, and what we are allowed to do, think and say as females.

Today, I’m going to consider an extremely important word, a word that is more important for females than it is for males, as we generally aren’t allowed to use it — without consequences. The result of using this word can range from simply being ignored, as if we didn’t say anything at all; to being misinterpreted, as if what we said was somehow different than what we really meant; to inspiring rage and violence in the person at whom the word was directed, as if by speaking our true minds and believing we are allowed to have boundaries, we are intending to harm others. It is truly bizarre and frightening, and it is a sex-specific phenomenon, meaning that males don’t experience it. It also has interesting sex-by-race effects and sex-by-trans effects that will be discussed below.

So, today, N is for No.

I think women don’t realize just how little they matter, and how little their opinions and speech matter. To men, but also to the women who serve men without question. Our erasure is so constant and normalized that we just don’t notice how often we must repeat ourselves, how often we give in to something we don’t want despite having expressed our opinion, and how often we decide to censor ourselves because subconsciously, after years of abuse and erasure, we know that what we say won’t matter or will lead to violence. But you have to wonder. Why is so much effort put into putting women in their place if they don’t matter?

Let’s look at some common scenarios. All females have experienced these many times, although most may not realize how often. As a regular reader of this blog, you are probably quite aware of how much power your ‘no’ has in this world.


Women and girls are ignored all the time, but as ‘no’ is a very important word, this is a serious problem. As children, we are forced to endure touching, pinching and kissing from relatives and random strangers marvelling at how cute we are – even when we say ‘no’, or use body language that demonstrates ‘no’. It continues on through school. So many of us are bullied – it’s not oppression; kids are assholes, generally speaking – but for girls, sometimes the bullying can go on to become sexual abuse where we learn that it is pointless to say ‘no’ because nobody cares or pays attention. And on the rare occasion that a girl reports her abuse, she is usually ignored, or written off as an attention seeker or a liar. In adulthood, we are passed over for opportunities and promotions. We are ignored in meetings, and some of us wonder if school bullying was just preparation for the sex-specific degradation, harassment and sometimes terrorism of the workplace. We learn that saying ‘no’ has no impact. The workplace likes the ‘yes-girl’. The only way to get attention is to laugh at the rape jokes, the gay/lesbian jokes, and to pretend everything is great. The quickest way to fall off the radar as a serious employee is to say ‘no’ to what is going on.

Heterosexuality depends on women’s needs being ignored. We talk endlessly about compromise, but as many of us come to realize, men have defined compromise to mean: women sacrifice (i.e., shut the fuck up and submit) and men are catered to. Having had several, what I consider to be ‘normal’, relationships with men in my long-gone bisexual days, I realize, looking back, that my needs meant nothing. I don’t think I even knew what my needs were, as I was well trained to cater to males, see my needs as ‘selfish’, and ridiculously, to call it ‘equality’. If I did express myself, it was ignored or written off.

Deliberately Misinterpreted

When I was a teenager, there was an article in our local newspaper featuring a black and white photo of a couple of male university students at a hockey game holding up a hand-painted cloth banner that read “NO MEANS YES!!!” This was 1980’s-1990’s rape culture at its best. It wasn’t really anything new in the minds of males, but at this point in history, it had become a new ‘women’s issue’. But the males from the photo didn’t get in trouble or anything. Why would they? Men and boys have been raping women and girls with impunity and bragging about it since time began. Who cares? But it was an interesting, but simple, insight into male psychology and how they make rape okay in their minds.

There is this strange belief that men have and that men have been writing about for ages under the guise of ‘literature’ and ‘science’ that women secretly/actually want to be raped. Oops sorry, not raped – because that implies a lack of consent under male definition of their crime against our bodies. Men believe that women want to fuck. They want to be fucked violently. They want to be taken in animal-fashion and treated like shit. Women like to be hit and called all sorts of horrible things. We get turned on by this stuff. But to express these deep wishes goes against morality or something like that. So we have to say ‘no’. But see, when we say ‘no’, we really mean ‘yes’. We don’t want to say ‘no’, but we have to. So it is up to males to take the upper hand and see through our psychological games and just force us… I mean ‘help’ us to get what we truly want.

But do they really believe that, or is it just another bullshit male attempt to put the responsibility for their crimes on their victims? Some women have been convinced by these male arguments – convinced through faulty logic, gaslighting, and prude-shaming, rather than slut-shaming – and these women have become the sluts of the liberal feminism movement, which I’ll discuss below.

The whole ‘no means yes’ deliberate misinterpretation happens ALL the time for women. Whereas males need only say something once, and they are taken at their word, even when the word is ‘no’, females constantly have to repeat themselves to have a slight chance of being heard. I always have a sardonic chuckle when misogynists drag out that standard male reversal about women being ‘nags’. I would argue that men nag infinitely more than women, especially about sex and other self-serving wants and especially when a woman says ‘no’ to them. It is the basis of what I have termed ‘consensual rape’ – which is, at its most basic definition, the manipulation of a woman into saying ‘yes’ to penetrative sex that she doesn’t want. The ‘yes’ can be obtained through many means, including the deliberate misinterpretation of her initial ‘no’ (or multiple ‘no’s’) and protracted nagging, guilting and shaming.

‘Causing’ Violence

The first two reactions to a woman’s ‘no’ are bad, but this third category is very serious business. Men don’t understand and often make fun of female risk-aversion. They don’t understand female timidity in speaking up or acting out. In general, male speech is not met with violence or the opposition that the most innocuous of female speech and behaviours are frequently met with. I’ve described in other posts where males have reacted to my facial expression and/or my tone of voice with death threats and other threats to my safety. You see, I made them threaten me. I made them hurt me. All my fault.

Saying ‘no’ to males, and even some females, can incite riots, rapes, and murders. Not hyperbole, folks. I guarantee you that you know at least one woman who has been harmed after saying ‘no’ to a man. Not just no to sex – it can be absolutely anything. Men react poorly to female clerks in service businesses, to waitresses, to female flight attendants, and any female who cannot provide him with what he believes he is owed. And if a man pays money, it is so much worse. If he has laid out money, he believes a woman does not have the right to say ‘no’ to him. You see this with prostitutes, especially, but you can see evidence of this in any environment or industry. Men are much less likely to react violently to male workers. I believe this is partly the in-built woman-hate that all males have, and partly knowing that attacking a male can be dangerous. Women generally a) won’t fight back, b) physically can’t fight back as the playing field is not fair, and c) aren’t protected under law like men, the religious and racial minorities are.

Many women know all of this on a subconscious level and will self-censor or submit as a result. We see female workers frequently treating male customers better than females. This is in part because we know that males are volatile, and predictably unpredictable, and we have learned to submit to them and treat them with kid gloves, as governments won’t do the logical thing and exert controls over male behaviour. There are other factors that play into treating males better than females, but male irrationality, emotionality, violence, and poor self-control are the main reasons male customers are treated better and are less likely to meet with ‘no’, especially by female workers.

Further, within heterosexual relationships, many women learn that denying their partner can lead to violence. Saying ‘no’ can get you beaten, raped or killed. Long ago, in my bisexual days, that kind of shit sent me out the door faster than exposure to a bad odour, but many women trauma-bond with violent men, and then make increasingly bad decisions, including putting themselves in financial bondage to them and breeding with them. They learn to live with the violence and self-censorship, in other words.


a) Sex x Race Intersection

I am NOT an intersectional feminist. It’s not that I don’t believe in interactional effects – if you knew the details of my educational background, you’d realize just how laughable it is to suggest that I am intersection-blind. I just think that intersection is derailing to feminism as it creates oppression olympics and blame hierarchies, and denies some women the right to be heard and to have boundaries. I’m going to highlight an example of intersectional misogyny that has been censored. I don’t centre it in my feminism, of course, but I do talk about it because it is an incredibly taboo topic.

If you are a white woman in a Western country, you will be very aware that you have to be nice and submissive and helpful to everyone. Otherwise, you are a bitch, rich, privileged – probably also a white supremacist, all kinds of evil. Many white women take this liberal-promulgated scapegoating to heart, feeling guilty for everything, and even virtue-signalling constantly and publicly to prove how repentant and unevil they are. It just makes things worse. As a result, white women are not allowed to say ‘no’, especially to people who are not white, and even writing or speaking about one’s own true and personal Twilight-Zone-esque, mind-fucking and degrading experiences of racist misogyny is called out as racist and is conveniently censored in order to maintain the perfect scapegoat. Note that white men do not experience this denial of the right to say ‘no’ and are 100% allowed to have boundaries. And women in Western cultures who are not white do not experience this either, at least to the same extent.

During the first 6 months I lived in the US when I was 24 – before Canada took liberal American social justice warrorism to heart – I had my first of many, many experiences with this kind of victimization: the denial of my right to say ‘no’ because of my sex AND race. I was an impoverished, foreign grad student teaching at a university catering to mostly wealthy undergrads and big-league athletic hopefuls. My first experience was with a black female student of mine who showed up unannounced at my office just as I was leaving for a meeting. She demanded that I see her then and there – outside my office hours and without an appointment. Pure entitlement. I said I couldn’t. But before letting me finish, she launched a high-volume, abusive tirade, the content of which I can barely remember as I wasn’t used to Angry Black Women that early in my stay in the US. As a woman from a race that is NOT allowed to say ‘no’, have boundaries or opinions, or even get angry without being slurred and shamed into oblivion, I actually believe this woman’s display and treatment of me was an act of privilege. After three more decades and a shit ton more of experiences like this one, I’ve come to understand that the privilege to get angry, even over nothing, is a black privilege, and of course, a white male privilege. I WISH I were allowed to express even half the anger that blacks and white males are allowed… Anyhow, if this racist misogynist woman had waited two seconds instead of immediately denying me my right to have boundaries and the right to say ‘no’, she would have been offered the chance to make an appointment with me. And you know what? I still gave her an appointment after I had to waste time calming her down, and I never did receive an apology.

b) Sex x Trans Intersection

I have almost exclusively interacted with females who identify as trans, and they are generally harmless as women generally are. Although I have always made sure to keep things light in the conversation department, as crazy ideologies can inspire violence and who knows if these chicks are on testosterone, which fucks with the brain and increases aggression. I have been in proximity to males who think they are women, and as a rule, I stay the hell away from them. They are generally mentally unstable, incredibly entitled as males and as self-appointed Oppressedest People Ever TM and in doing female parody, show themselves to be incredible woman-haters on par with men’s rights activists. Dangerous combination. We’ve seen the damage they do to women, especially to lesbians and feminists, however. Women are NOT allowed to say ‘no’, to have boundaries, to speak biological and scientific truths in public spaces, to speak truth about trans crimes against women, and lesbians are not allowed to say ‘no’ to sex with these men without being called murderers and bigots. I’m waiting for the day they are rightly seen as domestic terrorists. It is what they are.

Adventures in Cultural No-ness

I’ve said it before, and I’ll likely write a whole post devoted to it sometime later, I believe culture is just the set of traditions and rules governing how misogyny manifests in a socially acceptable way in a particular part of the world at a particular time. Culture is the stuff of both fantasy and religion-like obsession. It is protected and untouchable – unless it is Western culture, that is. It is the stuff of nationalism and army-building. But really, culture is bullshit. It is just local, socially-accepted woman-hate rituals and traditions at its very core. Think about it some, and you’ll find that all the quaint things you discover about foreign cultures all trace back to the control of women and girls. Modern uses of the word culture (company culture, sub-culture, counter-culture, etc.) still describe rules and traditions governing a group, but do not quite have the same sacrosanct importance that standard usages hold.

I’ve lived, studied, worked and travelled around the world, and I’ve seen and experienced a lot of fucked up shit all rooted in culture and misogyny! Let’s explore a few cultural curios with regard to culture, language and the use or non-use of ‘no’.

a) Sluts Can’t Say ‘No’ – New Depths in Western Misogyny

I get so tired of liberal, usually, but not exclusively, white feminists talk about how much better it is for women in Western countries. I disagree. As I said, culture is the manifestation of misogyny in a particular time and place. It changes over time, but it never, ever goes away. Unfortunately, the changes tend to confuse people, as change is a word that is so often mistakenly conflated with ‘improvement’. So in Western cultures, women have been hoodwinked into thinking that things are so much better. But are they? Things have been sliding backwards over the past few decades in the US (and leaking into other Western countries). I think things are worse in the West than they have been in a long time.

In an earlier section, I referred to today’s Western slut-feminists. It’s hard for me to put those two words together, but honest to goodness, there are women who believe that fucking as many men as they want is an act of feminist liberation. I met one in Canada two years ago. I think I wrote about her before; the poor thing was so confused that she was dating a man whom she met on some app, and he was ignoring all her ‘no’s’ to his sexual advances. At this writing, I have no doubt that she has been date raped, and she has probably reframed the event as a slutty, feminist success rather than truthfully as consensual rape.

When women say ‘no’ and a man keeps pushing and pushing and guilting and shaming and nagging that woman until he breaks her down, she gets tired, annoyed, or confused, that is rape. He will make sure that she remains confused afterwards, or even better, that he can convince her that she wanted it. And Western women and girls are falling for this. This is one of the pillars of liberal feminism. Saying ‘yes’, even if you start by saying ‘no’, or you are feeling ‘no’ inside but are too ashamed of or worried about looking like a loser or a prude by actually saying ‘no’, is liberation. Saying ‘yes’ is liberation. Even if you don’t want it. Even if you are worried about getting pregnant. Even if you are worried about contracting one of the male sexual diseases. Even if you end up hurt because it doesn’t end up just being penetrative sex, but a nightmare out of porn or the BDSM handbook.

But you can’t rape a slut. And that is what this is all about. It is male liberation, not feminism. You cannot rape a woman who says ‘yes’. And guess what, the oppressed women in Afghanistan and whatever favourite African nation you like to cite are not clamouring for this kind of female freedom…

b) The Country of No ‘No’

I’ve alluded to this before – there is no single, specific word for ‘no’ in Mandarin Chinese. I lived in Taiwan and China for many years and found this quite curious and frustrating. In addition, there is no single word for ‘yes’. ‘No’ ends up being more like ‘don’t want’, ‘don’t have’, ‘is not’, etc. You basically take the verb in question and put a negative in front of it. I found it much less impactful than a single word that you can use in any situation. But of course, as a woman, does ‘no’ really have much impact at all? I think, like in any country, it comes down to your anatomy. The language is developed around your anatomy, and language is inherently sexist as men control it. And the anatomy of the person using a particular word is more important than the word itself. So what passes for ‘no’ in Chinese has about as much impact used by a woman as it does in any country when a woman speaks her ‘no’ in her language.

c) The Country of the Impolitic ‘No’

I won’t say too much about this, as my experience is less with the country than with my relationships with people from the country. And that country is Japan. I dated a Japanese for a few years, and what I gathered from stories and interactions is that while there is an explicit, single word for ‘no’ in Japanese, it is impolite to come right out and say ‘no’. When dealing with the Japanese, they seem to be agreeing or saying yes to you, and at first you are amazed at how easy they are to get along with, but quickly, you come to realize that a game is being played and you do NOT know the rules. Japan has a very complex and confusing culture, and while seeming courteous on the surface, interactions end up feeling rather duplicitous and insane to an outsider who prefers a more direct and honest and time-conserving way of dealing with people. And conversely, they may tend to see outsiders as crude and rude. The Japanese I have known who refuse to live there tend to be social outcasts who can’t stand the hierarchy and intense social pressure to conform and kiss asses they don’t actually respect. And with all the brutal and cruel television game shows they have as well as the disgusting cartoon rape porn, you have to wonder what the fuck is going on there.

I like origami and Japanese food and the sense of esthetics that you don’t see in any other country or culture, but you couldn’t pay me enough to live in Japan. Nevermind the earthquakes and nuclear contamination…

d) The Country of Double ‘No’

I am currently living in an ex-Soviet country where not only do they have a single, explicit word for ‘no’ in their local language, but they use it constantly AND they almost always say it twice instead of once. I’m serious. I am learning a bit of the language so that I can function, and no matter where I go, I hear ‘no, no’. And I hear ‘no’ much more than I hear ‘yes’. And they have 3 commonly used words for ‘yes’ and I recognize them easily in conversation. I wish I knew enough of the language to know what they are talking about and saying ‘no’ to though. Why do they say ‘no’ so much??? I’ve never encountered this in any of the other languages I speak or cultures I’ve spent time in.

I have little experience with Russia or Eastern Europe, so I don’t know if this is part of what seems to an outsider to be a rather gruff and abrasive set of cultures. I worked with a bunch of Russians in 2021, and although they weren’t super friendly, I seldom heard the word ‘нет’ to the extent that I hear the word for ‘no’ here in this particular place where I am, so there is something going on that I don’t yet understand. More exploration is needed. But it is nothing like any Asian culture I have experienced, and the cultural rules are very different with religion being a heavy influence.

Okay, I’m starting to veer off the path, and that means that I need to end this post. But I want to leave you with the following thought:

Language is important. It is inseparable from culture. As a woman, you have no control over such an important tool for your survival. Think about the words you use and the effects they have on your ability to get what you need to stay alive and safe. Are you allowed to say ‘no’, how many times do you have to say it to be heard, and are there repercussions for defining your boundaries? The purpose of language is to get what you need, but men control language. What does that mean for women? For you? And finally, think about why men and their female supporters put so much effort into making sure women’s words aren’t heard. Perhaps, we matter more than we’ve been led to believe…

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

One Key Sign that You Belong to a Bonafide Oppressed Group

[Addendum: Excuse the earlier misspelling in the title – sometimes my penchant for neologisms wreak havoc when I go to use actual words – bona fide or bonafide got messed up because of my more usual play on words that I use in a feminist context: ‘bonerfied’. Anyhow, it is fixed.]

These days, for a variety of reasons – the internet probably being the most important factor – people all over the world are self-absorbed and desperate to be special. The easiest way to be special, aside from making it big as a talentless social media spectacle (aka ‘an influencer’) is to claim some kind of oppressed status.

These days, the oppressed are legion. Off the top of my head, the most popular oppressed groups, according to my online and real-world travels in the past few years, include: bisexuals, the trans-identified, Russians, the ‘queer’, members of the major religions, wealthy men, violent black men, violent refugee men, liberal white men, unattractive and socially inept men who can’t score women whom they think they deserve, vegans, fat people, those who were bullied at school during childhood, mothers, and neuro-atypical people. And I’m probably missing some. There are so many, really. All of these people are now ‘oppressed’, and many will even try to reinforce it by inventing words ending in ‘phobic’ or ‘hate’ and hurling them at non-group members to silence legitimate critique (aka ‘free speech’).

But rest assured, there is one key method to easily determine whether you belong to an honest to goodness oppressed group.

Ask yourself the following question. And be truthful when giving your answer.

Do members of your own group try to silence you, deny the claims you make, avoid you, cosy up to and benefit from actual oppressors, and tend to overtly hurt your cause more than your actual or traditional oppressors do?

Or, to put it succinctly:

Does the majority of your group FAIL to support you?

If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, then you actually do belong to a CURRENTLY oppressed group. Very few loud and complaining groups can truthfully answer yes to this. Some of the loudest and whiniest groups do, in fact, have great solidarity and are actually quite politcally and socially powerful. They are not oppressed. Some of them may have been truly oppressed in the past, but no longer qualify as such. Some of these groups have never been oppressed, but are probably feeling left out in today’s sociopolitical climate that is one part oppression olympics, one part narcissism, and one part lack of personal responsibility and critical thinking skills. And many of these groups have even become well-funded and socially powerful oppressors of other groups. Those old clichés about history repeating itself and power corrupting are 100% true. I’m not sure there has ever been a revolution or movement where the underclass hasn’t gone on to do nasty things once they have taken their freedom. I’d argue that every single movement that has gone on to achieve freedom has had male members, with male leaders, and most importantly, tons of female slaves doing the grunt work and not quite reaping the benefits of power and freedom afterwords. Only male-dominated movements have ever succeeded, and they have all gone on to become corrupt. Would an all female movement fall into the same trap? Hard to imagine, but then again, I predict we’ll never see an all-female, full-on revolution, nevermind one that is successful.

The conclusion I’m reaching here is that females are arguably the only truly oppressed group in the world today, with lesbian separatists and non-man-fuckers (i.e., asexuals and political lesbian separatists) on the very bottom. We know they are the only oppressed group because, unlike with all the groups listed above, the women who fight for real female liberation – instead of smaller points such as equal pay or abortion or more ‘palatable’ prostitution legislation, and that don’t actually free women from their subjugation to men – are in the minority and they are opposed most directly by fellow females who are too scared of men to stand up and speak their truth and risk poverty and violent retaliation. Until the majority of women can band together and agree to fight for actual liberation from men, instead of devoting all energy to winning token crumbs that make servitude more bearable, then oppressed status remains firmly in place. Meanwhile, there are very cohesive, faux-oppressed groups making waves and showing us what solidarity can do when you can agree on a message.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

N is for Normal

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

In 2022, a 13-year-old boy I was tutoring told me in very plain English: “You are not a normal person.” My response was: “You’re right. I’m not.” On the surface, the comment didn’t seem to be meant to be an insult – trust me, I’ve been insulted all my life with regard to my non-conformity, and I’ve been called worse than ‘not normal’ – but kids tend to be blunt and honest, unless they’ve been abused or punished enough to have learned to keep their mouths shut, or unless they’ve just simply been trained to develop social skills and a filter. Boys tend to have a lot more freedom of speech, of course, and can pretty much say what they want without consequences. In this case, I found the comment to be a bit suspicious as I’d discovered in past classes, that at even at 13, this boy had already started tapping into his natural latent misogyny, and had developed a basic arsenal of male logic fails to use against females talking about fact-based male violence. So, I figured I’d turn this new and potentially misogynistic male brain fart into a multi-purpose ESL lesson. We’d indirectly discuss how not to put women into patriarchal boxes through an analytical and support-your-argument exercise, so I asked for more information about his dudely deduction. There was nothing unexpected in the conversation that followed. Basically, it boiled down to the observable mismatch between my age, thinking, and behaviour and the typical thinking and behaviour expected of a woman my age. The point I wanted to hit home was that not being normal didn’t equate to something bad. The male skull is thick, however, and the neurons so few and far between, so I doubt the exercise made much of a dent.

What I didn’t discuss with the boy, however, was that in some ways, I am completely normal.

Most kids can deal with talking to someone who isn’t normal. Most haven’t fully absorbed the incorrect belief that abnormal is dangerous. The average ‘normal’ adult is very threatened by people who think critically, who ask questions, who challenge commonly held practices and beliefs, and who poke at protected groups and systems. Fragile systems can crumble if you mess with them too much, and patriarchy is just such a fragile system. Both right-wing religious systems and left-wing ‘democracies’ depend on and protect patriarchy and do their utmost to keep women following the path of normalcy as they define it.

Whereas some kids actually really enjoy talking to someone like me, I find that I make most normal adults uncomfortable simply because I am not normal, and adults tend to be set in their rigid ways after years of being rewarded for conforming. When they meet me, they don’t know what male-defined lady-category to put me in. This can be scary to both men and women. Most women generally don’t trust other women as per patriarchal programming, and as a woman who so clearly doesn’t follow the rules? Well, let’s just say I’ve been on the receiving end of some nasty, petty and mind-boggling reactions – usually passive aggression, insults, infantilizing and outright shunning. Handmaiden psychology and behaviour are a major source of sadness for me. Some men will show intrigue at my ‘weirdness’ until they realize I am not into playing their fucking mind games based on antagonizing me – the game where men always win in the end and women submit and accept defeat.

I got interested in conformity and categorization and manipulation in childhood. When I was about 13 or 14, I wanted to be a psychologist. It was in my blood, but it was also a suitable discipline for both my personality and the way my mind works. I was already attending the occasional university psych class, and I was a question-asker, truth-teller, and analyst, by nature. One evening, at dinner, I asked my psychologist-father: “What does ‘normal’ mean?” My asshole-mother, a woman who devoted her entire existence to sabotaging my education and destroying any chance I had at developing self-confidence, visibly rolled her eyes at me, her clearly not-normal daughter, and my father preened at the chance to expound on his area of expertise. Despite my issues with my father, I did get a thorough answer – 10 different ways to understand what ‘normal’ means, although none having anything to do with feminism, specifically. So rather than listing these 10 definitions, I’ll talk about women and normalcy, and why it ends up being so important to patriarchy.

A Basic Definition

Just to put us all on the same page, we’ll define ‘normal’ very basically as deliberately conforming to or unintentionally meeting a standard, and thus, acting, thinking and looking like the majority. There are value-laden words associated with ‘normal’, so rather than just thinking that normal is just another word for ‘average’, it is also associated with lacking problems, being successful, and being free of disease or weakness or deficiency, etc. I’ll discuss an aspect of this a bit in the section on morality. We could also talk about statistical normalcy as well as cultural norms, but I don’t want to get into all of that in this article. Culture is going to be a separate post, and who knows, I may return to my roots and talk about statistics some time in the future. For now, I have a few points I want to get into below.

Pathologizing Women – Males are the Default, Dammit!

No matter where you find yourself in the world or in time, one thing is apparent. Males are the default – well, at least according to males. Instead of logically separating males and females and allowing them to exist on their own spectrums, males define a single spectrum where males are normal and females are not. When placed on this default ‘human’ (male) spectrum, women and girls are aberrations, pathological, incomplete men, lesser versions of ‘normal’, and you can express this lack of humanity in so many ways. It all comes down to women being a problem. This viewpoint is essential to patriarchal rule. It keeps women off-balance, second-guessing and hating themselves, competing with other women over crumbs of approval, and wasting their very limited money, energy and time on unimportant and distracting tasks instead of achieving anything that would make their lives and health better. For males, this tactic of abnormalizing females serves to keep them in power without having to work very hard or meet any kind of standards themselves, and to have a constant supply of insecure and approval-seeking slaves boosting their egos, keeping them clean and fed, and providing ideas and output to steal.

The idea that males are the default and females are abnormal and problematic infects all areas of life. Tools and machines are designed for male bodies. Health research is done primarily on males and then incorrectly and often dangerously applied to females. Things that female bodies and minds experience are turned into diseases and then either brutalized through medical ‘treatment’ or written off as imaginary lady-bullshit or crazy-talk. Psychological theories are developed to explain why female thinking and behaviour are pathological and inferior. Language is one of the most important ways to establish male standards and defaults to the exclusion and harm of females, to normalize hate-speech against women, or just to erase females altogether. Jobs and skill domains dominated by males are superior and well-compensated, but become devalued if women are allowed to participate and end up outshining males, which they always do.

It may come as no surprise that it is probably more accurate to see females as the more complete human given that the X chromosome is more robust and information-rich than the Y and all fetuses start out female. And I’m going to amend that last part after some online discussion on this topic that all fetuses start out ‘unweaponized’, and then male fetuses become weaponized as a sort of biological compensation for being genetically deficient or incomplete. Other biology-oriented feminists have written more extensively on what goes on in the womb, so I won’t go into the details of female completeness and of males as possible genetic mutations early in human evolution. Suffice it to say that there is a simple and clear purpose in painting females as abnormal and deficient despite the ridiculousness of the idea and evidence to the contrary. Males design and control things to deliberately put females at a disadvantage, and then use any resulting and expected female failure or non-presence in the male-dominated world as proof positive of female inferiority and abnormality. Perfect examples of confirmation bias: one of many male cognitive biases or logical fallacies used to maintain dominance. And this further serves to cover up and paint male inadequacies as perfectly normal.

Normal, Natural, Moral and Their Conflation

Many people conflate the terms normal, natural and moral. They can occur at the same time, but they are not actually related nor do they necessarily belong together. Here is what they mean, and where we run into problems. Remember here, we are talking about human thoughts and behaviours.

Normal means typical or something done by the majority of people. If you, your thoughts and behaviours are normal, you are likely fitting in and not standing out in any way. The best way to be normal is to follow rules, avoid analyzing or questioning things, joining acceptable groups, and keeping your head down.

Natural, on the other hand, is poorly understood, but can be summed up as something that occurs without effort, doesn’t need to be forced, and needs little effort to maintain. Think about what having a natural talent for something means. You seem to be good at it right off the bat, you need little training to become an expert, and you don’t need to work that hard to maintain your skills. You also don’t need an overseer to punish you and correct you every time you make a mistake because you’re generally getting it right on your own. Unnatural is the opposite. If something is not natural for you, first of all, you probably won’t gravitate towards it, and if your participation is considered important, people are going to put a lot of effort into forcing you to do it, and to do it correctly, and not to quit.

I believe heterosexuality in women is a prime example of the unnatural. Heterosexuality is harmful to females, but it is the foundation of male dominance, so it is crucial that all girls and women participate. Because it is unnatural, it needs to be enforced. Males and their handmaidens put an enormous amount of effort into grooming girls from birth for lives of accepted penetrative sex (rape) and subservient relationships with males, and females who don’t comply are punished in a variety of ways that can be extremely dangerous and isolating. Given this, it makes sense that homosexual males vastly outnumber lesbians publicly. Lesbians pose a much bigger threat to the system of male dominance than gay men do. So, for females, heterosexuality is normal because most women comply with their programming and following the rules, but it’s highly unnatural. If it were natural, males wouldn’t need their system of patriarchy, coercing, controlling, threatening, and hurting females in all possible ways. I’ve written more on this topic here. Unfortunately, most people call something unnatural natural and vice versa, and when biased systems of morality or ethics are applied, things can go horribly wrong.

Males, as a class, are violent predators. It is both normal and natural, in this case. They are born weaponized with violent tendencies that are highly noticeable early in childhood and it is generally accepted as how things are, à la ‘boys will be boys’ – male violence is considered normal and no big deal. Further, nobody is forcing them to try to dominate or behave in dehumanizing and sadistic ways – this is natural for males. It’s easy for them, and they are very good at it. Trying to force them through education NOT to rape and torture and kill females, animals and nature is unnatural and doesn’t work. Interestingly, people privately or subconsciously accept that both of these are true, but publicly and if questioned, many will try to pass off atrocious male behaviour as one-offs (aka not normal) or fixable (aka not natural, but socialized). In this way, we never have to deal with male violence as a pandemic requiring a real solution.

Sadly, mostly in the normalization process, which I’ll discuss next, and in getting females to accept unnatural conditions and treatment, the male dominance system relies upon the application of moral judgments or ethical arguments. Very basically, normal is good. Abnormal is bad. Shaming, guilting, and instilling fear as well as handing out intermittent reward crumbs can go a long way to breaking down a woman or girl’s sense of self and certainty and logical ability. As a result, we see a lot of hate- and fear-driven reactions to natural, but abnormalized, female tendencies, such as lesbianism and female separatism, and those reactions are likely as violent as they are because of the false morality that has been a major part of the heteronormalization process.

The Normalization-Acceptance Process

Normalization, or the process of making something accepted as normal, is done through repeated exposure, for the most part. The more you see and hear something, the more familiar and ‘comfortable’ (I use that term loosely) it becomes. It is a psychological process. And you can normalize just about anything, even truly horrible acts. Think about things you have learned when exposed to other cultures, for example, and if you’ve had the chance to live there for an extended time, the things that may have shocked you at first, start to become part of your daily experience and thus become normal to you over time. We also see this across generations as behaviours once thought to be scandalous or abnormal are accepted, every-day behaviour today. It is not necessarily a bad thing when norms change over time. Sometimes, this is called ‘progress’. But it can also be called ‘desensitization’ when repeated exposure to harmful practices becomes business as usual for society over time.

And this is what patriarchy depends on to maintain itself, and how it deals out backlash when women start making tiny forays into becoming human. For example, normalization is what we’ve been seeing in pornography since its inception. Of course, men have been sexually exploiting women throughout history, but with the advancement of technology, they have been pushing sadistic limits. It has been a gradual process, so most males probably don’t even notice that they need more and more visual violence against women to get off these days. One upon a time, a static photo of a naked woman was enough to inspire a boner and its nasty aftermath. But these days, many men need to see a female child beaten and raped by a group of men on video to get the job done. Normalization. And in this case, there should be moral/ethical arguments attached to this, as men have gone so far as to legally have this called an art form, fantasy, and freedom of speech. Not crime or human rights abuses. And contrary to what males say, these ‘fantasies’ that they have superhumanly managed to compartmentalize have translated not into more fantasy, but actual, increasingly violent sex with live female partners (see the British article to consensual violent sex in my sidebar). Porn does not cause violence against women and girls, like socialization essentialists erroneously believe. MALES cause violence and were committing violence before porn existed. But porn absolutely does normalize violence against women and girls, and serves as both a reward (orgasm) and permission to act out their rape fantasies on girls and women and to enjoy and feel entitled to the harm they cause, while pretending it isn’t harm at all.

The “New Normal”

This is an increasingly and annoyingly popular phrase that’s used in a range of situations to describe a new standard, and often, what your life is going to be like after some kind of nasty event. Interestingly, it is NEVER used when talking about rape and how women and girls are supposed to deal with that. I think there are a few reasons for this.

1) Rape is something almost all women and girls experience in one form or another (date rape, forcible rape, coercive rape, consensual rape, etc) at least once in their lives. It is part of our experience as females across time and place under patriarchy. It is quite possibly the quintessential female experience. And I guess if you haven’t had a dick put in you yet in your life, you are both lucky and abnormal – and I know how weird that sounds. So given that rape is a normal experience given that most women experience it, and we never consider normal to be traumatic nor something we have to recover from or suffer with, then we can understand why rape is treated as a joke or no big deal.

2) Rape is something only females experience, therefore, it is trivial because males have deemed females to be trivial. It really helps the system of male domination if an experience is sex-specific and thus can be written off as lies or crazy lady bullshit. But if that doesn’t work – and sometimes it doesn’t – males will do their best to undermine what is going on and to steal the experience and make it their own. Men have done this with rape in Western countries when women demanded attention to its prevalence. The whole ‘men can be raped, tooooo!!!’ movement, helped along by lib-fems and even some radical feminists, is serious mind-fuckery, and I’ve talked about this in other posts. Rape can no longer be treated as a hate crime thanks to men, and the women who cry for them.

3) Rape is both narrowly and nebulously defined by men at the same time. It is something that happens in dark alleys and in other exceptional circumstances. So it is a rare event, supposedly, and men tell us that women lie about being raped all the time. So we don’t talk about it except to fearmonger in order to keep girls and women in line. As a result, we don’t prepare girls for what they will likely experience at some point. It just happens to ‘someone else’, usually bad girls who deserve it. And these days, we even tell select groups of women that they both lie about rape and are privileged anyway, therefore rape doesn’t really happen to them. And if they do report rape, they are probably taking the spotlight away from other women whose rapes are worse and constant… Yet, despite (or maybe because of) all the male-controlled messaging, all women are afraid of rape. And ding, ding ding, hence the success of the forced heterosexuality campaign. The rapist class offers its protection services from all the other members of the rapist class to the rapee class. And this is in exchange for consensual rape. It’s flawed logic that most women buy into. It’s kind of like letting bank robbers guard the bank vault in exchange for skimming a little off the top, consensually speaking… The bottom line is that when you are eventually raped, you usually don’t understand that you’ve been violated even if you know something is definitely wrong. It’s ‘normal’ womanhood, after all, and you’ve been groomed for the experience your entire life. If normal means typical, then yes, being a rape victim is absolutely normal. You don’t talk about it, and therefore you aren’t offered a ‘new normal’, but are expected to function as normal-normal, which implies that nothing is wrong.


I’ve said this many times in past posts: female people have normal and natural designations forced upon them because that is what patriarchy is built on and depends on to keep chugging along. We have no idea what a natural woman looks like. The ‘normal’ woman is not natural – violence and threats are not needed when something is natural. Woman has always been a male construction, and as a girl, she was guided and punished into her role most directly by her mother, and then through school and various other public institutions via a moralistic and systematic process of punishments and rewards and lots and lots of repetition. You may ask, well we know what is normal for women, so what is natural? Honestly, we don’t know, although it certainly is fun to speculate.

The take-home is this: if you’re not normal, for whatever reason, enjoy it. It’s a wild ride, and it probably gives you your very best chance of discovering your true natural self, whatever that may be.

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M is for Mother

I’ve been avoiding finishing what has been a partially-written post for months, but I’ve been inspired to action thanks to an unsolicited advertisement reminding me to worship at the feet of the most sacrosanct patriarchy-perpetuating, girl-destroying women on the planet: mothers. In addition, I really want to cut this albatross loose, so today is the day I finish and publish. Plus, I really want to move on to some juicy P is for ___ posts in this Alphabet series. So, let’s get started.

Today, there is a small set of taboo topics that is considered ‘dangerous’ – so dangerous that bad things can and do happen to the speaker or writer. The topics in question concern realities – truths, if you will – both subjective and objective, both relevant. Highly observable and measurable, hard to deny, and universal across time and place. What, pray tell, are these dangerous topics? Unsurprisingly, they are those concerning women’s status as human beings and the role males play in preventing and/or controlling that status. When these topics are talked about honestly – and they seldom are as it is dangerous to do so – shit gets real very quickly. Males get scared and angry and aggressive for being named correctly as the predator class. The males issue threats and commit actual violence, and they rally support for the male sex class, often painting themselves as victims. As well, many females get scared and angry and defensive on behalf of males, but also themselves as enablers who keep the shit show going. Females issue verbal threats against female truth-tellers and provide unanimous support for whatever male violence ensues.

Mothers according to the world.

Much of what drives these illogical female reactions is that women are not supposed to speak about their reality unless they are parotting the male version of female reality. Women’s reality is what men say it is, and even then, women are not supposed to talk about it publicly, at least in an analytical or critical way. So when a female person decides to speak publicly about female reality in a ‘no bullshit’ or even slightly critical way, you are almost always hearing about information that has been, throughout history, censored, erased and denied. And the speaker and the information will be attacked relentlessly, with attempts made at further censorship, erasure, threats of violence and other (social, political, economic) punishment, real violence, outright denial and various means of discreditation and silencing, such as ‘crazifying’, making false accusations of some -ism or -phobia, and application of bullshit lables such as ‘fundamentalist’ or ‘man-hater’, etc. Only females as a class experience this, and the attacks are always gang bangs with a lot of fellow females joining in to quell their cognitive dissonance and to keep socially and financially benefiting from staying on the path of least resistance (aka sucking dick, literally or figuratively).

The hidden truth: What many real mothers do to their daughters. This girl looks just about ready for heterosexuality to me… Well done, mom.

Also note that the more important the subject matter is to upholding patriarchy, the more dangerous it is to talk about it. My post today addresses one of these taboo topics and is probably one of the most ‘dangerous’ a woman can address. Its official title is Aiding and Abetting, but as I am including this as part of the Alphabet Series, it gets a second special title:

M is for Mother

Lest anyone start reading this and then deliberately miss the point by focusing on an imagined ‘tone’ problem – something that ALL women who talk about ‘dangerous’ topics are accused of (in addition to being crazy or bitter or ‘phobic’ or hairy man-hating dykes or prudes or fundies, etc.) – I’m going to state right here that there is no sarcasm going on. This isn’t an ‘attack’. There is no intended sneering, no condescending tone. It is straight talk. There may be positing or hypothesizing here and there, but this is not satire or parody or fun-poking or whatever genre of writing you want to explain it away as. It’s just an un-sugar-coated description of how things work. Note that the point of this post is not to blame mothers for all the problems in the world, which is how many readers might wish to interpret this. It is a critique of the system and the role or archetype of Mother that arises from that system that are so crucial to keeping men in a position of power and to keeping women and girls utterly destroyed inside and thus, controllable. It is also a criticism of how thoroughly women have embraced their subservient role and of the role they DO play in making sure our daughters stay shackled and victimized and accepting it without serious resistance. After men, mothers are the next biggest whiners about martyrdom and victimization and their unsung heroism of toeing the party line, so deliberate misinterpretation of what I say is expected.

Now, I don’t for a second believe that women cause the majority of the world’s problems – seriously, why the hell would women ever devise a system that oppresses and dehumanizes them??? – BUT they do allow problems to continue in various ways, and critique and criticism are therefore warranted and necessary. But, men are the problem and the chief beneficiaries of the system they run and the roles that come out of that system, period. This post, however, is neither about men nor about biological motherhood, but about the male-created role or archetype of Mother that women both willingly and unwillingly take on and groom their daughters for, and how these women, as a result, keep the cycle of female oppression in place and never-ending. The whole point of creating boxes for women and girls to live in is to control their behaviour, to ensure that this behaviour supports and perpetuates male freedom to control and brutalize, and to make it impossible for women and girls to discover their own true freedom and selves.

Also note that I’m not writing this preamble to apologize in advance – something ALL women are not only required to do when they speak publicly, especially about taboo topics, but are criticized for doing by those self-appointed analysts/critics of women’s ‘inferior’ speech tendencies. I apologize for nothing. Speaking about reality is not akin to doing something wrong – again, something all girls grow up learning in order to keep them silent and compliant as adults. So, if you start reading this and you find you can’t handle it, here is my suggestion. Move on. Go watch a cat video. Go suck a dick. Just don’t stay here and dare to think deeply about this timeless, universal and highly problematic issue. (Okay, there was a little sarcasm there, but it ends here.)

So, what was I saying? Oh yes, M is for Mother.

This truly is a massive topic, but I’m only going to cover the bits that are relevant to my thinking at this point in time and try to break this thinking down into the following categories that make it easier for your to follow.

  1. Motherhood: A Relationship, Not a Job
  2. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Mother)
  3. Welcome to Shit Mountain: The Woman Hierarchy
  4. Martyrdom: The Blame Game vs. Responsibility
  5. Boy-Moms
  6. Mommy Dearest: Narcissistic Mothers
  7. The Future of Humanity: Redefining Motherhood

1. Motherhood: A Relationship, Not a Job

One of the major complaints that is getting more and more play among mothers these days is that motherhood is a ‘job’ and compensation should absolutely be required for said ‘job’. I find the whole discussion bizarre, to be honest, and for a few reasons. I want to comment on a) compensation and b) what ‘job’ means. I also want to discuss choice briefly.

a) First, by and large, mothers ARE compensated for being mothers. If you go the housewife/mother route, and you enter the heterosexual contract, then this is what you have agreed to: you exchange your domestic services, including childrearing, cleaning, cooking, and male ego-building, as well as lifelong access to your cunt for a home, food, clothing, entertainment and spending money, as well as protection services. I have never worked a job where I get accommodation, food, clothing, spending money and safety. If you are a mother and you are not getting these things, then you fucked up. You don’t have an understanding of the hetero contract and you fucked up. Sorry.

I would not have survived financially if I had not had a child.

Private conversation with a single mother in Canada (May, 2021) where she told me that her child was, essentially, her ‘meal ticket’ and her protection. She got subsidized housing, more nourishing food, financial assistance, and more – simply for being a single mother. For women, motherhood is the fastest and easiest way to stay alive. And men designed it to be this way.

There are also some societies – Canada is one of them – that will provide various compensation to mothers for doing nothing other than popping out a kid. The quote above comes from a much longer conversation I had with a single mother in Canada last year. I was stunned at everything she was given and that she had access to. She, of course, commented at how unfair it was to men that she got better quality food than everyone else, but she couldn’t see that the single, childless women living in poverty were the most vulnerable. During that same time period, I also briefly lived with a social worker who told me stories of lone women living in homeless ‘hotels’ run by the government where they would wake up in their beds mid-rape after homeless men had targeted them and broken into their rooms. Safe, subsidized housing NEVER goes to these ultra-vulnerable women. Sometimes, they end up in shelters with predatory trannies pretending to be women, as well.

b) It is a little off-putting when mothers see their role as a job. There are several things that distinguish motherhood from an actual job. First, for such a ‘skilled’ and life-or-death ‘job’, there are absolutely no standards required for candidates. Literally anyone can breed. There are no qualifications needed, no intelligence or skills required. No social skills. No references are demanded. No experience. No proof of competence. As a teacher, I’ve had to do multiple RCMP, fingerprinted criminal record checks to prove I’m not a child rapist or abuser. Mothers? Nope. Never. You also can’t be fired from being a mother. Very few children are ever taken from abusive mothers, especially the kinds of abuse that are just commonplace or that don’t involve broken bones. You can destroy a child from the inside out over the course of your lifetime, and never lose your ‘job’.

c) Finally, and on a related note, motherhood is a choice. In most parts of the world, and increasingly so in more and more places, there is no gun to a woman’s head. Women are allowed to earn their own money, even in strict, religious countries. Unlike jobs, motherhood is not required for survival, but it is certainly the easiest route to survival for a female if you don’t want to have to compete and suffer and truly work hard in the real world. Motherhood is a choice, it is a relationship, and it is a privilege that raises your status in society (among women). You bring a creature into the world without their consent, which means this is a completely selfish act. Acting like the child is forcing you to care for them is pure delusion, although this is a common way of thinking in places like China, where parents regularly make their children feel guilty for existing and taking up family resources.

2. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Mother)

Only if you define and break down the role of Mother in the patriarchal sense, can you understand why there are so many problems for women. Mothers complain endlessly that they are held up to impossible standards or that they are blamed for everything in society where children are concerned. Note that they don’t see breeding and serving men as the root of the problem, and if you can’t see the root of a problem, that problem can never be solved. When we talk of motherhood, we are not talking about biological motherhood, we are referring to the role or archetype that has been created as a category for women. Social categories or archetypes for women are lose-lose situations. No woman ever truly wins in a society where she doesn’t have the freedom to be fully human. When men define our roles, it is not for our benefit, even when they paint it as such. Let’s look at what being a ‘Good Mother means in male-dominated society.

You know we live in a male-controlled society because the expectations for men are much lower in all possible senses, if expectations or standards exist at all. Being a ‘Good Father’ is almost meaningless. At most, it means having a paying a job so that his property can eat. Fathers don’t have to talk to the kids, spend time with them, help them, nurture them, teach them, cook for them, or anything requiring time and attention. They just have to pay the bills. I’ve seldom seen men deemed ‘Bad Fathers’, even when they run out on the family, don’t provide money, or even abuse the children or wife/whore. But I’m not criticizing this as it’s pointless and a common pastime of hetero breeder women who aren’t really interested in fighting to change a shitty system. And this system has been in place since marriage was invented by men. To be a Good Mother, you have to possess a whole host of supposedly innate female characteristics and skills, including nurturing, cleaning, cooking, empathizing, worrying, nagging, being sweet, self-sacrificing, mamma-bear-fighting, advice-giving, being omniscient, forgiving. And I could go on. The thing is that if you list the entire host of skills and characteristics that make up a Good Mother, you’ll find a lot of contradictory stuff. And a lot of the characteristics and behaviours that Good Mothers are supposed to exhibit are exalted one minute and then criticized or made fun of the next minute. It’s designed that way for a very specific reason. Male dominance is about keeping women off-balance and insecure, always faced with catch-22’s and constantly questioning whether they are measuring up to impossible or contradictory standards.

Reality: if you get past the long and strange list of what mothers are supposed to be, there really are only a few requirements. a) Good Mothers breed sons and ensure they are made well aware of their male privilege from Day 1 (to be discussed more in the section on Boy-Moms), and b) Good Mothers break down their daughters psychologically and groom them to accept eventual heterosexual victimhood as rape-slaves (wives) and mothers. Bad mothers produce gay sons, or even worse, lesbians or asexual daughters who decide not to breed. No mother wants her daughter to hate men and she certainly won’t teach her daughter about rape and how self-respect and serving males don’t go together. (Delve more into the destruction of girls in G is for Girl.)

3. Welcome to Shit Mountain: The Woman Hierarchy

In our patriarchal world, hierarchy exists. Males are very much about domination, and you should hold suspect any male who claims he is an ‘equalist’ or any kind of communist, socialist or feminist. Men, despite what they say, don’t believe in equality between the sexes. They may believe that males can be equal or at least have the ability to rise above their station, but if you have the skill to really pin a man down with regard to what he truly believes, you’ll find that every one of them has caveats and conditions that prevent females from attaining and deserving the very freedoms he believes he, as a male, is entitled to. So, males and females exist on separate planes. I’m going to describe them in the following way. Men exist on a ladder. They can rise above their station, and they can also fall. Their hierarchy is based primarily on wealth/ownership. In the distant past, physical strength may have been more important in attaining power, but in these modern times, this is not the case at all. Power is all about ownership.

Male hierarchy (aka “the ladder”) vs. female hierarchy (aka “the shit heap”) – the system under male domination.

It is a different scene for females.

Picture, if you will, a massive shit heap. It stinks, it begs cleaning, but cleaning doesn’t work, the shit is not just stuff to clean, but also physical and sexual danger as well as poverty, and the contributors to the pile are mainly those who oppress you – males, whose ladder hangs above you out of reach – or women who are benefitting from the oppressor class slightly more than you are. All women live on the shit heap – a hierarchy that is based almost exclusively on sex – or in other words, how you use your vagina and uterus. The easiest way to climb shit mountain is to sell your vagina to a wealthy male and to pop out some kids. The air is a little fresher near the top, you are safer with more money, and you can shit on women beneath you and feel smug about it. The surest way to the bottom, where eventually you will realize you cannot move up at all (given that sex is tied to age for women) is a) not to have kids, and b) not to let men rape you with your consent (aka you’re a lez or asexual) in exchange for protection, a home and more buying power.

It should also be noted that those lower on the hierarchy always do more to support those above them, especially those who hurt them. Interestingly, we are always told the opposite. Rich males somehow provide jobs to those lower down. But think of this. Who pays for all the male criminals in prison, keeping rapists alive so they can go out and rape again? Women’s tax dollars go into keeping alive the men who instill fear in them. All men benefit from rape – men who don’t rape indiscriminantly are ‘good men’ and can also offer their protection racket to women who fear being raped, for example – so their tax dollars are an investment. Further, there is a disproportionate, and unreciprocated, amount of lesbian labour, threats to safety, and money put into heterosexual and breeding women’s issues, such as birth control, abortion, domestic violence shelters and more – issues that are seldom, if ever, an issue for these toiling women. Lesbians also devote a disproportionate and unreciprocated amount of time and money into gay men’s (and these days, tranny dudes’) issues. Again, the lower on the shit heap you sit, the more you support your oppressors and better-offs.

Conclusion: mothers do NOT sit at the bottom of the shit heap, despite their claims that they do. Following society’s rules gives you a leg up, not the opposite. If you are breeding and suffering as a result, you likely don’t understand how heterosexuality works and failed to play the game correctly. You may not be able to save yourself at this point, but you can make sure you save your daughter(s) from forced heterosexuality and some of the evils of the world. But you won’t. Of course.

4. Martyrdom: The Blame Game vs. Responsibility

All female archetypes or roles created by men are designed for a) usage/consumption, b) control, and c) convenient scapegoating and shaming and playing us off against each other. Despite what you may want to think, I am not a denier of the fact that men have tended to blame mothers for all sorts of shit throughout history. Males in the psychological domain have been some of the worst offenders. I’m a defender of the reality of psychological mechanisms and such, but I also don’t believe males have any business working in any of the ‘helping’ professions. Male help almost always ends up further damaging women who are already damaged thanks to men and their handmaidens.

Having said that, mothers do a shit load of damage in this world, especially to daughters, and they SHOULD be called out for their often complex roles in destroying girls and building up future rapists (sons). As mentioned earlier, very few females are qualified to parent children due to a lack of standards for the ‘job’ of motherhood. Our world acknowledges that there are many problem parents, but gasp in horror if you suggest that there are people who just shouldn’t breed. Just standard patriarchal thinking, where we protect those who should know better and punish the innocent who have no choice in the matter… And I verge on digressing.

I want to mention two things mothers SHOULD be called out for in the blame game. First, they are quite happy to take responsibility for the role they play in the successes of their children, but are magically innocent and ignorant when their child ends up as a failure, screw-up or, worse, a monster. It’s just not possible to have such selective effects on behaviour. Either take full responsibility, or take no responsibility or get a clue about the extent of your sphere of influence.

Second, mothers have always protested being blamed more than fathers are for things that happen to their children or how their children end up. At the same time, they use the argument that they are the primary care-givers in custody cases. The vast majority of the time, it is the mother who is present 100% (or significant percentage) of the time for the first 5 years of a child’s life – not the father. Many fathers spend little to no time with kids, and when they do spend time, it is often ‘fun stuff’, not care-giving. And women enter breeding relationships with this understanding – if they don’t, they are definitely not qualified to breed… If you are the primary influence, then you bear the brunt of the responsibility for the shit that happens to your kid. Period.

Bottom line: if you want to want to take on the role that can be one of life or death for a minor, then you also have to be willing to take responsibility for your fuck-ups. You can’t be an adult and refuse responsibility at the same time. Don’t play the martyr.

5. Boy-Moms

Something is wrong here. And I don’t want to examine it too closely.

They have always sat at the top of the lady-hierarchy. Even though the most blatant girl hatred manifests differently now, son love is still a thing in all cultures. As mentioned above, it is the job of a Good Mother to make sure her sons walk the planet with a distinct and internalized sense of their deservedness and privilege as males. The boy-mom of today is an uber-enabler of their son(s). Like a good mother is supposed to do, she will love him unconditionally, and will even cover up his crimes, including the most grievous woman-hating of them. Mothers rally behind a rapist son, and will go so far as to attack or censor his female victims.

As much as these women make me ill, I have to admit a fascination with the truly fucked up psychology any woman who breeds a son must deal with. You have to do mental gymnastics to let a dude fuck your body, but to create and birth a son and to watch him inevitably go from innocent, sexless baby to what so many young lads turn into, and to make the endless excuses for him over the years? To me that is just endless mental trauma to constantly have to deny reality. I’ve talked to and watched tons of boy-moms deal with the shit that comes out of their sons’ mouths. Even in the last few months, I got to know a boy-mom whose 7-year-old was constantly displaying what I consider to be budding psychopathic tendencies. She showered him with kisses constantly, while at the same time not being able to explain why most of what he talked about was hurting and/or killing people. Personally, the kid gave me the creeps, not just as someone who used to work in forensics and personality disorders, but as a woman with her eyes wide open and with no emotional or biological ties to this mini-monster-boy-child.

Advice: I’ve said this in the past and I’ll say it again. At the end of the day, boy-moms are no friends to women. They are more trauma-bonded to males than any other group of women, and when push comes to shove, they will destroy any innocent woman or girl who threatens the privilege of their son, even if that son is a killer and rapist. These women also tend to be worse to daughters when there is also a son in the picture. I’m speaking from experience, and I’ve heard enough personal anecdotes to give credence to the theory.

6. Mommy Dearest: Narcissistic Mothers:

Most of why I so wish women had freedom from forced heterosexuality and forced breeding is because of the young female victims that result. Girls are relentlessly conditioned from birth to hate themselves, and by extension, all females. So how can an adult female with a lifetime of such abuse possibly be an adequate mother to a girl? I mean, as explained above, this is part of playing the patriarchal role of Good Mother. Your job is to destroy your girls so that they make good, subservient, heterosexual victims and breeders in adulthood.

The average, ‘normal’ mother is dangerous to daughters. But what happens when your mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)? These women will abuse boys, but they will absolutely destroy their daughters, psychologically. I experienced this, myself. And unfortunately, my father was co-dependent with narcissistic tendencies and a mental health professional, on top of that. It was a bad situation to grow up in (understatement!) and I went No Contact at the age of 20 (!), so let’s just say I understand manipulation and abuse on an expert level, and have a bit of a saviour complex when it comes to girls with abusive parents, especially mothers. Breeding just wasn’t even an option for me – can you imagine how selfish you’d have to be to potentially put a child at risk after growing up abused and also potentially exposing that child to abusive family members? You have to stop cycles like these.

Narcissistic mothers are often children of narcissistic parents. The thing about personality disorders is that while we may be born with certain traits, our environments can certainly make things so much worse. It isn’t a cut and dry nature-nurture situation.

Konstantin: “And your mother?…? …? No, Villanelle.”

Villanelle: “She deserved it.”

Konstantin: “Of course she deserved it. Everyone’s mother deserves it. But you’re not supposed to do it. You were supposed to grow up and realize she isn’t actually evil. She is just insane.

From the series, ‘Killing Eve’. Conversation following Villanelle’s return from Russia after killing her abusive, NPD mother.

If you are female and believe your mother was/is NPD, I have a great link in my sidebar to a site called Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. It was recommended to me years ago by a fellow traumatized woman, and it helped me a great deal. You can spend most of your life feeling like you are insane or imagining things in this horrible and bizarre parental situation. You’ve stopped telling people because no one will ever believe that your mother is abusive – mothers are more likely to be lionized and defended than blamed, despite what mothers say. And it is really hard to describe narcissistic abuse to people who have never experienced it before. You do end up sounding like there is something wrong with you.

7. The Future of Humanity: Redefining Motherhood

I am a staunch anti-natalist. I don’t support human breeding. I don’t believe it is possible for humans to continue on a positive trajectory as long as males exist, as I don’t believe women can be free if males exist. I don’t believe males can redeem themselves, and women exist as male-defined social constructs. Things aren’t getting better socially, politically, demographically, environmentally, economically, and they won’t.

I like to spend time thinking about three human scenarios that seem positive to me and that most people find scary, mostly because most people are self-centred and human-centric and are often infected with male-created religious values, which are anti-life (ironically, given what they say they believe in).

a) VHEM – the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. This is based on the idea that humans are a failed experiment of sorts. More males than females sign on to this ideology, which makes sense to me, as women tend to buy into male-defined roles, and thus cannot develop identities outside of being sex objects. The idea of not breeding, like men have told us we must since time began, strips so many women of their identity, sadly. Anyhow, male believers in this ideology typically and erroneously like to share blame for the state of the world with women. Myself, I acknowledge that males have created overpopulation and all the shit that has resulted from that. I have no problem with humans just stopping and giving the world over to the remaing creatures who absolutely are able to control their populations simply because they don’t have the ‘intelligence’ to fuck with the system. Human intelligence in the hands of men means that male irrationality reigns and we live unnaturally.

b) A New Model of Motherhood. If we were to continue the human race, one option is to eliminate males, put breeding firmly in the domain of women, who after recovering from slavery, would rediscover their natural biophilia. Multiple options would exist to continue the species. Parthenogenisis or use of artifical wombs coupled with a female model of population replacement rather than the male model of out-of-control growth would allow humans to downsize to a small unobtrusive population, replenish and maintain healthy resource levels, and remove biological child ownership from the mix and surrounding all children with multiple sources of love and learning. Humans can live more like similar mammal species instead of necrophilic zombots.

c) Hybridization. I’m a big fan of human transformation. Male elimination, as in the previous category, is a given and is necessary for healthy evolution, and the best traits of humanity could be blended with say, plants. Plants are incredible and responsible breeders, and I’d be perfectly keen seeing how other human systems, such as communication, would be improved and simplified with a different kind of connectedness such as use of a plantesque root system.


There is so much more that could be said on this topic, but I’ll end here with the following. I would truly love to see what humanity could and would look like if women could live completely separate from or without the existence of males. Nothing but horrors have resulted from male domination, and the world is certainly not thriving because of it. Our accomplishments are not true accomplishments, especially when held up against the widespread suffering of all species. I would love to see motherhood defined differently, or not at all. I would certainly love to see women and girls free from being forced to define themselves in terms of their uteri and vaginas. Queer theory does not address this problem by erasing women as a category. The problem is not having female body parts, but the fact that we are oppressed by males because of them.

If you want to be part of the solution, don’t breed (if you haven’t done so yet). Support girls unconditionally and believe them and believe in them. Stay away from male-identified, toxic females if you can. And don’t devote your time, money and energy to males if that is possible for you. And finally, remember that we women exist publicly, and often privately, in male-defined categories. It’s best, but hardest, to fight against this categorization. Remember that almost all women you meet gave in a long time ago. Hold them responsible for their actions, but not for the creation of these limiting boxes.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢


For those who would like a wonderfully done audio version of this post, please head to Radical Ramblings’ Youtube channel.

It’s Biology: They’ve Got ‘Surround, Terrorize and Destroy’ Down to an Art at 12

Bear with me, my Alphabet Series is on hold for the next while. I am ‘this close’ to finding myself in a regular, but low-paying, job with a reputable international organization. So life is a bit weird right now. That is the only word I have for it, although it isn’t ‘weird’ in the way it is normally weird. And yes, weird is normal. For me. Anyhow, that is neither here nor there. For the next little while, as I wait for bureaucratic stuff to move along in its glacial way, I am doing some private teaching gigs of the ESL sort.

I’m an extremely experienced, but highly unconventional, teacher. Unlike most teacher-teachers, I came to the profession with a ton of experience in the non-teaching realm, particularly in research and policy. I’m a statistician and methodologist by training, and my formal, funded-rather-than-paid, research background was in intelligence and abilities measurement, with paid-paid research sidelines in the areas of personality disorders and violent male crime, including sex (hate) crimes against women. So I kinda know a wee bit about how males define intelligence (and how they’ve abused these definitions and the tools they’ve based their ‘thinking’ on), and I’ve developed my own models of unconventionally (woman) defined intelligence, which I’ve guest lectured on in the past. I also have extensive, EVIDENCE-based knowledge of what males do to females, in addition to my extensive personal experience with what males have done to ME. Further, as a long-time educator who has worked with all ages and in many countries and cultures, and who is trained in behavioural assessment, observation, testing, evaluation, and the data-based 5-W’s and 1-H of male violence, I can speak with more knowledge and expertise about the differences between males and females at any age, including the young. Really, this has nothing to do with ‘feminism’ and everything to do with data and seeing reality. You don’t have to be a female seperatist to correctly interpret what the data show. And I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Males and females are different.

Males and females are not the same.

One of these things is not like the other, yadda yadda yadda.

So, males do not equal females.

And, the most popular one: the clear and present danger differences are rooted in BIOLOGY, so you can’t dream or plan your way out of the horrors you see as an educator, or simply as a woman in daily life. Period. I don’t care if it makes you feel bad or it sounds ‘negative’. Males are biologically different than females and these differences show up in how their brains works and in the behaviour that is controlled by their brains.

But let me confuse a few of you here because most people are dichotomous thinkers and I am decidedly not. The sadism, the violent and barely controlled, illogical emotionality, and the immaturity that results from male biology leads to a system of socialization. This system was designed by these violent ones, and it serves a purpose. It allows and gives a ‘justification’ to males to maintain their natural violent tendencies and their penchant for domination and destruction, and forces a whole host of unnatural subservient behaviours in females using similar illogical justifications (backed up with violence). So see, it is not simply biological OR sociological essentialism. When does that kind of thinking ever explain anything adequately?

The naturally violent (males) control the rest (females) through violence (biological imperative) and mindfuckery (the system of socialization).

Anyhoo, back to what I was saying. I’m doing a bunch of private teaching gigs at the mo, and unfortunately, many of my students are male. I’ve got an annoying adult Asian male right now, about whom I may write, as he is bizarre and barely tolerable, and he is teaching me the most unbelievable things about Korea that I feel I must share with the world for shits and giggles. He is also a classic mansplainer. But I’ve also got a bunch of boy children. I hate boy children – less than adult males, but still. Yet, I am the consummate professional, and a girl’s gotta eat, so I try to teach these fuckers in the most unbiased way I possibly can. And yes, I’m fucking good at it. I actively work on my control of personal biases – I am highly aware of my behaviour. I’m definitely not perfect. But in a professional role, I take this shit seriously. Unlike male teachers. And unlike women who teach girls (goddammit, I have stories about the shit female teachers say and do to female students…) Anyhow, I’m really good at lying/hiding my true self/compartmentalizing because I am female and have to survive in this world. If women behaved like men and reacted violently and proportionately to all the shit that happened to them in this world at the hands and dicks of males, no male would exist. So, I insist that women are generally better liars and more controlled than men – and think of the illness we carry resulting from the forced suppression of so much righteous anger! So, of course, I’ve learned to pick my battles. Fighting with a 12-year-old future rapist isn’t worth my gynergy. I try to de-sex them in my mind in order to get through my job requirements. In my ideal world (where I’m still teaching, that is), I would only teach female students.

Now, when you teach boy children, a few things become immediately clear. But before I get into that, let me say one other thing first. Mothers constantly pull the superiority crap with non-breeding women. The whole: “You don’t have children, so you don’t know, do you?” thing is a constant, eye-rolling experience for me. Smugness issue aside, I would go along with this, except for one thing. I frequently seem to understand more about children than the average mother. I often think these women are fucking clueless. They have no idea what their kids do online. They have no idea that what their kids tell them is mostly bullshit. They have no idea how to parent children, including setting limits, teaching critical thinking, and for fuck sake, just teaching basic ethics. But it makes sense. There really are no qualifications for the ‘job’ of parenthood. And I’ll stop there as I’m still writing a torturous (for me) post on mothers, which will be uber-unpopular, but which must be said. The bottom line here is mothers don’t have a fucking clue about their sons. I do.

So back to the shit you notice right away about boys vs girls. And yes, I’ve written about boys and girls in the classroom before. First, girls are smarter, more hard-working, and more creative than boys. Sorry, boy-moms. You’ve pooped a turd, to put it vulgarly. Second, boy-moms who manage to get in on your teaching session (seriously, try to prevent this at all cost), will hijack your class, and if there are girls present, they will try to force you to give preferential treatment to their boys and will want you to reward their boys’ laziness and sulking in the same way that you reward girls’ effort and stellar answers. Third, the attention span of a boy is but milliseconds. As my researcher’s mind watches them work their magic, I marvel at how little stamina their brains have, how little computing power (yeah, boys can’t do math either), how little logic ability they possess. The list goes on. Remember that I am an expert in abilities assessment. With the occasional exception that doesn’t negate the general rule, boys are just poorer at everything – and YET, they are rewarded, promoted, and given opportunities while girls’ potential is so often pushed aside so they can focus on becoming mothers. The rage you see in adult males these days is a direct result of being forced to deal with actual competition from females (not low-level competition from other males). Males never had to face reality in the past when they deliberately (guess why!?!) kept females out of school and the workforce. Facing their inadequacy makes men mad. And you see this shit starting in boys in mixed classrooms, reinforced by boy-moms from the sidelines. They sulk and yell and force attention on themselves, thus derailing lessons and redirecting attention from girls.

I insist that it’s biological. It starts early and it happens in every culture and race. Their lower abilities are biological. Their explosive and disruptive emotionality is biological. And moms (dads to a lesser extent, as they don’t give a shit about the mundane details of their property, and are busy reaping the profits of being violent and inadequate) and teachers and the rest of people that make up the patriarchal system reward this biological inferiority and punish female superiority while instilling bizarre, self-hating, and subservient behaviours to replace whatever girls were born with. I ask, will we women ever know what we are truly capable of???

So I’ll get to the anecdote that inspired the title of this post. I teach a couple of 12-year-old males along with a completely fucked up 7-year-old male, and yesterday, things were over-the-top focused on their violent thoughts, even though none of the material I introduced was connected to violence at all. I swear I have never had a class with a girl, woman, or group of females where every fucking answer they gave me involved killing other people or doing other nasty shit. But yesterday, even from the 7-year-old boy, during the language + creativity exercises I gave them, all the boys could come up with were ways to hurt or kill people. There was no actual creativity happening. And then, one of the 12-year-olds told me a story – that he was very PROUD of, like in a moral high ground sort of way – regarding how he and some of his dude-bros taught a girl a lesson online.

Now, the mother of these kids, like all boy-moms, doesn’t have a clue how much time these boys spend online and what they get up to. Said boy is an amateur ‘hacker’ and spends what I consider to be too much time on online gaming forums having discussions with complete strangers and some online ‘friends’. One day, during one of these discussions, a person perceived to be female ‘dissed’ the boy’s mother. Personally, the situation smacked, not of female behaviour, but of male behaviour. That classic ‘your mom is a whore’ taunt-fest is something most boys engage in. When I was a kid, it happened on the playground – there was no online world. Now, it is everywhere, including the internet. I’ve never witnessed girls do this. But anyone can be anyone online, and we know males enjoy masquerading as females for a variety of pervy reasons. So anyhow, this 12-year-old – who, by the way, believes in the current po-mo rhetoric that is spreading from the West to far-off places, including where I live, that males = females, therefore females are as violent and aggressive as males – decided to teach this ‘girl’ a lesson. He gathered his online dude-bros, did some basic hacking, located this girl’s meat world address and then threatened her with coming to get her. Basically, the same shit you see MRAs try to do to radical feminists who dare to speak online. Doxxing, and the requisite rape and death threats in order to scare her into silence or removing herself from the internet altogether. I don’t know if there were rape or death threats in this particular instance of 12-year-old male terrorism of what they thought was a lone female (I still think the kid was actually male), but this boy truly believed, as he explained to me, that her crime of dissing his mom warranted an online, organized gang-bang designed to scare the shit out of her.

Nobody taught him this. The male mind – the manifestation of the activities of the brain, which is part of the body, which is a biological entity, created, not of socialization, but of DNA – goes there naturally. It sees prey, it thinks violent thoughts, it creates justification for that violence, and then it pounces and carries the violence out. And then it gets away with it! Millennia of evidence, and yet so much denial and blindness and belief that it can be changed. Through education, no less!

Wake up.

[Included in the Conversations with Men series. Boy, you’ll be a man soon…]

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

One Down…

One of the things that I absolutely hate about straight women and why I’ve stopped supporting their endless, mostly self-created and self-perpetuating ‘man problems’ is their flip-floppishness when it comes to allying with women. This warrants a deeper analysis – ‘why’ is my favourite question, after all – and I’ve written about a part of it in my post on friendship. Some feminists have tackled other parts with allusions to trauma bonds and the like. Really, our system of patriarchal brainwashing and compulsory heterosexuality is a massive topic. I’ll just say for now that I don’t blame women for patriarchy, but I do hold them accountable for hurting other women and refusing to see and/or accept reality (aka being ‘willingly ignorant’). Unlike how men paint feminists (incorrectly, I might add – big surprise), I don’t think women ‘can do no wrong’. And as a non-dichotomous thinker, I also don’t equate males to females either – the bad things that women do manage to do cannot in any possible way compare to the bad shit that men do. I mean seriously, if you take all the bad deeds that women have done throughout history and put them on a scale, and on the other side, you put all the bad deeds that men have done in 2021 alone, the male side of the scale would not only hit the ground, but it would smash into the earth and tunnel a hole straight through to China (or whatever place is directly across from you on the globe)! You think I jest or hyperbolize? Well, the latter, maybe a smidge. But hmmm, keep those blinders on, ladies…

I also don’t automatically assume women are ‘stoopid’ like the average black-pilled woman is annoyingly wont to do (e.g., women are stoopid because even when men rape them, they still go back for more abuse!). The ‘stoopid’ label is incorrect, simplistic (also ‘willingly ignorant’), and woman-hating/an ad feminem attack. In short, I think women are smart enough to see what’s going on, but among all the shitty ‘choices’ available, it is easier and more advantageous in many ways to keep the fuck machine going with men. Despite the gaslighting I constantly experience from these women regarding my life being so goddamn ‘easy’, my way is actually infinitely harder and more dangerous. If my life were so easy, all women would be doing it, and I wouldn’t have anything to write about, amiright?

Anyhow, long preamble over, I write this following getting an email from a former female professor from my grad school days. Or rather, an email forward. The gist of it was that the man who ran our laboratory back in the day has died after several years of brain deterioration (ahem). This man played a part in destroying both of our careers, while uplifting all the careers of the male professors and grad students (including the *oppressed* black males and other non-white males in our lab). I remember back when I interviewed at that university for that lab, I was just this wide-eyed, 23-year-old, superstar Canadian girl, amazed that I was being wined and dined by big American research powerhouse universities. This guy took me out for dinner, and smart though I was, I became confused. He brought along a woman who didn’t have any connection to the uni or the program. Turns out she was his former grad student and he was currently fucking her (whether he was fucking her while she was still his student, who knows?) But classy, eh? Now, the question remains – and I don’t really care, to be honest – did she invite herself along (aka “I don’t trust you because you tend to fuck female grad students…”) or was it his idea (aka “you’ve got competition, bitch”)?

He was an asshole to women in so many ways. And I learned a lot from this turd, although not about my professional field – about life and how it really doesn’t get better for women with increased education. And sorry, liberals, white women aren’t winning. Ever. Nothing you say under the guise of SJWing is anything I’ve ever experienced or witnessed. Ever.

The email arrived a few days ago and I haven’t responded to it yet. I’m thinking about what my response should be, and I hate that this is taking up any of my headspace at all. As I’d like to write an honest response, I’m considering just ignoring the email altogether because honesty doesn’t work for hetero women (or any man). I’ve known this woman for a long, long time – we’re currently not on the greatest of terms. Well, more like ‘not bad, not good’, in my opinion. I know why this is so, but it’s not germane to the current story. I’ve mentioned her before in my post on how women are isolated from one another. She is hetero, feminine, and a mother of two sons. And a repeat abuse victim who keeps finding yet another loser man to attach herself to when she starts feeling lonely and isolated. I suppose I get it, but it is really annoying to be around, because despite the fact that she is super smart, a great researcher, a fucking awesome teacher, and she has a PhD in a field that perfectly places her in a position to analyze and understand literal raw data, she absolutely refuses to see the truth about males.

Part of the problem in deciding on my response is that I’m not sure why my former prof sent the information. I’ve heard through a mutual acquaintance that she has found a new man to fuck, so she could be in a pro-male frame of mind and has sad-feelz about this amaaaayzing dead man. Like I said, hetero women go back and forth in their alliance with non-hetero women depending on what day it is. Perhaps, she is relieved that he’s gone from the planet and knows I will be too? Much less likely. To be honest, I haven’t thought about this asshole since I was a student because so many more assholes came after him to make my life hell. And besides, I found my way out from under his direct influence after my first year of abuse, which helped me move on. It hurt my career, of course, but it might have been worse otherwise? The final possibility is that she is just reaching out and this was a conveniently timed event of shared ‘interest’ that provided an excuse to do it. But really, I’m sick of hetero women needing excuses to bond with me other than “I need someone to complain to about my current abusive man or the loneliness resulting from not having a man.” It’s just sad that this email is also coming about because of a man, pleased though I may be at the thought of his death.

All I am thinking right now is: one down, 4 billion to go…

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Cry Like a Boy vs Cry Like a Girl: An Observation

Not one of my standard lengthy posts, but rather an observation. And it’s an observation that transcends race and country, and likely time, as well. I say this as I am now in another country and culture that are completely foreign to me (I’m on the brink of finally getting another job, though). And yet again, as I observe daily life and goings-on, I realize that no matter where I go, people are all pretty much the same. There are differences in language and customs and the manifestations of misogyny, but the biologicals are reliable.

And so I come to male and female children, and an example of behaviour that I see over and over no matter what culture I find myself in.

First, let’s get one thing straight. Unless there is something wrong or abnormal with the kid, ALL kids cry. Biologically, this is a truth. Males have tear ducts, but their ducts are larger, so it takes longer for them to fill up and spill over. So males and females may ‘cry’ the same amount, but we might see clearly observable evidence of it in the form of tears more in females. So the slur against females: “Cry like a little girl.” is not quite accurate in the way it was intended. And of course, in all slurs against females (which are all inaccurate), there is an implied weakness – this one being that females cry more than males. Which, we know is not true. In my observations, little boys seem to cry as much (if not more) than little girls, AND they also make a hell of a lot more noise. Seriously.

Now, here is my added observation based on something I first heard and then saw out my window the other morning. The little boy next door and his dog were ‘interacting’. I’m not sure how it started, but by the time I feasted my eyes on the sitch, the boy was busy kicking the dog in the head. Repeatedly. Not something I’ve ever seen a girl do, by the way (although I have a great animal abuse story about my mother, but she was NPD, so not a normal woman). The dog then decided to bite the boy’s hand. There was no blood. No skin was broken. He wasn’t injured, physically. But. And this is what it always comes down to with males regardless of age. The dog committed a crime. It fought back. The boy immediately started crying and screaming bloody murder. A girl (who probably wouldn’t have been kicking the dog in the head to begin with) would have just cried and tried to get away from the dog. But the boy, like most boys and men, decide to retaliate against the dog, who, let’s face it, was just defending itself. He launched a vicious attack on the dog that sent it scurrying off. Disgusted enough, especially as it was nothing new in my 50 years of observing males, I decided that was the end of the entertainment.

This type of male behaviour applies in many situations, and most of you female readers can likely relate to the dog. Males antagonize us, emotionally, sexually, physically, psychologically, and if we don’t accept it like good little bitches, and especially if we fight back in kind, but in defence, they go at us harder. “How dare you fight back!” “I’m male, I can do what the fuck I want to you, and you have to take it.”

So, I’d prefer that you cry like a girl. Crying is normal and natural. It serves a number of purposes. If it weren’t normal, we wouldn’t have tear ducts… But abusing, then crying (with screaming and gratuitous noise), and then more vicious abuse – in other words, crying like a boy – forget it. We don’t need that shit. Ever. As I think about this scene, I consider that in liberal North America, the dog in this scenario might be put down for the crime of fighting back. I’d argue, though, that it’s the boy who needs to bite it. Way too dangerous, and he is only 7. It’s only going to get worse…

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

A Glimmer of Sanity in a Trans-Psychotic World

Happy 2022, everyone! I haven’t written in a while, although not on purpose, but I figured I’d send out some good news. We need it, especially as we grimly face the start of year 3 of COVIDapalooza; the fall-out from Jewish eugenicist and sex-trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein’s life of rape and privilege; and the continuing slow slide into non-human status for Western women thanks to the political left.

In short, a group of private girls’ schools in the UK is refusing to accept trannie dude’s applications. They refuse to see biological males as females and state that accepting trannies means that they will no longer be same-sex schools. Logic! Reason! Facts! In the UK!?! How is this possible? How have they not been literally, nevermind politically and economically, killed by the trans cult yet? How has the government not shut them down yet, especially as this is a GIRLS’ school? The West is currently trampling girls’ rights in a way strangely parallel to how fundamentalist Muslims in Afghanistan (among many other countries) attack girls’ schools for allowing the girls to even attend. Women are losing their jobs in many Western countries just for correctly stating that biological sex is an unassailable fact – but these schools are left intact? Hey, I’m not criticizing them or trying to appear clever. I’m glad this is happening. I don’t even give a shit about the fact that they are private and cater to people with money – I’m not an asshole who intentionally overlooks the amazingness and potential influence of this situation in order to score points with the woke gender-critical set who can’t see the forest for the trees. The reality is that it is the people with power/money who need to step up when rights are being trampled. Who gives a shit that most people can’t afford to attend this school, myself included. It is very difficult for individuals (especially women) and beholden groups (aka government-funded entities) to accomplish much politically, especially if the targets of oppression are women and girls. So, I urge you to feel inspired by this group of schools – a small archipelago in a sea of sharks in tutus and tiaras yet with rock-hard rape-sticks. If these folks can hold their ground against one of the most dangerous and psychotic groups of people to come on the scene in a very long time, then there is hope for everyone else.

An interesting part of this is the sub-group of trannies being addressed here – the applicants, themselves, rather than their fucking nutso supporters. It’s not the scary adult autogynophilic rapist woman-hating sub-group. or the pathetic homophobic, woman-hating closeted and in-denial gay/lesbian sub-group, or the sad and terrified I-don’t-want-to-be-raped-or-harassed girls sub-group. We’re talking the ROGBs. And they are the most easily helped, especially if you don’t enable their bullshit. And likely, the group of schools in question is well aware of this modern psychological and social problem. ROGB or rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or what I like to cal Tik-Tok, Dick+Frock disorder is a standard teenaged mental health problem set in modern times. It’s considered controversial, but it’s actually rather straightforward and super easy to figure out, and thus, not controversial at all. Basically, teeny-boppers – people at their most gullible, inexperienced, naive, temperamental and hormonal – are spending too much unsupervised time on social media, and are being influenced by unsupervised, ‘cool’ idiots online. And guess what happens when you are a typical miserable teenager? You look for ways to fit in and feel better. So you end up doing really stupid shit in order to feel totally different, while ironically completely conforming. For most, this kind of bullshit works its way out of your system after your brain matures fully, your hormones calm down and you get the fuck away from your parents 😉 There is often more than a little embarrassment felt at the memory of what we thought and did during our teen years. But my point here is that the school has sensibly decided not to enable this kind of nonsense and to protect their girls at the same time. Let’s hope the government, urged/coerced by violent social activists, doesn’t rain hell upon this group of schools for their bravery and rationality. There is a possibility that the loophole they are relying upon that born male kids are not ‘legally’ female even if they claim they are female could be eliminated, thus forcing a change in admittance. But the school, and more importantly, the girls, seem safe, at this point. This article came out today (January 2) and insanity could still reign if trannie-boy-moms and the larger violent and unstable activist set gets their way.

Speculation aside, today’s news is the kind of Christmas present and New Year’s Tidings I can get excited about.

(btw, I’m including a pdf version available here – besides the link to the original above – of this article in case the Daily Mail is forced to take it down. I’ve learned that anything can happen… here is the link.)

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Why Search Terms Went the Way of the Dinosaur

Who wins by hiding search terms used to get to a feminist blog? Let me think…

For those of you who run blogs or web sites, have you noticed over the past decade that Google (and other search engines that facilitate the remaining 8% of searches that Google doesn’t perform…) is no longer giving web sites feedback on the search terms used to get to their sites?

I set up my first major web site in 1995 – a co-venture with one of my professors. It is still up, but no longer the award-winning powerhouse it was at the time. I just visited it about an hour ago, and noted that my former prof took my name off the site’s credits, even though I did ALL the research and ALL the coding and ALL the fixes. Didn’t I just write about men stealing from women in my last post…??? Anyhow, in those early days of web development, I realized that search terms were really helpful. The concept of SEO was just a few years away and hadn’t become big business yet. But knowing how people got to your site could help you write content of interest to people, which would in turn, bring more traffic. As we were operating as a resource, we weren’t trying to make money, but to help people find information. I’ve run other web sites since then, and search terms became increasingly important.

But recently, this treasure trove of information has dried up. Since 2011, Google decided they didn’t want to provide that kind of information anymore – although they said that it would barely affect site owners. Not so. In 2013, they expanded their search encryption policies, and basically, the iron curtain came down. Now, if you listen to what the men (let’s face it, these are male decisions) running the search engines say, they cite that they are concerned about privacy. But whose privacy? Unless, you are connecting a search term to an individual’s computer, what’s the big deal? Why shouldn’t we have access to the words that bring netizens to our sites?

Well, if you actually looked at search terms when they were readily available, and you consider what drives much of the internet traffic and downloads, a hell of a lot of it is porn and other misogynistic – some of it disturbingly violent – content. And this is a big deal for women like myself, who run feminist content. What is bringing people to our sites? And we come back to circling the question of whose privacy is being protected by blocking access to search terms.

There was a really great, data-oriented site that was stopped in 2013, likely coinciding with Google’s male protection racket ramp up, that I still link to in my side bar – What Men Want to See Online – which collected search terms from women running feminist web sites. It was telling, even shocking, disturbing, saddening, and it supports the idea that search engines are most concerned about protecting male privacy. Men worried about being targeted/located and accused of what they euphemistically call ‘thought crimes’ have likely fuelled this enactment of online privacy. (It’s amazing how many men I run into who are obsessed with ‘thought crimes’ – why is that…?) It is very important that men can search for, access, and masturbate over and over to rape videos, woman-torture, child porn, sexist racism, and the like. The privacy – and safety! – of women and children is just silly to think about. This protection ensures that men can easily keep the rape, torture and other woman hate going both on and offline. If you hide a problem, then it keeps going, keeps building. And we well know that ‘thought crimes’ cannot be compartmentalized – even though men tell us that their fantasies about cutting women up is just that – fantasy – and has nothing to do with their real feelings towards half the population… yeah, right. Do you really thing that men sit at their computer jizzing over a woman being tortured and raped and then go to work and treat their female co-workers fairly? Get real. I am not actually sure which is more disturbing – that men can get off on rape, and then go back to business as usual (which is not fair treatment, by the way), which I would also call psychopathy. Or that men get off on rape and then bring it into the meat world, which is also psychopathy. Hiding it or letting it hang out. Which is worse? And they can’t really hide misogyny; not really. Men aren’t that smart or skilled, and like I’ve said before, they are terrible liars. They don’t have to be – every disgusting thing they do is protected.

Now, Story Ending Never wasn’t operating when WMWTSO was collecting data, so I couldn’t contribute my wealth of filth kindly provided by males from all over the world. When I ran into the site after the fact, I went a-digging into my own data, and I was surprised that so many men were looking for rape and somehow found themselves on my blog. The search terms available have drastically dropped off in the years since I started writing in 2015 – I almost never get specific terms anymore – but my 6+ years of data fall into a few major categories.

There is a shitload of racist (against white women) rape and porn search terms. If you are one of those willingly ignorant assholes who thinks white women aren’t major targets of serious, violent, racist, sexist, rape-hate, you can find the nearest cliff and lean over. No, just a little more. Go on, now. Racist sexism against white women is the most accepted and promoted racist-sexism (even among rapey white males who are happy for women to pay for male crimes, and shockingly, some self-hating, badly abused white females) in current times.

The racist bullshit co-mingles sex, fucking, raping, porn, erotica and romance. The focus is mostly Arabs raping white women, a few black rapists thrown in, but you get the picture (see my keyword list attached below). If you need more proof that men put everything from love to rape to revenge fucks to sexy fun to porn into the same bloody category, just look at search terms – oh wait, you can’t anymore. We are protecting men’s searches now. Anyhow, why do you think I started the Love = Hate series? They are the same thing for men. But you can look at my list because Google can’t erase what has already been recorded.

There is a second major category highlighting men’s obsession with being castrated. I swear men want this. They drool over it. They dream of it. And part of me thinks we should help them out… but I don’t get this obsession at all. I mean, I know men constantly think of hurting women in horrible ways, and I think they assume women do the same thing – dreaming of hurting men and maybe dreaming of being hurt. However, the average woman decidedly does not. She neither dreams of being a slave nor of acting like a typical male. But men need to think this is true to create insane justifications for what they do to us. Otherwise, how can you feel like you are righteous if your target is innocent…? This is how religion (another product of male thinking) has always operated – justifying horrific treatment of people by creating false reports of evil in their ‘enemies’.

The third smaller category of filth that men use to arrive at my site is prostitute humiliation. The first category of search terms, I get – I am white and female, so I will automatically be the target of racist, sexist hate. I don’t know why the castration fetishists come to me or why the prostitute haters come to me. I don’t really write about either – maybe an occasional mention, but nothing worthy of the scores of scrotes who find me through these depraved search terms.

Anyhow, those are my two cents on the internet today. I’m busy procrastinating on something I need to get done, so I’d better get back to it. If you’re interested in the list of search terms, I am including them here for download instead of including a really long list of filth within this post.

Search Terms Used to Find Story Ending Never

[Part of the Conversations with Men series.]

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Men Dream, Women Labour, Men Take Credit

A man with dreams needs a woman with vision…

Alternate version: A man with dreams needs a woman who believes…

various scrotals take credit as their sex is wont to do, but original source unknown

Better and truer version: A man with dreams needs women’s unquestioning faith, undying and undeserved devotion, and endless free or underpaid labour to bring the dream to life… but it’s probably just better to put him down in the permanent sense, so that women can be free to pursue their own damned dreams.

Story Ending

Woman, I could get used to this quote reinvention thing! I might go down in history – kind of like Weird Al Yankovic with his song parodies! No matter. I’ll put this in the Conversations with Men series, although I’m writing of a general, repetitive, lifelong conversation that all women have with all men. I’ll give a few examples from my own life, but honestly, I see this form of male dominance in everything I experience. Women are just so used to it (and by my definition, exhausted by it) that they don’t realize all the time they end up devoting to men’s brilliant ideas and/or cleaning up after numerous failed experiments.

So the other day, after escaping from my most recent foray into exploitative work – wait, let’s call it what it actually was: work-based imprisonment of a foreign person through legal means – I started researching the country where I’ll be spending at least the next couple of months. Okay, let’s be honest here again, I was researching food because I like food, especially local specialties. And I noticed something. Most of these dishes and snacks and local basics that are must-eats when in this particular area have a man’s name attached to them. Men made famous by the creation of some spectacular edible. In the few cases where a woman was considered responsible for the dish’s creation, we have no idea who she was – some faceless, nameless wife. The story behind the dish often has the quality of a general myth: a woman wanted to please her new husband, sorta bullshit.

Anyhow, I started thinking about this, and it didn’t make sense to me. Given that throughout history, and continuing today, women have been the ones in the kitchens, the ones improvising dishes during hard times, the ones creating deliciousness out of 3 ingredients because hubbie has spent all the family’s money at the local watering or gambling hole or whorehouse – why is it that men are the only ones supposedly creating the famous, local, traditional foods? This doesn’t ring true for me. What I think has happened is that some opportunistic male who couldn’t get anything in his own life going, took his mother’s or his sister’s or his wife’s amazing creation and attached his name to it. Woman be damned. We’ve seen this happen countless times throughout history in the art world, in the scientific world – in every world and in every culture. Men steal. They steal from women. They steal their ideas, their labour, their inventions and discoveries, and they take credit in the form of recognition, money, future opportunities, and more. This is HIS story. She is erased. He lives forever. So I know the traditional foods I end up eating no matter where I go in the world have originally come from women, anonymous women.

I thought about the process of stealing. I thought about all the Great Men in the world, and the lesser men who have dreams. I thought about my own experiences with these ‘idea men’ thoughout my life. There have been so many. When I was younger and more naive and energetic, I fell prey to many of these guys. Sometimes, they have good ideas. But here’s the thing. Most of these men are not that bright, and are the laziest fuckers you’ll ever meet. They have grown up having their mothers do everything for them, and coupled with their inborn aggression and need to take, mom has nurtured and reinforced a sense of entitlement and deserving. By the time he reaches adulthood, the great man is well used to girls and women working for him to make his path easy, to make his dreams come true, to provide an endless well of ideas from which to take, and to give him some kind of legacy that they and he believes he deserves as a male.

You have, no doubt, encountered at least one of these guys in your life. It could be dad, but it could also be a teacher or mentor, a friend, a boyfriend/husband. You’ve been well-trained from birth to see males as insightful and brilliant, and you fall for male aggression or charisma really easily. Once charmed, you’ll do anything for them. They are soooo smart and creative and supportive of your desperate need to be a part of their crusade! Of course you want to sign on and help him realize his brilliant idea to change the world! See my post on friendship – specifically the section on Types of Friendship – to get some insight into how women get sucked into parasitical situations like this – hint: males see friendships with women differently than women see friendships with men…

I’ll give a few of my own examples. Note that I don’t fall for male bullshit anymore. I don’t give free labour to men anymore. Not that I’ve tried this yet, but I’d now go so far as to suggest that women steal men’s ideas and make them happen without sharing credit. Time to turn the tables, don’t you think? That’s for you to decide, of course. But I’m tired of promoting playing nice with our oppressors. We still aren’t free, but dammit, we’re ethical and sweet!

There is a male I’ve written about before. He is a standard lazy, useless, wannabe Great Man. He has spent decades generating ideas and then rallying gaggles of energetic and enthusiastic women to do his bidding. I was, at one point, one of them, until I saw the writing on the wall: I wasn’t getting anything but longer-lasting poverty from his project. And he got all the credit for the work I did. Not all of this guy’s ideas were bad, and he is actually aware he is a lazy user, and that it is women he almost exclusively exploits. But he talks about it laughingly, as all males do when they acknowledge bad parts of themselves (hahaha, I’m a womanizer; lol, I have a weakness for raping prostitutes for money; teeheehee, I just can’t help ogling women while you’re in the middle of telling me about your childhood incest). I eventually escaped this guy and moved on with other stuff. But I lost months of my life.

The most recent example of male dreams shaping the women they use and abuse came out of the recent job I accepted and just escaped from (alluded to above). Now, I was only able to escape because I’ve wised up to male tactics, because I don’t fully trust how Muslim males treat women (especially white women), and because I was put in a very dangerous legal situation that potentially could have seen me arrested, heavily fined and/or deported (yes, stupid liberal Americans, this shit happens to white people, too). Now, I’m not big on rules, as a rule, but I don’t actively fuck with governments. The school for whom I was working had told me weeks ago that they had finished the paperwork for my work visa, but had refused to take my passport – and you need the visa put INTO the passport to show legal status – even after I asked several times, and as the expiry date of my tourist visa approached, I wasn’t given any information about the status of my visa or the need for me to do a ‘visa run’ to a neighbouring country in order to remain legal. The only conclusion that could be reached was that a) they intended to put me into illegal status and thus control my movements since I couldn’t do anything without ID and proof of legal standing or b) they were holding my paperwork hostage, which was in fact finished, in order to control my movements. Without legal standing, one can’t leave the country, travel within the country on public transport, or even stay at a hotel within the country while on a school break. They were trying to hold me prisoner, in other words. This on top of the fact that I was forced to work 7 days a week, was faced with racism and xenophobia every day, and was dealing with growing anger and resentment from some of the women working at the school as I don’t act like a Muslim woman or even one of the non-Muslim hetero breeders or breeders-to-be. Needless to say, I was fucking depressed, constantly ill, and paranoid about being illegal.

But let’s get to the male dream – female slavery part of things. So the head of the school told me about his ‘dreams’ on a few occasions. He was thrilled to hire me as I am highly educated and experienced, and so, squarely on my shoulders, he placed his ridiculous and frankly impossible dreams about the future of the school. Honestly, I had better ideas for the school, but I wasn’t hired for my ideas – just my apparently endless female capacity for labour. So deluded and power-hungry as he was, he couldn’t believe it one day when he asked me if I had been out of the city to enjoy some of the beautiful scenery of the area, and I told him that it wasn’t possible as I was working 7 days a week, including nights. He looked at me suspiciously – I’m legally barred from working more than one job – and he asked where I was working. I looked at him incredulously and told him I worked 7 days a week at the school – days, nights, Saturdays, and full Sundays grading and preparing the hours and hours of lessons I had to teach. He ended the conversation right after that as reality is never part of a Great Man’s dream. He is responsible for ideas, and he doesn’t think about who has to suffer (women) in order to make these dreams come true. He had even admitted to me on a few other occasions that he was likely to move to a different school in the system in the near future, but he expected me to stay for at least 5 years to make his great dream for the program come true, and he definitely wanted to get credit for that!

Fuck that. I’m too old and open-eyed to fall for male abuse anymore. I almost wish I could go back in time and take back all the months and years of my life I devoted to furthering men’s careers and fattening their pocketbooks at the expense of my own career and bank account. All I can do now is to prevent it from happening to me again, and to put my story and warnings out there for younger women (or older women who haven’t figured out why they feel depleted and used and impoverished), so that they can avoid all the pain and focus on holding their own ideas sacred, and focusing on making their own dreams come true.

A woman’s dream should never be to let a man step on her in order to reach the top.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

L is for Lies

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Women lie about their age; men lie about their income everything else.

William Feather Story Ending

I know, I cited myself, and that is tacky as hell. But I’ll give the cop-out that it isn’t a full-on self-quote, but rather, an improvement on something dumb that some dumb man said. Even so, the improvement isn’t quite accurate either. I actually believe that women lie quite a bit more and are more accomplished liars than men do and are. Does that sound sexist? Don’t worry, I’ll get into it. What I’ve said is more a comment on who holds the power in this world and the role that psychological survival mechanisms play in the power game rather than any kind of attempt to tar and feather women.

As you may have deduced, today’s sweet little topic – the next in the Alphabet Series – is L is for Lies.

I considered other L-possibilities, of course. I felt rather hellbent on L is for Liberated! (complete with an exclamation point) for a while, and it is a topic that is worthy of discussion if you’re interested in how the women’s liberation movement gradually devolved into the mess that is male-centred, (L is for) liberal feminism, today. L is also for lesbians, which I’ve talked about here and there already, labels, love (see my Love = Hate Series), and language (and who controls it). But for some reason, lies rang true for me when I really thought about it. I’m not sure whether it was Annie Lennox’s “Would I Lie to You” popping up randomly on my playlist or accidently running into sexist, racist, nails-on-chalkboard-voiced Chris Rock’s comment on lying and sex differences. But I knew I’d met my topic du jour.

So let’s dig down into societal prevarication and get down to the reality that is life.

House of Cards
Apply the correct natural force, and it comes toppling down. If only women could figure that out…

I’ve often felt that the world men have created is like a house of cards. It is fragile, susceptible to attack, like a card house, which necessitates a shitload of ammunition in the form of literal violence and anti-woman language, and an even bigger shitload of lies as protection or mortar to prop the whole damned thing up. [See my post on Censorship (truth-blocking and lies of omission, essentially) to get a sense of how dictatorships stay in place.] Question the lies and the physical and linguistic violence kicks in.

The system of lies is so well constructed that women are often the most active in keeping it going, believing it (or pretending to) and policing the behaviour of other women and girls, especially their daughters. They have the most to gain from demolishing societal lies, and thus the barriers are high in fighting against them. It is easier to believe, follow and perpetuate. And it is for this reason that I say that women are the most adept liars and lie most frequently. It is not that they are natural liars, it’s that lying is a survival mechanism that men don’t need. Men lie, and all women are aware of it, but because men hold all the power, they can lie unconvincingly and get away with it as there really aren’t any consequences. Telling the truth or failing to accept lies can have dire consequences for women and girls.

Now interestingly, research confirms this: women lie more than men. But they don’t really tell us why this might be, and that’s where I come in. What they also tell us is that men are twice as likely as women to believe that they are good liars (typical male overconfidence that you see with every ability they self-assess on). They are also much more likely to tell self-serving lies (to get laid, sympathy, money, etc). Women are supposed to be more likely to lie on behalf of others. But I would bet you a million golden feminist turds that women are more likely to lie for MALES (especially sons, male family members and male friends) than for females, and in this way, the lies are self-serving. Serving the master gets them handmaiden benefits or simply allows them a better chance at survival. In the same way, I would bet my riches that women are more likely to believe a male’s lies than a woman’s, and both males and females are more likely to believe a male’s lies than a woman’s truths.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance a special type of lying, common in all humans, but necessary for women who choose not to question patriarchy. It is basically the situation where a person is faced with evidence that they hold contradictory beliefs or they behave in a way that conflicts with their beliefs. The cognitive dissonance is the discomfort, guilt or shame one feels upon realizing there is conflict or a contradiction. Dealing with the discomfort can lead to all sorts of fun behaviour, including rationalizing or covering up the discrepancy – essentially lying to oneself and others. The thing is that many women don’t realize they have conflicting beliefs and behaviours. This is especially true of most women who call themselves ‘feminists’. The vast majority of ‘feminists’ say they support women, but then centre males in their feminism. Liberal feminists have managed (in their minds) to get around potential discomfort, say, by pretending that tranny-dudes are women, when in fact, they know that it is NOT possible to change sex (note that they know damn well that we can’t change race, but magically sex is mutable???), and especially by attacking women who speak the truth. Focusing blame on truth-tellers removes the discomfort of their own conflicting beliefs and behaviours.

But seriously, the vast majority of women live with their heads in the sand and make willing and practised ignorance an essential part of their existence so as not to experience cognitive dissonance. I’d bet more of my valuable feminist turds that the women who are the most antagonistic towards other women are the ones who do actually experience finger-wagging dissonance. The antagonism is a defense mechanism and a way to relieve themselves of the discomfort of realized inethicality. Keep that in mind when some patriarchal henchwoman attacks you for speaking truth about men.

Let’s take a look at my take on the top 10 lies that women believe (or pretend to believe). Note that unless willingly ignorant, women who believe these lies will experience cognitive dissonance and will react accordingly in some woman-hating way.

10. Sacrifice is a virtue. But strangely, only for females, and women who adopt this thinking spend a lot of time pressuring and criticizing other females for not sacrificing their humanity, time, identities, careers and sanity for males and children. It is a mark of a truly miserable person to pick at others’ behaviour, while cherry-picking the elements of their own lives to highlight. These folks are often massive hypocrites, and when aware of it, they end up shifting focus onto other women’s ‘selfishness’.

9. It is better to be with a man than to be alone. This is the pathetic dirge of the so-called femcel, the anti-lesbian (and anti-woman), the weak, and/or the traditional. Now that I’m back in a traditional country, I’m hearing a lot of educated late-20-somethings wax on about needing to get married. I always ask ‘why’, as that is my favourite question in the world, and passionlessly, they monotone about not wanting to be alone or musing that they should have some kids. And of course, we need to attach ourselves to a penis if we want a brat. A pile of lies here. At least none of these traditional women goes on about ‘love’ and the lie that men can love women in a way that is different from loving a tool or a sport. The lie of male love is predominant in non-traditional cultures.

8. God/Goddess exists and has a plan for us. One of the (many) major criticisms that men have of women is that they are more likely to believe in a religion than men are. It is seen as a weakness of mind rather than a symptom of colonization or slavery, which is what any system based on lies depends on. There are many things that explain how religion takes hold in the mind of a person and why that person might not overcome their early brainwashing in catechism. Level of intelligence, amount of education, and training in science are only a few of the explanations. Poverty, desperate circumstances, poor health, and the threat of community/family ex-communication are also major factors. Given that women are more threatened and susceptible to violence and poverty in this world, and that they are still the only colonized people who haven’t fought back against their oppression in a major and organized way, it makes sense that systems of lies and illogic become ways to rationalize their oppression. Religion provides a framework for women to make sense of why they are put into the shitty positions they find themselves in, as well as constant reminders of the punishments they will suffer for breaking the rules of their ‘justified’ oppression. Males just aren’t oppressed like women are, so they don’t need to take comfort in irrationality. Men tend to take religion seriously when it gives them moral carte blanche to go to war or to hurt women (another kind of satisfying war).

7. Women are biologically wired to seek out and enjoy subservience, abuse and other sexy mistreatment. This lie is becoming more and more common in Western cultures (and perhaps Japan and other First World countries), and I see it as another attempt at backlash from men against women seeking to free themselves. Previously underground and alternative lifestyles that were seen as deviancy or perversions are becoming ‘cool’ and mainstream. I’ve spent time online in research mode in BDSM communities, and I’ve had the most bizarre conversations with men trying to convince me that not only is female slavery fun and sexy and natural, but that it is actually the slave that has all the power rather than the Dom. At first, I thought these guys were putting me on. I mean, it sounded so scripted and unbelievable, like the dialogue in a typical porn film. I’d laugh my ass off at these incredibly obvious lies, but over time, I came to realize that it was much more sinister, and so many women were falling for it, strangely and pathetically. And it reinforced to me that men are really terrible liars, and they don’t have to be good because only the weak and powerless have to be skilled, so as not to get killed.

6. There is a ‘good one’ out there… somewhere. This lie is hilarious, and I think women tell themselves this in order to hold out hope that the Prince Charming of childhood fairytales exists. It is such a commonly held belief, and it is probably gaining strength thanks to the Cult of Positivity and adherents of “The Secret” and other deluded types who think that the universe will deliver your deepest wishes and make your lies come true if you just put it out there. Note that one women reach adulthood, the bar for ‘a good one’ is set very, very low, and it gets lower as she gets older and more desperate. It has to be. I mean, can you imagine men having to meet the standards that women and girls have to live up to in order just to be ‘average’? I’ve never met a woman who claims she has one of the ‘good ones’ describe him in a way that convinces me that he is anything special. Half the time, women are lying about the feats of amazingness of said male, and are withholding details about the shit he does the other 99% of the time. Not only is it a lie that there is a good one out there, but women have to continue lying to themselves once they have procured the amazing specimen in order to avoid dealing with their cognitive dissonance-related discomfort.

5. Motherhood is a job. I’m going to try to restrain myself as I have a separate post devoted to mothers. I just want to say here that motherhood is not a job, but a RELATIONSHIP that is chosen. Motherhood is rewarded by society and women are already compensated by male partners, despite women claiming that they are not. If you are smart enough to have the kid with a male master who actually has money and resources, you will be compensated well for your services. At the very least, you get a free place to live, food on the table, a clothing allowance, and entertainment funds. For the wealthier, you won’t even have to do anything except fuck in return for your payment because less fortunate women will be rented to take care of your offspring. If you don’t understand the game, then you have probably married a poor dude or a complete loser in some other way, and you really shouldn’t be complaining to the world about how your poor choices or your ignorance about how heterosexuality works are somehow society’s fault or responsibility. Let’s just say that complaining that you should be paid by society for choosing to bring a completely helpless and dependent creature into the world is ridiculous. Unlike with a real job, in the filial relationship that is motherhood, you can be stupid, unlettered, incompetent, lazy, and reference-free, and you can’t be fired even after you inevitably abuse your daughter and release another rapey boy into the world. Women who work actual jobs live under the constant threat of being fired, even when they are at the top of their field and especially when they are threatening to male egos in the workplace.

4. Killing a pedophile, rapist or woman-killer doesn’t solve anything and is morally wrong. You just sink to their level. First, eliminating a rapist or femicidal man can in no way be equated to raping or killing women because of male privilege. To sink to that level, you’d have to have some kind of power over a group – for women, that would be children or animals, perhaps – and then to sexually assault them (women cannot physically rape – rape is solely a male crime) and/or to kill them for no reason except that they are children or animals. And women generally don’t do that kind of shit. Rather, killing predators of females – which all species of creatures EXCEPT HUMAN FEMALES are allowed to do and actually do – solves a few important things, including removing a dangerous monster from the streets and preventing more innocent females from being destroyed by said monster. I think these two reasons alone more than justify execution. You don’t, however, solve the problem of general, biologically wired, malicious male violence. To fix that, you have to remove the entire male sex to allow women and girls the peace and safety they deserve. The morality argument? Yeah, I love this. It’s better for an innocent female to be raped or killed than it is for a male monster to be eliminated. While males came up with this illogic, many women wholeheartedly support the idea that a male monster has more value than a female victim. More females than males take to the streets to keep a rapist alive and certainly more people rally to support a rapist than a rape victim. Again, the mark of the colonized and enslaved in service to those who control them.

3. Males can be educated out of raping. This is what ‘logically’ follows #4. You can’t kill the fuckers because it is morally wrong, so we just need to teach them not to hurt us. If we just educate men enough, they’ll see the error in their ways. But wait, haven’t we been doing this already and we know it doesn’t work? Well, I guess despite thousands of years of males raping and killing females and women begging males not to do it, women just haven’t found the right way to get the message across. So either we haven’t found the exact right way to access the tiny learning centre in the male brain, or…. MALES ARE BIOLOGICALLY WIRED TO RAPE AND DESTROY WOMEN. It’s not the G.D. porn! Rape has been going on forever and internet porn? – a blip on the human timeline. I mean get real. Some problems in the logic department for that one.

2. Women lie about rape. A lie about lying. Fun times. Statistics actually tell us that for all crime, including rape, the rate of false reporting is about the same – quite low (I think it is around 2%, if I remember correctly.) I’d actually bet you more of my sweet ass golden feminist turds that the rate for falsely reporting rape is lower than that for other crimes as there is no stigma or victim persecution for crimes that men experience too. Truthfully reporting rape hurts you further, and this phenomenon occurs because rape is the only crime that happens ONLY TO WOMEN AND GIRLS. The victim of a murder is not blamed for being murdered. The victim of a carjacking is not blamed for being carjacked. The victim of a pickpocketing is not blamed for being victimized. All women and girls are blamed for being raped. They are also disbelieved. So, why would you falsely report knowing that you will be persecuted and disbelieved, and knowing that in past cases when women have reported real rapes, their rapists have seldom seen courtrooms and are rarely convicted. Let’s put it this way: a woman is much more likely to deny being raped or to frame the assaults as consensual than to make up a fictitious story about being raped. If you are wondering how you can help women and girls in this world, start with this one thing: always believe them when they speak out about being raped.

1 Heterosexuality and feminism are compatible. Yeah, I said it. The biggest and most accepted lie on the planet. If you’re fucking dudes, your so-called feminism is compromised. No other oppressed group on the planet actively seeks out intimate emotional, financial and biological ties with their oppressor. Heterosexuality is the only oppression on the planet that keeps males in power, and if women said ‘no’ en masse, male dominance would crumble, althought I suspect they wouldn’t go down without a fight that would likely destroy the planet altogether. So to avoid this harsh reality, women embrace a complex web of lies about their needs and wants and purpose, with the cherry on top being that all of this subservience is the source of woman-power.

Attempts to shine a light on female oppression usually don’t name the problem in its entirety, and end up subverted anyway. For example, in all countries that bother to pretend to care about women’s history month, it is usually either a month of silence or more concerned with racism or trannyism than misogyny. And it very seldom addresses uncomfortable truths or addresses the slavery aspects of women’s history or the slavery of women is taught to us as a romantic or patriotic or ‘natural’ thing. This is not how other groups are taught about their oppression, and it is because women are still colonized, still enslaved, still groomed from birth to serve and submit, and as a result, they still say yes to, make sacrifices for, and compromise with the oppressor – men. Imagine, if you will, that black Americans had said that they would continue to work the fields for white males, as long as they could have better accommodation and, I don’t know, sick days. Do you think they would have achieved as much as they have by continuing to accept most of the trappings of slavery, but making minor superficial demands? Of course not. Yet women think they can get somewhere significant or different while continuing to serve the very people who have oppressed them and continuing to participate in the very system that has always enslaved them (marriage, hetero child ownership models, etc). Arguing for minor concessions or for more slavery dressed up as liberation also doesn’t achieve anything. I think it’s like slamming your hand in a door repeatedly and then complaining that you keep breaking your fingers. Why would you expect different results? Remove your hand from the door jamb. Basic logic.


In short, lies are what make the world go round. They are what keep men in power and women continuing to suffer and then complaining about it in willing ignorance. Face the truth. It might be painful at first, but there will be so much less tragedy and agony in the long run.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Fell in Love With a Girl

Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She’s in love with the world
But sometimes these feelings can be so misleading
She turns and says, “Are you alright?”
I said, “I must be fine ’cause my heart’s still beating”

The White Stripes

Once every couple of years, I fall in love with a girl, or I suppose woman is the better word. And perhaps love is not the best word to use because I don’t think I believe in love, much in the way that I don’t believe in happiness. I don’t believe in constant states. I believe in outliers and their undue influence – we tend to remember extremes and they colour our memories of the past and general impressions of the current state of things. More specifically, a few spectacularly great experiences are likely to make us overestimate how great life is, and conversely, a series of equally spectacularly horrible experiences is likely to darken our perception of our state of affairs. So, I’ve found it better to appreciate moments, positive or negative, for what they are, and in this way, I don’t have to pretend that things that don’t truly exist are real. (Guess why I could never be religious, even at an early age…?)

I’m meandering down some path I didn’t intend to, so let’s trot back to the trailhead. So yeah, every so often, I meet a woman that I ‘fall in love with’ briefly. I think I used to fall hard when I was younger, but as Jack White said above, “Sometimes these feelings can be so misleading.” And I learned. See, it’s never an available person that I fall for  – and no, I don’t intentionally create these situations so that I have an excuse not to ‘commit’ to someone. It’s just that the women I tend to be attracted to seldom meet the crucial criteria for relationship-making.

First, they are almost always ‘straight’. Yeah, I put that in quotes. I don’t believe in heterosexuality for women. I remember watching Todo Sobre Mi Madre back in 1999, and one of the characters (I think one of the drag queens, actually, which sullies the sentiment and turns it into a bit of a joke, but whatever…) comments something to that extent – that all women have a bit of lesbian in them. And I would have completed the thought by saying that almost all women have the lesbian stamped and shamed out of them early in life. All this is to say that I’m attracted to women whose inborn lesbian shines like a beacon, despite the hetero life they are living and whatever their expressed feelings about lesbians are.

Another issue is age. I keep forgetting how old I am. I don’t live a life typical of a woman my age, my heart is young despite any wisdom gained from experience, and I seldom get to meet or spend time with my age group because of my lifestyle and mindset. So I either tend to meet women who are a lot older or a lot younger, and while I am fine with cross-generational friendship, I don’t think romantic relationships between people with large age gaps are appropriate. I don’t like power imbalances, and age can be a major source of imbalance and resulting creepiness. Not quite as bad between women as it is between men and women, I think, but still… I have principles and comfort levels that are derived from those principles.

The other major issue is values/beliefs. Even if I were to meet an age-appropriate lesbian, it would be hard to meet someone who puts women first, who is a female separatist, who isn’t in the mother-worship cult, who isn’t anti-white, and who sees the trans bullshit for what it is – an anti-woman, anti-lesbian, conservative, rape-apologist, male-energy-driven shit-show.

And finally, I’m looking for a companion, not someone who espouses straight thinking on what relationships should be (sex-driven: no sex = no relationship). That doesn’t mean an aphysical relationship – physical affection is great from my point of view. I think not wanting to touch or be touched is a sign of some very serious trauma. But I’m not looking for a fuck-buddy. I think I’ve had enough of that in my life, and it didn’t provide or solve much for me. Bottom line is it’s hard to imagine meeting a woman like myself ideologically who also wants a companion.

All of this is to say that I’ve fallen in love again, and it is another go-nowhere situation, sadly. I’ve found myself in a difficult (workwise), but otherwise socially interesting situation. I’m working in a girls’ school (one of the reasons I jumped at the job offer – I really hate teaching boys…), and almost all of the teaching staff and most of the administration are female. And it is culturally quite different from my native homeland and China, where lived for so long. In North America, females are physically rather cold to one another. It varies greatly, but generally, as a culture, there is a huge anti-lesbian sentiment, and that drives the stigma against excessive physical contact between women. China is much worse in some ways. While girls and women can hold hands if they are family or close friends, it is not a physically affectionate culture, generally speaking. They don’t hug, and they certainly don’t kiss in an affectionate way like many other cultures. I actually like physical affection. I’m touchy, although I’ve learned to be hyper-aware of modern Western hypersensitivity, so I’ve probably become more reserved over the years.

Where I currently live and work (it’s the same thing, currently…), physical affection abounds. It is refreshing – I feel like I’ve had to bottle myself up for so many years, in the uptight places I’ve found myself. But it is very multicultural here, AND it is also extremely sex-segregated. The few males that work at my school have separate rooms for working and eating, which is Awesome with a capital A, and likely due to Muslim values in this area. It’s funny to think that I agree with this very traditional way of thinking, and we might actually agree with the reasoning for the segregation on some levels, but at the same time, I would probably be fired if they found out I wasn’t straight and that I think that women are superior to men in all ways, and that all males should be microchipped at birth… Now, I can’t speak for how things work with the men at my workplace, but among the women, I’d say that the female affection mostly comes from the local people and what appears to be strong Turkish influence. I don’t get the impression that the locals of Russian heritage are driving it – they seem to be cold in the way that North Americans generally are, but I’ll admit that I know little about Russian culture, in general. It just seems cold to me and reminiscent of home.

Of all the people with whom I work – and as I said, we are rather multicultural – the Turkish women are my favourites. They are exuberant, kind, welcoming and confident. And as you may have guessed, I’ve fallen for one of them. She is closer to my age, and while not what I’d call beautiful in a traditional way, walks with a confidence and energy that is just sexy and I just want to be around it and her. And we click. She has a sense of humour, and I think she likes the weirdo in me (the comfortably conservative of the women at my workplace, on the other hand, are comfortably uncomfortable with my energy – nothing unexpected or new there). I really wish I could spend time with this lovely woman, but she is married with children. Just my luck. I’ll just have to appreciate the moment while it lasts and for what it is.

Perhaps my next job should be in Turkey…

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

K is for (Mr.) Kaplan

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

The audio starts a few paragraphs in; excuse the preamble.

Greetings one and all. Did I not promise a post sometime in the month following the last one? Well, I’m delivering. Kaboom! To be honest, I am writing this to take a break from the massive amount of work that I’m currently immersed in. Writing is relaxing to me. Teaching is not. So, I’ll do a little segue here before launching into my main topic.

After years of teaching university in the poorly paid, Chinese public education system, and after a pandemic-inspired, lengthy, unemployed period that was awesome for my physical health, but not great for the soul or pocketbook, I managed to land a job in a high school back on the Asian continent. Now, I haven’t taught high school in over a decade and there is definitely a reason for that… But the world has been closed, jobs have been nearly impossible to get, and Canada is one hell of an expensive place to live when you are a deliberately single female – and especially one without children and the myriad financial benefits that go with that. So, after hundreds of applications and then being dicked around by a few potential employers and then again by several abusive online companies looking to pay experienced, educated teachers $5.00 an hour, I felt lucky to land a job at all. I felt lucky even though anything below university level is usually a nightmare simply because outside the Western world, teachers actually have to work harder than the average worker, and certainly harder than any Western teacher. I’m talking 6 teaching days a week, including evenings and Saturdays, and then all the prep and homework/test grading that always ends up leaking over into most of your Sunday.

But here I am. It’s not all bad. I think the hardest part is being a seriously introverted (although feigning extroversion) person forced to be ‘on’ and interacting with people for hours and hours and hours at a time. A true introvert may actually like people, but their energy comes from non-social sources and they can be seriously depleted and weakened with prolonged interaction. Introverts forced to deal with extroverts may come away feeling ‘vampired’. Energy-sucked. (I made the mistake of spending 8 hours with a major extrovert who was a straight breeder, male apologist, and BLM-supporter on top of that, this past spring. I had to spend much of the next day in bed recovering, I felt so horrible.) So let’s just say, that after a week-and-a-half of classes and being forced to spend my non-classroom hours in a teachers’ room used by 60 teachers, but that only seats 25, I’m feeling like absolute shit, energy-wise. But it’s a job, right…?

Back to the topic at hand, though. The next post in the Alphabet Series. Interestingly, and not planned in any way, I could have used my newly adopted region as my K-word, but I don’t know enough about the place yet to write anything truly interesting. Maybe in the future if I ever get time out of what feels like a new cage…

But for today, K is for (Mr.) Kaplan.

I considered a few uninspiring options before settling on the great topic of Mr. Kaplan. Who could forget ‘Karen’ – a racist, sexist, ageist slur and silencing term used against middle-aged white women who dare speak out about anything, including their own rapes. I’ll refer you to RadFemSpiraling who does this topic justice in a way that I haven’t and who, in my opinion, is the de facto leader of the unofficial celebratory Karen Klub. Rock on. K is also obviously for kill, something men like to do to women often after raping them or just because they are throwing a mantrum and can’t handle their own blatant obsolescence. K is for kink, now mainstream rather than an ‘alternative lifestyle’, and used as a weapon to shame women into consenting to sexual abuse, torture, and rape by men so as not to appear boring, prudish or a goddamn lesbian of the non-man-fucking variety (!) K is for kindness, one of the new obnoxious, finger-wagging words used by the Cult of Positivity to shame women into accepting abuse by men and their bitches and into keeping their mouths shut to prevent their ‘toxic negativity’ (aka truth-telling) from spoiling the illusion that everything is hunky dory in the world. K is also for knowledge – the barring of the accumulation of which is a cornerstone of slavery – prevent education and slaves don’t realize they’re slaves. Finally, k is for kitchen, as in “get back in the”.

But let’s get to Mr. Kaplan.

Many of you may be wondering who the hell this is, and may have noted that this is one of the rare times that I’ve written about a person using their name. Mr. Kaplan is, despite the honorific, a woman, and she’s entirely fictional. She, in and of herself, isn’t that important, and it doesn’t really matter whether you know who she is or where she comes from. It is what she represents that is important here. She’s a supporting character on a way-too-long-running American television show.

She’s fictional. She’s in her 60’s. She is neither especially masculine nor feminine, and is what society would call ‘plain’. And she is a lesbian. One of the few on television, and certainly one of the very, very few who is over the age of acceptable fuckability. In fact, there are so few older lesbians portrayed on television that there isn’t even a stereotype for what they should look like.

Not your typical TV lesbian…

Mr. Kaplan, aka Kathryn ‘Kate’ Nemec, played by the spectacular Susan Blommaert, is the highlight of, and dare I say, the only reason to watch a series called The Blacklist. In a nutshell, James Spader (the lead actor) plays an international criminal who turns himself into the FBI to get close to a young and silly female agent for unknown reasons in exchange for helping to catch major international criminals. It’s not the most interesting of premises, and I feel like we’ve seen this theme before many times. Mr. Kaplan is the Spader character’s ‘cleaner’, and we get to know her gradually over the four seasons that she is allowed to exist, including how she came to adopt the nickname ‘Mr. Kaplan’ and how she came to be forced into the employ of the Spader character. In my opinion, if you feel you need to watch the show, you can stop when she is killed off; there wasn’t much to stick around for after that.

As you may have guessed, I don’t actually recommend The Blacklist. It is a misogynistic vanity production – James Spader is not only the lead character, but also one of the Executive Producers, which may explain why such a show managed to stick around for 10 excruciating seasons. I’ve read male commentary on the show and found it hilarious and typical how ‘versatile’ they think Spader is as an actor. In reality, he’s pretty 2-dimensional. Since his youth, he has continuously played weird and aggressive, often psychopathic, males with some sort of inexplicable sex appeal. Whatever looks he may have once had disappeared long ago, but he still embarrassingly tries – unsuccessfully, I might add – to pull it off in his older years. Even in one of his last major television roles as the narcissistic psychopathic CEO of Dunder Mifflin for a season of The Office, he was almost a carbon copy character of what he does on The Blacklist. It’s a role he does well, but it is only because he’s a bit of a one trick pony despite the undeserved kudos males give him. And it is actually rather easy and natural for males to play narcissists and psychopaths for obvious reasons, and I don’t credit male actors with much talent when they manage to pull off a convincing bad guy. Anyhow, The Blacklist exists to give the flagging Spader a platform to monologue endlessly, especially about unbelievable sexual exploits and to give cameo appearances to other ugly old male actors with waning careers. It also helps that the female lead is not only poorly written – a standard post-year-2000 stupid smart girl who gives an abusive male 1001 chances to stop abusing her – but she is also sadly played by a rather untalented actress, Megan Boone, who spends more time striking a pose than delivering convincing lines. But for men to shine as actors, they must surround themselves with greater mediocrity than their own and prevent the real talent from showing up. Boone makes Spader look good, relatively speaking.

To get back to Mr. Kaplan, she does have a major flaw, and I blame this on male and straight female writers. She has this bizarre devotion to other people’s children. Despite being medically trained with graduate degrees, ability in multiple languages, talent and intelligence, she devotes her life to being a nanny and subordinate of glorified housewives and tantalizing, slutty, bad girl-mommies who order her around and treat her like shit. I guess this is supposed to sit better with the ignorant, lesbian-hating, American viewing public. If you must have a lesbian character at all, and especially one who isn’t young or hot, then you absolutely must make her obsessed with children as the poor dear clearly laments not being born a straight breeder – a true woman.

But despite this flaw, Mr. Kaplan’s final season as a live character is worth watching as she finally grows a pair of ovaries and takes her revenge on the Spader character for his years of bullshit. But even that comes to an acceptable end in the eyes of the American public when the male-powers-that-be decide she has to be killed off for being too interesting and multi-dimensional. Seriously, she is infinitely more interesting than the Spader character, and we couldn’t have that now, could we…? Curiously, the creators of the show initially wanted Mr. Kaplan to be played by a man. But I guess men can’t play nannies… unless it is supposed to be a joke. And this character wasn’t created for comic relief. Nevertheless, I can’t even imagine Kaplan as a male now – they did such a surprisingly good job of casting Blommaert in the role. Really, she was the only really interesting thing about the series.

So I conclude with this: Will the portrayal of an existing and significant, but largely deliberately ignored  segment of the population open the door to more lesbian characters, especially of the non-stereotypical variety? Probably not – at least not in the way that gay males and even male trannies have been embraced by television writers. But perhaps slowly, over the next thousand years, if we still have television and haven’t completely destroyed the planet and our couch potato lives, we’ll have a few more interesting lesbian characters to follow.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Not Gone – Just in Transition

Hey all, just a quick note to update. Nothing has been abandoned, and I will have a post coming up, perhaps in a month. You see I’m in transition. Not a psychological one (or least not intentionally or primarily or deliberately), but a physical, geographical one.

After two years, I finally have a job. I real fucking job. Not a ‘you’re a white girl, so you can work for free because you’re ‘rich’ kind of slave labour position that is constantly shoved down the throats of women like me. And not in my shithole country of Canada, where there is apparently a ‘labour shortage’, while strangely, at the same time, nobody is willing to hire over-educated, over-experienced, middle-aged white women with a strong work ethic and who show up on time and don’t play with their cell phones on the job, and who treat people nicely… No, I mean an honest-to-goodness paying, respectable job. Now, I was studying full time for the first of the two years. But these last 14 months, I can’t tell you how many jobs I’ve applied for. I almost had a job a few months ago, but I was dicked around for weeks and weeks before they cancelled it due to COVID issues. But I kept applying for whatever I could. And finally… something came up.

But I must leave my country to be employed Ahem, like I’m complaining – fuck you, Canada. I never wanted to live here ever again. Forced repatriation sucks. And no, I’m not stealing a job from some local in another country. My job is only holdable by a foreign person with my particular educational and experiential qualifications. I’m going to a country in central Asia that has barely been touched (ruined) by tourists, and I’m learning Russian, one of the official languages, which excites me to no end.

I am writing this in an airport, as I’m starting the second leg of my very long journey. This is my first chance to write in a while. It has been a rough couple of months of sketchy accommodation circumstances…, hell, a rough couple of years. Anyhow, stay tuned. The next month, for sure, will be a monster, but I’d rather that than to continue to be beaten down in a country that so clearly doesn’t want my voracious appetite and capacity for service-oriented work. And woman, I can’t wait to get back to work…

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

J is for Joke

This post is part of the ongoing Alphabet Series. Listen along to my recording on YouTube and/or read the article below ♥♀

Well, jumpin’ Jehoshaphat, I nearly lost my head there for a mo’. I had started writing my K-post, and then luckily realized early enough that I wasn’t yet finished writing my jeremiad – my J-post.

Anyhow, I blame it on the very recent, record-breaking heat wave we’ve had here in BC. I was living in a tiny, windowless room with debateable ‘ventilation’ from a pipe that supposedly brought in air from outdoors during a week of 40+°C (104°F for Imperial types) – it was a fucking oven, and my brain cooked. I hate Canada and the capitalism that operates under ‘socialism’ here. Money-grubbing and liveable conditions don’t go together. Anyhow (to nip a new jeremiad in the bud), welcome to the Alphabet Series, and today, J is for Joke.

Before I jump in, I did consider a few other J-words before settling on Joke. J is for justice (briefly considered in part of the last post I is for Innocence, where we find out by and for whom exactly the justice system is designed – and it ain’t women); joy (wait for my upcoming book, The Joy of Man-Hating!), judgement (or judgment if you’re American, although no matter how you spell it, all girls and women know this word and the whole ‘screwed no matter which of the equally shitty options I choose’ situation very well! If I feminize, I’m judged; if I don’t feminize, I’m judged. Ad infinitum.) J is also for… jism or jizz, which I wish I knew nothing about – one of those slang words of unknown origin, but which originally meant ‘energy’ back in 1842. Sadly, there is a Bollywood movie called ‘Jism’, which is apparently an erotic thriller, and I have no intention of seeing it, as much as I find the elaborate dancing scenes of Bollywood film to be entertaining and oddly come-join-innable.

I am not going to delve into the content of male humour too much in this post. Rather, I want to get into the ‘just a joke’ mechanism that men use as a get-out-of-jail-free card when they deliberately offend, intimidate, and/or threaten women, especially in public or the workplace. Don’t be fooled by the feigned ignorance and innocence that they pull following your negative reaction to their words or behaviour. All males know exactly what they are doing when they target women for abuse. If a woman dares to call out a male for some misogynistic comment or gesture, or blatant hate speech, he’ll just whip out the whole ‘Jeez, why are you so sensitive? Can’t you take a joke?’ stance. The woman always ends up looking stupid or crazy or troublesome, and can even be blacklisted in workplaces because she is being antagonistic or unstable or unprofessional. Most women will, as per their lifelong training, laugh along with the rape and cheap ho’ jokes, and the feminazi will find herself alone and ostracized.

This ‘just a joke’ mechanism works similarly to alcohol, and to a lesser extent, drug intoxication, where you see men-under-the-influence avoid responsibility for rapes and other sexual assaults they commit. You see, there is a whole series of safeguards built into our patriarchal social and workplace cultures that allow males to push boundaries and shift responsibility for their aggression, persecution and outright crimes onto their victims if they are caught. It’s psychological warfare, and it is effective in dividing and destroying women.

Having said that, what I really want to get at today is another aspect of male jokery. I want to use an example to demonstrate that even when males and females face, what on the surface, looks to be a similar issue, it is usually a much more serious problem for the females. And males, comparatively unthreatened, although possibly a little bothered or inconvenienced, will treat the issue as a joke. They’ll even go so far as to criticize women for taking the issue too seriously, and to turn women’s reactions to the problem themselves as an additional joke.

There are a million and one examples to choose from, but I’ll focus on one that comes from an article published earlier this year (in 2021) by The Right Scoop, an established conservative political and media news blog based in my own country, and that skates just below the edge of general acceptability for reliability and bias according to the Media Bias Chart put out by Ad Fontes Media. As a sidenote, I read all sorts of stuff, liberal, conservative, weird, wonderful, and truly fucked. You have to get out of your comfort zone if you have any hope of having something to write about. I’m not male, you see, so I don’t enjoy circle jerks 😉

I have a copy of the article and some of the comments you can access here on my site. If you want to see all the comments, google the magazine name and “gay campground” and that should get you where you need to go. I try not to link to sites like that directly for obvious reasons.

The basic points of the article – and it is basically a re-quoting of a Queerty article sandwiched by two tiny, original paragraphs – are a) to point out a ‘problem’ – that a small group of trans men (aka women who pretend they are men) got pissy for being banned from a gay-male-only campground, b) to criticize liberals and liberal politicking, and c) to make fun of the constantly devolving LGBXYZ community.

The comments following the article are, as often is the case, just as illustrative as the article, but perhaps from another angle. My link provides enough of the comments to get the point across, but if you love comments sections, google and head on over to the original article to get ’em all.

What you’ll notice from the Queerty article is that the gay male perspective on the trannie issue, while on the surface or without consideration might seem to be a general homosexual problem, isn’t. Gay men are not women and the issues they face with ‘trans men’ (again, aka women) are not the same as what lesbians face with ‘trans women’ (aka men). Gay males generally don’t take trans males seriously – I mean, they are women, and gay males don’t take any women seriously. We are jokes or usable objects, as it is. And women don’t pose a threat to men, on the whole. What the gay dudes see as the main problem is that a gay campground is going to be sex-oriented (big surprise, eh?) and they only want to see dick – REAL DICK – flopping about here and there. They don’t want to see pussy and they definitely don’t want some frankensteinesque frank and beans in their faces. Seriously, man! Come on! Men have problems! And this one is big and hard (or not…?)

The comments, mostly, but not only, by conservative men, turn the whole thing into a joke, even bringing in hilarious comments about lesbians and males in women’s spaces. Complete ignorance about what trans means to women, especially lesbians. There is the requisite reference to feminazis, and a few more rational comments about the gay community not being what it once was, sadly. But the general air is that this is a laughable issue.

Now, for women, trans identified males are a different matter. Lesbians and gay men do share one thing – forcing them to uphold ‘inclusivity’ is an infringement of their rights and freedoms as minorities. I don’t have a problem with closed groups, minority or not. This isn’t the same thing as preventing women from being in the workforce or paying women less than men (wait, that STILL is an issue – and we’re quibbling over the hurt feelings of trans banned from social groups!!!??? Jezus christ.) But that is where the similarities between gay and lesbian problems end. Women, lesbians in particular, have to deal with males who are trans-identified, and we don’t need reminding that no matter what a dude is wearing, he still has the inbuilt, violent, woman-hating, rapey, impulsivity and dominance problem. Tranny males are still super aggressive and scary fuckers. They also go tranny for different reasons than women do, and a lot of it for the males is sexually-motivated entitlement and perversion and mental illness and wanting to dominate. Their approach to penetrating women’s groups has been through aggression, threats, and outright violence. Trans men have not been beating up gay men or raining terror down on them. Trans women have been hurting and threatening and erasing women, however. We know from data, that their rates of violence mirror that of non-tranny men, despite any hormones they take or brain differences that they say they have.

So bottom line here is that like every shared problem that males and females may have, for women, there is always an extra threat of violence and danger, physically and sexually. And that is simply because males, regardless of whatever disadvantages they may have are all still members of the master class, the predator class, the weaponized class, the rapist class. And females are ALL members of the oppressed class, the colonized class, the prey class, the raped class – a dynamic that has existed since human time began. And you can apply this to anything – women are always more at risk than men. Homelessness – more of a threat to women. Death of a spouse in a traditional het relationship – more of a threat to women. Travelling alone. Surviving a natural disaster. Living in a warzone. Speaking out in public. All of these situations are much more threatening for females because of lack of social, political, economic and legal resources. And because of rape and the threat of rape. Yet, despite the fact that on some level, every person knows this is true, when women face problems, they are often joked about. Even acknowledged dangers and risks and possible outcomes become jokes. Rape is a joke. Even when not specifically talking about a political or social issue, rape and sexual violence against women are a source of yuks and bonding for men.

Some women may write off the joking in the same way that they write off men’s ogling and wandering eyes. They ‘need it’ or ‘they can’t help it’ or ‘they are oppressed’ or ‘they are visual people’ or ‘they cover up emotion and insecurity with jocularity’, or whatever fuckery they come up with to justify maintaining their cosy trauma bonds with oppressors. But it is because of this enabling coupled with what I would say is the predator’s natural inability to empathize, that women’s ‘issues’ will never be taken seriously, will remain a source of joke material and will continue to invalidate a class of people. I mean really, what could be funnier than watching a woman’s overreaction when you jump out at her and scare the shit out of her? When you don’t live with a physical and sexual threat hanging over you 24/7, like all females do, how could you not see their crazy reactions as laugh-worthy? If it doesn’t affect you, then it is funny. If it doesn’t affect you in a way that will hurt you physically, sexually, legally, or financially, then it is downright hilarious.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢

Just Call Her Crazy

Every so often, I get a flurry of traffic to this site (or more frequently, a particular post) from the manosphere. I don’t consider myself a mover or shaker in the feminist world, nor has it ever been my goal or expectation to be so. I’m not an activist, I don’t for a minute think I, or anyone else, for that matter, can make the world better. I don’t promote myself or advertise, and I don’t allow comments on this blog. I write for myself, primarily, and secondly, I’m out there for anyone else looking for reality-oriented, non-mainstream, woman-centred writing, especially that talking about issues NO ONE will touch because they don’t fit into today’s political agenda. There are very few true female liberationists these days, alas. So basically, I’m small beans, and that’s the way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it.

But, like I said, every once in a while, I’m found, and it tickles me. Sometimes, the referrees are proud, semi-literate, and rather low-intelligence misogynists, such as those from rationalwiki (site that tries to debunk pseudoscience, which I approve of, and to destroy feminists, which I don’t, but these are insecure males, so what do you expect…?) or kiwifarms (internet cretins of the ‘chan’ variety; mom’s-basement-dwellers). Occasionally, I’m referred to on more mainstream liberal ‘feminist’ sites, such as Feminist Current. And then every so often, I show up on some obscure political sub-thread on one social media site or another.

Shit! I rode all the way over here to tell you that you’re nuts! You can’t do feminism without men.

And I say welcome. I don’t personally care whether people agree with me or not because it is important to be exposed to other viewpoints. The vast majority of people don’t realize (or don’t want to acknowledge) that is not possible for a women’s liberationist to have a voice on mainstream social media. We are immediately censored if we don’t virtue signal, or support male agendas (especially if they are ‘oppressed’ groups of males), or suggest that women are oppressed – or these days, just state the most basic fact that women are human females and you can’t opt into or out of that category. So I suppose some are surprised when they head on over to this site and suddenly find my viewpoint, which they certainly won’t read anywhere in the e-homes (especially Reddit or Facebook) where they normally spend their time. And I think some of these folks are probably disappointed that they are not allowed to drop turds in the form of comments, letting me know that I am ‘wrong’ or ‘confused’ or:



As well as your male-supporting mother and male-dominated society, including school, the police, entertainment, etc.

Yeah, crazy. Super logical argumentation technique that I call ad feminem (because it only applies to women, thus not ‘hominem’). People – men AND male-supporting, heterosexual women call women like me ‘crazy’ all the time. It isn’t anything new. Throughout history and across cultures, men have done a whole host of horrible things to women who haven’t fallen in line, who haven’t behaved correctly and like other women who haven’t agreed with everything males say, who have spoken publicly about the reality that everyone knows exists but won’t acknowledge, and ultimately who have scared them in some way. That has not changed in millennia. And it is effective. Women are the only group of people on earth who can have their entire existence dismissed with the application of a single word, a single categorization. She is ‘crazy’, therefore, you should ignore every single word she says or writes. Calling a woman ‘crazy’ can even effectively negate any victimhood she experiences, especially if it is a sex crime (hate crime), and especially if it is committed by an Oppressed Male ™. 

In reality, very few women are actually what could be defined as ‘crazy’. And of the women who have been punished and continue to be labelled and punished, I’d bet you that few to none are clinically crazy. Frustrated, angry, questioning, yes. And outspoken. And that is what this really comes down to. Like I wrote in a past post about the criticism of female voices (see the Shrill section of Shrill, Bitter, Humourless, Prudish Man-Hater), it is all about trying to silence women who speak truth or who fight for female human rights. Things all males and all racial and religious groups are allowed to do and have and be. In Western cultures, ‘crazy’ women have fought so hard to win freedom from waterboarding on dunking stools, being forced to wear Scold’s Bridles (imagine wearing 14 lbs of metal fixed to your head with a spiked metal prong forced into your mouth for hours on end), stripped and paraded through town strapped to a dung wagon, etc. We aren’t taught about women’s slavery and torture through history in our own culture, so people assume that white women were born ‘free’. Nope. My foremothers – the craziest of the ‘crazy’, hated by all – are the reason the woman-hating, cock-sucking dudettes of today have the freedom that they DO have (and who still choose to be with men and criticize outspoken women…). And yet, women still aren’t free to speak. Women are still censored. Women are still called ‘crazy’. Often with no prompting at all, but especially when they dare to talk about women’s history, women’s current status, women’s liberation, rape statistics, the fact that 99% of violent crime is committed by men and that it might suggest that there is a biological basis for that universally observed fact, and more.

To not enthusiastically say ‘yes’ to men and everything they STILL think they deserve to take and have from women is to be crazy. And in all honesty, if you look at some of the shit these labellers believe in themselves, you start wondering if they themselves are the crazy ones.

♀️ If you care to support Story Ending Never, we are appreciative. ⚢